Never Published
Alba (hardback)Alba (paperback)
Albert Archibald: Alba's Light
El Anillo del Poder
Appointment with F.E.A.R.
Attack on Moon 7
Au pays des Dragons
Au service de la couronne
Aullido Siniestro
Baby Sitter
Before the Goblins
Beyond the Nightmare Gate (Collector's Edition)
Bizarro Battleground
Blodkampen på Draugernes Hav
Bloodbones (Puffin)
Boxing the Parasite
Building Hadrian's Wall
The Case of the Hertfordshire Leopard
Catacombs of the Undercity
Christmas, Starring You
Citadel of the Magister
The City of Clouds
City State of Treysham (paperback)
Codename: CyberFISTS
The Compton Murder
Conspiracy in Cairo
A Coroa dos Reis
Creature of the Creek
The Curse of Golgorast
Curse of the Assassin
The Dark Door Opens
Dawn of the Donald
Death Magic Megaritual
La défense de Deepdager
The Defense of Deepdager
Delain: Book the Fourth of the Maduban Saga
Demons of the Deep
Derwent Town 4-5-1
Le desert de la Mort
Detektyw Scotland Yardu
Dinopolis 500
The Don is Dead
Double Trouble
Down Among the Dead Men (Panurgic Adventures edition)
Dr. Doom
Dragon's Fury
Dugal: Book the Second of the Maduban Saga
The Dungeons of Death
Dynamite Date
Edge of Heaven
The Edge of Time
The Empire of Skull Desert
Escape from the Haunted Warehouse (Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) edition)
Espia rebelde
La estrella de cristal
Extreme Counterprotester
The Fairy Princess Kidnap (Dragonlarks reissue)
The Fairy King
Falska Profeters Förbannelser
The Fantastic Forge
Die fantastische Schmiede
Fiebre de Cuentos de Hadas
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL12 - Hydra
The Final Breath (2a)
Final Victory
Fire in Kursk
Fists of Fur
Footsteps in the Snow
The Forbidden City (Collector's Edition)
Le fou de la reine
Foul Play at Fool's Summit
Frozen Earth
The Galactic Games
The Games of Champions
La Garra del Nagual
Gefahr in den Träumen
Gentleman assassin
The Gilded Throne
The Glass Ceiling
Goblin's Last Gift
Greatest of the Forests
Greek Quest (paperback)
Ground Target
Haunted Video
Her Majesty's Tank Hercules
Heroes: Elves
Herren der aufgehenden Sonne
The Hidden Kingdom
Horror en el Museo de Cera
Hotshot in the City
The Hunt For the Star Stone
Indigo Hollow 1: Reign of Despair
The Infinity Group
Into the Underworld
The Iron Uprising
The Islands of Terror
The Isle of a Thousand Spires
Die Jagd nach der Waffe des Mondes
Judge Dredd: The Dark
Jungle of Evil
The Jungles of the Snake King
The Kai Monastery
Keeper of the Dreamstone
The Keys 2: Awakening
The Kidnapping of Moriarty
The King of Suidemor
Kongernes krone (Sværd og trolddom: Sagaen om den magiske krone edition)
Kosmiczna ruletka 2: Podbój Tenuis
Kurs na Australię
Laberinto del Minotauro Adivinador
Lands of Delorian 1: The Shadow's Rage
Lands of Delorian 2: The Testing
Lands of Delorian 3: Final Victory
Legends of Mystaris 3: The Curse of Nephos
Die Legion der Limbus
La légion des limbes
The Legion of Limbo
Legions of the Labyrinth
Light of the Kai (collector's edition)
Little John
The Lone and Level Sands
Lone Wolf and the Ice Halls of Terror
The Lost Heir
Lost in the Lonely Mountain
Maelorum, Volume 2
The Magic Gatherer
The Magician's Rings
Marauders at Redmarsh
The Mask of Malhotep
Median Extreme
Mertsanie elfiyskogo poptala [Мерцание эльфийского портала]
Mest' Krasnoy Shapochki [Месть Красной Шапочки]
Mexico, Ra, Ra, Ra!
Mission to Earth
Mission to Mordor
Los monstruos de Doorna
Murder at Minas Tirith
A New Beginning
New Law of the Desert Assassins
Odnazhdy volch'ej noch'ju [Однажды волчьей ночью]
Paso Tempestuoso
Perdidos en la Zona del Silencio
The Pirates Curse
Pirates of Pelargir
The Plague Masters
Plains of Peril
La planète rouge
The Princes of the Universe
The Princes of the West
Prisoner of Pharaoh's Tomb
Prisoner of the Catacombs
Quest for the Palantír: The Ruins of Annuminas
Quest for the Quintessence
Race from Rivendell
The Raiders of the Dune Sea (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
Razing Utopia
Realm of the Kracken
Red Dragon Pass
Das Reich der Masken
O retorno do errante
Return to the Tavern on Gallows Hill
The Rikti War
Robin Hood
Roman Quest (paperback)
The Runaway Ride
The Sands of Doom
The Savage Lands
Die schillernde Zitadelle
The Schizoid Man
The Search for Morgan's Treasure
The Seven Seas of Rhye
Shadows of Steel
Shakespeare Vs. Cthulhu: What Dreams May Come
Shores of Dusk
Śladami dinozaurów
The Slamming Door
Spotlight on Love
Stornlands II
Sword of the Samurai
Sword of the Samurai
Tame Wanderers 5-3-2
Tayna krasnikh georginov [Тайна красных георгинов]
Temps mort
Ten Tiger Labyrinth
Terror in Silverton
Thakko: Book the Third of the Maduban Saga
The Gate to Thomerion
The Seal of Thomerion
The Wrath of Thomerion
Ticket to Intrigue
To Kill A Thief
The Tomb of Terror
The Travels of Puss 2: Cinderella and the Furry Godmother
Treason at Helm's Deep (Proof copy (cover only))
Two Seaters
Tyrune Unleashed
The Un-united Kingdom
Die Verteidigung von Deepdager
Viaje al Otro Lado del Sol
A vingança do vampiro
Void Racers
Voyage of the Cursed Sea
War of the Wizards (Collector's Edition)
War of the Worlds
The Warrens of Wvanderfell
The Wild Lands
Wingleader: Bomber
Winter's Knight
The Wizard of Warlock Tower
Wizards of Anarchy
The Worldcrafters
You Are a Dumbass!
You Have a Cyberstalker!
I've Got Your Number1928
Help Yourself!1929
The Roman Hat MysteryTell Your Own Fortune
Consider the ConsequencesThe French Powder Mystery
The Dutch Shoe Mystery1932
The Egyptian Cross MysteryThe Greek Coffin Mystery
I've Got Your Number, Second Series
The American Gun MysteryThe Siamese Twin Mystery
The Chinese Orange MysterySelf Portraits
The Torquemada Puzzle Book
The Spanish Cape Mystery1936
Halfway HouseMeet Yourself As You Really Are (Original hardcover edition)
Murder Off Miami (First printing)
Who Killed Robert Prentice? (First printing)1938
The Malinsay Massacre (First printing)1939
Herewith the Clues! (First printing)1941
Examen de la obra de Herbert QuainEl Jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
El Jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
Treasure Hunt1958
The Arithmetic of Computers (first edition)1960
Adventures in AlgebraThe Arithmetic of Computers (second edition)
The Elements of Bridge
Introduction to ElectronicsL'Ironie du Sort
Practical Law: A Course in Everyday Contracts
Trigonometry: A Practical Course
The Arithmetic of Computers (third edition)Basic Computer Programming
An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Meaning of Modern Poetry
Meet Yourself As You Really Are (Revised paperback edition)
Parliamentary Procedure
Practical Mathematics
Proper Punctuation
The Slide Rule
TutorText on Nutritional Cooking
Your Life Insurance
Effective Executive PracticesEffective Writing
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective
Fractions: A Basic Course in Arithmetic
Fundamentals of Electricity
Programed Instruction: A Manual of Programing Techniques
The American ConstitutionBetter Business Organization
Body Fluid Metabolism: A TutorText
Computer Programming Techniques
The Daleks
Decimals and Percentage
Electron Tubes at Work
Understanding Shakespeare: Macbeth
The Art of DelegatingBusiness Letter Writing
The Crusaders
Encyclopedia Brown Strikes Again
Understanding Stocks
The Zarbi
ChemistryEncyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues (Original edition)
Ordinateurs électroniques éléments de programmation : cours d'instruction programmée TUTORTEXT
Organisation du travail dans l'entreprise
Principes de direction des entreprises
Un conte à votre façonEncyclopedia Brown Gets His Man
Essentials of Music
Introduction to Genetics
Lucky Les (original)
Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All1969
Alien Territory (New Worlds edition)Encyclopedia Brown Keeps the Peace
New Worlds #195
Sleep, and the City Trembles
Solo Boxes
Solo Noughts and Crosses
State of Emergency
Archimedes: Archimedes' Principle and the Law of FlotationEncyclopedia Brown Saves the Day (Original edition)
Fundamentals of Transistors
Galilei Galileo and the Laws of Acceleration
Isaac Newton: His Work on Light and His Discovery of the Spectrum
Den mystiska påsen
Nicholas Copernicus and the Solar System
Regieren Sie mal!
Encyclopedia Brown Tracks Them DownMore Two-Minute Mysteries
Norman vs. America
Tante storie per giocare
Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way (Original edition)The Game of Chess
The Making of Doctor Who
Mission to Planet L (original)
Den mystiske pose
Secret of the Seventh Star
Treasure of Shark Island
The Black DragonEncyclopedia Brown Takes the Case
The Abominable SnowmenThe Auton Invasion
The Cave Monsters
The Curse of Peladon
The Daemons
Day of the Daleks
The Doomsday Weapon
Encyclopedia Brown Lends a Hand
Lucky Les (revised edition)
The Sea-Devils
Battlegame Book 2: Knights at WarBattlegame Book 4: World War II
The Cybermen
Daniel in the Third Dimension
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles
Esther in the Third Dimension
Gates of the Universe
The Giant Robot
The Green Death
Joseph in the Third Dimension
Moses in the Third Dimension
Peter und die Juwelendiebe
Planet of the Spiders
Terror of the Autons
The Three Doctors
Battlegame Book 5: Fighting ShipsBuffalo Castle (original)
The Dinosaur Invasion
Genesis of the Daleks
The Ice Warriors
The Loch Ness Monster
The Making of Doctor Who (reissue)
Planet of the Daleks
Pyramids of Mars
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Space War
Sugarcane Island (Original hardcover, first printing)
The Tenth Planet
The Web of Fear
Action FootballThe Adventures of the Black Hand Gang (Hardcover edition (Prentice-Hall))
The Adventures of the Black Hand Gang (Paperback edition (Methuen))
The Ark in Space
The Brain of Morbius
Carnival of Monsters
The Claws of Axos
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Dargon's Dungeon
The Deadly Assassin
Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon (original)
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor (Hardcover edition)
Journey Under the Sea (Original edition)
The Masque of Mandragora
The Mutants
Naked Doom
Nancy Drew Detective Logic Puzzles
Overkill (original)
Planet of Evil
The Seeds of Doom
Sugarcane Island (Original hardcover, second printing)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Three Men in a Maze
Weirdworld (original)
Die Abenteuer des Katers Lucky Les in fünf GeschichtenThe Android Invasion
Beyond the Silvered Pane (original)
City of Terrors (first American printing)
Deadwood City (Original hardcover edition)
Death Test
Death to the Daleks
Encyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues (Bantam Skylark edition)
The Face of Evil
Five-Minute Mysteries: Cases from the Files of Ed Noon
Histoires comme tu voudras
Horror of Fang Rock
Jungle Trip
Mission to Planet L (reissue)
More Solv-a-Crime
Quag Keep
Road Racer
Rugger Final
The Solo Dungeon
The Sontaran Experiment
Sorcerer's Apprentice #1
Sugarcane Island (Adventures of You Archway paperback edition, first printing)
The Time Warrior
The Tomb of the Cybermen
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring AlbumThe Adventures of Doctor Who
Adventures of K9 and Other Mechanical Creatures
Arena of Khazan
Battlegame Book 1: The Wild West
Battlegame Book 3: Galactic War
By Balloon to the Sahara (Original edition, first printing)
The Cave of Time (First printing)
The Cave of Time (Fourth printing, Scholastic edition)
The Cave of Time (Third printing)
Deadwood City (British hardback edition)
Death on the Late Show
Destiny of the Daleks
The Final Guest
Golden Dust, Red Death
The Hand of Fear
Image of the Fendahl
Die Insel der 1000 Gefahren (original)
The Invisible Enemy
Journey Under the Sea (Bantam edition)
Journey Under the Sea (Bantam edition, second printing)
Journey Under the Sea (Original edition, British reprint)
Masquerade (first edition)
The Monkey God's Curse
Murder Off Miami (Replica edition)
Pocket Adventure 1: Goblin Lake
The Ribos Operation
The Robots of Death
Sorcerer Solitaire
Sorcerer's Apprentice #2
Sorcerer's Apprentice #3
Sorcerer's Apprentice #4
Survival of the Fittest
Sword for Hire
A Sworded Adventure (Sorcerer's Apprentice edition)
The Third Planet from Altair (Original hardcover edition)
Time to Kill
Tower of Elbrith
The War Games
Weirdworld (reissue)
The Witch's Tower Mystery
The Androids of TaraThe Armageddon Factor
Basic Role-Playing (First edition)
Beyond the Silvered Pane (reissue)
Buffalo Castle (reissue)
Cat Got Your Tongue?
The Cave of Time (Sixth printing)
Codebreaker International
Dai uchuu no boken [大宇宙の冒険]
Deadwood City (Choose Your Own Adventure edition, early printing)
Death Test 2
Duelo de Águias
Dungeoneer #18
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor (Bantam-Skylark edition)
Encyclopedia Brown Carries On
Grail Quest
Handy Rotary Series
The Horns of Nimon
The Invasion of Time
Journey Under the Sea (Bantam edition, third printing)
Kaitei toshi no boken [海底都市の冒険]
The Keys of Marinus
The Laughing Dragon Mystery
Masquerade (later edition)
Das Meer der 1000 Gefahren
The Monster of Peladon
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (First printing)
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Third printing)
Nightmare of Eden
Oldcastle Inn
Overkill (reissue)
Pocket Adventure 2: Abyss
Pocket Adventure 3: Circle of Ice
The Power of Kroll
Reporter on the Trail
Sahara Sabaku kikyuu ryokou [サハラさばく気球旅行]
Security Station
Sewers of Oblivion
Sorcerer's Apprentice #7
Space and Beyond (Original version, first printing)
Space and Beyond (Original version, third printing)
The Stones of Blood
Stop, Thief!
Sugarcane Island, "The Island of 1000 Adventures" (1980 German release of original English text)
Supai taisakusen [スパイ大作戦]
Taimu tanneru no bouken [タイムトンネルの冒険]
Thieve's Quarter
The Third Planet from Altair (Bantam edition, first printing)
The Toughest Dungeon in the World (Tunnels and Trolls: Judges Guild edition)
Treasure of the Silver Dragon
Trek or Treat
Who Killed Robert Prentice? (Replica edition)
Your Code Name is Jonah (First printing)
Your Code Name is Jonah (Second printing)
Yuurei yashiki no tanken [ゆうれい屋敷の探検]
1000 Gefahren in Deadwood CityAdventure Gaming
Alien Star #3
Alien Star #6
Ares #10
Ares #6
Barbarian Prince
Basic Role-Playing (Second printing)
Blood and Honour
Blue Frog Tavern
Carnival in Windemere
The Cave of Time (US 10th printing)
The Cave of Time (US 12th printing)
Cavern Quest
The Cereal Box Adventures (First printing)
The Circus
The Creature from the Pit
Crystal's Pleasure Palace
Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon (reissue)
Different Worlds #17
Doctor Who Programme Guide
The Doctor Who Quiz Book
Dragon Magazine #54
Dragon's Hall
En ballon à travers le Sahara
Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace
Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way (Bantam Skylark edition, first printing)
The Enemy of the World
The Freak Show
The Gamer #2
La Grotte du temps
The Haunted House (First printing)
The Haunted House (First printing, special edition)
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (Original edition, first printing)
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (Original edition, third printing)
Mad Mesa
La Malédiction de la tour
The Malinsay Massacre (Replica edition)
Master of the Amulets
Le Mystère des Mayas
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Eighth printing)
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Eleventh printing (Australian))
Mystery of the Maya (First printing)
Powerhouse Series
Qui a tué Edouard Balaruc?
The Scavengers
Sea of Mystery
Sorcerer's Apprentice #12
Sorcerer's Apprentice #9 / #10
Tails of the Expected
El tercer planeta de Altair
Thief for Hire
The Third Planet from Altair (Bantam edition, second printing)
Ton nom de code est Jonas
Tower of Indomitable Circumstance
Treasure of Unicorn Gold
An Unearthly Child
Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey?
Wild Ride
You Against the System: The SF Expansion and Solitaire Gaming
The Abominable Snowman (Original edition)Alien Star #7
Ares #12
Avonture onder die see
Avventure nell'isola
Basic Role-Playing (Third edition)
Buffalo Castle (reissue)
The Cardinal's Snuffbox
The Case of the Stolen Computer Brains
The Castle of No Return (First printing)
Cats and Dragons
The Cave of Time (US 14th printing)
Cosmic Encounters
Craven House Horrors (American edition, first printing)
Creatures of the Dark
Curse of the Sunken Treasure
The Dandee Diamond Mystery
Deadwood City (Choose Your Own Adventure edition, sixth printing)
Dicing with Dragons (Original British edition)
Die Geheim van Burgershof
Different Worlds #21
Different Worlds #22
Doctor Who Crossword Book
Dungeon of Dread (First printing)
Dungeon of Dread (Second printing)
Encyclopedia Brown Takes the Cake
The Evil of Mr. Happiness
Eye of the Dragon
Famous and Rich
Fantastic Fortune
Flight into the Unknown
The Forbidden Castle (Original edition)
Full Circle
Games (January, 1982)
Gamesmen of Kasar
Gorga, The Space Monster
The Green Slime
Greenwald Tales
The Haunters of Marsh Hall
Hela's House of Dark Delights (Different Worlds edition)
Herewith the Clues! (Replica edition)
House of Danger (Original edition)
I Can't Wait (First edition, library binding)
I Can't Wait (First edition, paperback)
I Want It (First edition, library binding)
I Want It (First edition, paperback)
I Want to Play (First edition, library binding)
I Want to Play (First edition, paperback)
Inside UFO 54-40
Invitation to Murder
Journey from Rigour
The Keeper of Traken
The King's Mission
The Last Book
The Leisure Hive
Lost in a Strange Land
Lost in the Wilds
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (Original edition, fifth printing)
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (Original edition, sixth printing)
"Mad Dog" Johnny Drake
The Mad Dwarf
Maguffin Hunt
Man in Chainmail with Sword and Shield
Message from Heartbreak Mountain
Met 'n ballon oor die Sahara
The Most Amazing Amusement Park in the World
Mountain of Mirrors (First printing)
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Fifteenth printing)
Nightmare Store (American edition, first printing)
The Old Dwarf Mine
Orb Quest
Pan-Galactic Security Breach
Pegasus #7
Phony Stones
Pillars of Pentegarn (First printing)
Pillars of Pentegarn (Second printing)
The Pirate House
The President's Stuck in the Mud and Other Wild West Escapades
Professor Q's Mysterious Machine
Return to Brookmere (First printing)
Return to Brookmere (Second printing)
Sea Battle Near Melniboné (Different Worlds edition)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
SoloQuest 2: Scorpion Hall
SoloQuest 3: The Snow King's Bride
Space and Beyond (Original version, twelfth printing)
The Spell of the Black Raven
Star Frontiers: Basic Game Rules
Star Smuggler
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Distress Call
State of Decay
The Stone of Badda
The Storm
Sunken Treasure
The Sunmakers
Survival at Sea
System Failure
Terror in the Fourth Dimension
Exploration Infinity (British edition)
The Time Raider (Australian Gold border edition, first printing)
The Time Raider (First printing)
The Train of Terror
Vampires, Spies and Alien Beings
The Visitation
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Wraparound), UK 1982 5th printing (Clays) [5th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Wraparound), UK 1st printing (Clays) - original)
Warriors' Gate
White Dwarf #31
The Wizard's Web
Your Code Name is Jonah (Ninth printing)
Your Code Name is Jonah (Tenth printing)
Your Very Own Robot (Hardcover edition)
Your Very Own Robot (Original edition, first printing)
El abominable hombre de las nievesThe Adventure of the Jade Jaguar
The Adventures of the Black Hand Gang (Hardcover edition (Holiday House))
Agent of Death
Al Sahara en globo
The Amazing Bubblegum Caper
Arc of Infinity
Ares #13 (Winter, 1983)
Aventures dans l'espace
The Bigfoot Mystery
Blizzard Pass
Blizzard Pass
Boys! Boys! Boys!
Brohar's Bane (part 1 of 2)
Can You Win the Pennant?
The Case of the Clever Computer Crooks
The Case of the Mysterious Dognapper (Original edition)
The Case of the Video Game Smugglers (Original edition)
Cautivo del OVNI 54-40
The Cavern of Doom (First printing)
La caverna del tiempo
The Cereal Box Adventures (Fourth printing)
Circus of Fear
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (American), US 1st printing)
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 5th printing (C&W) [5th])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 6th printing (C&W) [6th])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 8th printing (C&W) [8th])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), UK 1983 9th printing (C&W) [9th])
City of Thieves (Original (Star), UK 1983 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
City of Thieves (Original (Star), UK 1983 5th printing (C&W) [6th])
Conundrum: The Cadbury's Creme Egg Mystery
Crash Landing!
Creating Adventure Programs on Your Computer
The Creature from Miller's Pond
The Crystal Keys
La cueva del tiempo
D&D Fantasy-Rollenspiele Basis Set
Damocles Mission
The Deadly Trap
Defense Against Terror
Dicing with Dragons (Plume reprint, first printing)
Die Geheim van die Majas
Die Verlore juwele van Nabooti
The Dirty Dollars
Doctor Who Quiz Book of Dinosaurs
Doctor Who Quiz Book of Magic
Doctor Who Quiz Book of Science
Doctor Who Quiz Book of Space
Dr. Zarnof's Evil Plot
Dragon of Doom
Dream Trips
Dungeon of Dread (Fifth printing)
Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules (red box)
Dwarf in Chainmail with Two-handed Ax
Escape (Original edition)
Find the Kirillian! (Original edition)
The Five Doctors
Flying Machines
Follow the Lone Cry
For Love of Mother-Not
The Forces of Krill (American edition)
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1983 10th printing (C&W) [10th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1983 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1983 5th printing (C&W) [5th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1983 6th printing (C&W) [6th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1983 8th printing (C&W) [8th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1st printing (C&W, revised cover) [1st])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1st printing (C&W, original cover) [1st])
The Formula for Trouble
Four to Doomsday
The Frame-Up
The Galactic Pirate (First printing)
The Galactic Pirate (Second printing)
The Genie in the Bottle
Giant Goblin with Mace and Shield
Giants, Elves and Scary Monsters
Go For It!
Golden Sword of Dragonwalk (First printing)
El gran rallye
The Great Baseball Championship
Happy Birthday to You
The Haunted Castle
Have Your Own Extra-Terrestrial Adventure
Help! You're Shrinking
Hero of Washington Square
Der Hexenmeister vom Flammenden Berg (FantasyAbenteuerSpielbücher edition)
Hill Troll with Club
Holiday Romance (Wanderer edition)
Horror Hotel! (American edition)
The Horror of High Ridge
Horrors of the Haunted Museum (Original edition)
A Horse Named Funny Bits
Hot Pursuit
Im Rätsellabyrinth des Minotaurus
The Inch-High Kid
Indian Trail (Original edition)
Into the Marshes of Mist
Invasion of the Black Slime
The Island of Dr. No
Isle of Illusion
James Bond 007 Basic Game
Jeux et Stratégie (février-mars 1983)
Jij in de ruimte
Jij in het Wilde Westen
Las joyas perdidas de Nabooti
Jungle of Lost Souls
Jungle Safari
Keep of the Ancient King
Light on Quests Mountain
Lost on the Amazon (Original edition, first printing)
The Lost Tribe
The Magic Carpet
Make It to the Superbowl!: Panthers vs. Grizzlies
Make the Play-Offs!: Blues vs. Sharks
The Malifestro Quest (American edition)
Man in Chainmail with Sword and Shield
Man on the Fast Track
Match Point
Maui Mystery
The Maze of Shaxry Oborok
Maze of the Riddling Minotaur
Met de ballon naar de Sahara
Micro Adventurer, December 1983
Micro Adventurer, November 1983
Miser's Hoard #6
The Mona Lisa is Missing!
Monsters of Doorna
Mountain of Mirrors (Fifth printing)
My Name is Not Dummy (First edition, library binding)
My Name is Not Dummy (First edition, paperback)
The Mystery and Adventure Computer Storybook
Mystery at Mockingbird Manor
The Mystery of the Star Ship Movie
Night of the Comet
The Phantom Submarine
Pillars of Pentegarn (Fifth printing)
Prisoner of the Ant People (Original edition)
Pro Football Showdown
Quasits & Quasars #10 / DragonLords #20
Quest of the Roan Hart
¿Quién mató a H. Thrombey?
The Race Forever (Original edition, first printing)
Race into the Past
Raid on Nightmare Castle
El reino subterráneo
Reis onder water
Return to Brookmere (Fifth printing)
Revenge of the Rainbow Dragons (First printing)
Revenge of the Rainbow Dragons (Second printing)
Revolt of the Dwarves (First printing)
Revolt of the Dwarves (Second printing)
Ride the Blue Bazoo
Ring of the Ruby Dragon
The Ring, the Sword, and the Unicorn
Robbers and Robots
Robot Revenge
Robot World
The Roller Coaster Ghost
De ruimte in
Ruins of Rangar
RuneQuest Companion
The Science Fiction Computer Storybook
Sea Battle Near Melniboné (Stormbringer edition)
The Search for Champ (Original edition)
Search for the Treasures of Term
The Second Doctor Who Quiz Book
The Secret Life of Toys
The Secret of the Long-Lost Cousin (Original edition)
Secret of the Pyramids
The Secret of the Software Spy
Secret Sorceress
El secreto de las pirámides
The Shamutanti Hills (Original (Wraparound), UK 1st printing)
The Shamutanti Hills (Original (Wraparound), UK 2nd printing)
The Sinister Studios of KESP-TV
Skeleton with Scimitar and Shield
Solo Adventure
Sorcerer's Apprentice #16
Sorcerer's Apprentice #17
The Sorcery Spellbook and The Shamutanti Hills
The Sorcery Spellbook (Original, UK 1st printing [1st])
The Sorcery Spellbook (Original, UK 2nd printing [2nd])
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Original edition, original cover)
Space Age Terrors!
