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This six-book series was released more or less simultaneously in the U.S. and England in 1986. The American series was published by Ballantine Books under the Find Your Fate series label, while the British books were published by Severn House and labelled Make Your Own Adventure with Doctor Who. The books are fairly brief but are notable since most of them were written by established Doctor Who scriptwriters. They have no formal system of rules, but they do contain occasional dice rolls and brain-teaser-type puzzles.
The information on this page is as complete as my collection will allow. If you find any errors or have a copy of the single American edition that I'm missing, please send an e-mail to
The End:
Final Comments on the Series
This series could only be described as a misfire. It was a great idea to make some Doctor Who gamebooks, and it might even have been a great idea to get some original scriptwriters on board to write them. The problem is that the writers obviously had no idea what to do with the gamebook form. Either they did no real research into the genre or they didn't feel like applying what they learned. Flaws of gameplay were compounded by the fact that the writers were awfully self-conscious about the fact that they were writing for children; the books have a strangely irritating tone that, oddly enough, isn't shared by the classic Target novelizations (which were also aimed at children and some of which were written by the same authors as these books). If these books had been given real interactivity and had shared more of the feel of the Target novelizations, this would have been a great series. Too bad. I also cringe to think about how many American kids must have had their first (and probably only) Doctor Who experience through these things....