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Item - Survival at Sea

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Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 16
Contained In: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 4 (16-20) (Collection)
Translated Into: Denizde tehlike (Turkish)
Kyouryuu SOS [恐竜SOS] (Japanese)
Naufragi! (Catalan)
¡Naufragio! (Spanish)
Opstanak na moru (Serbo-Croatian)
Sobrevivencia em alto mar (Portuguese)
Sopravvivere in mare (Italian)
Supervivencia en el mar (Spanish)
Author: Packard, Edward
Illustrator: Granger, Paul (pseudonym used by Hedin, Don)
Date: December, 1982
ISBN: 0553227688 / 9780553227680
Length: 118 pages
Number of Endings: 26
User Summary: Dr. Vivaldi asks you to accompany her on a search for the Arkasaur, a dinosaur which may have recently been sighted in the ocean.
Aussiesmurf's Thoughts:

This book was always a bit of a personal favourite. It had three main plot strands: One where the entire ship and crew were exploring, one where you were in a life-raft alone attempting to survive, and one where you and one other crew-member were in the same life-raft.

The choices were generally interesting, and there was some quasi-realism regarding the requirements for surviving while floating in a life-raft. A number of the characters were well-drawn as well, with Maiko a delightfully pig-headed and sinister villain.

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Demian's Thoughts:

This is another excellent work by Edward Packard. It's challenging and creative, and its use of a map makes things a bit more interesting. This is also something of a sequel to The Third Planet from Altair since it uses the character of Dr. Nera Vivaldi.

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Good's Thoughts:

Map usage is like adding the salt to a book. Sailing is the big focus here. And this one really keeps you on your toes.
Packard could've stretched it (on page 67) and made you explore the island, but got lazy.
Rating: 8/10

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williamtuttlewho's Thoughts:

This is one of the best of the series so far, with rigid internal consistency and a surprising amount of interpersonal drama. Some of these endings are really dark, but Packard is a good writer, and his descriptions are haunting or beautiful or both.

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Users with Extra Copies: bigcobra
kinderstef - x 2 (one classic, one fair edition)
Mikeysbookz - Good condition, slight mark from sticker

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