Space Olympics
Space Patrol
Space Raiders and the Planet of Doom
Spell of the Winter Wizard
A Stage Set for Love
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), UK 1st printing (C&W) [1st] - original)
Staying Alive
Stormbringer Companion
Summer in the Sun
The Super Trail Bike Race
Superman: The Man of Steel (American edition)
T*A*C*K Into Danger
Talisman of Valdegarde
The Tomb of Amenosis
Tortured Souls #1
Tortured Souls #2
Trapped in the Black Box
Tu clave es Jonás
Underground Kingdom
Viaje bajo el mar
Viaje por las galaxias
The Video Avenger
Villains of Volturnus
The Visitor from Outer Space
Voyage sous les mers
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (American), US 1st printing)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 1st printing (Clays) [7th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 3rd printing (Clays) [9th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 5th printing (Clays) [11th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 7th printing (Clays) [13th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 8th printing (Clays) [14th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1983 9th printing (Clays) [15th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Wraparound), UK 1983 1st printing (Clays) [7th])
Woman in Power Politics
Woman in Scale with Sword and Shield
Woman Up the Corporate Ladder
Wow! You Can Fly!
You Are the Coach: Basketball (hardback)
You Are the Coach: Basketball (paperback)
You Are the Coach: Football (hardback)
You Are the Coach: Football (paperback)
You Are the Coach: Hockey (hardback)
You Are the Manager: Baseball (hardback)
You Are the Star of a Muppet Adventure
Das Abenteuer beginnt!El abominable hombre de las nieves
L'abominable home de les neus
Accept the Royal Challenge
Al encuentro de los dinosaurios
The Amulet of the Salkti
The Android Invasion
Angie's Choice
Attack of the VIPER
L'atteratge forcos
Aventures a la jungla
Avui tu ets l' estrella de la televisió
The Aztecs
Baddas sten
The Ballerina Mystery
Balonom do Sahare
Barbarian with Two-handed Sword
Der Berg der Spiegel
Beyond the Wall of Tears
Black Dragon's Curse (Dragontales edition)
Blade of the Young Samurai
Book Without a Name [The Bee Book]
Borbarads Fluch (original)
Brain Teasers and Mind Benders
Brohar's Bane (part 2 of 2)
Brontosaurus Moves In
Das Buch der Abenteuer
De burcht chaos
Die Burg der Ungeheuer (original)
Die Burg des schwarzen Drachen
The Bytes Brothers Compute a Clue
The Bytes Brothers Enter the Evidence
The Bytes Brothers Input an Investigation
The Bytes Brothers Program a Problem
The Bytes Brothers Record a Wrongdoing (American edition)
The Bytes Brothers Record a Robbery (British edition)
Camp-Out on Danger Mountain
Captif d'Yvoire
Captive Planet
La casa encantada
The Case of the Clever Marathon Cheat
The Case of the Robot Warriors
The Case of the Toilet Paper Decorator
El castell prohibit
El castillo prohibido
Castle in the Clouds
The Castle of Darkness (British edition)
The Castle of Doom
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 1: The Champion
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 2: The Quest
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 3: The Demon Road
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 4: The Evil Eye
The Cavern of Doom (British edition)
The Caverns of Kalte (Beaver edition, first cover)
The Caverns of Kalte (Beaver edition, first cover, stretched version)
The Caverns of Kalte (Original Sparrow edition)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Caverns of the Snow Witch
Challenge of the Pegasus Grail (Dragontales edition)
Champions: Third Edition
Chateau du Buffle
Chronicles 1: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
The Citadel of Chaos
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Star), AU 1984 1st printing (Dominion) [10th])
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 6th printing (C&W, original cover) [16th] (Original illustration))
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 6th printing (C&W, revised cover) [16th] (Original illustration))
The Citadel of Chaos: Software Pack
La citadelle du chaos
La Cité des voleurs (Défis fantastiques edition, first printing)
City of Thieves (Original (American))
City of Thieves (Original (Star), AU 1984 1st printing (Dominion) [2nd])
City of Thieves (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [10th])
City of Thieves (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [7th])
City of Thieves (Original (Zigzag), AU 1984 4th printing (Dominion) [9th])
City of Thieves (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 5th printing (C&W) [14th])
Civil War Secret Agent (First printing)
Cold Drake
Les Colonnes de Pentergarn
Conan and the Prophecy
Conan the Outlaw
Conan the Undaunted
Condamné au dénuement
Conquest at Quendor
Conspiracy of Blood
The Cosmic Funhouse
La cova del temps
Craven House Horrors (British edition)
Crazy Computers
Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer
Crunch #3
Crypt of the Vampire (original)
The Crypts of Terror
Cursa vers el passat
The Curse of Batterslea Hall
The Danger Maze
Danger on Ice (American edition)
Dangermouse Annual 1985
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (American, first printing))
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Star), AU 1984 4th printing (Dominion) [4th])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Star), UK 1984 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 7th printing (C&W) [7th])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 8th printing (C&W) [8th])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 9th printing (C&W) [9th])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
The Den of Dragons (British edition)
Dentro del OVNI 54-40
Different Worlds #36
Dinosaur Adventure
The Dominators
Le Donjon de l'effroi
Dr. Zarnof's Evil Plot (reissue)
The Dragon's Ransom
The Dragonmaster
Dragonriders of Pern
The Dragons' Den
Drakar och demoner
Dream Date
Duel of the Masters
De Duivelstovenaar van de Vuurberg
Dungeon of Darkness
The Dungeons of Dregnor (Dragontales edition)
The Enchanted Forest
The Endless Catacombs
Escape from High Doom (American edition)
La espada del samurai
Estás encogiéndote
The Evil Wizard
The Exploding Suns (American edition)
El fantasma de les muntanyes russes
The Fantastic Journey of the Space Shuttle Astra
Fantasy Gamer #3
Faraway Loves
Farlig færd i fjerde dimension
Fasornas hus
The Feathered Serpent (American edition)
Feuer über den Wassern
Fighter Mage with Magic Sword
Fighting Fantasy Quest Pack
Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game
Final Challenge
Fire on the Water (Beaver, UK 1984 2nd printing [2nd])
Fire on the Water
Fire on the Water (Sparrow, UK 1984 1st printing [1st])
Flight from the Dark (British (Beaver) edition, original cover)
Flight from the Dark (Original British (Sparrow) edition, second printing)
Flight from the Dark
Flight from the Dark (Original British (Sparrow) edition, first printing)
Der Fluch des Winterzauberers
Flucht aus dem Dunkel
The Food Chain: A Game of Choice
The Forces of Krill (British edition)
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom (Original (American), US 1st printing)
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), AU 1984 2nd printing (Dominion) [12th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [12th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [13th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 2nd printing (C&W, revised cover) [14th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 5th printing (C&W) [17th])
The Forest of Doom: Software Pack
The Forest of Twisted Dreams
La Forêt de la malédiction
Forget Me Not
La fórmula dels problemes
Der Forst der Finsternis
Första äventyret
The Fourth Nail
Friends Forever
Fun House Terrors!
Galactic Raiders
La Galaxie tragique
The Gateway of Doom (British edition)
El genio de la botella
Ghost Knights of Camelot
Ghost of Lion Castle
El gran campionat
El gran rally
Das große Buch der Fantasy-Rollenspiele
Halfling with Sword and Shield
L'Harmonisateur de pièges
The Haunted Railway Game
El hechicero malvado
Hell on Wheels
Hifuki-san no mahou-tsukai [火吹山の魔法使い]
The Highlanders
Die Höhle des Ungeheuers
Holiday of Love
Holiday Romance (Carousel edition)
Horror Hotel! (British edition)
House of Hell (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
The House of Hell
How to Map
How to Wake a Sleeping Beauty
L'Ile du roi Lézard
Imagine #12
Indiana Jones and the Cup of the Vampire (American edition, first printing)
Indiana Jones and the Cup of the Vampire (British edition)
Indiana Jones and the Curse of Horror Island
Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Fates
Indiana Jones and the Giants of the Silver Tower
Indiana Jones and the Legion of Death
Indiana Jones and the Lost Treasure of Sheba
Instant Millionaire
Island of Fear
The Island of Illusion
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Star), AU 1984 2nd printing (Dominion) [2nd])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Star), UK 1984 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Star), UK 1984 3rd printing (C&W) [3rd])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 6th printing (C&W) [6th])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 6th printing (C&W) [6th] (alt))
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Jason's First Quest
Je codenaam is Jonas
Jeux et Stratégie (février-mars 1984)
Les joies perdudes de Nabooti
Journey to Stonehenge
Journey to Vernico 5
Journey Under the Sea (Bantam version, fourteenth printing)
Jungle Adventure
Jungle Quest
Justice League of America
Der Kampf der Zwerge
Keep Tomorrow for Me
Kerry's Dance
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Original (Wraparound))
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Original (Wraparound), US printing)
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Original (Zigzag), AU 1984 2nd printing)
King's Quest
Ko je ubio Harloa Trombija?
Le Labyrinthe de la mort
Lady of the Winds
Lathan's Gold
Little Duck Finds a Friend
Little Owl Leaves the Nest
Little Pig's Birthday
Little Rabbit's Baby Sister
Livsfarligt rally
Lizard Man with Scimitar and Buckler
The Lone Wolf Adventures
Lorong waktu
The Lost Wizard
The Magic Top Mystery
The Malifestro Quest (British edition)
The Man of Gold
Map of the Kingdom: Allansia, The Land of Fighting Fantasy
Más allá del espacio
Mawdryn Undead
Meer der Rätsel
The Melting Pot: An Adventure in New York
Mencari atlantis
Més enllà de l'espai
Micro Adventurer, August 1984
Micro Adventurer, December 1984
Micro Adventurer, February 1984
Micro Adventurer, July 1984
Micro Adventurer, June 1984
Micro Adventurer, March 1984
Micro Adventurer, November 1984
Micro Adventurer, October 1984
Micro Adventurer, September 1984
Middle-earth Role Playing (first edition)
Midnight at Monster Mansion
Midnight on Dagger Alley
Million Dollar Gamble
Mission of the Secret Spy Squad
Mission to Microworld
Misteri a la mansió de l'ocell mofeta
El misteri del diamant dandi
El misterio de la casa de piedra
Mona is Missing
The Monster Family
El monstruo de la laguna
La Montagne des miroirs
Moon Dragon Summer
Mountain Survival
El museo encantat
The Mystery of the Highland Crest
The Mystery of the Missing Mummy
The Mystery Squad and Mr. Midnight
The Mystery Squad and the Artful Dodger
The Mystery Squad and the Dead Man's Message
The Mystery Squad and the Whistling Teeth
Nedime - Die Tochter des Kalifen (original)
One Step Beyond
Opspor rum-gangsteren
Out of the Pit #1
Out of the Pit #2
OVNI 54-40
Paranoia Player Handbook
Penjelajah antariksa
Perdido en el Amazonas
Planets in Peril
Podzemno carstvo
The Polar Bear Express
Poltergeists, Ghosts and Psychic Encounters
La Poltrona n. 30
Prisionero de las hormigas
Pygmy Island
Pyramidernas hemlighet
Qui va matar H. Thrombey?
¿Quién mató al presidente?
Die Rache der Regenbogendrachen
Rahasia rumah terkutuk
Rahasia rumah terkutuk
Raid on Rajallapor
Rebel Spy
El regne subterrani
Return of the Undead
The Revenge of Labyrinthon
RIM, The Rebel Robot
Robot Race
La ruta de los piratas
Sail with Pirates (First printing)
Sam, Cars and the Cuckoo
Die Säulen von Pentegarn
Save the Three Pigs
Das Schloß des Wahnsinns
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), AU 1984 2nd printing (Dominion) [2nd])
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Search for Dinosaurs (First printing)
Secret Cargo
The Secret of 13
The Secret of the Knight's Sword
Secret of the Knights (First printing)
The Secret of the Video Game Scores (Original edition)
The Secret Treasure of Tibet
El secreto de las pirámides
El secreto de los caballeros
Secrets of the Lost Island
The Seven Serpents (Original (Zigzag), AU 1984 2nd printing)
The Seven Serpents (Original edition)
The Shadow Stealers
The Shamutanti Hills (Original (Wraparound), US printing)
The Sicilian Contract
The Siege of the Dragonriders
Slave Trader
Sneak Behind Enemy Lines
A Solitaire Adventure (original)
A Solo Adventure
The Sorcery Spellbook (Original, US 1st printing [1st])
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Original edition, original cover (Time-Life))
Sorpresa a Mezzogiorno
Space Age Terrors! (British edition)
Space Attack
Spøgelserne på Marsh Hall
Standard Bearer
The Star Crystal
Star Rangers and the Spy
Star Rangers Meet the Solar Robot
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - The Vulcan Treasure
Star Trek: Voyage to Adventure (First printing)
Starship Traveller (Original (American), US 1st printing)
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), AU 1984 1st printing (Dominion) [2nd])
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), AU 1984 2nd printing (Dominion) [3rd])
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [8th])
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [9th])
Starship Traveller (Original (Star), UK 1984 5th printing (C&W) [13th])
Starship Traveller (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 4th printing (C&W, no barcode) [12th])
Starship Traveller (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 4th printing (C&W, with barcode) [12th])
Starship Warrior
Story of Red Riding Hood
Lo stregone della montagna infuocata
Summer Camp
Summer Love (Carousel edition)
Sun, Sea and Boys
Super Bowl Sunday
Supergirl: The Girl of Steel (American edition, first printing)
Sword Daughter's Quest (Dragontales edition)
Sword of the Samurai (First printing)
Tajna piramida
Take a Chance on Love
Talisman of Death (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Taverne zum Blauen Frosch
The Temple of Flame (Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks edition - original)
Terror Under the Earth
La teva clau és Jonàs
The Adventures of Indiana Jones Role-Playing Game
The Three Bears
The Three Wishes
Time Trap
The Tomb of the Scorpion King
Tortured Souls #3
Tortured Souls #4
Tortured Souls #5
The Tower of London
The Towers of Rexor (Dragontales edition)
Treasure Diver
El tren del terror
Tria la teva aventura : guía didáctica per a educadors
Troldmanden fra Ildbjerget (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Trouble in Space
Trouble on Artule
Trouble on Planet Earth (Original edition)
Tu nombre en clave es Jonás
Tu robot particular
Under Dragon's Wing
Det underjordiska riket
The Unicorn Crown (Dragontales edition)
The Unsolved Case of Sherlock Holmes
A Valentine for Betsy
Vampire Express
Vampyrernes ø
De verdwenen juwelen van Naboeti
El viatge de la nau espacial Astra
War with the Evil Power Master (Original edition)
Warlock #1
Warlock #1 Competition
Warlock #1 Editorial
Warlock #2
Warlock #2 Cartoon Competition
Warlock #2 Editorial
Warlock #3
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), AU 1984 1st printing (Griffin) [16th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1984 3rd printing (Clays) [18th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Star), UK 1984 3rd printing (Clays) [19th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 7th printing (Clays, £1.50) [23rd])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 7th printing (Clays, £1.75) [23rd])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Part I
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Part II
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Software Pack
Warlock Profile No. 1: Peter Jones
Warriors of the Deep
The Weird Zone
What Money Can't Buy
Where's Ogmar?
White Dwarf #52
White Dwarf #53
White Dwarf #54
White Dwarf #55
Who Kidnapped Princess Saralinda?
Wie vermoordde Hendrik Hoek
Wild Horse Country
Winning at Love
World Series Pressure
Worthy Opponents
Wraith with Sickle
The Wreckers' Tower Game
You Are the Coach: College Basketball (hardback)
You Are the Coach: College Football (hardback)
You Are the Coach: Hockey (paperback)
You Are the Manager: Baseball (paperback)
Zabranjeni zamak
Zagonetka Maja
Die Zitadelle des Zauberers
2000 AD Prog 4472000 AD Prog 448
2000 AD Prog 449
2000 AD Prog 450
The 4-D Funhouse
Adventure at Camp Schoonover
Adventure in the Lost World
L'Affare Khalkis
Las alas del dragón
The Alaskan Mystery
Alice's Wonderland Adventure
Alone Against the Dark (original)
Alone Against the Wendigo
Am Hofe King Edwards
American Revolutionary (First printing)
Ancient Evil
Los Anillos de Saturno
Ankokujo no majutsushi [暗黒城の魔術師]
L'anniversaire de Petit Cochon
L'Antre des dragons
Aphrodite's Mirror (Dragontales edition)
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Assassin! (Original British edition)
At the Court of King Minos
Aterrissagem forçada
Attack of the Insecticons
Auf dem Weg ohne Gnade (original)
Avenger! (Original British edition)
Aventura com dinossauros
Aventura na selva
Aventure dans la jungle
The Awakening
Axel The Avenger
Baabarian [バーバリアン]
Back to the Future, Book 1
Back to the Future, Book 2
Back to the Future, Book 3
Back to the Future, Book 4
Back to the Future, Book 5
Back to the Future, Book 6
Backward Magic
The Badlands of Hark
Ballonfærden til Sahara
Balloon Buster
Bandit Blister Pack
Barusasu no yousai [バルサスの要塞]
Battle Drive
Battle for the Ancient Robot
Beeshikku ruuru setto [ベーシック・ルール・セット]
Beoden's Journey
The Big Freeze
Bikkui hausu no nazo [びっくりハウスの謎]
The Black Pyramid
Bloodfeud of Altheus
Bluebelle and the Runaway Balloon
El bosque tenebroso
Burizaado pasu [ブリザードパス]
La búsqueda de Malifestro
The Bytes Brothers Goto a Getaway
Calling Outer Space
Captain Kid and the Pirates
Captain's Choice
La carrera interminable
La Casa delle Metamorfosi
La casa encantada
A casa mal-assombrada
The Case of the Gentleman Ghost
The Case of the Mummy's Tomb
The Case of the Phantom Treasure
El caso de los ladrones de ordenadores y ocho casos más
El castillo de las sombras
Castle Arcania
Castle of Lost Souls (Original British edition - original)
The Castle of No Return (Revised cover edition)
Casus Belli #31
The Cats of Castle Mountain
El cau dels dracs
The Cave of Time
La caverna del dragón
Las cavernas del terror
The Caverns of Kalte (American edition, first printing)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Original (American))
The Caves of Androzani
Challenge of Druid's Grove
Challenge of the Wolf Knight
The Chasm of Doom (American edition, first printing)
The Chasm of Doom (Sparrow, UK 1985 1st printing [1st])
Le Château des Ténèbres (original)
Chibetto no hihou [チベットの秘宝]
Children of the Dragon
Chitei no burakku hooru [地底のブラックホール]
Chronicles 2: Dragons of Winter Night
Chronicles 3: Dragons of Spring Dawning (original)
A cidadela do caos
Cinderella's Magic Adventure
La cirque
Citadel Guard Blister Pack
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [18th] (Second cover))
La Cité des pièges
La Cité des voleurs (Défis fantastiques edition, later printing)
City of Thieves (Original (Zigzag), UK 1984 4th printing (C&W) [13th])
City of Thieves (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [23rd])
La ciudad de los ladrones (Lucha ficción edition)
La ciudadela del caos (Lucha ficción edition)
Las colinas de Shamutanti
Les Collines maléfiques
Las columnas de Pentegarn
Le Combattant de l'autoroute
Computer Gamer #7
Computer Gamer #8
Computer Gamer #9
Conan l'intrépide
Conquest of the Time Master
Corrida ao passado
Cosmic Kidnappers
La Couronne des rois
The Crimson Sea (American edition)
The Crown of Kings (Original (American, first printing))
The Crown of Kings (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing)
Les Cryptes de la terreur
La Cueva del Rey de la Montaña
Curse of the Pharaoh (Original British edition)
Danger at Anchor Mine
Danger International
Danger on Ice (British edition)
Danger on the Air
Dangermouse in Double Trouble
The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis
The Dark Usurper, Part 1
The Dark Usurper, Part 2
The Dark Usurper, Part 3
Datorns hämnd
DC Heroes (first edition)
De balão ao deserto do Saara
Dead Ringer
The Deadly Shadow
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (American, second printing))
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [10th])
Defending Champions
Le Défi du Ninja
Il Delitto alla Rovescia
La dernière nuit
The Dervish Stone
Desert Action
Dicing with Dragons (Revised edition)
Le Dieu perdu
Dimension of Doom
Dinobot War
Dinobots Strike Back
Le Donjon du mal
Donjons & Dragons: Règles de base
Donner über Jotunheim
Doom Stalker
Doom World!
Doragon no doukutsu [ドラゴンの洞窟]
Doragon [ドラゴン]
Dorakyura Tokkyu [ドラキュラ特急]
Double-O Phudd Saves the World
Dragon Magazine #96
El dragón negro
Dragon Warriors
Les Dragons de l'arc-en-ciel
Dumbo's Circus
Dungeon Demons
Dungeon of Justice
Dungeons & Dragons Reglas nivel basico
Dungeons & Dragons Sticker Book (1985)
Eld över vattnet
The Electronic Hurricane
The Elven Crystals
En busca del paso secreto (original)
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Mysterious Handprints
L'Epreuve de la tour noire
La era glacial
Eres un agente secreto contra los nazis
Escape from Blood Castle (Solve It Yourself edition, HK printing)
Escape from Castle Quarras
Escape from High Doom (British edition)
Escape from the Holocaust
A espada de ouro e os dragões
Os estúdios da TV-Sensor
The Exploding Suns (British edition)
L'exprés dels vampirs
El expreso de los vampiros
The Eye of Heaven
The Eye of the Dragon (Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks edition - original)
The Fairy Kidnap (Original edition)
The Feathered Serpent (British edition)
O feiticeiro da montanha de fogo
La fille du calife
Find the Kirillian! (Third printing)
Fire on the Water (American Berkley/Pacer edition, second printing)
Fire on the Water (American Pacer edition, first printing)
Fire! (Original edition)
The Fireseed
Flight from the Dark (Original American (Pacer) edition)
A floresta da morte
Der Fluch von Schloß Batterslea
The Flying Carpet
Flykt undan mörkret
The Forbidden Towers (Paperback, first printing)
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [18th])
A fórmula da confusão
Den forsvundne stamme
Freeway Fighter (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Freeway Fighter (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
Fúěrmósī xuánàn [福爾摩斯懸案]
Las fuerzas de Krill
Fuldt drøn
Full fart bakåt
The Further Adventures of Doctor Who
Gaikotsu otoko [ガイコツ男]
Garden of Madness
The Gauntlet
Gefahr in den Höhlen
Het geheim van de spooktrein
Das Geheimnis der Pyramiden
Das Geheimnis des Zyklopen (original)
El geni de l'ampolla
Ghost Riders of Goldspur
The Ghost Tower
Ghubāre men Saharā kā safar
Giak Attack Adventure Set
Giak Blister Pack
La giungla dei pericoli
Goburin [ゴブリン]
The Goonies: Cavern of Horror
Gorga, le monstre de l'espace
Le Gouffre maudit
Grand Canyon Odyssey
The Green Hydra (American edition)
Grey Star the Wizard (British edition)
Das grosse Nibelungen Spielbuch
Les Grottes de Kalte
A gruta do tempo
Gǔ Āījí wáng de língmù [古埃及王的陵墓]
Guard Captain Blister Pack
La guarida de los dragones
La Guerra de Secesión
Guía didáctica de la Máquina del Tiempo
Det gyllene svärdet
Hacia el Nuevo Mundo (original)
Hall of the Gargoyle King (Dragontales edition)
The Hands of Pablo Santos
The Haunted Castle of Ravencurse
The Haunted Planet
The Haunted Playhouse
The Hawaiian Computer Mystery
Häxmästaren i Röda berget
Hayabusa no kishi no fukushuu [ハヤブサの騎士の逆襲]
He-Man and the Memory Stone
El hechicero de la Montaña de Fuego (Lucha ficción edition)
Hēishǒudǎng hétong [黑手黨合同]
Helghast Blister Pack
Help! I'm Drowning! (and Other Emergencies)
Hiru torooru [ヒルトロール]
Hopalong Phudd and the Curse of the Crooked Cow
La Horde des démons
The Hot Dog Gang Caper
The Hot Stick
House of Hades (Original (American))
House of Hell (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [2nd])
House of Hell (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing (C&W) [3rd])
House of Hell (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 3rd printing (C&W) [4th])
How to Write a Book Like a Choose Your Own Adventure Book
Huida de la oscuridad (original)
La huída
The Hunt for Snufflegrunt's Treasure
Hvem dræbte Koch-Robin?
