Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Trouble on Planet Earth

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(Original edition)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
(ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
(Australian edition)
(Australian edition)

Combined Summary

Online Full Text: Internet Archive (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Internet Archive (Original edition)
Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 29
Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-) — no. 11
Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions) — no. 10
Contained In: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set (26-30) (Collection)
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 3 (9-12) (Collection)
Translated Into: Caos no planeta Terra (Portuguese)
Dünya tehlikede (Turkish)
Kampen om olien (Danish)
Peligro en la Tierra (Spanish)
Perill a la Terra (Catalan)
Problemas en el planeta Tierra (Spanish)
Problemas en el planeta Tierra (Spanish)
Author: Montgomery, R. A.
Illustrators: Marron, Jose Luis (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing - cover; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - cover)
McBride, Marc (Australian edition - cover)
Reese, Ralph (Original edition)
Trod, Mariano (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing - interior; Australian edition - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - interior)
Griglio, Claudio (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing - interior; Australian edition - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - interior)
Rossi, Andrés (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing - interior; Australian edition - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - interior)
Dates: February, 1984 (Original edition)
2005 (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
March 1, 2007 (Australian edition)
ISBNs: 0553238655 / 9780553238655 (Original edition)
1865049336 / 9781865049335 (Australian edition)
1933390115 / 9781933390116 (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing, ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
Length: 116 pages (Original edition)
113 pages (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing, ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing)
Number of Endings: 22
User Summary: You and your psychic brother Ned investigate the disappearance of all of Earth's oil.
Demian's Thoughts:

This book is exceedingly silly and incoherent; there's little internal consistency, many events make no sense whatsoever, and the characters are mostly annoying stereotypes. The main redeeming feature of this book is that at times it's so insanely bad that it's quite amusing.

More reviews by Demian

Good's Thoughts:

Earth's oil dissapearing! Dear me!
Yes. It's great! If it weren't so weird, I'd own it by now.
Rating: 9/10

More reviews by Good

Stockton's Thoughts:

This book starts out fine... for about two or three pages. Then it goes downhill. I can't say this is quite as atrocious as R. A.'s later installment Project UFO, but it's still pretty awful nevertheless. The plot is ludicrous to begin with - and events also differ depending on what path you take. The oil stealing can either be a hoax to get people to panic (thus facilitating the villains taking over the world) or actually aliens robbing Earth's resources for their own use.

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yunakitty's Thoughts:

Wow. Yeah. This is another R. A. Montgomery stinker. It just makes no sense whatsoever. Almost every ending leads to death, too. I can only remember 2 "good" endings, and those were just weird. One was that your goofball psychic brother connects the past and present while you're tripping out in a mandala so you can use the oil from the past... and the other one was that you get sent to another planet, put on trial for Earth's misuse of resources, and sentenced to live on the planet and learn from their people. Yeah, that actually seemed like a good ending compared to the others.

As usual, no internal consistency. For example, at one fork, the old man you are with runs towards the villain's lair. Do you follow him or watch? If you just watch, he gets shot within a few seconds and then you and the rest of the group try to run away but are eventually cornered and killed. But if you run after him, guess what happens? You'd think that you'd get shot too, or there would at least be shots fired at you, right? Nope. The volcano explodes and everyone dies.... Oh, R. A. Montgomery, you crazy fox.

And of course there are the nonsense cop-out endings. If you break off ties with the CIA, you flounder around for a few days and then turn to your brother and say, "Let's start all over." THE END. Basically R. A. telling you he couldn't be bothered to think up any more for that storyline, so just go back to the beginning and try again. Not that the other choices will be much better.

One star out of five. Did I mention that I dislike R. A. Montgomery CYOAs?

More reviews by yunakitty

Special Thanks:Thanks to Ken G. for the Australian cover scans.
Users Who Own This Item: AgathaRaisin79, aline, Andys80s, Ardennes, Arkadia, auximenes, benji2, bigcobra, bookwormjeff, BuraddoRun, Chanticrow, Crazyscotsman, CSquared, Darth Rabbitt, datastorm, dave2002a, dblizzard72, Demian (fifth reissue printing), drereichdude (original), duckhugger, Eamonn McCusker, Erikwinslow (2nd) (Chooseco 4th), Filipino Paul, fraze, Garrick Muttley, Gartax, Gurvo, hoops4ever, horrorbusiness, Icedlake, iolly666 (Well, i'd like to have this since it's missing in the Italian version), jharvey79, Johnny Jones, JoshW, katzcollection, KenJenningsJeopardy74, kinderstef, kleme (2005 reissue), knginatl (orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue, Aus. reissue, Sundance ) ( orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue, Aus. reissue, Sundance) (orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue, Aus. reissue, Sundance ), le maudit, Lullyph, MacbthPSW, Malthus Dire, marcfonline, marnaudo, mlvoss, nelsondesign, NEMO (4th print), Nomad, ntar (book fair ed.), Nym90, Oberonbombadil (original US 1st print and original UK 1st print), outspaced, Pessimeister, plowboy, Pseudo_Intellectual, Radical347, rolipo26, RonaldFrobnitz, Ronie1976, rtaylor352, Ryuran333, SeventhSon, SherlockHolmes, spragmatic, Stockton, strawberry_brite, SuperAM2, ThaRid, ThisIslandEarth, toadhjo, waktool (US 1st; US 1st (AU Sticker); US 3rd) (Chooseco, large edition, AU 1st printing; Chooseco, small edition, CA 5th printing) (Australian, 2nd printing), Yalius, yunakitty, zat
Users Who Want This Item: barryattles, Cyan, drereichdude (reissue), exaquint (1.95, book fair), Ffghtermedic, Game Master, kleme, Lambchop, MasterChief, Mr ?, odo_ital, Sagaious, SherlockHolmes, stock, strawberry_brite, Von Scotty, Waluigi Freak 99
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Known Editions

Original edition
ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing
ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing
Australian edition

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