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Series - Sværd og trolddom (Borgen 1984-1991)

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Publisher: Borgen -- Denmark
Translated From: Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) (English)

In 2003, the Danish translations were reissued using the new Wizard Books ordering and covers; see Sværd og trolddom (Borgen 2003). Only the first eight books were published.

Starting in 2020, the books were newly translated, this time using a new ordering and different covers, and also including new Scholastic titles; see Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-).

The original Danish translation of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain contains a preface by the translator Erik Swiatek, which some might enjoy. Italics, parenthesis and quotations marks are taken from the text:

There have been a few, but exciting difficulties regarding the translation of this series. The biggest being that a number of beings (what a clumsy word compared to the original "creature") haven't appeared previously in Danish in this relation.

'This relation' is here meant as fantasy-figures in the fantasy (adventure) universe. Using the common translations for ogre, goblin, orc, gremlin, troll and wight one largely gets trolls, leprechauns and spirits. This is because the Nordic folklore isn't as rich in subterranean beings as the English-Celtic. In the cases where Lord of the Rings has shown the way that way has been followed, apart from that we've gone new ways, which is why a number of beings appear with their own name where preferred (goblin, ogre) and others have been given a fitting Danish name (ghoul = bodyeater, wight = spectre). A special problem was caused by the arch villain The Wizard, who is really a warlock, a male witch, a sorcerer; for practical reasons the slightly misleading Wizard was chosen.

Other difficulties include the staccato-like form in the book, along with the particular language used which contains terms accepted by roleplayers. If this is new country for you, then give yourself a bit of time and suddenly form and content will feel natural for you.

Thanks to Morten Gottschalck for the English translation of the translator's comments.


1. Troldmanden fra Ildbjerget
2. Kaos-borgen
3. Stjerneskibet
4. Ondskabens skov
5. Tyvenes by
6. Øglekongens ø
7. Isheksens huler
8. Oprørets planet
9. Rædslernes hus
10. Dødens labyrint
11. Troldkarlens krypt
12. Amok-væsnet
13. Dødens amulet
14. De magiske masker
15. Heltenes prøve
16. Frygtens fantomer
17. Tyvenes lærling
18. Skæbnens sværd
19. Afgrundens slaver
20. Tronranerens gift
21. Dybets djævle
22. Sjælesamlerens ø
23. Vampyrens slot
24. Heltenes slagmark

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