I'm Lost (First edition, library binding)
I'm Lost (First edition, paperback)
Ice Age Explorer (First printing)
Ice Cave
Ice Dancer
The Ice Dragon (American edition, first printing)
Im Lande der Ungeheuer
In the Ruins of the Ancients
Indiana Jones and the Cult of the Mummy's Crypt (First printing)
Indiana Jones and the Dragon of Vengeance
Indiana Jones and the Gold of Genghis Khan
Inspector Phudd in The Goldfish Who Knew Too Much
Into the Sun
An Introduction to Fantasy Role-Playing (first edition)
The Invaders of Hark
Invasion of the Mutants
The Invasion
La isla del Rey Saurio
Island of Secrets
Island of the Lizard King (Original (American, first printing))
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 printing (C&W) [8th])
Islands of Terror
It's Your Team: Baseball (hardback)
It's Your Team: Football (hardback)
Jagten på den sunkne skat
Jagten på det forsvundne rumskib
Jagten på jungleskatten
James Bond in Barracuda Run
James Bond in Programmed for Danger
James Bond in Strike It Deadly
James Bond in Win, Place, or Die
As jóias de Nabuti
Jornada além do espaço
Jousai-toshi Khare [城砦都市カーレ] (original)
Las joyas perdidas de Nabuti
La Jungle aux cent périls
The Jungle of Peril
Kaizoku no hihou [海賊の秘宝]
Kaltes grottor
Kaos-borgen (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Kenshi [剣士]
The King Who Wore No Crown
Kingdom of Horror (British edition)
The Kingdoms of Terror (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Kishi [騎士]
Knaurs Buch der Rollenspiele
Kobito no toushi [小人の闘士]
Das Königreich unter der Erde
Kosmolot „Podróżnik”
The Krotons
Kyamerotto yuurei kishi [キャメロットの幽霊騎士]
Kyouryuu SOS [恐竜SOS]
Kyouryuu tanken [恐竜探検]
Laberinto mortal (Lucha ficción edition)
El laberinto y el dragón mágico
Das Labyrinth des Todes
Los ladrones de estrellas
Lair of the Lich
La Lame du samouraï
Language of Love
The Legend of Weathertop
El libro de los hechizos
Little Kangaroo's Bad Day
Little Mouse Makes a Mess
Little Panda Gets Lost
Little Raccoon Goes to the Beach
Le livre des aventures
El lodo verde
Lone Wolf Blister Pack
The Lord of Shadow Keep (original British edition)
Lost Dog! (Original edition)
The Lost Gold of Captain Quicksilver
Lost in Slumberland
Lost in Time
The Lost Planet
Lots of Boys
Mafiaens røde rose
La magia al revés
The Magic of the Unicorn (Original edition)
The Magic Path
The Magician's Ring (Paperback, first printing)
The Magnetic Ghost of Shadow Island
Mahou setto [魔法セット]
Mahou-tukai no oka [魔法使いの丘] (Original edition)
Maiden of Greenwold (Dragontales edition)
La maison hantée
Les Maîtres des ténèbres
Majutsushi [魔術師]
Makai no chika meiro [魔界の地下迷宮]
Man in Plate with Sword and Shield
Man with Short Sword and Dagger
Le manoir de l'enfer
Maquetismo y Simulación #15
Le Marais aux scorpions
The Marathon Race Mystery
Marco Polo
The Master of Mazes (First printing)
Matka meren alla
The Maze and the Magic Dragon
Maze: Solve the World's Most Challenging Puzzle
Mendrags Ruf
Le Mercenaire de l'espace
Micro Adventurer, January 1985
Micro Adventurer, March 1985
Mind Bandits
The Mind Master
The Mind of Evil
Mine of Torments
The Mines of Malagus
Miss Agatha Phudd in Murder at Motley Manor
The Missing Money Mystery
The Missing Rock Star Caper
El misteri de Chimney Rock
O mistério da múmia desaparecida
El misterio de Chimney Rock
El misterio de la Atlántida
El misterio de la casa embrujada y siete casos má
El misterio de las galletas de chocolate y ocho casos más
El misterio de los mayas
El misterio del fraude en el maratón y siete casos más
O misterio do diamante Dandi
O misterio do piao magico
Il Mistero delle Croci Egizie
Il Mistero di Capo Spagna
Money Never Bleeds
Monsters of the Marsh
La montaña de los espejos
Moons of Mystery
Morgan Swift and the Kidnapped Goddess
Morgan Swift and the Treasure of Crocodile Key
Mr. X's Golden Scheme
The Mummy's Tomb
El mundo imaginado
Murf the Monster
Musashi no ken sara [ムサシの剣 サラ]
Museum of the Living Dead
Le mystère de la momie
Le mystère de la toupie magique
Mystery at Loch Ness
Mystery at the Ball Game
Mystery at the Bike Race
The Mystery of Atlantis (American edition)
The Mystery of Echo Lodge
Mystery of the Ancients
The Mystery of the Phony Frankenstein
Mystery of the Snow Pearls
The Mystery of Ura Senke (Original edition)
The Mystery Squad and the Candid Camera
The Mystery Squad and the Creeping Castle
The Myth Makers
La nave estelar perdida
Nazo no piramiddo pawaa [謎のピラミッドパワー]
Nejikureta akumu no mori [ねじくれた悪夢の森]
Nidnuks Blister Pack
Night of the Living Dead
Night of the Nazgûl
Nightmare Planet
Nightmare Store (British edition)
Nightmare Universe
Ninja Gimmicks Pack
Ninja Tactic Cards
Ninja with Ninjato
Ninja [忍者]
Nome de código : Jonas
Nødlanding i bjergene
Oberst Bloods planer
Odisea en el hiperespacio
Oe! Uragirimono no jiseikan [追え!裏切り者の時制官]
Ondskans borg
Ondskans gruvor
Het onheilswoud
Ookarasu no noroi no shiro [大鴉の呪いの城]
Opening Day
Operation: Dragon Fire
Operation: Robot Assassin
Operation: Star Raider (First printing)
Operation: Terror Trap
Ou-tachi no kanmuri [王たちの冠]
Out of the Pit (Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game edition)
Outlaws of Sherwood Forest
Pakkusu toride no shuujin [パックス砦の囚人]
The Path of Peril
Perdut a l'Amazones
Peril from the Stars
Petit Canard trouve un ami
Petit Hibou quitte son nid
Petit Lapin et sa soeur
Il pianeta del terrore
La pierre de sang
Pinocchio's Adventures
Piranha #1
Piraten auf Kaperfahrt
Planet Hunters
Planet ketiga dari Altair
Planet of Fire
The Planet of Terror (original)
La Planète aux cent pièges
La Planète captive
Pledge of Peril (Dragontales edition)
El pony express
Portrait in Blood
Presoner de les formigues
Prisoners of Pax Tharkas
Pyramidernes hemmelighed
Que l'aventure commence !
Der Quell des Todes (original)
Quem matou Harold Taylor?
Quest for the Dragon's Eye
Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
Racing to Love
The Rack of Baal
Rahasia ikan paus bungkuk
Das Rätsel von Stonehenge
The Reader as Detective: Book I
Rebel Planet (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Rebel Planet (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
La rebelión de los enanos
The Red Rocket
The Renegade Lord (Original edition)
Renegades of Luntar
Retorno a Brookmere
Retour à Ruisselec
Return to the Cave of Time (Original edition)
Revenge of the Dragonmaster
Revenge of the Falcon Knight
Revenge of the Raster Gang
Revenge of the Red Dragon
La Révolte des nains
La revolución americana
El rey sin corona
Riddle of the Griffon
Riddle of the Runaway
The Rings of Kether (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
The Rings of Kether (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 4th printing (C&W) [4th])
The Rings of Saturn (First printing)
Robo Force and the Giant Robot
Robo Force and the Mountain of Burning Ice
Un robot bien à toi
Die Ruine des Unheils
Runaway Spaceship
Ryuu no musha-tachi no kougeki [竜の武者たちの攻撃]
Rædslernes hus
Saga of Old City
Samayoeru uchusen [さまよえる宇宙船]
Samurai with Katana
Samurai [侍]
Sararinda-hime wo sukuidase [サラリンダ姫を救い出せ]
Satsujinzhan wa dare da [殺人犯はだれだ]
Save the Venturians!
Schlacht über den Gräbern
Die Schwarze Sichel (original)
Das Schwert des Samurai
Scorpion Swamp (Original (American), US 1st printing)
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), AU 1985 1st printing [3rd])
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [5th])
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [5th] (alt))
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing (C&W) [6th])
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 3rd printing (C&W) [7th])
Search for the Mountain Gorillas (Original edition)
Search for the Pegasus (First printing)
Seas of Blood
Seas of Blood (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st] - original)
The Second Conquest
El secret de les piràmides
Secret of the Gold Jaguar
Secret of the Marsh
Secret of the Old Museum
Secret of the Sphinx (Dragontales edition)
Secret of White Monks Abbey
El secreto del espía de software y ocho casos más
El secreto del monstruo del lago Loon y ocho casos más
O segredo do 13
Le Seigneur de l'ombre
Les Sept serpents
La serpiente de fuego
Seul face au Wendigo
The Seven Serpents (Original (American), US 1985 reprint)
The Seventh Circle
Shadow on the Sand (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Shadow over the Marsh
The Shamutanti Hills (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 4th printing)
Shi no wana no chika-meikyu [死のワナの地下迷宮]
Shinderg's Tomb
Shinkai no takarasagashi [深海の宝さがし]
Shinryakusha wa andoroido [侵略者はアンドロイド]
Shipwrecked on Mystery Island
sǐ wáng qǐng jiǎn [死亡請柬]
Sichi-hiki no daija [七匹の大蛇] (original)
I signori delle tenebre
Das singende Amulett
The Sinister Lake Game
Skatten i Monsterfjellet
Skeleton with Scimitar and Shield
Skräckens länder
Skräckens tåg
Skuggor i sanden
Sleeping Beauty and the Prince
Snow White in the Enchanted Forest
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Original edition, revised cover)
La Sorcière des Neiges
The Soulforge
La source de mort
Sous l'aile du dragon
Space Assassin (American edition, first printing)
Space Assassin (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Space Trail
Spuk in der Goldgräberstadt
Spy for George Washington
Die Stadt der Diebe
Star Rider
The Star Snatchers
Star Trek III
Star Trek: The Adventure Game
Star Trek: Voyage to Adventure (British edition)
Starflight Zero
Starforce Trooper
Starship Traveller (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [14th])
Sterrenschip Viator
Stop that Witch!
Storm Rider (Dragontales edition)
De strandjutterstoren
Street Fighter
El submarí fantasma
Sucker in Spades
Suntanned Days
Supeesu Patrorooru [スペース・パトロール]
Super Sleuth: Twelve Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries (Original edition)
La supercomputadora
Supergirl: The Girl of Steel (British edition)
Superman: The Man of Steel (British edition)
Supervivència a la muntanya
T'estàs encongint!
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Le Talisman de la mort
Talisman of Death (Original (American))
Talisman of Death (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [2nd])
Talisman of Death (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 2nd printing (C&W) [3rd])
Tanken senshi [短剣戦士]
Target: Earth
Tarzan and the Tower of Diamonds
Tarzan and the Well of Slaves
The Tasks of Tantalon (PuzzleQuest edition)
Der Teich der Träume
Le Temple de la terreur
Temple of Terror (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
The Temple of Testing
Ten-Ton Monster
Tensai konpyutaa AI32 [天才コンピュータAI32]
Terrors Out of Time
El tesoro del galeón hundido
El tesoro secreto del Tibet
Test of the Ninja
El teu robot particular
The Case of the Midnight Chess Game
Thieves from Space
The Third Doctor Who Quiz Book
The Three Investigators in: The Case of the Dancing Dinosaur
The Three Investigators in: The Case of the Weeping Coffin
The Throne of Zeus (Original edition)
Thunder over Jotunheim
The Thundercats and the Ghost Warrior
The Thundercats and the Snowmen of Hook Mountain
Thunderdelve Mountain
Tidlös skräck
Time Machine Box Set
A Titan, Nevermore!
Titans' Challenge
To Catch a Thief
Tokage otoko [トカゲ男]
Tokage-ou no shima [トカゲ王の島]
Le Tombeau du vampire
Tome of Red Magic
Topolino #1565
Topolino e il segreto del Castello (Topolino edition)
La torre de los sueños de medianoche
Tortured Souls #7
Tortured Souls #8
Touzoku-toshi [盗賊都市]
Tower of Darkness
Tower of Midnight Dreams
The Tower of Terror
Town in Terror
The Trail of Death
Traversata infernale
La Traversée infernale
Treasure Trail
O trem do terror
Le Trésor aux maléfices
La tribu perdida
Troll Canyon
Trouble in Quartz Mountain Tunnel
The Two Doctors
Un paio di scarpe
Det underjordiske kongerige
Das Universum der Unendlichkeit
Unmei no mori [運命の森]
Usurper! (Original British edition)
Vampyrens grav
La venganza de los dragones del arco iris
La venganza de Tyrna
Ventimila Hanno Visto
Verdens hårdeste rally
Verschwundene Juwelen
Viagem ao mundo submarino
O viajante do tempo
O vingador do vídeo
Le Voleur de Karass
Vonotar Blister Pack
Vordak Blister Pack
Le voyage fantastique de la navette spatiale Astra
Voyage of Terror (British edition)
Wakusei kiki ippatsu [惑星危機一髪]
The War of the Wizards (original)
Warlock #4
Warlock #5
Warlock #6
Warlock #7
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Zigzag), AU 1985 1st printing (Dominion) [17th])
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Zigzag), UK 1985 1st printing (Clays) [24th])
The Way of Wizardry
Die Welt von Grayhawk
Wheel of Destruction
Where the Shadows Stalk
The Whispering Island Game
White Dwarf #61
White Dwarf #62
White Dwarf #63
Wild West Rider (Original American edition)
The Witch's Spell Book
Wizards of Wonder
Woman with Quarterstaff
Woollyfoot's Big Race
Yama no sabaibaru [山のサバイバル]
You Are a Shark
You Are Ar-Kane, A Great Wizard
You Are E-Ben, Attack Robot from the Planet Cybos
You Are Eric Sunsword, Legendary Knight of the Northern Marches
You Are Flametongue, An Ancient Red Dragon
You Are Mikael, Earth's Greatest Star Pilot
You Are Neves, An Ancient and Powerful Wizard
You Are Raven Quickblade, The Black Knight
You Are Renwood, A Powerful Druid
You Are the Coach: College Basketball (paperback)
You Are the Coach: College Football (paperback)
You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat (British edition)
Young Thaumaturgist Blister Pack
Yunikoon [ユニコーン]
Yuurei otoko [ゆうれい男]
Der Zug durch das Nebelmoor - Die Sümpfe des Lebens (original)
2000 AD Prog 4512000 AD Prog 452
2000 AD Prog 453
2000 AD Prog 454
2000 AD Prog 455
2000 AD Prog 456
2000 AD Prog 457
2000 AD Prog 458
2000 AD Prog 459
2000 AD Prog 460
2000 AD Prog 461
A la recherche des dinosaures
Abbey of Satanic Evil
Abenteuer im Videoland
Der Abenteurer aus Analand
El Abismo maldito (original)
O abominável homem da neve
Acampamento na montanha sinistra
Ahatetxoak lagun bat aurkitu du
Akademii wo sukue [アカデミーを救え]
The Alaskan Mystery (British edition)
Alerte dans l'espace
Allein gegen den Wendigo
L'altare del sacrificio
The Amazing Spider-Man: City in Darkness
Amb globus pel Sàhara
The Amber Sword of World's End
America's Secret King
The Amulet of the Salkti and Arena of Khazan
Anauma ni kakero [穴馬に賭けろれ]
Ankoku jou no ryoushu [暗黒城の領主]
Ankoku no jigen [暗黒の次元]
The Antimatter Formula
L'antro del terrore
Appel vers l'espace
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (American first printing)
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [4th])
L'archipel des cyclopes
Arena of Death
Artifact of Evil
Aruteusu no fukushuu [アルテウスの復讐]
Asterix to the Rescue
Astrapes sto skotadi [Αστραπές στο σκοτάδι]
Astros en desintegración
Asuteka [アステカ]
At the End of Time
Attack of the Monster Plants
Attack on the King
Au royaume de l'épouvante
Autobot Alert!
Avenger Ant
Las aventuras del coronel MacMíster
Aventuras en el Mississippi
Äventyrsspelet Spöktåget
Avontuur in de tijd
Baadaahofu-jou kyuushutsu sakusen [バーダーホフ城救出作戦]
Baals bojor
Bandidos de la galaxia
O Bando do Cachorro Quente
Batman: The Doomsday Prophecy
The Battle of the Dragons
Battle Road
Beauty and the Beast
Bélinda en ballon
Beyond Escape! (Original edition)
Beyond the Nightmare Gate (British edition)
Black Baron (British edition)
Blade of the Guillotine (First printing)
Blizzard at Black Swan Inn
Blood Valley (Box set)
Boken om Magnamund
Boukensha no kikan [冒険者の帰還]
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
La bruja de las nieves
Das Buch der Magnakai
The Bullow Lands (Sorcerer's Scrolls edition, The)
Busca el tesoro de Hark
La busqueda del tesoro
The Busting of Frankie Da Mora
Los caballeros de la galaxia
Can You Defeat the Ice Demon? (One)
Capitán de nave estelar
Captain America: Rocket's Red Glare
Captif d'Yvoire and Beyond the Silvered Pane
¡Captura al Kiriliano!
Carnival of Demons
Carnival of Terror
The Case of the Silk King (Original edition)
El caso Brackenstall
El caso del candelabro roto y ocho casos más
Il castello della paura
O castelo proibido
El castillo de Hangyord
El castillo de las pesadillas
El castillo de Quarras
Castle Death (Beaver, UK 1986 1st printing [1st])
The Castle of Darkness (American edition)
The Castle of Fear
The Castle of Frome
Castle of Lost Souls (American edition)
Catacumbas infernales
Cavern of the Phantoms
La caverna del destino
La caverna del tempo
Las Cavernas de Kalte (original)
Caverns of the Enchantress
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [5th])
Caza y captura del mago Sopablá
The Celestial Toymaker
Challenge of the Magi (Book 2)
Challenge of the Magi (Box set)
The Champ of TV Wrestling
Le Château aux cent oubliettes
Le Château des âmes damnées
Le chemin maudit
Chicago Gangsters
La chose verte
A cidade dos ladrões
La ciénaga del escorpión
O circo
Le Cité interdite
La città proibita (Oberon edition)
City of Terrors (British edition)
City of Thieves (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [14th])
La ciudad de los deseos
Clash of the Princes
Clash of the Sorcerers
Claw of the Dragon (First printing)
Clones in Space
Commando Raid
The Companions of Doctor Who 1: Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma
The Companions of Doctor Who 2: Harry Sullivan's War
Computer Gamer #10
Computer Gamer #11
Computer Gamer #12
Computer Gamer #13
Computer Gamer #14
Computer Gamer #15
Computer Gamer #16
Computer Gamer #17
Computer Gamer #18
Computer Gamer #19
Conan et la prophétie
Confidentially Yours
Conquest of the Barbarians
Conquista en Quendor
Los contrabandistas de videojuegos y nueve casos más
La corona de los reyes
A corrida sem fim
Cosmic Triangle
Creature of Havoc (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W, CA$3.50) [1st])
Crimen en el vuelo nocturno
The Crimson Sea (British edition)
La cripta del vampiro
Crisis in Space (American edition)
Crisis in Space (Australian edition)
Crisis in Space (British edition)
Crypt of the Vampire (American edition)
The Crystal Key
El cumpleaños del Chanchito
El cumpleaños
The Curse of Frankenstein
The Curse of the Lost Idol (Solve It Yourself edition, BE printing)
The Curse of the Lost Idol (Usborne Puzzle Adventures edition)
Curse of the Pharaoh (American edition)
The Dark Awakening
Dawn of the Darklords
Day of the Mayfly
De fördömdas skog
Deadline to Destruction
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [11th])
Decepticon Poison
Défis sanglants sur l'océan
Los demonios de las mazmorras
Les Démons des profondeurs
Demons of the Deep (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Demons of the Deep (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
The Den of Dragons (American edition)
Der var engang - en grøftekant
Derek the Troll's 'Orrible Troll-Playing Game!
El desafío de Robin Hood
Desert Flight
Diceman #1
Diceman #2
Diceman #3
Diceman #4
Diceman #5
Diceman in Bitter Streets
Dicing with Dragons (Signet reprint)
Dimensión maldita
Din egen robot
Dinosaur Trail
La Disparition de Laloupe et la bande des Quatre
Doctor Strange: Through Six Dimensions
Doctor Who and the Rebel's Gamble
Doctor Who and the Vortex Crystal
Dödens slott
Doomed World
The Doomsday Device
Doragon no me [ドラゴンの目]
Dracula's Castle
Dragens øje
The Dragon Queen's Revenge
Dragonsword of Lankhmar
Les Drakkars
The Dream Palace
Dræbermyrernes fanger
Drøje dage i job-junglen
Le duel de la Forêt des Druides
Dungeons & Dragons Annual 1986
Dungeons & Dragons Basregler
The Dying Sun
Eirian 2 [エイリアン2]
El pirata galactico
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Game
Emerald Enchanter (British edition)
En busca de la ciudad del oro
En busca de las fuentes del Nilo
En globo por el Sáhara
En la ciudad perdida
En la corte del rey Arturo
The Enchanted Kingdom
El enviado
L'Epée de la vallée du dragon
Escape from Colditz
Espacio asesino
Esper 200
The Everglades Swamp Terror
Expedição a "Vernico 5"
El expreso de los vampiros
The Eye of the Dragon (Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks edition - American edition)
Die Fallen von Kharé
Fantasmas, S.A.
A fantastica viagem da espaconave Astra
Farao no nori [ファラオの呪い]
Fasans labyrint
Le Faussaire et la bande des Quatre
La Fête aux cent maléfices
The Fire Demon
The Five Find-Outers and the Note from Nowhere (Original Dragon edition)
The Five Find-Outers and the Raided Safe
The Five Find-Outers and the Shadowy Figure
Flame of the Inquisition (First printing)
The Floating City
Fogo sobre a água
The Forbidden City (British edition)
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [20th])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 2nd printing (C&W) [21st])
The Forest of Doom (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 3rd printing (C&W) [22nd])
Forest of Fear
The Forgotten City
La forteresse d'Alamuth
The Fortress of Kruglach
Fortress of the Firelord
Fortress Throngard
Freeway Fighter (Original (American))
Freeway Fighter (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1986 2nd printing (C&W) [7th])
Freeway Fighter (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [5th])
Fuego sobre el agua (original)
Fuel's Gold
Fuga de la ciudad maldita (Encuentra tu propio misterio (Sudamericana) edition)
O fugitivo das trevas
The Funfair of Evil (original)
Furiiuei no senshi [フリーウェイの戦士]
Fury from the Deep
The Galactic Pirate (Third printing)
Galaxy Four
Gamesmen of Kasar and Mistywood
The Garden of Evil (American edition)
The Garden of Evil (British edition)
Ghost Hunter
Gin no tou no kyojinzoku [銀の塔の巨人族]
Ginka no ryakudatsusha [銀河の略奪者]
Giocare a dadi col drago
El globo fugitivo
Golden Girl and the Crystal of Doom
Golden Girl and the Vanishing Unicorn
Golden Girl in the Land of Dreams
Das goldene Schwert
Goosuto tawaa no tamashii no ishi [ゴーストタワーの魂の石]
Gorga, el monstruo espacial
Gōsuto hantāzu [ゴーストハンターズ]
La gran carrera
Le Grand mammouth
La Grande course de Tricotepieds
The Green Hydra (British edition)
Das grosse Troja-Spielbuch
La guarida del cadáver errante
Guerra contra el amo del mal
La Guerre de Sécession
La Guerre des soleils
El guerrero de la autopista
Los Guerreros del templo de la luna
Guǐwū zhī yè [鬼屋之夜]
The Gunfighters
GURPS Basic Set (First edition)
Den gyllene draken
Hammeren i Monsterskogen
Haunted Halloween Party
Haunted Harbor (Original version, first printing)
Help! I'm Shrinking!
Heroes Volume 2, Number 3
Heroes Volume 2, Number 4
Het zwaard van Dragonwalk
Hex: Escort to Hell
Les hiéroglyphes de l'horreur
Highway Clash
Hills of Gold
Himitsu heiki wo oe [秘密兵器を追えれ]
El hiperespacio
Die Höhlen der Schneehexe
Das Höllenhaus
L'Homme en rouge et la bande des Quatre
Honou no shinden [炎の神殿]
Hontz txikia habiatik kanpora
L'Horreur dans la vallée
Horror en la mansión Craven
Hotel de horror
Huida del castillo siniestro
The Ice Dragon (British edition)
Im Zug des Schreckens
El implacable
The Impostor King
In viaggio verso Creta
Informed Consent: A Tutorial
Die Insel des Echsenkönigs
An Introduction to Fantasy Role-Playing (second edition)
Invaders from Darkland
La invasión androide
L'Invasion des androïdes
Invasion of the Ormazoids (American edition)
Invasion of the Ormazoids (British edition)
L'invasione degli androidi
Los Invasores del planeta Hark
The Invisibility Factor
The Invisible Empire
El invitado de Drácula
La isla de los murmullos
La isla de Tenopia
Island of Fear
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [9th])
Island of the Walking Dead
Isle of Terror
Jagten på Grev Draculas skat
Jagten på Ildgudens hemmelighed
Jewels in the Dark
Jigoku no yakata [地獄の館]
Jikuu no shihaisha ni chousen [時空の支配者に挑戦!]
Jīnhélǐ de yì shuāngshǒu [金盒裡的一雙手]
Jinka-hakase no ijigen kuukan [ジンカ博士の異次元空間]
Le Journal de Mickey #1757
Le Journal de Mickey #1781
Juān tào [圈套]
Jungle Book Adventure
Kako kara kita karyuudo [過去からきた狩人]
Kāmain [カーマイン]
Kampen om olien
Karute no doukutsu [カルトの洞窟]
Kharé, ciudad de las mil trampas
Kidnap in Space
Kieta Maya Teikoku no himitsu [消えたマヤ帝国の秘密]
Kieta wakusei [消えた惑星]
The King's Demons
The Kingdoms of Terror (American edition)
Das kleine Emanzipations-Spielbuch
Knight of Illusion
Königreich des Schreckens
Kota Deadwood
Die Krone der Könige
Kuoorasu-jou kara no dasshutsu [クォーラス城からの脱出]
Kurayami kara no dasshutsu [暗闇からの脱出]
Kyoufu-tou no noroi [恐怖島の呪い]
Kyuuketsuki no doukutsu [吸血鬼の洞窟]
Le Labyrinthe d'Atlas
Le Labyrinthe d'Errare, ou les pièges de l'orthographe
Le Labyrinthe du roi Minos
El Lago siniestro
The Land of Changes
The Lands of Legend
The Last Days of Earth
The Last Invasion: 1066 (British edition)
The Legend of Hiawatha
Legends 1: Time of the Twins
Legends 2: War of the Twins
Legends 3: Test of the Twins
The Little Mermaid
El llot verd
Lord of Chaos
The Lord of Shadow Keep (American edition)
Lords of Doom
Los Bit y el Cajón Misterioso
Los Bit y el Faisán Plateado
Il luna park del brivido
Lunas misteriosas
M. Macabre et la bande des Quatre
Madame Guillotine: The French Revolution (British edition)
Magicians Curse
Den magiska stenen
The Magnamund Companion (British edition)
Les Maîtres du mal
Majin Baaru [魔神バール]
Majuu oukoku no hikken [魔獣王国の秘剣]
La maldición del ídolo perdido
La Malédiction du pharaon
Människoätarnas rike
A mansao fantastica
La mansión infernal (Lucha ficción edition)
Le Manuscrit mystérieux
El Mar de Saleria
Le marais de l'angoisse
The Mark of the Rani
Masks of Mayhem
Masque Jaune
Master of Ravenloft
Matka avaruudessa
Meia-noite na mansão dos monstros
Le Message du mort et la bande des quatre
Il messaggio del morto
Mickey's Christmas Carol Adventure
Micky Maus (August 9, 1986)
Middle-earth Role Playing (second edition)
Milionário instantâneo
Mine of Terror
Les mines du roi Salomon
Mines of Mithros
Minosu-Ou no kyuutei [ミノス王の宮廷]
Mir, o robo rebelde
Misión en la II Guerra Mundial
Misión rescate oculto
The Miss Liberty Caper
Missão de espionagem
Mission to Venus (American edition)
Mission to Venus (American edition, Perma-Bound copy)
Mission to Venus (British edition)
Mission to World War II (First printing)
El misterio de los diamantes desaparecidos y nueve casos más
El misterio del escudo escocés
El misterio del medallón escocés
El misterio del perro secuestrado y nueve casos más
O mistério dos Maias
Os misterios da casa cinzenta
Mommy, Don't Go (First edition, library binding)
Mommy, Don't Go (First edition, paperback, early printing)
Monster Express
El monstre de la llacuna
Ein mörderisches Rennen
Mousquetaire du roy
Mugen no shinzō II [夢幻の心臓II]
El mundo perdido del profesor Challenger
Murder on the Midnight Plane (Solve It Yourself edition, BE printing)
Murf o monstro
El museo de los muertos vivientes (Encuentra tu propio misterio (Sudamericana) edition)
Le Mystère de l'Atlantide
Le Mystère de la caméra et la bande des Quatre
Les mysteres de Babylone
Mystery of the Secret Room
The Mystery of the Turkish Tattoo
The Mystery Squad and the Cannonball Kid
The Mystery Squad and the Robots' Revenge
Det mystiske hus
Nabuuti no houseki satsujin jiken [ナブーティの宝石殺人事件]
Naked Doom and Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon
Nanatsu no kikai guntou [七つの奇怪群島]
A nave perdida
Necropolis (part 1 of 3)
Necropolis (part 2 of 3)
Negli abissi di Kaltenland
Nightmare Realm of Baba Yaga
Ningen bakudan Demitoriusu [人間爆弾デミトリウス]
Ninja he no michi [忍者への道]
Nome in codice: Giona
Noroi no monshou [呪いの紋章]
Nosowareta seiun [呪われた星雲]
Nuevo viaje al centro de la tierra
La Nuit du météore
Oberon il giovane mago (Oberon edition)
L'Occhio del Drago
Odisea en el Gran Cañón del Colorado
Odissea a l'hiperespai
L'Odyssée d'Althéos
El ojo de Khoriand'r
El ojo del dragón
Oltre lo spazio
Ombre sulla sabbia
On the Spot
Ondskabens skov (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Ookami ningen wo uchitaose [狼人間を打ち倒せ!]
