Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Edition - Island of the Lizard King - Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 6th printing (C&W) [6th] (alt)

Series: Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) no. 7
Item: Island of the Lizard King
Author: Livingstone, Ian
Illustrators: Langford, Alan (interior)
McCaig, Iain (cover)
Date: 1984
ISBN: 0140317430 / 9780140317435
Description: This variation has the same printing line as the other 6th printing, but significant cover variations. Due to the added barcode, higher prices and more listed titles, this seems to be the later version.
Length: 400 sections
Number of Endings: 10 instant failures, 1 victory, plus death by Stamina loss or bad Luck.
Printing: First published 1984. Reprinted 1984 (five times)
Special Thanks: Thanks to Al for the images.