Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Malifestro Quest

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(American cover)
(American cover)
(American cover)
(British cover)
Online Full Text: Internet Archive
Series: Zork — no. 2
Translated Into: La búsqueda de Malifestro (Spanish)
La sfida di Malifestro (Italian)
Author: Meretsky, S. Eric
Illustrator: Harris, Dell
Dates: September, 1983 (American edition)
April, 1984 (British edition)
ISBNs: 0140317562 / 9780140317565 (British edition)
0812579801 / 9780812579802 (American edition)
081257981X / 9780812579819 (Canadian edition)
Length: 127 pages
Number of Endings: 18
User Summary: The great hero Syovar is being held for ransom by Malifestro, an evil wizard. Bivotar and Juranda must rescue him with the help of two bumbling elves named Fred and Max.
Demian's Thoughts:

This book is significantly better than the first book in the series; the tone is considerably sillier, and silliness is important in anything Zork-related. Also, for those who appreciate in-jokes, the magic sneakers used as a cheater trap in the previous book are actually present here. The only real problem with the book is that if you fail to stop at the cabin (page 63), the continuity gets messed up because you don't get to talk to a character who is mentioned later on.

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Guillermo's Thoughts:

This book combines elements of dungeon crawl and wilderness adventuring. It is much more linear than book one, and only one path leads to success. It is a fun adventure to read, with more Zork-esque humour than other entries in the series. I found The Cavern of Doom to be more interesting in terms of how the choices are constructed, though. Overall, however, this is a good entry in a series that was one of the few worthy competitors to the Endless Quest fantasy adventures.

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Special Thanks:Thanks to Nicholas Campbell for the British cover scan.
Users Who Own This Item: Alatar001, AlHazred (US), Andys80s, Ardennes (US), Arkadia, auximenes, bookwormjeff, ca032769, Chanticrow, CSquared, dave2002a, Eamonn McCusker, edwebb, EegahInc, Erikwinslow (US), exaquint (1st 1.95, 4th 2.25), Ffghtermedic, firefoxpdm, Fireguard, fraze, Gamehorder, Garrick Muttley, Gartax, Gurvo, hadlee73, Himynameistony, hoops4ever, jdreller (US), jeremydouglass, Joe_TC, JoshW, katzcollection (American edition), keving, kinderstef, knginatl, le maudit, lek (PDF), Malthus Dire, marnaudo, mattender, mlvoss, nelsondesign, NEMO (US edition,4th printing.oct.85 ,$2.25 on cover), nerelax, Nich, ntar (American edition), Pessimeister (british edition), Pseudo_Intellectual, redpiper05, RetroReef, RonaldFrobnitz, Sheridan77, SherlockHolmes, SojourningScribbler, spragmatic (US), ThaRid, Tremendez, Virtua Sinner, Von Scotty, waktool (UK 1984 reprint; US 1st), wonderfly, Yalius
Users Who Want This Item: anagramsci, Cyan, dblizzard72, dbriel, drereichdude, Dronak, duckhugger, exaquint (1.95 text on upper left), Grifter, Mr ?, NEMO (British red cover), Nomad, Ryuran333, Surcal (British Cover), ThisIslandEarth, twar, utfanatic
Users with Extra Copies: dave2002a
ntar - American edition, some cover damage but the book itself is fine for reading

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Structure Diagram

Zork #2 Map
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