Operation: Deadly Decoy
Operation: Death Stone
Operation: Death-Ray
Operation: Jungle Doom
Operation: Mindbender
Operation: Night Flight
Operation: Star Raider (Fifth printing)
Operation: Weapons Disaster
Oproep in de ruimte
L'Or du pharaon
Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature (original)
Out of the Shadows
Overlord! (Original British edition)
The Owl Tree (Original edition)
På eventyr blandt de fredløse
På eventyr i Vildmarken
Panda hartza galdu egin da
El panda s'ha perdut
El Panda se ha perdido
Paperino e gli incontri ravvicinati di 5 tipi (Topolino edition)
Patrulla espacial
Patrulla espacial
El pequeño búho abandona el nido
El Pequeño Búho deja el nido
Perdido en el Amazonas
Perdido en el pais del sueño
Perdu dans Somnoville
Permata Naboti
Pesawat UFO 54-40
Peter Pan in Never-Land
El petit mussol abandona el niu
Pianeti in pericolo
La Pierre de la sagesse
Pippo e Nocciola: sfida all'ultima magia (Topolino edition)
Los piratas de Malasia
Les Pirates de l'espace
Planeta hechizado
El Planeta Ludus
Planeta perdido
Planetas en peligro
La planète rebelle
Planètes en péril
Les Portes de l'au-delà
The Power of Darkness
Prisionero de Elderwood
Prisioneros de Pax Tharkas
Prisoner of Elderwood
De proef der kampioenen
Project Brain Drain
La puerta de la perdición
Pyramid of the Werejackal
Quest for the Demon Gate
Quest for the Stolen Sapphire
La Quête du roi mort
Quezmak's Maze
Qui, Quo, Qua e le vacanze... a bivi (Topolino edition)
Race Against Time (American edition)
Race Against Time (British edition)
La Rançon du dragon
The Reader as Detective: Book II
Realm of Chaos (British edition)
Rebel Planet (American edition, first printing)
Rebel Planet
Rebel Planet (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [3rd])
La reina de los cíclopes
El reino secreto
El reino subterráneo
Rendez-vous avec la M.O.R.T.
Rescue in Mirkwood
Reto crucial
Return of the Wanderer
La revanche du dragon rouge
The Riddling Reaver (Original (Zigzag))
Ring Quest
The Rings of Kether (American edition)
Robo en el templo
Robot Commando (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Rogue Mage (original)
Het roversnest
Rupert and the Haunted House
Rupert and the Miser's Hoard
Rupert and the Mystery Moor
Rupert and the Pirates' Den
Rupert and the Secret Trail
Rupert and the Secret Treasure
Rupert and the Seven Keys
Rupert and the Smuggler's Gold
Rymdskeppet Traveller
Le Sabre du samouraï
El sabueso del infierno
Sagu langilea
Sand Castle (First printing)
San’uoomu no himitsu [太陽虫(サンウオーム)の秘密]
Saran no ougon [ラサンの黄金]
Sasori-numa no meiro [サソリ沼の迷路]
The Savages
The Scarlet Shield of Shalimar
Scarlet Sorcerer (British edition)
Sceptre of Power
The Sceptre of the Elvenking
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 2nd printing (C&W) [8th])
Search for the Doctor (American edition)
Search for the Doctor (Australian edition)
Search for the Doctor (British edition)
Search for the Nile (First printing)
Seas of Blood (American edition)
The Secret Airfield Game
Le Secret de Vernico 5
Le Secret des chevaliers
The Secret of Rainbow Island
Secret of the Royal Treasure (First printing)
El secreto de la isla misteriosa
El secreto del unicornio
The Secrets of Stonehenge
El sector maligno
The Seeds of Death
Senda índia
Sendero indio
The Serpentine Assassin
Seven-Boy Vacation
Shadou toride no maou [シャドー砦の魔王]
Shadow on the Sand (American edition)
Sherlock Holmes - The Meyringen Papers
Shi ni yuku taiyou [死にゆく太陽]
Shi no sabaibaru rarii [死のサバイバルラリー]
Shiba no joou no hihou [シバの女王の秘宝]
Shini-gami no kubi-kazari [死神の首飾り]
Siapa pembunuh Harlowe Thrombey?
Die sieben Schlangen
Las siete serpientes
Silverstjärnas ankomst
Skuggornas port
Skygger over marsken
Skyggernes hersker
The Slaine Gaming Book
Slaves of Devron
The Snow Queen
Sobrevivencia em alto mar
Soleil rouge sur les robots
Et solo-eventyr
Sombra mortal
La sombra mortal
Sopravvivere in mare
The Sorcerer's Crown
The Sorcerer's Scrolls #15
Le Sorcier Majdar
Soy invisible
Les spectres des marais
Spion im Bürgerkrieg
Star System Tenopia
Star Trek: Phaser Fight
Starforce Captain
Statue of Liberty Adventure
Stell dir vor, sie wartet auf dich, und keiner weiss wo ...
A Story As You Like It
El submarino fantasma
Sugarcane Island (revised Choose Your Own Adventure edition, first printing)
Suijou no honou [水上の炎]
Der Sumpf der Skorpione
Supervivencia en el mar
Supervivencia en la montaña
Sword and Flame: The English Civil War
Sword for Hire and Blue Frog Tavern
Sword of the Samurai (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
T*A*C*K Against Time
Taiga no ansatsukyo [タイガー暗殺拳]
El talismán de la muerte
Taram et le cristal des Monts Perdus
Taram et le marais des sortilèges
Taran und der Zaubersumpf
Tarzan et le puits aux esclaves
The Tasks of Tantalon (Fantasy Questbook edition)
Te conviertes en tiburón
Teiō no namida [帝王の涙]
Teki no puroguramu wo yabure [敵のプログラムを破れ]
The Temple of Flame (Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks edition - American edition)
Temple of Terror (Original (American))
Temple of Terror (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W) [6th])
Temple of Terror (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 2nd printing (C&W) [7th])
The Temple of the Pharoah
El templo de la llama
Le Temps de la Malédiction
Tenopia Island
Terreur hors du temps
Terreur sur la planète
Terror en el parque de diversiones
Terror en Kabran
Terror en la era espacial
Terror Island
Terror no museu mal-assombrado
Terror on Kabran
Terror Trail
El tesoro del rey
The Icy Wastes
The Necromancer's Tower
The Talisman of Remag
The Three Investigators in: The Case of the House of Horrors
Through the Wire: The Great Escape (British edition)
Tienda de pesadillas
The Time Monster
Titan: The Fighting Fantasy World (Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game edition)
Tjuvarnas stad
Tocht naar Vernico 5
Todome wa panchi de ike [とどめはパンチでいけ れ]
Toki e no chousen [時への挑戦]
Toki no owari ni [時の終わりに]
Tomb of Nightmares
Le Tombeau des maléfices
Topolino #1585
Topolino #1602
Topolino #1603
Topolino #1614
La torre de las tinieblas
La torre fantasma
La torre misteriosa
El torreon de las tinieblas
Die Torte schlägt zurück
Tortured Souls #10
Tortured Souls #11
Tortured Souls #12
Tortured Souls #9
La Tour des ténèbres
Tournament for Terror
Les Trafiquants de Kelter
La trama de Argel
Trapped in the Sea Kingdom
Travels without the TARDIS
Treachery in Drakenwood
Treasures of the Cursed Pyramid
El tren fantasma
Los tres deseos
Le Trésor de Batchoum
El tresor del galió enfonsat
Le Trésor des pirates
Trial of Champions (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (C&W, no GST) [1st])
La tribu perduda
El tributo del dragón
El trono de Zeus
The Trumpet of Terror (Regular edition)
Tu nombre es Robinson
La tumba de la momia
Tunnels and Trolls: The Complete Fantasy Game Rule Book
The Twin Dilemma
Le Tyran du désert
Tyvenes by (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Uchuu makyou [宇宙魔境]
Uchuu no ansatu-sha [宇宙の暗殺者]
UFO54-40 chikyuu kougekisu [UFO54‐40地球攻撃す]
The Ultimate Alphabet
L'Ultime combat de la horde
Una ajuda ben especial
Una ayuda muy especial
Universo de estrellas
Unmei no kyoukoku [運命の峡谷]
Untxia eta bere arreba
Urutima I [ウルティマ]
Urutima II [ウルティマII]
Urutima III [ウルティマIII]
Usborne Book of Solve Your Own Mystery Stories (Collection (Solve Your Own Mystery Stories), BE 1986 printing)
Ushinawareta oni no shiro [失われた魂の城]
Vampyyrien maa
La Vengeance d'Althéos
Uma viagem no Ovni 54-40
Viaje a Stonehenge
Viaje al futuro
El viaje del «Argos»
Viaje submarino
Los viajeros del tiempo
Viajes a otras dimensiones
Viajes de ensueño
Viajes en un OVNI
Viatge submarí
The Video Caper
Viejo amigo, Sherlock
Vision of Doom
La Voie du sabre
Vous êtes Ar-Kane le Magicien
Vous êtes de Gaulle
Vous êtes Flamlongue le Dragon Rouge
Vous êtes Geoffrey le Chevalier Noir
Vous êtes l'As des As
Vous êtes Napoléon
Vous êtes Renwood le Druide
Le Voyage d'Ulysse
Le Voyage de l'effroi
Voyage with Columbus
Voyages dans le temps
W podziemnym labiryncie
The Wailing Lighthouse Game
Wakusei Mekanon no nazo [惑星メカノンの謎]
War of the Wizards (British edition)
Warbringer! (Original British edition)
Warlock #10
Warlock #11
Warlock #12
Warlock #13
Warlock #8
Warlock #9
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Zigzag), UK 1986 1st printing (Clays) [26th])
The Warlock's Way
Warrior Women of Weymouth
The Warrior's Way
The Way of the Tiger
White Warlord (British edition)
Wind in the Willows Adventure
Wiru [ウィル]
The Wolverine: Night of the Wolverine
You Are Diceman in Murder One
You Are Doctor Doom
You Are Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
You Are Garth, Master of the North Wind
You Are Judge Dredd in House of Death
You Are Lord Kenshin, Daimyo of Tsuke
You Are Nemesis the Warlock in the Torture Tube
You Are Prince Matabei, Rebel Commander
You Are Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four
You Are Rogue Trooper in Killothon
You Are Rogue Trooper: Space Zombies
You Are Ronald Reagan in Twilight's Last Gleaming
You Are Slaine in Cauldron of Blood
You Are Slaine in Dragoncorpse
You Are Slaine in the Ring of Danu
You Are the A.B.C. Warrior vs. Volgo the Ultimate Death Machine
You Are the Diceman in Dark Powers
You Are the Diceman: In the Bronx, No-One Can Hear You Scream
You Are Thieves' Guild Assassins
You Are Torquemada: Trapped in the Garden of Alien Delights
You Are Uthrac, Barbarian Warrior
Yuki no majo no doukutu [雪の魔女の洞窟]
Yuurei satsujinhan o oe [幽霊殺人犯を追え]
Za . suku rīmā [ザ・スクリーマー]
Zarugon no bourei [ザルゴンの亡霊]
Zeus' trone
Zhēngfú hào tàikōngchuán [征服號太空船]
Zhevezh Gauntlet
Zio Paperone e l'anfora enigmatica (Topolino edition)
Zoids Annual
Øglekongens ø
L'œil du Sphinx
13 nin me no mei tantei [13人目の名探偵]A feu et à sang
O abismo da morte
O abominável homem das neves
L'abominevole uomo delle nevi
Les adorateurs du Mal
The Adventures of Puss in Boots
The Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Adventures of Thumbelina
El aeródromo secreto
L'Affaire Tripsey
Agent i borgerkrigen
Airwave Affair
Akumazoku no hanran [悪魔族の叛乱]
Alla corte di Minosse
Almanaque Disney #193
The Amazing Ben Franklin
The Amazing Spider-Man: As the World Burns (American edition)
The Ambassadors of Death
El Amo del Poder Maligno
L'Amour des Jaguars, enquête à Copenhague
A ânfora misteriosa
Anne McCaffrey's Pern: Dragonharper
Arena of Death (Box set)
The Ark
The Art of the Dragonlance Saga
L'assassino nello specchio (Crom edition)
The Atlas of the Dragonlance World
L'Attaque des cavaliers-dragons
Au pays des chevaux sauvages
Au secours, je rapetisse!
Das Auge der Sphinx
Aventura en las Estrellas
Aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas
Las aventuras de Pinocho
Aventure chez les dinosaures
Les aventures d'en Pinotxo
Les aventures de l'Alícia al país de les meravelles
L'avventura entra in scena
Le avventure di Pinocchio
Ayakashi hō ki [妖法記]
Baba Yaaga no akumu no oukoku [ババ・ヤーガの悪夢の王国]
Badlands Run
Balloon Magic
Bambi's Woodland Adventure
La barbe de pouvoir
La batalla de Astar
The Battle of Astar
The Battlepits of Krarth (Original edition)
La bella addormentata nel bosco
La bella dorment i el príncep
La Bella durmiente y el príncipe
Beneath Nightmare Castle (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, number on front and spine), UK 1987 1st printing [1st])
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery
Beyond the Great Wall
Beyond the Nightmare Gate (American edition, first printing)
Black Orchid
The Black River Emerald
La Blancaneus al bosc encantat
Blancanieves en el bosque encantado
Blast Out in Lebanon
Blood of the Tiger
Blood Valley
A bordo de la lanzadera espacial
Borgens hemmelighet
Bortom skuggornas port
El bosque del rey
Bound for Australia (First printing)
Brain Puzzles
La brigada de los agentes secretos
The Brilliant Dr. Wogan (Original edition)
C'est toi Fantômette
C. J. Cherryh's Morgaine: The Witchfires of Leth
Caçador de fantasmes
Caccia al drago
Il cancello dell'ombra
Captain America, Sous le feu des missiles
Caravan (Original edition)
Caravan to China (First printing)
La caravana
Le Carillon de la mort
Carrera hacia el pasado
El cas dels lladres d'ordinadors y vuit casos més
La casa del pericolo
Casket of Souls
El caso de la banda del perrito caliente
El caso del disco volador y ocho casos más
El caso del Frankenstein mentiroso y nueve casos más
El caso del genio secuestrado y siete casos más
Il caso del re della seta
Il castello della morte
Il castello di tenebra
Il castello proibito
El castillo de arena
El castillo de Frome
El castillo prohibido
Castle Death (American edition)
The Castle of Grom
Casus Belli #40
Casus Belli #42
The Cauldron of Fear (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Os cavaleiros fantasmas de "espora de ouro"
I cavalieri della galassia
As cavernas de Kalt
Las cavernas de Mornas
The Caverns of Mornas
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [8th])
Cazador de fantasmas
El cetro del poder
Challenge of the Promethean Guild
Chamando o espaço sideral
The Chasm of Doom (Beaver (Original cover), UK 1987 1st printing [2nd])
The Chasm of Doom (Beaver (Second cover), US 1987 1st printing [3rd])
The Chasm of Doom (Beaver (Second cover), US 1987 2nd printing [4th])
Le Chasseur des étoiles
Le Château de Dracula
Chevalerie 1
Le Chevalier errant
Chi ha ucciso Harlowe Trombey?
Le Choc des robots
Choisis ton aventure avec Blanche-Neige et les sept nains
Choisis ton aventure avec Cendrillon
Choisis ton aventure avec Dumbo
Choisis ton aventure avec la Belle au bois dormant
Choisis ton aventure avec Peter Pan
Choisis ton aventure avec Pinocchio
Choisis ton aventure dans le Livre de la jungle
Christopher Stasheff's Warlock of Gramarye: A Warlock's Blade
Christy's Chance
La cigale et la fourmi
El circ
El circo
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [21st])
La città dei misteri
The City of Shadows 1: Coreus the Prince
The City of Shadows 2: Bardik the Thief
The City
La Ciudad de cristal
Le colline infernali
Le colonne di Pentegarn
Les Combattants de l'ombre
The Companions of Doctor Who 3: K-9 and Company
Complot sous la terreur
Computer Gamer #22
Concerto pour une vieille dame, enquête à La Rochelle
Il conte Dracula
The Contest
Contraseña: Sagitario-Azul
El contrato siciliano
La corona del hechicero
La corsa senza fine
El corsario del tiempo
Creature of Havoc (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [3rd])
La Créature venue du chaos
Crímenes de aficionado
Crims d'aprenent
Crom #3
The Crown of Kings (Original (American, third printing))
The Crown of the Sun King
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
La Crypte du sorcier
Cuando trasladéis mi féretro
Curse of the Werewolf
Le Danger vient des étoiles
Danger Zones
Danger, Second Hand
Danny's Dilemma
Dans l'enfer de la jungle
David Drake's Dragon Lord: Storm of Dust
Death at Appledore Towers
Death Mask of Pancho Villa (First printing)
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [13th])
Deathtrap Dungeon (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [14th])
Decision Point: A Business Game Book
Deddorain [デッドライン]
The Demon's Claw (Original edition)
Demons of the Deep (American edition)
Dennou-hakai-sakusen [電脳破壊作戦]
Dentro l'UFO 54-40
La Dernière invasion
El desafiament d'en Robin Hood
Desafío al computador
Desert of Danger
Destination: Brain
El detective de Scotland Yard
Dog Food and Other Delights
Donde acechan las sombras
Dowaafu no hanran [ドワーフの反乱]
I draghi d'arcobaleno
Le Dragon de Limehouse
Dragonwand of Krynn
Die drei ??? und das Volk der Winde
Das Duell der Piraten
Dungeons & Dragons Sticker Book (1987)
The Dungeons of Torgar (Beaver, 1987 1st printing [1st])
Le dunjon enchanté
Dødens labyrint (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Earth Brain: A Space Adventure Gamebook
Elige tu propia aventura : guía didáctica para educadores
Els tres desigs
Emergency Missions
En busca de las ciudades de oro
En la corte del rey Minos
En la isla de Tahir
En Peter Pan al País de Mai Més
En uventet snestorm
Enchantā [エンチャンター]
El enigma de la Santa María
L'Epée du samourai
Escape from Jupiter
La espada de César
Espada do samurai
La Espada mágica
Et converteixes en un tauró
L'eta dei dinosauri
The Faceless Ones
Faerie Mound of Dragonkind
Faiaa roodo no toride [ファイアーロードの砦]
El faro de los gemidos
Fasornas djungel
Fast-Lane Pursuit
Die Festung Alamuth
La figlia del califfo
Le Fils des steppes
Find Adventure!
Finders, Keepers?
The First Settlers
A fond la caisse
The Forbidden City (American edition, first printing)
The Forest of Doom (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [23rd])
The Forest of the King
La Forêt des rêves maudits
La Forteresse du cauchemar
La Forteresse maudite
Frankenstein le maudit
Fuga de la ciudad maldita (Encuentra tu propio misterio edition)
Fuga impossivel
Gates of Death
The Gateway of Doom (American edition)
Gehe ins Rathaus und ärgere dich täglich
Das Geheimnis des alten Schlosses
Geimu basutā makai dai toppa [ゲームバスター魔界大突破]
Gekisou! Batoru roodu [激走!バトル・ロード]
General K's Victory Tour
Gennem ild og vand
George Washington and the Constitution
The Ghost
Giochi magazine (Settembre 1987)
The Glade of Dreams 1: Darian - Master Magician
The Glade of Dreams 2: Issel - Warrior King
Gnomes-100, Dragons-0
Gorga, el monstre de l'espai
Gorga, o monstro espacial
Le Grand maître d'Irsmun
La Grande menace des robots
O grande rallye
The Great Easter Bunny Adventure
The Great Spy Race
Green Circle Blues
Green Eggs and Bottles: A London Thriller
Grey Star the Wizard (American edition)
GRF-1N Griffin
Grozni snežni čovek
Grúa mortal
A gruta do tempo
La Guerre des gangs
La Guerre des Robosaures
La Guerre des sorciers
Les Guerriers du feu
Guía didáctica de planea tu fuga
GURPS Basic Set (Second edition)
Haiteku robotto RB-4 [ハイテク・ロボットRB‐4]
The Haunted City of Gold
The Havarine Madness
La hermana menor del conejito
Der Hexenkönig
High Spy
High-Rise Heroics
Hjælp – det spøger!
Hjælp! Du bliver mindre og mindre
HMKFP MPSGT HR HAF [המכשף מפסגת הר האש]
Hobii no Nyuu Yoouku daibouken [ホビーのニューヨーク大冒険]
La hoja de la guillotina
Home in Time for Christmas
Hvem myrdede Harry Thorne?
īguru jankushon [イーグルジャンクション]
L'Ile aux pieuvres
L'Ile de la peur
Imbroglio sur la lagune, enquête à Venise
In cerca di fortuna (First edition)
In pallone sul Sahara
In Search of a Shark
In Search of Christmas
In Search of the Lost Land
Indiana Jones and the Ape Slaves of Howling Island
Indiana Jones and the Mask of the Elephant
Indiana Jones ja Kauhujen saaren kirous
Inferno! (Original British edition)
Die Insel der 1000 Gefahren (reissue)
The Intergalactic Bus Trip (Paperback edition)
Into China
Intrigo in FM
Invaders of the Planet Earth
Invisible Rival
Invitación al asesinato
Invitation til mord
Isheksens huler (Sværd og trolddom edition)
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [10th])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [11th])
Island of the Lizard King (Original (Zigzag), UK 1987 printing (C&W) [11th])
It's Your Team: Baseball (paperback)
It's Your Team: Football (paperback)
Jagten på dinosauren
James Bond ja tappava tehtävä
James Bond: Chasse au Barracuda
James Bond: Destination danger
Le Jeu des Mille et Une Nuits
As jóias perdidas de Nabooti
Journey to the Center of the Atom
Journey to the Year 3000
Journey Under the Sea (Grey Castle Press hardcover)
Jumbobog #81
Jungle 1
The Jungle of Horrors (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Kaizokusen banshii-go [海賊船バンシー号]
Kalle Ankas Pocket #83
Kamen no hakai-sha [仮面の破壊者]
Kauhujen metsä
Keith Laumer's Star Colony: The Omega Rebellion
Kern the Strong: School Pack
KGB Doublecross
Kimi nara dousuru shokuryou mondai [君ならどうする食糧問題]
The King Takes a Dare
The King's Demon
Kingdom of Horror (American edition, first printing)
The Kingdom of Wyrd (Original edition)
Kuesto Maunten no nazo [クエストマウンテンのなぞ]
Kyoufu no shinden [恐怖の神殿]
Kyouryuu no oukoku [恐怖の王国]
L. Sprague De Camp and Fletcher Pratt's Incomplete Enchanter: Prospero's Isle
The Labyrinth of Squat
Le Labyrinthe aux mille calculs
Le Labyrinthe de Lexicos ou les embûches du vocabulaire
Le Labyrinthes du temps : Le Moyen âge en péril
A lama verde
The Last Battledroid
LCT-1S Locust
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home
La Légion des morts
Legion of the Dead
La leyenda de Hiawatha
Il libro della giungla
La lievre e la tortue
Light on Burro Mountain
Le lion et le rat
Little Fox's Best Friend
Little Goat's Big Brother
Little Kitten Sleeps Over
Little Puppy's Rainy Day
Lone Wolf: The Poster Painting Book (Original edition)
Longhorn Territory
Los Bit en Villa Mil
Los Bit y el Ordenador
The Lost Ring
Le loup, la chèvre et le chevreau
Lustiges Taschenbuch #120
Lynn Abbey's Rifkind, Daughter of the Bright Moon: Warhorn
Maboroshi shiro no kaimeiro [幻し城の怪迷路]
The Macra Terror
Madame Giljotin
La màgia de l'unicorn
La magia del unicornio
Magnamund Companion [マグナマンド・コンパニオン]
Mahoutsukai no sho [魔法使いの書]
La Main rouge
Majou no taiketsu [魔域の対決]
Majutsushi no oukan [魔術師の宝冠]
Makyuu no tatakai [魔宮のたたかい]
La maldición del hombre-lobo
La maldición
La Malédiction de Shimbali
La Malédiction du dragon noir
O manipulador da magia
Maou no chika yousa [魔王の地下要塞]
The Mardi Gras Mystery
La Marque du samouraï
Maryoku no tsue [魔力の杖]
La mascarilla del héroe
A masmorra infernal
Le Masque de sang
The Massacre
Master of the Past
Master Wolf
Mean Streets
Mean Streets: Battle and Intrigue in the Ruins of Houston
Meikyu-tanken-kyougi [迷宮探検競技]
Memburu manusia salju
La Métropole de la peur
Micky Maus (April 9, 1987)
Midnight Rogue
The Mind Robber
Le Miroir d'Aphrodite
Mister Mezzanotte
El misteri de la casa embruixada i set casos més
El misteri de les galetes de xocolata i vuit casos més
El misteri del frau a la marató i set casos més
El misteri del medalló escocès
El misterio de la peonza mágica
El Misterio de las burbujas rosadas
El misterio de Ura Senke
El misterio del Albergue del Eco
Misterio en el hotel de las montañas
El misterio en los grandes almacenes
Il Mistero del deserto dei cactus
Il mistero di Chimney Rock
Le Monastère oublié
The Monster Horrorshow
Los Monstruos de la ciénaga
La montagna degli specchi
La Montagne aux robots
Moonshae Trilogy 1: Darkwalker on Moonshae
The Movie Mystery
Murder at the Diogenes Club
El museo de los muertos vivientes (Encuentra tu propio misterio edition)
Mustan tornin valtias
Nacerá un robot
La Naissance du mal
Necropolis (part 3 of 3)
Nel castello di Quarras
Nel regno del terrore
Nel vortice del tempo
Ninjas eldprov
Nork hil zuen H. Thrombey?
Nymphomania (Sorcerer's Scrolls edition, The)
Och borgens hemlighet
Odamok, le secret de l'enfant aux yeux bleus
Odissea al Gran Canyon
Odissea nel Grand Canyon
Olimpiada espacial
L'ombra mortal
L'Ombre de la guillotine
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Operation Britain
Operation: Killer Comet
Operation: Poison Dart
Operation: Sink or Swim
Operation: Snow Job
Operation: Thunderbolt
Operation: Tiger Strike
Operation: Time Machine
Oprørets planet
Opstanak na moru
Un Ordinateur pas comme les autres
Ovni 54-40
Pablo Santos
País de caballos salvajes
País de cavalls salvatges
Il palazzo delle illusioni
Panne sèche
Paranoia: Second Edition
Les Parchemins de Kettsuin
El patito encuentra un amigo
Patrulla espacial
Pattuglia spaziale
Paul Revere and the Boston Tea Party
Perceval le Gallois
Perill a la Terra
Peter Pan en el País de Nunca Jamás
Peter Pan nell'isola che non cè
Peter's Revenge
Phantoms of Fear
Piers Anthony's Bio of a Space Tyrant: Cut by Emerald
Piers Anthony's Xanth: Encyclopedia of Xanth
La pirámide negra
Piramideetako sekretua
Planet in Peril
Pocketbok #80
Polvorín en el Caribe
Popcorn Magic
Il Presidente del consiglio sei... tu
The Price of Power
I prigionieri di Pax Tharkas
Prigioniero delle formiche
Le Prince des voleurs
The Prisoners of Time (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Problemes a l'espai
A procura de dinossauros
Quan traslladeu el meu fèretre
Quem matou H. Thrombey?
Quest for the Cities of Gold (First printing)
Quest for the Elf King
Qui est le traître?
The Raging Tide : Or, the Black Doll's Imbroglio
The Rails I Tote: Forty-five Illustrated Spoonerisms to Decipher
Realm of Chaos (American edition)
Rebel Planet (Original (Bronze text, number on front and spine), UK 1986 4th printing (C&W) [5th])
Red Circle
Redcoats and Minutemen: The American War of Independence
Il regno dell'ombra
The Reign of Terror
Reinboo doragon no himitsu [レインボードラゴンの秘密]
O reino subterraneo
The Renegade Lord
El retorno del vengador
RFL-3N Rifleman
Riddernes hemmelighed
The Riddle of the Sphinx
The Riddling Reaver (Original (Dragon), UK 3rd printing (C&W) [3rd])
Rim, el robot rebelde
The Rings of Kether (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [6th])
Risky Rhythms
Ritorno a Brookmere
Ritorno alla caverna del tempo
Il ritorno
La rivolta dei nani
Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers: Shines the Name
Robert Silverberg's Majipoor: Revolt on Majipoor
Robotto komando [ロボット コマンドゥ]
Rock and Roll Mystery
Le roi sans couronne
Roman shia [ロマンシア]
The Romans
La Ronde des hommes en noir, enquête à Amsterdam
Le Royaume de l'oubli
Le Rubis sacre
Rædslernes hus (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Le Sabre de Glace
Safari dans la jungle
Safari fotogràfic
Safari fotográfico
The Saga of the Gray Death Legion 2: Mercenary's Star (original)
The Saga of the Gray Death Legion 3: The Price of Glory
Saiboogu wo taose [サイボーグを倒せ]
Sajou no kage [砂上の影]
Samurai no ken [サムライの剣]
Samuraiens sværd
Sasupekuto [サスペクト]
Le satellite maléfique
Les Sceaux de la destruction
Science Fiction 1
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [9th])
Scotland Yard Detective (First printing)
Sea of Death
Search for Treasure!
Seashell Magic
Seaside Mystery
El secret de l'espia de software i vuit casos més
El secret del monstre del llac Loon i vuit casos més
Secret of the Ninja (Original edition)
Secret of the Sun God
El secreto de la isla perdida
El secreto de los alquimistas
El secreto de los ninja
El secreto de los videojuegos y ocho casos más
El secreto del tesoro real
O segredo das piramides
O segredo dos cavaleiros
Segredos da Ilha Perdida
Il segreto delle piramidi
Les Seigneurs de la guerre
Seiðskrattinn í Logatindi
Seleção Disney #9
La senda màgica
El sendero mágico
Senshi Konan [戦士コナン]
Senshi no sho [戦士の書]
The Sensorites
Les Sept voyages de Sindbad
Serena's Secret
Serpentor and the Mummy Warrior
Serval, La Nuit du fauve
I sette serpenti
Sfida a Deadwood City
The Shadow of Shargan
Shadow on the Sand (British (Beaver) edition, second printing)
The Shamutanti Hills (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing)
The Shattered Realm (Box set)
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk
Sherlock Holmes – The Case of the Dancing Bees
Shinkai no akuma [深海の悪魔]
Den sidste invasion 1066
Den sidste kai-ridder
Los siniestros estudios de televisión
La sirena perdida
The Slave Traders of Ganox
A Solitaire Adventure (revised edition)
Song of the Dark Druid
Sopravvivere in montagna
The Sorcerer's Scrolls (Unknown Issue Number)
The Sorcerer's Scrolls (Unknown Issue Number)
Le sorgenti del Nilo
Sōsarā [ソーサラー]
Il sottomarino fantasma
Space and Beyond (Original version, Grey Castle Press hardcover)
Space Assassin (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [6th])
The Space Museum
Space Vampire
Spia per George Washington
Spiderman, La Ville sans lumière
I spilies tou tromou [Οι σπηλιές του τρόμου]
Spöktornets väktare
The Star Flower
Star Strider (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 1st printing (C&W) [1st])
Star Strider (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [2nd])
Star Wars Role-Playing Game: First Edition
Starship Traveller (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1987 2nd printing (C&W) [16th])
La Statuette brisée
Steeleye and the Lost Magic
Der Stern der Schmuggler
Steven Brust's Jhereg: Dzurlord
Stormbringer: Third Edition
The Storytrails Book of Science Fiction
The Storytrails Book of Thrillers
Sull'isola misteriosa
Sulle navi pirata
The Sunk of Tarsis
Superu bureikā [スペルブレイカー]
Swamp of the Scorpion
The Sword and the Dagger
Sword of Caesar (First printing)
The Sword of Prost
Sword of the Samurai (Original (American, early printing))
The Sword of the Templar
Tales 1: The Magic of Krynn
Tales 2: Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes
Tales 3: Love and War
Der Talisman des Todes
La tana del drago
Taran und der schwarze Kristall
The Tasks of Tantalon - The Solution!
Taxidi stin kolasi [Ταξίδι στην κόλαση]
Te tendō ko 1 [手天童子1]
Te tendō ko 2 [手天童子2]
Der Tempel des Schreckens
Temple of Terror
Ten Doors of Doom
La terrasse de chatiment
Terrores fuera del tiempo
Il terzo pianeta da Altair
El tesoro secreto del Tíbet
El tesoro sumergido
O tesouro perdido
O teu nome de código é Jonas
The Thing: One Thing After Another
The Three Investigators in: The Case of the Savage Statue
Thunder in the Glens: The Jacobite Rebellion
La Torre de Londres
La torre fantasma
Tortured Souls #13
Les Tours de Rexor
Trafics à l'anglaise, enquête à Liverpool
Trail Sinister
Le Trésor du Yucatán
El tresor secret del Tibet
El tresor submergit
The Triad of Evil
Trial of Champions (Original (American))
La tribu perdida
Trollkarlarnas skärseld
El tron de Zeus
Il trono di Giove
Ubawaret ryuu no tamago [奪われた竜の卵]
Uchuu genjuu no noroi [宇宙幻獣の呪い]
Uchuu no renpou-sousakan [宇宙の連邦捜査官]
Um amigo robo
The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death
Unknown Title
Urutima IV [ウルティマIV]
L'Usurpateur d'Irsmun
El valle del buda
La vallée des 1000 soleils
Vampire express
El vampiro de Ravenloft
Vampiro express
The Vanishing City
Velhovuoren aarre
La venganza de Alteo
La Vengeance du Ninja
Viagem ao hiperespaco
Viaggio sotto il mare
Viaje al año 3000
Viatge a Stonehenge
Viatges de somni
Viet Rampage
Você é o detetive
Les Voisins sont au parfum, enquête à Barcelone
Les voleurs d'étoiles
Voleurs et assassins
Vous êtes Fafhrd et le Souricier gris
Vous êtes Garth, Maître du Vent du Nord
Vous êtes Kennedy
Vous êtes les assassins de la guilde des voleurs
Vous êtes Turlogh le Rôdeur: La Sphère du Nécromant
Vous êtes Uthrac, Guerrier barbare
Voyage of Terror (American edition)
Wakusei Borutaanasu [惑星ボルターナス]
War of the Wizards (American edition, first printing)
The Weaver of Nightmares
The Werewolf
WHM-6R Warhammer
Winged Gargoyle with Scimitar
Winnie-the-Pooh and His Friends
Wittonesu [ウィットネス]
The Wolf with No Tail
WSP-1A Wasp
You Are Daredevil
You Are Kingpin
You Are Lord Ariakan, Dragon Highlord
You Are Lord Patrick, Knight of Solamnia
You Are Maggie Thatcher: A Dole-Playing Game
You Be the Jury
Your Party Needs You: The Election Gamebook
Zevsov presto
Zōku I [ゾークI]
Zōku II [ゾークII]
Zōku III [ゾークIII]
Zonbi-tou no hihou [ゾンビ塔の秘宝]
L'œil du dragon
2300 AD (original)The Abominable Snowman (Original version, Grey Castle hardcover)
Der Adler von Yorkshire
L'aeroporto segreto
L'affaire des faux menhirs
The Agency Affair
Agent Arthur's Jungle Journey
Akatsuka fujio gekijō [赤塚不二夫劇場]
Alla fine del tempo
Amad, les dés du hasard
Amazon: Where Do Fish Swim Through the Treetops?
La amenaza del dueño del tiempo
America: Why is There an Eye on a Pyramid on the One Dollar Bill?
L'Amo del Poder Maligne
Amok-væsnet (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
L'amuleto dei Salkhti / L'arena di Khazan
El anillo del mago
Anne McCaffrey's Pern: Dragonfire
El árbol de Navidad
Armies of Death (Original, first printing (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front))
Asesinato en el Club Diógenes
Assassin! (American edition)
Los asteroides de Katar
L'astronef à la dérive
Attention ! Pirates !, aventures en Thaïlande
Australia: Find the Flying Foxes!
Autoduel Quarterly Volume 6, Number 3
Avaruuden vangit
Avenger! (American edition)
Aventure en Terre Sainte
Bandiere al vento: L'armata Spagnola
La batalla de los magos
Battleblade Warrior
Beneath Nightmare Castle (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [3rd])
Beneath Nightmare Castle (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 2nd printing (C&W) [4th])
The Best of 2000 AD Monthly 36
The Best of 2000 AD Monthly 37
Beyond the Labyrinth
Bili the Axe: Up Harzburk!
Bimbos of the Death Sun
Black Baron (American edition)
Black Crag Castle
Blazing Beacons: The Spanish Armada
Boneshaker's Mountains of Forever
El bosque de los sueños que desorientan
Bound for Business
The Brain of Katherine Mansfield
Brother to the Lion
Brothers in Arms
Bully on the Bus
Caballero de ilusión
Los caballeros fantasmas de Camelot
La caída de Frankie da Mora
Caïthness l'élémentaliste
A Call for Murder
Campamento de verano
El cántico del druida
Capitán América, El brillo rojo del cohete
El cas del canelobre trencat i vuit casos més
El cas del disc volador i vuit casos més
El cas del Frankenstein mentider i nou casos més
The Case of the Silk King (Original version, Grey Castle Press hardcover)
El caso del perro perdido
El caso no resuelto de Sherlock Holmes
Il Castello d'Yvoire / E oltre la porta d'argento
El castillo del cuervo maldito
Castle Death (Beaver, UK 1988 1st printing [2nd])
The Cauldron of Fear (American edition, first printing)
O cavaleiro do oeste selvagem
The Cave of Time (Hardcover edition)
El cerco de los dragones
La ceremonia del té
La cerimònia del te
Chase into Space
Chasms of Malice
Chasse à l'homme
El circo del terror
Cita con T.E.R.R.O.R.
The Citadel of Chaos (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [22nd])
La città del terrore
City of Thieves (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [17th])
La ciudad de hielo
Codemaster Book #1
Codemaster Book #2
As colunas de Pentegarn
Come Endless Darkness
Computer Challenge
Conan Beyond Thunder River (original)
Els contrabandistes de videojocs i nou casos més
La coppa del vampiro
La corona contra el doctor Watson
La cova de gel
La créature mystérieuse de la Mare-à-Meunier
Creature of Havoc (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [4th])
Las criptas del terror
The Crown vs. Dr. Watson
The Crown
La cueva de hielo
Daggers of Darkness
Die Dämonen der Tiefe
Dance of Demons
Danger at Demon's Cove
Daredevil: Guilt by Association
Darian le magicien
David Drake's Hammer's Slammers: Slammers Down
A Day with the Dinosaurs
Death's Drum
Delincuentes del espacio
The Demon Hand
Les Démons du Manmarch
Densetsu no houshu wo motome te [伝説の宝珠を求めて]
El desafío de los piratas
El desafío del Caballero Lobo
El desierto de las sombras (original)
Diego, les routes de la révolution
Dínamo Kid
Doctor Who Classics: The Dalek Invasion of Earth and The Crusaders
Doctor Who Classics: The Myth Makers and The Gunfighters
Doom of the Darksword
Doomwalk (Original edition)
Dororo [どろろ]
Las dos caras del diablo
Dr. Watson unter Anklage
Dragefolkets fanger
Il drago della vendetta
The Dragonlance Chronicles Trilogy (Collector's Edition)
Dragonlance Legends (Collector's Edition)
Die drei ??? und der weinende Sarg
Der Dschungel des Grauens
Due cuori in gioco
Dungeons & Dragons Basis-Set
Dungeons & Dragons Fantasi rollespill grunnregler
Dungeons & Dragons Perussäännöt
The Dungeons of Torgar (American, US 1st printing [1st])
The Dynamiters
Dødens amulet
Dødens port
The Edge of Destruction
Emerald Enchanter (American edition)
L'Empire des hommes-lézards
En las entrañas del volcán
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Treasure Hunt
Das Ende eines Erpressers
L'Enfer du désert, aventures sur le Paris-Dakar
Erufu no shiro o torimodose [エルフの城をとりもどせ]
Escape from Scarpathia
La esfinge
La esmeralda del río Negro
Exiled to Earth (Original edition)
O explorador da idade do gelo
Explosion in der U-Bahn
L'exprés de l'ós polar
El expreso del oso polar
Ezpazioaz harantzago
Fahri, le fil rouge des trois destins
Fame & Fortune
Faraos forbandelse
Il faro del tesoro
La faucille noire
The Fear Factor: Terrorism in the City
A feiticeira das neves
Fem les paus
La ferrovia dei fantasmi
Festival de terror
Festival de terror
The Final Bug
Finder's Stone Trilogy 1: Azure Bonds
Fire on the Water (Beaver, UK 1988 1st printing [4th])
The First Olympics
Flight from the Dark (British (Beaver) edition, revised cover)
Forbandelsens bjerge (Shamutanti højlandet) (Sværd og trolddom: Sagaen om den magiske krone edition)
La foresta maledetta
Forging the Darksword
De fortabte sjæles slot
La fortaleza de Alamut
Freddy Milton's Rig eller ærlig
Freeway Fighter (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [9th])
Fruktans kittel
La gabbia di Baal
La garra del dragón
Das Geheimnis des Goldenen Jaguar
Die Geheimnisse von Babylon
Gennem pigtråden : flugten fra krigsfangelejren
The Ghost of the Lost Mine
I giganti della torre d'argento
Giochi magazine (Febbraio 1988)
Giochi magazine (Gennaio 1988)
Giochi magazine (Marzo 1988)
I gioielli perduti di Nabooti
La giungla degli orrori
Goblin (part 1 of 4)
Goblin (part 2 of 4)
Goblin (part 3 of 4)
Goblin (part 4 of 4)
Les Gouffres de la cruauté
Gran señor
Le grand jeu
The Great Zopper Toothpaste Treasure
Das große König-Artus-Spielbuch
La guerra dei maghi
La Guerre des tribus
GURPS Basic Set (Third edition)
Hacemos las paces
Hau eguna
Have It Your Way: An African Adventure
El hechicero
Herensugeen gordelekua
L'Héritage Welsey
Heroes 1: The Legend of Huma
Heroes 2: Stormblade
Le héros c'est moi: Il ne faut jamais désespérer
Der Hexenmeister vom Flammenden Berg (FantasyAbenteuerSpielbücher edition - reissue)
Highway Holocaust (British edition)
Hinter dem Schattentor
L'Homme au cheval de brume
The Honour of the Yorkshire Light Artillery
Icewind Dale Trilogy 1: The Crystal Shard
Ídolo del rock
Iexafanisi tou magou Sopampla [Ηεξαφάνιση του μάγου Σοπαμπλά]
A ilha do rei lagarto
El imperio mongol
The Imposter
In cerca di fortuna
Inca Gold (Original edition)
Into the Dragon's Domain
Intriga durante el rodaje
L'invention du professeur Béranger
L'isola dei misteri
L'isola del mistero
L'isola maledetta
Issel le guerrier
Jack Williamson's The Legion of Space: The Legion at War
Jagten på den vise Sten
Jakten på dinosauren
El jardín de la locura
Je bouquine #50 (Avril 1988)
Jerry E. Pournelle's Janissaries: Lord of Lances
Jona da zure klabe-izena
La Jungle aux poissons, aventures en Colombie
The Jungle of Horrors (British (Beaver) edition, revised cover)
Der Kaiser von New York
Kalali, le chemin du soleil, de la lune et du vent
Kandjar le Magicien
Karn e Wal sul Canal Grande
Kassala, le mystère de la princesse triste
Katherine Kurtz's Deryni: Deryni Challenge
Keldrilh le Ménestrel
Knightmare: Can You Beat the Challenge?
Knights of the Round Table
Konfliktsimulations- und Rollenspiele: die neuen Spiele
Konton no uzu [混沌の渦]
Der Kristall des Nekromanten
El laberinto de Krochne
Das Labyrinth des Wüstengottes
Le Labyrinthe d'Anglomania
Le Labyrinthe de Grammex
Il lago misterioso
The Last Invasion (American edition, first printing)
Last of the Dinosaurs (First printing)
Lasterketa amaigabea
Law Enforcer
Leap of the Lion
La legione della morte
Leijonalinnan aave
La leyenda del rey Arturo
El Libro de la selva
Libyan Strike
El llibre de la selva
Lobezno, La noche del Lobezno
Lobo de fuego
El lobo sin rabo
Il lord traditore
The Lost Crowns of Cair Paravel
Madama Ghigliottina
Madame Guillotine : den franske revolution
Madame Guillotine: The French Revolution (American edition)
Det magiske enhjørningehorn
De magiske masker
The Magnamund Companion (American edition)
Majutsu ou o taose! [魔術王をたおせ!]
Mapatxea hondartzan
Más allá de la frontera
La maschera dell'elefante
The Masters of Darkness (Beaver, UK 1988 1st printing [1st])
Mean Streets
El medallón granate
Meet Me at the Fair
Meet Me at the Fair
Més enllà de la frontera
Meurtre dans l'Orient-Express
La mina de los tormentos
Las minas del rey Salomón
Die Minen des Salomo
Mines of Moria
Misión Alfa Centauro
The Missing Scientist Game
El misteri de l'Alberg de l'Eco
El misteri de l'habitació secreta
El misteri del gos segrestat i nou casos més
El misteri dels diamants desapareguts i nou casos més
O mistério de Atlântida
El misterio de la desaparicion del cantante de rock
El misterio de la habitación secreta
El misterio de la momia desaparecida
El misterio de la posada del eco
El misterio de Loch Ness
El misterio de los antiguos
El misterio del diamante Dandee
Los misterios de Babilonia
Il mistero dei falsi menhir
Il mistero di Ura Senke
Mona ha desaparecido
The Money Spider
Monster no gyakushu [モンスターの逆襲]
Monsutaa-tanjou [モンスター誕生]
A montanha dos espelhos
Moonshae Trilogy 2: Black Wizards
Mord im Diogenes-Club
La mort arrenca en primera
La muerte arranca en primera
Muerte en Appledore Towers
La muraglia urlante
MXWLH KRD [םחולה ךרד]
Le Mystère de Stonehenge
The Mysterious Planet
The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Hardcover edition)
Mystery of the Maya (Original edition, Grey Castle Press hardcover)
Mystery of the Sacred Stones
Mørkets hemmelighed
Naitomea kyassuru [ナイトメア キャッスル]
The Name of the Game
The Nasty
El náufrago de la isla misteriosa
Nei misteri dell'abbazia
Nel regno dei morti
Night of Mystery
Nightcat (Copyright date)
Nire lagunik handiena
Objetivo: la Tierra
L'occhio delle Parche
Océan 1
El ojo de la esfinge
Olympus!: What is the Secret of the Oracle?
On the Trail of Blood
Ondskabens gader
Opération méduse
The Orb
Orbil, un mundo de fantasía
The Orchid of Life
Oss the Quick: School Pack
Overlord! (American edition)
Pablito, les secrets de la pluie perdue
Panique au cirque
O pântano do escorpião
Paradise Towers
Parløb : en spillebog for to voksne der tør lære hinanden at kende
Patrulha espacial
La patrulla X, Una muerte X-celente
Peligro en Oriente
Perdido na Amazonia
Perduti nel tempo
Péreim le Chevalier
The Perfect Planet
PFKMH KRD [ףשכמה ךרד]
La piedra de la ciencia
Piers Anthony's Xanth: Ghost of a Chance
Planet of the Dragons
I poli ton oniron [Η πόλη των ονείρων]
El port embruixat
Pour l'indépendance
The Practical Alchemist
Los primeros colonos
Prince of Thieves
La principessa dei monti pallidi
Pris sur le vif
Le Prisonnier
Problemas en el espacio
La prova
La prueba del ninja
El pueblo aterrorizado
El puerto embrujado
Quest for King Arthur (First printing)
¿Quién secuestró a la princesa Saralinda? (First printing)
The Race Forever (Original version, Grey Castle Press hardcover)
El rapte de la fada
El rapto del hada
Razem 37/88
Razem 38/88
Razem 39/88
Razem 40/88
Rebel Planet (Original (Bronze text, number on front and spine), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [6th])
Recipe for Success
Regno sotterraneo
Regreso a la cueva del tiempo
El reino de pesadilla de Baba Yaga
Le rendez-vous du chef
The Rescue
Réseau Odessa
Return of the White Witch
Return to Atlantis (Original edition)
Return to Deathwater
Return to the Cave of Time (Original version, revised cover edition)
La Révolte de Spartacus
Les Rhinocéros du Kilimandjaro, aventures en Tanzanie
Riddernes hemmelighet
The Robbery
Robert Heinlein's Glory Road: Fate's Trick
Robot Commando (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, number on front and spine), UK 1988 2nd printing (C&W) [6th])
La rocca del male
Les Rôdeurs de la Nuit
Roger Zelazny's Amber: Seven No-Trump
Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber: The Black Road War
The Royal Flush
Rumbo a Australia
Run Away!
Ruta siniestra
Rødfrakker og minutmænd : Den Nordamerikanske Frihedskrig
La sang del meu germà
La sangre de mi hermano
Satélite maldito
Scarlet Sorcerer (American edition)
Schiff der Rätsel
Das Schloß des Todes
Das Schwert des Samurai
Scorpion Swamp (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [10th])
Search for Smugglers!
Seas of Blood (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [7th])
El secret dels ninja
El secreto del abismo
Secuestradores cósmicos
Sejrens symbol
Selvaggio west
Los señores de la muerte
Senritsu no janguru [戦慄のジャングル]
Sex & Shopping
Sfida per il trono: Il libro del guerriero
Sfida per il trono: Il libro del mago
Shadow on the Sand (British (Beaver) edition, revised cover printing)
Shadow over Nordmaar
Shi no jousai [死の城塞]
Shouri no monshou o ubae! [勝利の紋章を奪え!]
The Shuddering Mountain Game
Il signore di Ravenloft
La sirena perduda
Sky Lord
Slaughter Mountain Run (British edition)
Slaves of the Abyss
Der Smaragd vom Schwarzen Fluß
The Smugglers
Sold on Sales
Les Soldats de l'ombre
Il sole morente
The Sorceress and the Book of Spells
El sorprendente Ben Franklin
Spawn of Dragonspear
Les Spectres de l'angoisse
Spiderman, el hombre araña, La ciudad a oscuras
Spirit of the Hawk
Spooky Thanksgiving
Spy Files
A Spy in Isengard
St. John the Pursuer 1: Vampire in Moscow
Stadt der Dämonen
Star Strider (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [3rd])
Stealer of Souls
Le stelle scomparse
Stepping into the Bible
Strampel dich frei, Christina!
Strangers in Paradise
Sur la piste des diamants, aventures en Sibérie
Sutaa sutoraidaa [スター ストライダー]
Sword of the Samurai (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number on front and spine), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [6th])
Talisman of Death (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 2nd printing (C&W) [10th])
Taxidi sto mellon [Ταξίδι στο μέλλον]
Tempestad sobre "El Cisne Negro"
Temple of Terror (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [9th])
Tenebre sulla città
Terror fra rummet
Terror in Australia (Original edition, first printing)
Terror of the Vervoids
Terror's Lair
Terrore a High Ridge
Il tesoro di Gengis Khan
Il tesoro di Saba
The Official Book of King's Quest: Daventry and Beyond
The Great Escape (American edition, first printing)
Time and the Rani
The Time Meddler
Time Train to Ancient Rome
To Catch a Bunyip
To katarameno pharanghi [Το καταραμένο φαράγγι]
To mystiko tou monokerou [Το μυστικό του μονόκερου]
La tomba de la mòmia
Topolino #1704
Topolino #1713
Topolino #1723
Topolino agente... immobiliare (Topolino edition)
Topolino e i futuri futuribili (Topolino edition)
Topolino e Pippo eroi del giorno prima (Topolino edition)
Torgars fängelsehålor
Torneo de terror
La torre dei naufragi
Track of the Bear (Original edition)
Treason at Helm's Deep (1st printing, Berkley version)
Treason at Helm's Deep (1st printing, I.C.E. version)
Le Trésor sous la mer, aventures aux Antilles
El Triángulo de las Bermudas
A tribo perdida
Triumph of the Darksword
Troldkarlens krypt (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
La trompeta del terror
La trompeta del terror
La tumba de Amenosis
L'ultima invasione: 1066
The Ultimate Foe
The Ultimate Prize
El último dinosaurio
ULTRA Deadly
The Underwater Menace
Uoozun-jou no mahoutsukai [ウォーズン城の魔法使い]
The Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures (Collection, hardback, BE 1988 printing)
Usurper! (American edition)
Les vaisseaux de feu
Varkaiden kaupunki
La vedette armoricaine
La venganza de la reina de los dragones
La venganza del Caballero Halcón
Vengeance on Varos
Venice: Who Are the Three?
Die verbotene Stadt
Viaje a Vernico 5
Viaje espacial
Viatge espacial
Visiones de destrucción
Vous êtes Adam Drake: La Citadelle pourpre
Le Voyageur égaré
The Walls of Spyte (Original edition)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number front), UK 1988 1st printing (C&W) [28th])
The Water Spider
What's Your Story? Series 1
The Wheel in Space
White Dwarf #106
White Warlord (American edition)
World War I Flying Ace (First printing)
Xyr: The Seekers of Valcin
Yamogaeru youjutu-tukai [甦る妖術使い]
You Are a Monster
You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat (American edition)
You See the Future
Yuusha tabidatsu [勇者旅立つ]
178930th & Lexington
À la recherche de Champie
A'amidat al-sahir [أعمدة الساهر]
El abismo de Helm
Africa: Where Do Elephants Live Underground?
Agent i borgerkrigen
Aku Ankan Taskukirja #117
Akuma no tsume o ore! [悪魔の爪を折れ!]
Akuryou no doukutu [悪霊の洞窟]
Alla ricerca della megafragola
The Amazing Spider-Man: As the World Burns (British edition)
Amazon Escape
Os aneis de Saturno
O angheliophoros [Ο αγγελιοφόρος]
L'antro della paura
Apostoli: mistiki diasosi [Αποστολή μυστική διάσωση]
L'appuntamento del capo
El árbol de los búhos
Attack of the Cybermen
Au temps des dragons
Avatar Trilogy 1: Shadowdale
Avatar Trilogy 2: Tantras
Avatar Trilogy 3: Waterdeep
Az országút harcosa
Bardik le voleur
Batman Role-Playing Game
The Battle of Cetza
Bay Thrombey'i kim öldürdü?
Blizzard Pas
Blood on the Handle (Original edition, first printing)
Bride of/Son of Ghostbusters International
Bringing Back the Solo
El bruixot malvat
La búsqueda del Palantir
Danger in the Desert (Retitled edition)
Un caballero de la mesa redonda
Caccia al tesoro
O Caldeirão Mágico
California Countdown (British edition)
Caravan to Tiern
La caravana
El cas del geni segrestat
El castell de sorra
The Caverns of Fear
The Chase
China: Why Was an Army Made of Clay?
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set (73-77)
La cieca sorte / La trappola mortale
La cimitarra de plata
El circ d'en Dumbo
El circo de Dumbo
Citroën XM
City of Gold
Conan and the Queen of the Black Coast (original)
Conan the Wyrmslayer (original)
Conan: Moon of Blood (original)
Coréus le prince
La corona dei re
La Cosa, Una cosa tras otra
Could You Be a Deer?
Could You Be a Fox?
Could You Be a Squirrel?
Could You Be an Otter?
Creatures from the Depths
Crimen en el Palacio de Buckingham
Cry of the Beast
Cuentos para jugar
Curse of the Serpent
Cæsars kostbare krukke
Cæsars krukke
The Daleks' Masterplan 1: Mission to the Unknown
The Daleks' Masterplan 2: The Mutation of Time
Der Dämonenkessel
Dans les entrailles de Torgar
Daredevil, el hombre sin miedo, Trampa para un superhéroe
The Dark Door Opens (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Day of the Fire Storm
DC Heroes (second edition)
Dead of Night
Delta and the Bannermen
Deniz altında macera
Denizde tehlike
Diamonds Spell Danger
Dikilitaşların esrarı
Los dinamiteros
Doctor Extrano, hechicero supremo, Viaje por seis dimensiones
Doctor Who Classics: The Daemons and The Time Monster
Doctor Who Classics: The Face of Evil and The Sunmakers
Doctor Who Classics: The Mind of Evil and The Claws of Axos
Donald Duck #400
Donald Duck: August 4, 1989
El drac de la venjança
The Dreamer
Dünya tehlikede
Eclipse of the Kai (Original British (Beaver) edition)
Empire of Mystery
En busca del Yeti
Encuentros extragalácticos
Les Esclaves de l'éternite
Un espía en Isengard
The Eyes Have It
Fama y Fortuna
Fangs of Fury
Five-Minute Mysteries: 37 Challenging Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
For Love of Mother-Not
La Forêt du dragon
Den forsvundne by
Frygtens fantomer
A fuga do Castelo de Quarras
Fældernes by (Sværd og trolddom: Sagaen om den magiske krone edition)
Die Gefangenen der Zeit
The Ghost in the Mirror
Ghostbusters International
The Giant Killer and the Jealous King
Das Gipfeltreffen
GM #4
Gordon R. Dickson's Dorsai: Dorsai's Command
The Great Safe Robbery
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Das große Spiel
Guderne og troldkvinden
A Gyíkkirály szigete
The Hammer of the Stars
The Haunted Tower (Original American edition)
Havsdjupets hemlighet
Der helle Barde
Heltenes prøve (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
El heredero desaparecido
Heroes 3: Weasel's Luck
The Hidden Blueprints Game
Highway Holocaust (American edition)
Die Hinkelsteinfälscher
El honor de la artillería ligera de Yorkshire
House Arrest
Huìxīng láilín zhī yè [彗星來臨之夜]
Icewind Dale Trilogy 2: Streams of Silver
Ignorant Armies
Illegal Aliens
Indiana Jones and His Life of Adventure
Indiana Jones i el culte de la cripta de la m'omia
Indiana Jones i el tresor perdut de Sabà
Indiana Jones i els gegants de la torre de plata
Indiana Jones i l'or de Genguis Khan
Indiana Jones i l'ull dels fats
Indiana Jones i la copa del vampir
Indiana Jones i la legió de la mort
Indiana Jones i la maledicció de l'illa de l'horror
Inferno! (American edition)
İpek kralı kayboldu
Itsaspean altxor bila
Jazirat al-mawt'a al-mutajawwilin [جزيرة الموتى المتجولين]
Julefesten i nissebjerget
Jumbobog #94
Le Justicier de l'Univers
Kalle Ankas Disneytajm #2
Kalle Ankas Pocket #102
Kan du overleve i bronzealderen: solguden
Kan du overleve i jernalderen: mosefolket
Kan du overleve i stenalderen : bjørnejagten
Kara Şato'nun esrarı
Die Kerker von Torgar
Kessen! Arefu garu do [決戦!アレフガルド]
The King's Quest Companion (first edition)
Knight of the Living Dead
Knopf im Ohr
Kosmiczna Ruletka: Traveller
Koufo no gen'ei [恐怖の幻影]
Krieg der Zauberer
Le labyrinthe de la Révolution française
Le Labyrinthe des pharaons
Le Labyrinthe du dieu Hermès
Le labyrinthe magique de la reine des ombres
The Labyrinths of Fear
Lanetli şato
La legión de los muertos
Liebliche Prinzessin Yasmina (original)
Liefdesspel : een spel voor twee volwassenen die elkaar nog beter willen leren kennen
Listia sto nao [Ληστεία στο ναό]
La Llorona
The Loch Ness Mystery
Lone Wolf and Cub Game
The Lost Jewels (Original version, retitled edition)
A lovagok titka
Lustiges Taschenbuch #133
A magia do corvo negro
Mahil, rendez-vous à Bombay
Le maître du feu
Majutsushi no chousen [魔術師の挑戦]
El mal antiguo
La maldición de Batterslea Hall
La maledicció de Batterslea hall
A mansão diabólica
Die Masken von Mayhem
Master of Kung Fu
Mayonaka no touzoku [真夜中の盗賊]
The Meeting of the Chieftains
Menschenjagd (original)
Las minas de Moria
Le miniere di re Salomone
The Missing Episodes 1: The Nightmare Fair
The Missing Episodes 2: The Ultimate Evil
Missione a Varsavia
El monstruo de Loch Ness
El monstruo Piesgrandes
La montagna del drago
Moonshae Trilogy 3: Darkwell
Möte med rymdvarelser
Muerte en el castillo
Mundos paralelos
Murder in a Locked Box
Mutiny in Space
The Mutt of the Basketballs
Mysteriet på Ura Senke
Na tropie Miast ze Złota
La nave fantasma
Navegando com piratas
No Gold in the Grey Mountains
Nærkontakt med 5 udgange
Objectif: apocalypse
L'occhio della sfinge
Öldüren gölge
The Omega Zone (British edition)
Onkel Joakim (February 20, 1989)
Osina à la recherche du tambour magique
Ostrze gilotyny
Out of the Wilderness
På tokt med sjørøverne
Los páramos de Nordmaar
Pas på! - kan du klare dig som odder?
Pas på! - kan du klare dig som ræv?
El pequeño Panda se pierde
The Phantom of Yremy
Pierścienie Saturna
Piramitteki sır
Planet of the Targ
Pocketbok #93
Politiet efterlyser
Pool of Radiance
Portal of Evil
Preludes 1: Darkness and Light
Preludes 2: Kendermore
Preludes 3: Brothers Majere
I prigionieri del tempo
Il primo ribelle
Prisioneiro do povo formiga
Prisioneiros de Pax Tharkas
The Prisoners of Time (American edition)
Les Prisonniers du temps
Problemas en el planeta Tierra
Pulg's Grand Carnival
The Pyramids of Peril
Race of the Year
La ratita hace líos
Die rätselhafte Amphore
La Rebelión de los Robots
Resplandor en la montaña
Retorn a la cova del temps
Le Retour d'Errare, pour progresser en orthographe
Return of the Ninja (Original edition, first printing)
A revolta dos Duendes
El rey de la seda
The Rings of Allion
Robert Asprin's Cold Cash War: Cold Cash Warrior
Rock Star - New Discovery
Saigo no senshi [最後の戦士]
Samuraiens sverd
Sapresti vivere da cervo?
Sapresti vivere da lontra?
Sapresti vivere da scoiattolo?
Sapresti vivere da volpe?
A sárkány háborúja
Lo scettro del potere
Lo scienziato scomparso
Search for the Palantír
Search for the Sunken City
El secret dels videojocs i vuit casos més
The Secret Night Flyer Game
Le segrete di Torgar
Shisha no kuni kara kaere! [死者の国から還れ!]
Shitou! Ryuuou no shima [死闘!竜王の島]
Shiva: An Adventure of the Ice Age
I Signori del Gioco di Kasar / Il bosco delle nebbie
Silver Nemesis
La simitarra de plata
El sino de los demonios
Skies stin ammo [Σκίες στην άμμο]
A skorpiók mocsara
Skæbnens sværd
Solo contra el Wendigo
South Pole Sabotage
Space Fleet
Space Gamer Volume 2, Number 2
Space Hero
Space Pilot
Space Rescue
Den Spanske Armada
Spiderman, el hombre araña, Mientras el mundo arde
Spion i Isengård
Stis hores tou tromou [Στις χώρες του Τρόμου]
Stock Car Champion
O submarino fantasma
Süper bilgisayar
Super Sleuth: Twelve Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries (Troll edition, first printing)
Sur la trace des Hommes-Poussière
The Sword of the Sun (Original British (Beaver) edition)
T*A*C*K to the Rescue
Tajemnica Atlantydy
Take Off!
The Tales of Orfeo 1: Zaragoz (original)
O talismã da morte
Taran en het kristal van de drakeberg
Tehlikeler evi
El tesoro de Moctezuma
Message from Space (Bantam version, retitled edition)
Tibet'in gizli hazinesi
The Tilean Rat
Titan: The Fighting Fantasy World (Advanced Fighting Fantasy edition)
Too Soon for Sex?
Topolino #1755
La Torre de Londres
A torre fantasma
La Tour de Londres
Trial by Fire
El Triangle de les Bermudes
Troldmagerens prøve
Trollkarlarnas kamp
The Trolltooth Wars
Tsa-Rong, l'insaisissable faucon turquoise
Tumba de pesadillas
A Tűzhegy varázslója
Twenty Mini Mysteries
Tyvenes lærling
U.S.A.: What is the Great American Invention?
Ufo'nun tutsakları
UFO-Abenteuer mit Wunschschluss (Donald Duck edition)
O último desafio
Una nuova avventura
Una spada in vendita / La taverna del rospo blu
Uzay dışında yolculuk
Uzay kartalı
Uzay şeytanı
La valle dei sogni 1: Darian il mago
La valle dei sogni 2: Issel il guerriero
The Vampire Genevieve 1: Drachenfels
Vampiros, espioes e seres extraterrestres
Vanhan linnan salaisuus
I Vasilissa ton Kyklopon [Η βασίλισσα των κυκλώπων]
Vault of the Vampire
Il vecchio della montagna
La vedette armoricana
I viaggiatori dello spazio
Viaggio nel terrore
A vingança dos dragões do arco-íris
Le Voleur d'âmes
Voyage au pays des rêves
W poszukiwaniu króla Artura
The War Machines
Warbringer! (American edition)
The Way of the Witchfinder
Der Wettstreit der Gladiatoren
Wolf Riders
Wolf Riders
World War II Code Breaker (First printing)
Wyspa Zmierzchu (First edition)
Xīxuèguǐ guī lái [吸血鬼歸來]
Yang Min, le fantôme du pavillon du Vide Bleu
Yeraltı krallığı
Yomigaeru loto eiyuu densetsu [甦るロト英雄伝説]
You Are a Genius
You Are a Superstar
You Are Invisible
You Be the Jury: Courtroom II
Zaman tüneli
Zaman tüneline dönüş
Zauber-Zeit #15
Zio Paperone e Rockerduck e il tesoro in società
Adobansuto Faintingu Fantajii [アドバンスト・ファイティング・ファンタジー] (volume 1)Afgrundens slaver
afternoon, a story
Agguato in montagna
Aku Ankan Taskukirja #128
Alien, Go Home!
Almost Lost
Annabelle, Où Es-Tu?
Appuntamento con la M.O.R.T.E.
L'arme secrète des Noxx
O assassino do espaço
La astroflotta
Aventuras en la Estatua de la Libertad
Aventures dans le Grand Nord
Az elvarázsolt ûr-kastély
Bajnokok próbája
El Barón Rojo
Baseball: You Are the Manager, You Call the Shots
Battle of the Alamo
La bimba rapita
Black Vein Prophecy
Blaster Master
Blood of Kerensky 2: Blood Legacy (original)
El caldero del miedo
California Countdown (American edition)
El cas de gos perdut
Il caso Milverton
Il castello di Grom
Castle Death (Red Fox, UK 1990 1st printing [2nd])
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
The Cauldron of Fear (British (Red Fox) edition)
A caverna do terror
The Caverns of Kalte (Original (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th])
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set (88-92)
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 2 (6-10) (reissue)
La cicala e la formica
A cidadela do caos
Las claves secretas
Clovis le chevalier
The Cobra Connection
Comanche Captive
La corona del mago
La corona del Re Sole
Could You Be a Frog?
Could You Be a Mouse?
Il covo dei pirati
La Crépuscule des maîtres
The Curse of Fenric
The Dark Door Opens (American edition)
Dark Elf Trilogy 1: Homeland
Dark Elf Trilogy 2: Exile
Deadly Encounter
Death or Deliverance
Deathwing (original)
Demon Download
Diario Game
Dick Tracy
Dragão da maldição
Dragens grotte
Dragon Warrior Text Adventure
Dragon Wing (hardback)
Dragon Wing (paperback)
Les Druides de Cener
Dudley Serious and the Dungeon of Doom!
The Dungeons of Torgar (Red Fox, UK 1990 1st printing [2nd])
Dybets djævle
Eclipse of the Kai (American edition, first printing)
L'Elu des six clans
Elurretako gizon nardagarría
Elven Lords (original)
Elven Star (hardback)
Empires Trilogy 1: Horselords
Empires Trilogy 2: Dragonwall
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers
England: What is the Secret of the Stones?
Escape from China
Europe: Why Was a City Built to Capture a Castle?
Falsches Spiel
Den falske konge
Famoso e rico
Os fantásticos urbanóides
Fantasy Warlord Mass Combat Rules
Farlig oppdrag i Det ville vesten
De farlige drømmes skov
FBET HNXFIM [שבעת הנחשים]
Feliz cumpleaños, Babsy!
Ferias perigosas no Mar do Caribe
Fight for Freedom
Fighting Fantasy Poster Book
Finder's Stone Trilogy 2: The Wyvern's Spur
Fire on the Water (Original (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [7th])
The Five Find-Outers and the Faked Painting
The Five Find-Outers and the Note from Nowhere (Armada reissue edition)
La flecha fantasma
Flight from the Dark (British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [6th])
Football: You Are the Quarterback, You Call the Shots
Fortress of Assassins
GBEWT HFMWJNJI [גבעות השמוטנטי]
Ghost Light
Ghostly Towers
Gli adoratori del male
El gran tesoro
Il grande gioco
Grave Robbers
Das große Chicago-Spielbuch
Guet-apens dans la maison mystérieuse
The Happiness Patrol
He Gave Her Roses
Heroes II 1: Kaz the Minotaur
Heroes II 2: The Gates of Thorbardin
Heroes II 3: Galen Benighted
O herói de Washington Square
Die Herren der Dunkelheit
The Hidden Evil
A hóboszorkány barlangjai
Hunting Wolf (British edition)
Icewind Dale Trilogy 3: The Halfling's Gem
The Idol of the Gauls
The Inquisition War Trilogy 1: Inquisitor
Intriga en el rodatge
Jagten på de fire kongesten
Japan: How Do Hands Make Peace?
Jedi's Honor
Jet Eagles
JIRT HAIMIM [טירת האימים]
Journey to the Lost Temple
La jungla de los horrores
The Jungle of Horrors (Red Fox, UK 1990 1st printing [3rd])
Just This Once
A káosz fellegvára
The Keep of the Lich-Lord
Keltaisen ruukun arvoitus
The King's Quest Companion (second edition)
The Kingdoms of Terror (British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th])
Kitouk à la poursuite du grand caribou
The Konrad Trilogy 1: Konrad (original)
Krokodil Tears
KTR HMLKIM [כתר המלכים]
I labirinti di Krarth
Il leone e il topo
La lepre e la tartaruga
lián huán dà zhuī bǔ [连环大追捕]
Lilian, l'île de la lumière perdue
The Lost King
Lothar le sorcier
Il lupo, la capra ed il capretto
Lustiges Taschenbuch #152
La machine fantastique de l'oncle Vocabulo
Master of Chaos
Master of Karate
Master of Tae Kwon Do
Mega Man 2
Metal Gear
La mina del ancla
The Missing Episodes 3: Mission to Magnus
El misteri del rock and roll
El misterio del rock and roll
El misterio del rock
Mons paral·lels
Les monstres du potager
La montaña del águila
Mörkrets herrar
La muntanya de l'àguila
Naraku no teiou [奈落の帝王]
The Night Mayor (hardback)
Ninja Gaiden
Nintendo Power (March/April, 1990)
La Nuit des mutants
Okuri-bina ha ruri iro no [送り雛は瑠璃色の]
Omicidio al Diogenes Club
The Option Play
Paperinik e il mistero del tempio Azteco
Petar Pan u nedođiji
Il pianeta dei Targ
Pilota dello spazio
Pinokijeve pustolovine
Le Pion Magique
The Plague Lords of Ruel (Red Fox, UK 1990 1st printing [1st])
Planet of Giants
The Possibility Wars 1: Storm Knights
The Possibility Wars 2: The Dark Realm
The Possibility Wars 3: The Nightmare Dream
Pourrais-tu être un écureuil?
Preludes II 1: Riverwind the Plainsman
Preludes II 2: Flint the King
Preludes II 3: Tanis, the Shadow Years
El príncipe de los ladrones
The Prisoners of Time (British (Red Fox) edition)
Pustolovine iz knjige o džungli
Puzzle Island
Quête aux Confins du Khant
Die rätselhafte Schatzkarte
Reap the Whirlwind
Red Thirst
Il regno del caos
Il regno dell'orrore
Regreso a la cueva del tiempo
El rei de la seda
O reino de pesadelo de Baba Yaga
Rejsen til kongens venner
Remembrance of the Daleks
Rettegés a negyedik dimenzióban
Revenge of the Russian Ghost
Robert Silverberg's Majipoor: Revolt on Majipoor (British edition)
La rocca del naufrago
Route 666
Russia: What is the Golden Horde?
Rædslernes togt
Le sceptre noir
Scontro mortale
Scoundrel's Luck
El secreto de los ninjas
I segreti di Babilonia
Shadow on the Sand (British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th])
Sherlock Holmes megoldatlan esete
Shiva: An Adventure of the Ice Age (American edition)
Sinkadus #28
Sjælesamlerens ø
Skryling's Blade
I skyggen av giljotinen
Mountain Run (American edition)
Lo smeraldo del fiume nero
Sob as asas do dragão
Solo contra la oscuridad : impide el triunfo del hielo
Les Sombres cohortes (Défis fantastiques, original edition)
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Special edition)
Den sorte borg
The Space Pirates
La spada di Prost
Spiel doch einmal Eichhörnchen
Spiel doch einmal Fuchs
Ein Spion in Isengart
The Tales of Orfeo 2: Plague Daemon
O tesouro da Amazonia
Through the Black Hole (Original edition)
Tidens fångar
A Time to Belong
Tödliche Wettfahrt
Topolino #1804
Torre da escuridão
Traitors from Within
The Treasure of the Onyx Dragon (Original edition)
Tronranerens gift
Tyrannens juvel
The Usborne Book of Ghost Puzzle Adventures (Collection, IT 1990-08 printing)
Le Vampire du château noir
The Vanishing Village (Usborne Puzzle Adventures, American edition)
Varulvens forbandelse
A végzet útvesztői
La Vengeance des démons
Vér ezredes öszeeskûvése
Verrat in Helms Klamm
A Vértengerek
Viaggio disperato
Video eller virkelighed?
Os vilões de Volturnus
Vit snö
Le Volcan de Zamarra
Væsnerne fra dybet
The Worst Day of Your Life
XRI NML HMLKWDWT [חרי נמל המלכודות]
You Are a Millionaire
You Be the Jury: Courtroom III
You Can Make a Difference: The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Zauber-Zeit #22
Zauber-Zeit #25
La zona omega
The Zork Chronicles
Adobansuto Faintingu Fantajii [アドバンスト・ファイティング・ファンタジー] (volume 2)Adventure 101: Intro to Tourist Traps, Dwarfs, and Chivalry
Agent Arthur on the Stormy Seas
Agent Arthur's Puzzle Adventures
Alene i skoven
Alien Invaders
L'ancienne prophétie
Angstens krypt
El árbol de los espíritus
Armor Attacks: The Tank Platoon
Az elátkozott ház
Bad Dreams
Banpiroen espresoa
Bases Loaded II
Before Shadowgate
Bermudetako triangelua
Bern Børneridder : et spil om en byggelegeplads
Beyond the Moons
Bionic Commando
Blutgruppe AB/rh
Bureau 13 (original)
Caca ao tesouro submarino
Caithness l'elementalista
O caminho do feiticeiro
O caminho do guerreiro
Campament d'estiu
Caos no planeta Terra
Le captif du Roi-Sorcier
The Captives of Kaag (Red Fox, UK 1991 1st printing [1st])
Car Warriors Issue 1
Car Warriors Issue 2
Car Warriors Issue 3
Car Warriors Issue 4
La carrera del año
El caso del rey de la seda
Castle Death (Red Fox, UK 1991 1st printing [3rd])
Catacumbas sem fim
A caverna dos dragoes
Cazador de fantasmas
The Chasm of Doom (Original (Red Fox), UK 1991 2nd printing [7th])
Chinese Dragons (Original edition)
The Claws of Helgedad
Cleric Quintet 1: Canticle
The Cloud People
Codename Quicksilver
Comeback Tour
The Comet Masters
Contagio mortale
Le crime du Docteur Watson
La crociata della morte
The Crystal Maze
Daredevil Park
Dark Divide
Dark Elf Trilogy 3: Sojourn
Dark Temple
The Darke Crusade (Red Fox, 1991 1st printing [1st])
Darker than the Darkness
Dawn Comes Early
Il demonio del re
Demónios das profundezas
O desafio dos campeões
I dinamitardi
Dinosaur Dilemma (American edition)
Doors to Doom (American edition)
Double Trouble (American edition)
Double Trouble (British edition)
Dragon Cards
The Dreamstone
Dudley Serious and the Space Patrol
Dudley Serious Saves the World!
Elven Nations Trilogy 1: Firstborn
Elven Nations Trilogy 2: The Kinslayer Wars
Elven Nations Trilogy 3: The Qualinesti
Elven Star (paperback)
L'émeraude de la Rivière noire
Empires Trilogy 3: Crusade
En fælles skat
Encontros cósmicos
L'Epreuve des champions
A espada do Samurai
O expresso dos vampiros
Extreme Paranoia: Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Shot
The Falcon Rises
Faster than Light
O feiticeiro da montanha de fogo
The Fellowship of Four
Finder's Stone Trilogy 3: Song of the Saurials
Fire in the Night
Fire on the Water (Original (Red Fox), UK 1991 1st printing [8th])
Fire Sea (hardback)
La fletxa fantasma
Flight from the Dark (British (Red Fox), UK 1991 1st printing [7th])
A floresta da destruição
Flown the Koopa (American edition)
Football 2: You Are the Quarterback, You Call the Shots
Forge of Virtue
Fúria de príncipes
Galskabens rige
Gau bat amonaren etxean
De geheimzinnige amfora's
Den gemensamma skatten
Ghost Train
Ghost Train
Ghostly Games
Il gioco di ruolo del signore degli anelli
Gladiators Game Book No. 1
Grotts grav
GURPS Módulo Básico
Den gyldne kugle
A haláltalizmán
Harpers Series 1: The Parched Sea
Harpers Series 2: Elfshadow
Heltenes slagmark (Borgen 1984-1991 edition)
Les héritiers de Dorgan (Original edition)
Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games
Horrible Humes
Hunting Wolf (American edition, first printing)
I'm Mad
L'illa del terror
L'impossible mission
Die Insel der Sternenbestie
The Intergalactic Bus Trip (Hardback edition, 1991 printing)
Into the Void
Intruder II: The Next Dimension (4 of 6)
Invaders from Within
Iskanje dinozavrov
Iskanje kralja Arthurja
La isla de la caña de azúcar
La isla del terror
La isla del terror
The Island of Time (Original edition)
L'isola del re lucertola
J'ai Peur D'Avoir Peur
Jago (British edition)
Jezdec na Divjem zahodu
Los jinetes fantasmas de Goldspur
Jsi příšera
Jumbobog #114
Kalle Ankas Pocket #126
Kampen om kongeborgen
Kandjar il mago
Kaos i Avalon
Keldrilh il menestrello
King's Sacrifice
King's Test
Kje izvira Nil
Knight of the Black Rose
The Konrad Trilogy 2: Shadowbreed (original)
Koopa Capers (American edition)
Koopa Capers (British edition)
Le labyrinthe du château d'Oz
Leaping Lizards (American edition)
Leaping Lizards (British edition)
The Legacy of Vashna (Red Fox, 1991 1st printing [1st])
Legend of the Jade Phoenix 1: Way of the Clans
Legend of the Shadow Warriors
La légende des guerriers fantômes
La legione dei morti
Lobo's Greatest Hits
Looking for Class
Lord of the Rings Adventure Game
The Lost City of Zork
The Lost Ninja (Original edition)
Lost Worlds Introductory Set
A lovagkirály birodalmában
A magia das piramides
Mago contro mago
Le maître chanteur d'Appledore
Le maître des rêves
A maldicao do Castelo de Batterslea
A maldicao do tesouro submerso
Os malfeitores da Serra Peluda
Mama's Boy
Marco Polo
The Masters of Darkness (Red Fox, UK 1991 1st printing [3rd])
Las mazmorras de Torgar
Maztica Trilogy 3: Feathered Dragon
Meetings Sextet 1: Kindred Spirits
Meetings Sextet 2: Wanderlust
Meurtre au Club Diogène
The Midnight Ghosts (Hardback edition, first printing)
The Midnight Ghosts (Paperback edition, first printing)
La mina de l'àncora
The Mirror of Death
O misterio do brasao da montanha escocesa
O mistério dos antigos
Il mistero del corvo d'argento
La Mona ha desaparegut
Monster Horror Show [モンスター・ホラーショウ]
Monster Mix-Up (American edition)
Monster Mix-Up (British edition)
More Five-Minute Mysteries: 34 New Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
The Mysterious Old Church
Mødet med djævlefolket
The New Easy to Master Dungeons & Dragons
New York, New York
Odisea en el Gran Cañón
El oro de los incas
Paperino e la città western (Topolino edition)
Paperino e le quattro strade della fortuna (Topolino edition)
Pela correnteza do Rio das Velhas
Peligro en la Tierra
Perdidos numa terra estranha
Pereim il cavaliere
The Pescatons
Phobos nairan [フォボス内乱]
Piekło na autostradzie
Pipe Down! (First printing)
Piracki rejs
Plamen inkvizicije
O planeta rebelde
La Planète des Enfants
Pockets 2e reeks #53
Podzemelya Chernogo zamka [Подземелья Чёрного замка] (Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра] edition)
Le port des assassins
Pot v Avstralijo
Pourrais-tu être un renard?
Prigionieri del labirinto
Il prigioniero di Kaag
Prisioneros del tiempo
Prism Pentad 1: The Verdant Passage
Przejście przez Góry Masakry
Puzzle Farm
The Quest for the Golden Mane
Racing with the Rats
Raimei-san no hihou [雷鳴山の秘宝]
The Rain Forest Mystery
El regne encantat
Il regno di Wyrd
El reino encantado
A rémület útvesztője
Le repaire des morts vivants
Rescate en el océano
A rettegés városa
Il ritorno di Vashna
The Roman Conspiracy
Runesword: Bith - Female Cleric
Runesword: Cal - Warrior with Sword and Shield
Runesword: Endril - Elfin Archer with Epee
Runesword: Hathor - Troll with Axe
The Sacrifice of Ruanon
Samurajev meč
Le sanctuaire des Horlas (Original edition)
The Search for Aladdin's Lamp
The Second Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures (Collection, BE 1991-11 printing)
Secrets of Power 3: Find Your Own Truth
O segredo da chave encantada
Shiva Accused: An Adventure of the Ice Age
Si príšera
Skateboard Champion
Skrivnost Atlantide
Skrivnost vitezov
The Smithsonian Connection
Smoke Jumper (Original edition, first printing)
Sobrevivencia na montanha
The Sorcerer's Isle
Sorcerer's Stone
Space Fortress
La spada del samurai
La spada del templare
Spectral Stalkers
Die Spur des Bären (original)
Swamp Thing Sourcebook
The Tides of Treachery (American first half, 1st printing)
The Sword of the Sun (American second half, first printing)
The Sword of the Sun (Reprinted British (Red Fox) edition)
De syv slanger (Sværd og trolddom: Sagaen om den magiske krone edition)
A szamuráj kardja
A szamuráj kardja
Tajemství ninjů
Tajemstvo ninjev
The Tales of Orfeo 3: Storm Warriors
Tarepo's Troubles
O templo do terror
Tenkuu-yousai Aarokku [天空要塞アーロック]
The Terrestrial Index
Terror em Monte Alto
The Terrorist Trap
The Official Book of King's Quest (Second Edition)
Time Lord
Timewyrm: Apocalypse
Timewyrm: Exodus
Timewyrm: Genesys
Timewyrm: Revelation
Token of Dragonsblood
Tolvajok városa
La tomba degli incubi
Topolino #1851
Topolino #1859
Topolino #1864
Topolino e il mutevole uomo delle nevi (Topolino edition)
Tower of Destruction
Tradimento alla fortezza
Treasure Hoard of the Cold Drake
Les treize mages
O tributo do dragão
Tu sei il cavaliere delle fate
Tu sei un mago
Tu sei un principe
Tu sei una maga
Tu sei una principessa
The Turbulent Triangle
Udako arratsalde bero batean
Uma Noite de Trabalho
Una spia a Isengard
The Underground Railroad
The Usborne Book of Ghost Puzzle Adventures (Collection, IT 1991-05 printing)
The Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures (Collection, paperback, BE 1991-10 printing)
Le vaisseau aux cent pirates
Vampire Invaders
Vampire of the Mists
Vampyrens slot (Sværd og trolddom (Borgen 1984-1991) edition)
Verso la California
Viagem a Stonehenge
Vietnami tombolás
W poszukiwaniu źródeł Nilu
Watson sotto accusa
Web of Futures
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? (First printing)
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? (Early printing)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (First printing)
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? (First printing)
White Wolf #28
Yon nin no kingu [四人のキング]
You Be the Detective
You Be the Jury: Courtroom IV (Grey-covered edition, first printing)
You Be the Jury: Courtroom IV (Orange-covered edition, first printing)
Zauber-Zeit #32
The Abandoned Gold MineAl sur de la frontera
Alla ricerca del Palantir
Alla ricerca del tamburo magico : l'avventura di Osina
Almanaque Disney #255
Alone on Halloween
Anno Dracula
Appuntamento a Bombay : l'avventura di Mahil
L'arbre dels esperits
L'arpenteur de la lune
L'artiglio del demone
L'ascesa dei mercanti
L'assassino nello specchio (Kaos edition)
Asterix Against All Odds
Baker Street Puzzles
Baraban na smurtta [Барабан на смъртта]
Il barbaro ribelle
Barlogata na drakonite [Бърлогата на драконите]
Behind the Wheel (Original edition)
Beyond the Wall of Stars
The Birthplace
The Book of the Magnakai
El bosque de las brumas
Brain Drain (American edition)
Das Buch der Abenteuer (revised) (original)
Caccia al drago
El campeón de monopatín
The Captives of Kaag (American edition, first printing)
A Captura de Kirillian
La casa infernale
The Case of the Silk King
Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible
Cat's Cradle: Warhead
Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark
The Cauldron of Fear (British (Red Fox) edition, 1992 reprint [4th])
Caves of Fury
Changeling (American edition)
Changeling (British edition)
A cidade desaparecida
Os círculos de Kether
The Class Project Showdown
I Classici di Walt Disney seconda serie #188
Il classico Estate (July, 1992)
Comando robot
La conquista dei quattro regni
La conspiration des dynamiteurs
Contro spionaggio
The Crimson Tide
Le cripte del terrore
La croisade du désespoir
The Crystal Trap (American edition)
I dadi del destino : l'avventura di Amad
Danger in the Dark
The Dark Door Opens (Reprinted British (Red Fox) edition)
Dawn of the Dragons (Red Fox, UK 1992 1st printing [1st])
The Deadly Pretender
The Deathlord of Ixia (Red Fox, UK 1992 1st printing [1st])
The Deckchair Detectives (Paperback edition, first printing)
Demônios das profundezas
Detektiv Scotland Yarda
Detektiv Scotland Yarda
Dinosaur Dilemma (British edition)
Doomsday Exam (original)
Doors to Doom (British edition)
Druidhome Trilogy 1: Prophet of Moonshae
Druidhome Trilogy 2: The Coral Kingdom
Un duel dans le Yorkshire
Un duello d'altri tempi
The Dungeons of Torgar (Red Fox, UK 1992 1st printing [3rd])
Dupla gubanc
Eclipse of the Kai
Eclipse of the Kai (Reprinted British (Red Fox) edition)
En busca de los gorilas de las montañas
O encantamento do feiticeiro de Inverno
The Enchanted Attic
Escape from Blood Castle (Original edition, BE 1992/03 printing)
L'esodo su Terminus
Expédition chez les dinosaures
Il fantasma del padiglione del vuoto blu : l'avventura di Yang Min
FDIM BMCWLWT [שדים במצולות]
Une fête d'Halloween fantastique
The Fiber People
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL01 - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL02 - Titan Dragon
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL03 - Zhandar Marr The Undead Sorcerer
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL04 - The Snow Witch
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL05 - The Shape Changer
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL07 - Gillibran Lord Of The Dwarfs
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL08 - The Minotaur
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL09 - Hell Demon
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL10 - The Ghoul
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL11 - The Skull Bearer
Fighting Fantasy Ornament JL13 - Fighting Fantasy Statue Plaque/Bookend
Fire Sea (paperback)
First Day Blues
Flown the Koopa (British edition)
The Forbidden Gate
Forgotten Days
Full Moonster (original)
Der Götze der Mohas
Grandi Classici Disney #62
Grandi Classici Disney #64
Grimrock Isle
Growing Up on Tékumel
Den grufulde campingtur
Guerra ao poderoso espirito do mal
Harpers Series 5: The Ring of Winter
The Hazardous Homestead
Heads or Tails: The Tale of a Trip
El hechizo de la Estatua de la Libertad
Den hemmelige vej
L'héritage de Vashna
Hét sárkánykígyó
La huitième porte
I'm Frustrated
I'm Proud
I'm Your Man
L'illa de la canya de sucre
Indiana Jones y el culto de la cripta de la momia
Indiana Jones y la copa del vampiro
Intrigo a Buckingham Palace
Iskanje zlatih mest
Izgubeni kray Amazonka [Изгубени край Амазонка]
Jagten på Heavy Babies
Jahac na Divljem zapadu
Kaliforniai visszaszámlálás
Kampen om dinosaurielandet
Kaos # 6
Khala se age Safar
Kharé - a csapdák kikötővárosa
The King's Quest Companion (third edition)
Koj go ubi Harlo Trombi
Koschsheeva cep' [Кощеева цепь]
Küzdelem az Éj Kardjáért
Küzdelem az Éj Kövéért
Labirint Kolduna [Лабиринт колдуна]
Il Labirinto di Creta (E Giochi edition)
Legacy of the Drow 1: The Legacy
Legends of Lone Wolf Omnibus
Il leone della ventesima flotta
Lochy labiryntu
Lone Wolf Game Book Omnibus
Love and War
The Maelstrom's Eye
Magic Master (Paperback edition)
Majster Tae Kwon Do
Majster v kung fu
La malédiction du sorcier
La maledizione del lupo mannaro
Máscaras de destruição
Master of Martial Arts
A Match of Wills
Maystorat na taekuon do [Майсторът на Таекуон До]
Meetings Sextet 3: Dark Heart
Meetings Sextet 4: The Oath and the Measure
Meetings Sextet 5: Steel and Stone
La minaccia del mutante
Le miniere di Moria
Missione per un samurai
La missione
El misteri de la casa roja
El misterio de la casa roja
Mistr v kung fu
Mistr v skateboardingu
Mistr v tae kwon do
MKFPT HFLG [מכשפת השלג]
Il monastero dimenticato
The Monumental Discovery
I mostri della palude
Le mura di Spyte
Les murailles de Spyte
Murder on the Midnight Plane (Original edition (revised cover), BE 1992/03 printing)
Le mystère de Compton
Mystery on the Trans-Siberian Express
A nagy kavarodás
Naufrage sur une ile deserte
Nel regno dei demoni
Nel regno di Baba Yaga
Never Trust an Elf
The Night Mayor (paperback)
The Nine Gates
nuò xī sēn lín de yě rén [诺西森林的野人]
A nyúlkirály
Oltre il confine
On Tour
Ondskabens kilde
Ostrov času
Ostrov os'minogov [Остров осьминогов]
Ostrovat na brodeshtite martvi [Островът на бродещите мъртви]
Outlaw Gulch
Paperino e gli incontri ravvicinati di 5 tipi (Grandi Classici Disney edition)
Path of the Crusaders
Patuvane do Stonehenge [Пътуване до Стоунхендж]
Pipe Down! (British edition)
Pippo e Nocciola: sfida all'ultima magia (Classico Estate edition, Il)
La piramide nera
O Pirata Galáctico
The Plague Lords of Ruel (American edition, first printing)
The Planet Eater
El planeta perfecto
Plovba z gusarji
Podzemno carstvo
Pools of Darkness
Potraži dinosaura
Pour l'honneur de la reine
Prism Pentad 2: The Crimson Legion
Prism Pentad 3: The Amber Enchantress
A pusztítás maszkjai
Puzzle Castle (British edition)
The Pyramid Plot (Hardback edition)
The Pyramid Plot (Original paperback edition)
The Quarterback Sneak
Quel tunnel sotto la scuola
Qui, Quo, Qua e le vacanze... a bivi (Classici di Walt Disney seconda serie edition, I)
The Radiant Dragon
Raziskovalec ledene dobe
La repubblica di Korell
Return to Firetop Mountain (Original (Dragon, Bronze text, Number spine only))
Revolution in Russia
Rezilo giljotine
Il ritorno dello stregone nero
Riveti utcák
Rogue Mage (reissue)
Rýchlejší ako svetlo
The Saga of the Gray Death Legion 2: Mercenary's Star (reissue)
Samurajev mac
Saturnovi prstani
La scelta finale
Das Schiff in der Flasche
The Screaming Spectre
Sečiloto na gilotinata
La seconda fondazione
Le sette città d'oro
The Shadow Prince (American edition)
A Shamutanti dombok
Shiva's Challenge: An Adventure of the Ice Age
Siege of Sardath
Il signore di Ixia
Signore supremo!
I signori del destino
Silver Wings (Original edition)
Skrivnost kraljičinega zaklada
So balon do Sahara
El sortilegi de l'Estàtua de la Llibertat
South of the Border
The Square Deal
Ein Stab aus Ulmenholz (original)
The Stone of Time
Strefa śmierci
La successione di Cleon
Surf Monkeys (Original edition)
Susret u svemiru
The Tainted Sword
Tajne vitezova
Tales II 1: The Reign of Istar
Tales II 2: The Cataclysm
Tales II 3: The War of the Lance
The Tall Ship Shakedown
Tayna kapitana Sheltona [Тайна капитана Шелтона] (Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра] edition)
Taynata na piramidite [Тайната на пирамидите]
The Temper of Wisdom
El tesoro del dragón de ónice
O tesouro secreto do Tibete
Le tombeau de la momie
Il toro del Nilo
Torri stregate
Tour De France
La tour de la destruction
Tu es invisible
Tunnels of Fear
Ultima: The Avatar Adventures
L'ultime réincarnation
The Universal Databank
Unjust Desserts (American edition)
Űr orgyilkos
Usborne Book of Solve Your Own Mystery Stories (Collection, BE 1992-03 printing)
Útok ze tmy
Uzurpator! [Узурпатор!]
V labirinta na vremeto [В лабиринта на времето]
El valle de los reyes
La Valle dei Re
The Valley of the Kings
A végzet erdeje
Verrat auf Arras De Mott
Vetřelci z nitra Země
Viaggio all'inferno
Victory Garden
Viking Raiders
Você decide
Vola con Peter Pan
Votrelci znútra Zeme
Vykrádači hrobov
Vykradači hrobů
Waqt kā ghar
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego?
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? (1992 printing)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (Early 1992 printing)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (Later 1992 printing)
Who Killed Mr. Boddy?
Wolf Pack
You Are Microscopic
You Be the Detective II
Zagadachnoto sakrovishte na Tibet [Загадъчното съкровище на Тибет]
Zagatkata na Maite
Zamakat na talasamite [Замъкът на таласъмите]
Zio Paperone e l'anfora enigmatica (Grandi Classici Disney edition)
Zvezdoletat Skitnik [Звездолетът Скитник]
A Ilha dos DinossaurosAfrican Safari
Agent Arthur's Desert Challenge
L'alba dei dragoni
Alieni, marziani e pianeti lontani
Alla conquista del regno
Alla ricerca di re Artù
Almanaque Disney #261
The Amazing Floating Zoo
Amerika : proc je na pyramide na dolarové bankovce oko?
L'aneguet troba un amic
The Apostle of Insanity 1: In Lunacy
Arena di morte
Arratsalde euritsua
As Good as Gold
Assignment Loch Ness
Austrálie : najdi létající lišky!
Avatar Series 4: Prince of Lies
Baakra está en peligro
Behind the Great Wall
Benátky : Kdo je Trojka?
Blood Heat
Un bosque lleno de aventuras
The Bounty Hunter
Brain Drain (British edition)
The Broken Sphere
Buscadores de tesoros
El campió de monopatí
I cancelli della morte
Carnival of Fear
La casa di tenebra
O castelo dos pesadelos
Castle Death (Red Fox, UK 1993 1st printing [4th])
Cat and Mouse and the Dinosaurs
Cherubion hőse
Circus supremus
La città scomparsa
The Coils of Hate
El conejo y su hermana
El conill i la seva germana
Conquest II [Конкуест II]
The Counterfeit Collection
La creatura del male
A cripta da feitiçaria
La cripta del vampiro
The Crystal Trap (British edition)
Csillagközi fejvadász
The Curse of Naar (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
The Curse of the Lost Idol (Original edition, BE 1993/04 printing)
Danger at Birbeck Hall
The Darke Crusade (Red Fox, 1993 1st printing [2nd])
DC Heroes (third edition)
The Deckchair Detectives (Paperback edition, American printing)
Demônio do rei
Des Elfenkönigs Zaubermacht
Il destino del lupo
The Dimension Riders
Dinosaur Island
Down Among the Dead Men (Virtual Reality edition)
Dracs xinesos
Draghi, fantasmi e streghe stregate
The Dragon's Lair
The Dragon's Tomb
Dragones chinos
Drengene efter pigerne
Dudley Serious salva il mondo
De duistere deur
Dwarven Nations Trilogy 1: The Covenant of the Forge
Dwarven Nations Trilogy 2: Hammer and Axe
Dwarven Nations Trilogy 3: The Swordsheath Scroll
Égi fejedelem
Em Busca do Ioiô Sagrado
The Emerald Conspiracy
L'erede scomparso
Escape from Blood Castle (Original edition, BE 1993/09 printing)
A espada do templário
The Evil of the Daleks
The Fall of Magic
Far Country
Farligt frosseri
A Fenevad nyomában
Le fiamme dell'inquisizione
The Forgotten Planet
La fortaleza especial
Il furto del meteorite
Galakticheskiyat gigant [Галактическият гигант]
Il giardino della follia
Gladiators Game Book No. 2
Il gobbo maledetto (E Giochi edition)
Gorata na demona [Гората на Демона]
Gorata na obrechenite [Гората на обречените]
Gospodaryat na mraka [Господарят на мрака]
Gospodaryat na zverovete [Господарят на зверовете]
The Great Funfair Caper
Green Blood
Groot gevaar
I guerrieri del fuoco
I guerrieri ombra
Guía básica del juego de rol #1
A halál seregei
De handige hagedis
Harpers Series 6: Crypt of the Shadowking
Harpers Series 7: Soldiers of Ice
Haunted Cliffs
Haunted Island
L'héritier disparu
The Highest Science
L'homme aux cent visages
Horror House
House of Shadows (Paperback edition, 1993/01 printing)
House of Shadows (Paperback edition, 1993/06 American printing)
House of Shadows (Paperback edition, 1993/07 printing)
I'm Excited
I'm Furious
I'm Scared
Ideal War
L'illa del temps
The Incredible Dinosaur Expedition (Original edition, BE 1993/09 printing)
La invasión de los céfids
The Invisible Spy (British edition)
The Irish Rebellion
La isla del tiempo
Island of the Undead
L'isola delle caverne
L'Isola di Anastrofe (Kaos edition)
Izpitanieto [Изпитанието]
Jago (American edition)
Le jardin aux cent secrets
Jedi Dawn
The Jungle of Horrors (American abridged edition)
Kaltské jeskyně
Kaos # 9
Kaos #12
Kaos #13
A Ketheri maffia
Királyok koronája
Knight of Newts
The Konrad Trilogy 3: Warblade (original)
Král Artus a jeho druzina
Kunsten at få en is
Küzdelem az Éj Könyvéért
Lázadók bolygója
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
The Legacy of Vashna (American ediion, early printing)
Legend of Zagor
Das Lied der Elfen
Lopakodó lelkek
The Lorestone of Varetta
Lucifer Rising
The Luckiest Day of Your Life
Ma gli uomini sognano pecore vere? (Kaos edition)
Los maestros del Louvre
The Magic Death
Magyosnikat ot ognenata planina [Магьосникът от Огненената планина]
Making the Grade
Map & Maze Puzzles
El mapache va a la playa
Marco Polo
Más allá de la gran muralla
Maschera Gialla
Masters of the Louvre
Mech' I sud'ba [Меч и судьба]
Meetings Sextet 6: The Companions
A mélység rabszolgái
Menekülés a sötétségből
Les mercenaires du Levant
Metal City Mayhem
The Midnight Ghosts (Paperback edition, 1993 printing)
Missione nei Caraibi
Missione nei cieli
El misterio de las piedras sagradas
El misterio de las piedras sagradas
Il mistero della miniera
Il mistero di Atlantide
Mistero sull'isola di Kirrin
Moeilijkheden in Mexico
Les mondes de l'Aleph
Motocross Mania
Mountains & Madness
Murder on the Midnight Plane (Original edition (revised cover), BE 1993/02 printing)
Murder Unlimited
Mystery at the Masked Ball
The Mystery Guest
A Nagy Féregfutam
Naked Came the Sasquatch
La nascita del male
Necklace of Skulls
Den nervepirrende ferietur
New Sorcerer's Solitaire
Night's Pawn
Nome in codice Assad
Oheň na vodě
Le ombre di Nordmaar
L'ós rentador va a la platja
Ostatni etap
Ostrica giljotine
Ostrov dinosauru
The Other Side of the Hudson: A Jewish Immigrant Adventure
Over the Misty Mountains Cold
Pakal! [Пъкъл!]
El pato encuentra a un amigo
Phantom Pharaoh
Pigerne efter Drengene
The Pit
El planeta de los dragones
Playoff Champion
Plovidba s gusarima
Pool of Twilight
La porte d'ombre
Povelitel bezbrezhnoy pustiny [Повелитель безбрежной пустыни] (Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра] edition)
The Power of the Daleks
Il principe dei ladri
Prinsen från skuggorna
Printsat na Alkiria [Принцът на Алкирия]
Prism Pentad 4: The Obsidian Oracle
Prism Pentad 5: The Cerulean Storm
Puzzle Adventure Omnibus
Puzzle Castle (American edition)
Os quatro caminhos da sorte
Quin dia!
Le radici del male
Rage of the Rakasta
The Reality Machine
Regreso a la Atlántida
Regreso a la Atlántida
Retour à la montagne de feu
La revolución rusa
The Roaring Twenties
Robô comando
Robot kommandó
Roller Star
Die Ruine (hardback)
Safari en África
Scene of the Crime
A scuola dal fantasma
The Second Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures (Collection, BE 1993-11 printing)
Secret Agent A.C.E.
The Secret of Mystery Hill
Secret of the Dolphins
Los señores de los cometas
Il sentiero della paura
La sfida dei maghi
Shadow on the Sand (British (Red Fox), UK 1993 1st printing [6th])
The Shadow Prince (British edition)
Shadows of Doom
Show na smartta [Шоу на смъртта]
Le siège de Sardath
Il signore del fuoco
The Silverlake Stranger
Sobrevive como un ratón
Sobrevive como una ardilla
Sobrevive como una zorra
Solo for the Intellectually Challenged
Sonic the Hedgehog
A Sötétség Gyűrűje
Space Marine
The Space Quest Companion (second edition)
Stormshooters and Troubleknights
The Strategy Game
Sudden Death at the Vicarage
Summer Love (Wanderer edition)
Svrah-razum [Свръхразум]
A szerelem útvesztői
Taen agent A.C. [Таен агент А. С.]
Tajanstvena Atlantida
Találkozás F.E.A.R.-rel
Taynata na sveteshtiya makh [Тайната на светещия мъх]
The Tellings
Il tempio di fiamma
The Third Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures
Title Deleted for Security Reasons
To the Ice Palace of Aesandre
A tök(él)etlen katona
Topolino #1947
Topolino #1965
Topolino e il mostro del Lago (Topolino edition)
La tour de cristal
Tradimento a Drakenwood
El tresor del drac d'ònix
Tribe of One 1: The Outcast
Il tunnel dei diamanti
The Tyrant's Tomb
Ultima VII and Underworld: More Avatar Adventures
The Ultimate Noah's Ark
Una nit a casa dels avis
Una noche en casa de los abuelos
Una tarda plujosa
Una tarde lluviosa
Unjust Desserts (British edition)
The Usborne Book of Spinechillers (Paperback edition, first printing)
The Usborne Book of Whodunnits (Omnibus edition, first printing)
Uzhas v IV izmerenie [Ужас в IV измерение]
La valle insanguinata
De vallei der koningen
The Vampire Genevieve 2: Genevieve Undead
Van onderen!
A varázsló kriptája
Varvarskiyat Bog [Варварският Бог]
Vaya día
Vernaya shpaga korolya [Верная шпага короля] (Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра] edition)
La Villa des Revenants [suivi de Les Diamants de lord Egremont] (Original edition)
Villains Series 1: Before the Mask
Villains Series 2: The Black Wing
Villains Series 3: Emperor of Ansalon
Vlastelin! [Властелин!]
Volo segreto
When the Cat's Away
When the Cat's Away
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? (1993 printing)
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego?
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? (1993 printing)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (1993 special edition)
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? (1993 printing)
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? / Part II
White Darkness
Who Killed Sam Rupert?
Wolf's Bane (Red Fox, UK 1993 1st printing [1st])
Yarost vav Vietnam [Ярост във Виетнам]
You Are There Bible Adventures
The Zagor Chronicles 1: Firestorm
The Zagor Chronicles 2: Darkthrone
Zavoevatel! [Завоевател!]
Zio Paperone, Brigitta e il tesoro... a bivi (Topolino edition)
Zone Rangers
Zvezdni boytsi [Звездни бойци]
2nd Puzzle Adventure OmnibusOs abismos do mal
L'abisso dei morti viventi
Agente secreto A.C.E.
All-Consuming Fire
Alla conquista di Magistar
Amazement Park Adventure
The Antimatter Universe
The Apostle of Insanity 2: Frenzy
The Apostle of Insanity 3: Dementia
Appalachian Ambush
Assassinato no Clube Diogenes
Auf der Suche nach einem Kaiser
L'aventura màgica de la ventafocs
Baseball: Catcher in Command
Beneath the Lands of Tsolyánu
The Best is Yet to Be
Blood Harvest
Bogovete na futbola [Боговете на футбола]
Boynite rovove na Krart [Бойните ровове на Крарт]
The Buccaneers of Shadaki (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Caça ao prêmio
Captains Outrageous: Or, For Doom the Bell Tolls
Čaroděj z Ohňové hory
The Case of the Secret Message
The Castle of Adventure
Castle of Intrigue (American edition)
Castle of Intrigue (Original edition, no scroll)
The Castle of the Orcmaster
Castle of the Undead
Cat and Mouse and the Dinosaurs (American edition)
The Chaos Gate
Chronicles of Athas 1: The Brazen Gambit
Chudovishteto ot Loch Ness [Чудовището от Лох Нес]
Citadel of Chaos
Citadela chaosu (Original edition)
I Classici di Walt Disney seconda serie #206
Il collare di teschi
Comet Crash
A coroa contra o Dr. Watson
Crystal Bucephalus
Cup Heroes
Curse of the Claw
The Cyber Warriors
Cyberspace Warrior
Dead Asleep
Dead Man's Scam
Death Spirit
Defenders of Magic Trilogy 1: Night of the Eye
Defenders of Magic Trilogy 2: Medusa Plague
Demonite ot NBA [Демоните в NBA]
Derrière la porte
Dimenziók bajnoka
Disappearance at Harmony Festival
Double Jeopardy
Dragonlord Chronicles 1: Dragonlord of Mystara
The Dragons of Krynn
Drevnoto Zlo [Древното зло]
Dudley Serious e il labirinto maledetto
Dukhat na preriyata [Духът на прерията]
Dungeon of Fear
Džungle hrůzy
Einfall der Orkhorden
Elminster: The Making of a Mage
Encontro com o M.E.D.O.
Encyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues (Bantam Skylark edition, 45th printing)
End Run
Esli: January, 1994
A esmeralda do Rio Negro
Estrella de fútbol
Everest Adventure!
Falls the Shadow
Find Your Way to Jurassic Park
First Frontier
Fleet Action
Football: Quarterback Attack!
Footsteps in the Fog
Forest of Darkness
La foresta degli elfi
The Fourth Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures
Further Five-Minute Mysteries: Thirty-Six New Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
Ghost Ride!
Goth Opera
Grandi Classici Disney #86
Grey Star the Wizard (American edition, eleventh printing)
Das große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch
Harpers Series 9: Crown of Fire
Heart of Ice (Virtual Reality edition)
Héroes del fútbol
Horrors of the Haunted Museum (Reissue edition, first printing)
¡Hoy es tu día de suerte!
Hrad smrti
L'île aux cent squelettes
Indiana Jones and the Cult of the Mummy's Crypt (Reissue edition)
The Inquisition War Trilogy 2: Harlequin
The Invisible Spy (American edition)
L'ira di Naar
La isla de los fantasmas
The Island of Adventure
Izgrevat na Mrachnoto Slantse [Изгревът на мрачното слънце]
Jagten på ædelstenene
Las joyas del rescate
Jumrukut na Troshacha [Юмрукът на Трошача]
Kalboto na omrazata [Кълбото на омразата]
Kaos #16
Kaos #18
Kaos #20
Kaos #21
Kitayska misteriya [Китайска мистерия]
Knights of Doom
Das Königs-Komplott
A kőtorony titka
Kraiat na Troshacha [Краят на Трошача]
Království děsu
Labyrinternes hersker
Last Run
Legacy of the Drow 3: Siege of Darkness
Legend of Zagor (Original (Dragon, Black text))
La légende de Zagor
Legionat na otmastitelite [Легионът на отмъстителите]
Legovishteto na snezhnata veshtitsa [Леговището на снежната вещица]
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary Calendar
Lord Fear's Domain
Lovets na vampiri [Ловец на вампири]
Lustrzana Góra
Les mages de Solani
La mágica aventura de Cenicienta
Margarida #200
Master of Judo
Masters of Time and Space (Marvel edition)
The Mayan Mystery
The Missing Clue (Paperback edition, first American printing)
The Missing Clue (Paperback edition, first printing)
Missione in montagna
El misteri de les pedres sagrades
¡La Mona Lisa ha desaparecido!
La Mona Lisa ha desaparegut!
Monarakh titka
Monstros do espaço
Las montañas sombrías
Morte nas torres Appledore
Il mostro di Loch Ness
The Mound Builders' Secret
Mountain Bike Mayhem
Murder in the Dark
The Mystery of the Russian Ruby
Mystery on Main Street
Night Dragon
Ninja [Нинджа]
No Future
Noi leggevamo un giorno per diletto…
Noktite na Drakona [Ноктите на Дракона]
Nomerat na Hugh [Номерът на Хю]
Noshtta na varkolaka [Нощта на върколака]
L'occhio del dragone
Ogarlitsa ot cherepi [Огърлица от черепи]
Ognena pustinya [Огнена пустиня]
Okoto na Dyavola [Окото на дявола]
L'Oracle de Balkh
The Organization Game
L'Oripetea (Kaos edition)
The Overnight Ordeal
Paklenata kula [Пъклената кула]
Paperinik e altri supereroi #12
The Paradise of Death
The Picture-Perfect Crime
Pieśń Czarnego Druida
Le pirate des sept mers
Pirates of Atlantis
Planet Strange
El planeta de los dragones
El planeta dels dracs
El planeta olvidado
Planetata na smartta [Планетата на смъртта]
Poslednata vrata [Последната врата]
Posledniyat ubiets na drakoni [Последният убиец на дракони]
Prescription for Murder
Prizrachniyat ostrov [Призрачният остров]
Project UFO (Original edition, first printing)
Prokalnata zemya [Прокълната земя]
Przerażający Loch
Puzzle Dungeon
The Quorum (British edition)
A Rave of Snakes
Reportaje en el Lago Ness
Retorn a l'Atlàntida
El retorno de los ninjas
Robotnik's Revenge
Rokle zkázy
The Rotting Land
Route 666
Safari for the Tigrus
The Saturday Night Bash
Se tu fossi il drago
Search the Amazon!
The Second Generation (hardback)
The Secret of Kazan-oud
Secret of the Djinn
El secreto de los delfines
Senkite na Mraka [Сенките на мрака]
Le sépulcre des ombres
Seres microscópicos
The Seventh Gate (hardback)
shī miàn shén xiàng [狮面神像]
A Shift of Coyotes
Ship of Fools (Paperback edition)
Siege of the Tower
Il signore dell'ombra
The Skull of Agarash (Original edition)
Soccer Star
Sonic vs. Zonik
Sonora [Сонора]
The Sorceror of Samardan
Spellbreaker (Original (Dragon, Black text), UK 1st printing (Clays) [1st])
Le spire dell'odio
Spring Break!
St Anthony's Fire
Stan' stalnoy krisoy [Стань стальной крысой]
Star Wars Adventure Journal #1
State of Change
Stín na písku
La stirpe di Dragonspear
Strange England
Stunden der Entscheidung
Svetilishteto na Hyperborea [Светилището на Хиперборея]
Swamp of the Snakemen
Te has vuelto microscópico!
The Legend of Zelda
Theatre of War
Tio Patinhas #350
A tök(él)etlen katona 2
Topolino agente... immobiliare (Grandi Classici Disney edition)
Topolino e i futuri futuribili (Classici di Walt Disney seconda serie edition, I)
Track of the Vampire
Track of the Werewolf
Tragedy Day
Tribe of One 2: The Seeker
Tribe of One 3: The Nomad
Trite kamaka na sadbata [Трите камъка на съдбата]
Troshacha [Трошача]
Tsarstvo Wyrd [Царство Уирд]
Tu sei il califfo del deserto
Tu sei la fata dei folletti
Tu sei la regina delle oasi incantate
Tumnitsata na uzhasa [Тъмницата на ужаса]
Twilight Giants Trilogy 1: The Ogre's Pact
Twist of Fate
Under Whose Influence?
The Usborne Book of Superpuzzles
The Usborne Book of Whodunnits (Omnibus edition, 1994 printing)
V bezdnata sred martavtsite [В бездната сред мъртъвците]
The Vampire Genevieve 3: Beasts in Velvet
El vampiro del espacio
Venusian Lullaby
Il viaggio della pietra di luna
O viajante das estrelas
Villains Series 4: Hederick the Theocrat
Villains Series 5: Lord Toede
Villains Series 6: The Dark Queen
Voyage of the Moonstone (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Il vulcano maledetto
War with the Mutant Spider Ants
A Web of Ya Yas
What if War Machine Had Not Destroyed the Living Laser?
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? (1994 printing)
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? / Part II
Who Are You?
Who Killed Brett Penance? The Environmental Surfer
Who Killed Taylor French? The Case of the Undressed Reporter
A Wild Ride
The Worlds of TSR (hardback)
The Zagor Chronicles 3: Skullcrag
The Zagor Chronicles 4: Demonlord
Zelena krav [Зелена кръв]
Zlatniyat Orakul [Златният оракул]
The Zone Zapper
The 24-Hour WarAiuuuto! Fatemi uscire!
The Also People
Am Rande der Nacht
American Knights
Amore è... passione e romanticismo
Anem a divertir-nos!
Archimede e Pico nemici provvisori
A arma de telak
Asesinato en la noche
Assignment UFO!
Aventuras em Patópolis #30
Batık define
Behind Closed Doors (British edition)
Behind the Wheel (Original edition, Gareth Stevens hardcover)
Beware the Snake's Venom
Bigby's Curse
Blood of Kerensky 2: Blood Legacy (reissue)
The Book of Atrus
Brimstone, the Fire Giant
I bucanieri di Shadaki
Buntut na dzhudzhetata [Бунтът на джуджетата]
Cadılar oteli
The Case of the Chocolate Fingerprints
The Case of the Smart Dummy
The Case of the Stolen Jewel
O Castelo dos Mortos-Vivos
Castle of Darkness
Castle of Horror
Cavaleiro do céu
Cavaleiros do Futuro
Cave of Fear
Le chasseur de mages
Chernoto ogledalo [Черното огледало]
Les chevaliers du destin
Choose the Fate of Apollo 13
Chronicles 4: Dragons of Summer Flame
Chronicles of Athas 2: The Darkness Before Dawn
Chronicles of Athas 3: The Broken Blade
Chronicles of Athas 4: Cinnabar Shadows
A cidade do velho oeste
Cimeree, Elfin Maid
La cité aux cent mystères
Cities of Gold and Glory (Original edition)
Cobra Consignment
Le collier maléfique
Le combat des loups
The Computer Takeover
The Connor Emerald
Cool School (First printing)
A Cripta do Feiticeiro
Cuore di ghiaccio
Curse of the Mummy (Original (Dragon, Brown text), UK 1st printing (Clays) [1st])
The Cursed Land
Czarny Legion (First edition)
Dancing the Code
The Dark Dark Knight (British edition)
Dark Knight of Karameikos
Darkmoon's Curse
Death Comes to Dinner
Defenders of Magic Trilogy 3: The Seventh Sentinel
Demi Adventure Special #1
The Demon Spider
Demonski nokat [Демонски нокът]
Destinazione Mistero
Dietro le porte (hardback)
The Dig (hardback)
Dinozorların günü
Disney Especial #152
Dragão Brasil #11
Dragão Brasil #12
Dragão Brasil #13
Dragão Brasil #14
Dragon in the Cupboard
Dragonlord Chronicles 2: Dragonking of Mystara
The Dreamwright
Duel v dalbinite [Дуел в дълбините]
Edisto Island Adventure
Em busca do Palantir
The Empire of Glass
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Two Spies
Era Uma Vez... a Vingança de Mag Mor
Eres un genio
Escape from the Carnival of Horrors
Éssers microscòpics
L'étoile de la destinée
Ets un geni
The Eye of the Pharaoh
Fantasmas en el tren
Fear on Rock Island
Fiend in the Fog
Final Sacrifice
Firuns Land
The Floating Castle
La forêt aux cent sortilèges
Fright Night
Fünf Freunde und Du erforschen die Schatzinsel
Für die Königin, für Rondra
Galactic Challenge
The Genesis Quest
Ghost Road
Ghost School
The Ghosts of N-Space
Golden Sword of Dragonwalk (Reissue, first printing)
Gradat na kradcite [Градът на крадците]
GURPS Basic Set (Revised third edition)
The Halloween Party
The Haunting of Dungeon Creek
The Hawaiian Computer Mystery (reissue)
Head Games
Heart of the Tiger
Hell on Earth
Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller
Hijacked! (hardback)
The Homeschool Super Sleuths and the Cowboy Caper
Hramat na uzhasite [Храмът на ужасите]
Hu li di mao xian ri ji [狐狸的冒險日記]
Human Nature
The Hypnosis Enigma
I Ty Możesz Zostać Stalowym Szczurem
İmdat! küçülüyorum
The Incredible Dinosaur Expedition (American edition, 1995/07 printing)
Infantry Combat: The Rifle Platoon
Infinite Requiem
The Inquisition War Trilogy 3: Chaos Child
Invasión extraterrestre
Invasion of the Cat-People
The Iron Throne
La isla de los dinosaurios
La isla del tiempo
Island of Doom
L'isola degli spiriti
The Jungle of Horrors (American edition, eighth printing)
Die Juwelen von Nabooti
A Káosz létsíkja
Kapitan "Morskoy vedmy" [Капитан «Морской ведьмы»]
Kervan yolculuğu
King's Quest VII: The Unauthorised Strategy Guide
Knee-Deep in the Dead
The Knight Watchmen
Konnikat na Apokalipsisa [Конникът на Апокалипсиса]
Kotel strachu
Labyrint smrti
O ladrão de espíritos
Lao shu di mao xian ri ji [老鼠的冒險日記]
Ledeno Bezmalvie [Ледено безмълвие]
Lords of the Storm
Lost Histories 1: The Kagonesti
Lost Histories 2: The Irda
Lost Histories 3: The Dargonesti
Love & Lucky
Die Löwin von Neetha
Lu di mao xian ri ji [鹿的冒險日記]
Magazyn Labirynt nr 2
Magic Master (Hardcover edition)
La malédiction de Naar
La maledizione del faraone
La máquina de la realidad
La máquina de realidad virtual
La màquina de realitat virtual
Master of Aikido
Masters of Time and Space (Trielle edition)
Mechat na samuraya [Мечът на самурая]
The Menagerie
Město zlodějů
Mezardaki mumya
Millennial Rites
Minas de Moria
O mistério do templo asteca
Monster House
Mr. Payback
Mudworm Swamp
Mydnight's Hero (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
NBA - krayat na koridata [NBA - краят на коридата]
Nebeto vi chaka [Небето ви чака]
Das neue große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch
Night of the Tiger
Night of the Werewolf
Ninja Cyborg
Nobles Series 1: King Pinch
Olle, les voyages du cormoran
Oltarat na tagata [Олтарът на тъгата]
Once Around the Realms
Operacya "Zvezden gost" [Операция "Звезден гост"]
Original Sin
Ostrov ještěřího krále
Othere, Djinn of Distinction
Over the Blood-Dark Sea (Original edition)
Paperino & Paperoga odissea... a bivi!
Paperino e la città western (Super Disney edition)
Pasos en la niebla
Passi nella nebbia
Patchwork Girl
O Pato Donald #2060
Patyat kam Shangri [Пътят към Шангри]
Patyat na sadbata [Пътят на съдбата]
Peschera vremeny [Пещера времени]
Le peuple maudit
Les pirates de Shadaki
The Plains of Howling Darkness (Original edition)
Planet of Terror
Planinite Shamutanti [Планините Шамутанти]
Po zakonu preriyi [По закону прерии]
Podzemelya Chernogo zamka [Подземелья Чёрного замка] (Put' geroya [Путь героя] edition)
Pokhischeny! [Похищены!]
Popcorn, Plüsch & Petticoats
Povelitel bezbrezhnoy pustiny [Повелитель безбрежной пустыни] (Put' geroya [Путь героя] edition)
Prehistoric Island
Prince of the City
Pristanishteto na klopkite [Пристанището на клопките]
Probivat [Пробивът]
The Prodigal Sorcerer
The Productivity Game
Profesiya Chenge [Професия ченге]
Prokletý hvozd (Original edition)
Proklyatieto na mecha [Проклятието на меча]
Purpurniyat zmey [Пурпурният змей]
Puzzle Dungeon (American edition)
Qing wa di mao xian ri ji [靑蛙的冒險日記]
Quest Triad 1: Pawns Prevail
Quest Triad 2: Suitors Duel
The Quorum (American edition)
Racing the Clock
Raketoplán Poutník
Realms of Magic
Rekata, ot koyato nikoj ne se zavrashta
Revenge of the Vampire
Ride for Your Life!
Risk Your Life Arcade
Rogues to Riches
The Romance of Crime
Rune War (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Rzeźbiarze Pierścieni
Sarce ot kamak [Сърце от камък]
Der Scharlatan
Der Schatz im Ötscher
The Screaming Skeleton
Search for the Golden Acorn
The Second Usborne Book of Spinechillers
El secreto de la colina del misterio
O Segredo de Djinn
Senki ot ada [Сенки от ада]
Set Piece
The Seventh Gate (paperback)
Sevgili robotum
Sfida di coppa
The Shadow of the Avatar 2: Cloak of Shadows
The Shadow of the Avatar 3: All Shadows Fled
Shadow of the Swastika
Shui ta di mao xian ri ji [水獺的冒險日記]
Sinat na pustinyata [Синът на пустинята]
Sir Percival, Mounted Knight
Sky Pirates!
Snowboard Racer
Só Aventuras #1
Só Aventuras #2
Solv-a-Crime (reissue)
Son of Dawn
Song shu di mao xian ri ji [松鼠的冒險日記]
Sonic & Knuckles
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Spartaco: la rivolta dei gladiatori
Spooks' Surprise (Original edition)
Stage Fright
Sugarcane Island (1995 German release of original English text)
Summerhill Hounds
Super Disney #3
Super Sharp Pencil & Paper Games
System Shock
Tales from the Crypt: Name Your Nightmare
Tamnata strana na zemyata [Тъмната страна на земята]
Tattoo of Death (Original edition)
Tayna kapitana Sheltona [Тайна капитана Шелтона] (Put' geroya [Путь героя] edition)
Terror en Daredevil Park
The Missing Minister
The Usborne Book of Advanced Puzzle Adventures
Theme Park Panic
Through the Black Hole (Original version, Gareth Stevens hardcover)
Tick Tock, You're Dead
Time of Your Life
The Time Raider (Reissue edition, first printing)
Topolino #2045
Topolino #2078
Topolino #2089
Topolino e il segreto del Castello (Topomistery edition)
Topomistery #32
Torgarské kobky
A Torre do Olho do Dragão
Toy Soldiers
Traicao no abismo de Helm
Trapped in Bat Wing Hall (First printing)
Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt in the Creepy Mansion
El tren fantasma
El tren fantasma
El tren fantasma
Trouble in Quartz Mountain Tunnel (reissue)
Tunnels and Trolls: Chiron, Magical Centaur
Tunnels and Trolls: Flaming Cherry
Tunnels and Trolls: Kharis, Royal Mummy
Tunnels and Trolls: Umslopagaas, the Scorpion Wizard
Tutti insieme... a bivi
Twilight Giants Trilogy 2: The Giant Among Us
Ty - millioner [Ты — миллионер]
U.N. Adventure (Original edition)
Um espiao em Isengard
Die Ungeschlagenen
The Unicorn Hunt
The Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures (Collection, paperback, BE 1995-08 printing)
The Usborne Book of Spinechillers (Paperback edition, 1995 printing)
The Usborne Book of Young Puzzle Adventures
Uzay canavarı Gorga
V bažinách škorpiónů
Valley of the Screaming Statues
¡Vamos a divertirnos!
El vampir de l'espai
Verenitsa mirov ili vivodi iz zakona Merphi [Вереница миров, или выводы из закона Мэрфи]
Vernaya shpaga korolya [Верная шпага короля] (Put' geroya [Путь героя] edition)
Virtual Life
The Virus Hunter
Le voleur de vie
Le voyage de la pierre de lune
Voyage to the Edge of the World
Voynata na Pontiak [Войната на Понтиак]
The War-Torn Kingdom (Original edition)
Warriors 1: Knights of the Crown
Warriors 2: Maquesta Kar-Thon
Warriors 3: Knights of the Sword
Werewolf: Wyrm Wolf
What If? Post-war Choices in Singapore
Whispering Woods
The Worlds of TSR (paperback)
You Are a Mathematician (paperback)
You Are an Alien
You Be The Jury: Special
Young #10 - Ombre nella Nebbia 2
Young #11 - Ombre nella Nebbia 3
Young #12 - Ombre nella Nebbia 4
Young #13 - Aranthu
Young #14 - Aranthu 2
Young #15 - Aranthu 3
Young #16 - Il Giorno del Tapiro
Young #17 - L'Occhio della Mente
Young #18 - Il Giorno del Tapiro 2
Young #19 - La Valle della Notte
Young #21 - La Valle della Notte
Young #9 - Ombre nella Nebbia
Zagadka Rezerwatu
Zamukut na Pentegarn [Замъкът на Пентегарн]
Zavrushtane v Brukmiur [Завръщане в Брукмиър]
Das 3. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuchAlam gerun
Am Fuß des Geisterfelsens I: Das Dschungelgrab
Api di atas air
Arcane Age: Netheril Trilogy 1: Sword Play
Arcane Age: Netheril Trilogy 2: Dangerous Games
Arena [Арена]
Ashes of the Sun
Au voleur; Progresser en grammaire
Avventure al campo (First edition)
Bad Therapy
Bayangan gurun
Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter
Biting for Blood
The Black Vessel
Blood and Fire
Blood Wars Trilogy 1: Blood Hostages
Blood Wars Trilogy 2: Abyssal Warriors
Boets na kolela
The Book of Ti'ana
Boszorkány úrnő
Bugged Out! (Paperback edition)
Burning Heart
Campeón de snowboard
Il caporale del male
The Case of the Runaway Turtle
The Case of the Toxic Trousers
Cast of Fate (Dragon Dice Novels edition)
El choque del cometa
Christmas on a Rational Planet
Clock of Doom
Il club dell'orrore
Cold Fusion
Conan i talisman ognya [Конан и талисман огня]
The Cosmic Toaster
The Court of Hidden Faces (Original edition)
Creep Street
The Curse of Naar (American edition, first printing)
The Curse of the Creeping Coffin
Damaged Goods
The Dark Dark Knight (American edition)
The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek
Death and Diplomacy
Death in the Dorm
The Death of Art
Deep in the Jungle of Doom
Demoni ot dalbinite [Демони от дълбините]
Destination Fear
Diable! Progresser en mathématiques
Diary of a Mad Mummy
Dragão Brasil #15
Dragão Brasil #16
Dragão Brasil #17
Dragão Brasil #18
Dragão Brasil #20
Dragão Brasil #21
Dragão Brasil #23
Dragonlord Chronicles 3: Dragonmage of Mystara
The Dragons at War
Dragons of a New Age 1: The Dawning of a New Age
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of Pablo's Nose
The English Way of Death
L'eroe di Mydnight
Escape from Blood Castle (American edition, 1996/12 printing)
Even More Five-minute Mysteries: 40 New Cases Of Murder And Mayhem for You to Solve
The Eye of the Giant
Facchetti celo, Giubertoni manca!
Fantom ulice
Find Your Way to Muppet Treasure Island
The Flask of Doom
La foire aux horreurs
The Forging of the Shadows (original)
Fünf Freunde und Du auf geheimnisvollen Spuren
Fünf Freunde und Du auf neuen Abenteuern
Fünf Freunde und Du auf Schmugglerjagd
Futbolat - takticheska igra
Gefahr im Strafraum
I Giochi del mistery
The Gold Medal Secret
Greed, Guns, and Gold
Groucho Marx contro Frankenstein, la mummia e il vampiro sulla nave pirata in mezzo alla tempesta
Gua Kalte
The Hag's Contract
Hakem a'emaq zemyen [حاكم اعماق زمين]
Happy Endings
The Haunted Gargoyle
Hayaletli ev
Höbarths Zeitmaschine (original)
I Can't Wait (Second edition)
I Want It (Second edition)
I Want to Play (Second edition)
I'm Lost (Second edition)
Indomitable Thunder
Infernal Sky
Die Insel der 1000 Gefahren (reissue)
The Island of Horror
Issız ada
It Happened at Camp Pine Tree
Jeskyně sněžné čarodějnice
Jurang maut
Just War
Już czytam (nr Lipiec – Sierpień 1996)
Kang's Regiment 1: The Doom Brigade (hardback)
Kaos #37
Kaos #39
Kharé - bašta zla
Killing Ground
King Arthur’s Knight Quest (Paperback, 1996/06 printing)
Kingdom of Sorrow
The Knight in Screaming Armor
Koy kreshti v kashtata na uzhasite? [Кой крещи в къщата на ужасите?]
Koy otkradna tantzuvashtiya dinozavar [Кой открадна танцуващия динозавър?]
Kralskata korona [Кралската корона]
Krysa z nerez oceli
The Krytos Trap
Lari dari kegelapan
Legacy of the Drow 4: Passage to Dawn (hardback)
Lords of the Rising Sun (Original edition)
Lost Histories 4: Land of the Minotaurs
Ma gli uomini sognano pecore vere? (Giochi del mistery edition, I)
Maboroshi no daichi [幻の大地]
Maestro de judo
A maldição do vampiro
La maldición de los piratas
Malicious Intent
The Man in the Velvet Mask
Mar em chamas
Maré vermelha
I misteri di Baghdad
Mommy, Don't Go (Second edition)
Moon Quest (Original edition)
Mountain Biker
The Mummy Who Wouldn't Die
Murder in Cormyr (hardback)
My Name is Not Dummy (Second edition)
Napříč Shamutanskou pahorkatinou
Night in Werewolf Woods
Nobles Series 3: Escape from Undermountain
Noche de terror
Orbit of Fear
Los ordenadores toman el poder
Otmastitelyat na Shangri [Отмъстителят на Шангри]
Pages of Pain (hardback)
Pajęcza sieć
Páni temnot
Paperinik e altri supereroi #33
Paperinik e il nemico numero uno
El parque endiablado
Patrik Leis' Rejsen til Cyberdrome
Pekelný dům
Pirate Plunder's Treasure Hunt
The Pirates of Doom
The Planet of Terror (American edition)
The Plotters
The Power Dome
Preying for Keeps
Prikazki ot 1001 kuli [Приказки от 1001 кули]
Prokletí z Ruelu
Pustinen ogan [Пустинен огън]
Puzzle School
Quest Triad 3: Immortal Game
The Really Useless Spy School
Realms of Arkania: The Lioness
Realms of Arkania: The Sacrifice
La resa dei conti
Return of the Living Dad
The Revenge of the Mummy
Ring of Thieves
Rise and Fall of a Dragon King
The Rod of Seven Parts
Rogue Squadron
Die Ruine (paperback)
Runa di guerra
Sands of Deception
The Sands of Time
Sangue in riviera (Kaos edition)
Sangue in riviera (Novecentonovanta edition)
The Scales of Injustice
Die Schatzinsel
Die Schlacht von Havalkorn
Sedemte drakona [Седемте дракона]
See No Weevil
Shadis Magazine #28
The Shadow of Weng-Chiang
The Shadowsmith
Shark Attack!
The Skeleton Returns
Só Aventuras #3
Só Aventuras #4
Só Aventuras #5
Só Aventuras #6
So Vile a Sin
Something's in the Woods (Paperback edition)
Song of Time
Sonic Terror
Sorekara no "Ibu" [それからの『イヴ』]
Speed of Flight
The Spider's Test
Spider-Man vs. the Incredible Hulk (Paperback (Turtleback))
Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six
Ein Spion in Isengart (reissue)
Die Spur des Bären (reissue)
Star Control: Interbellum
Stenite na Spayt [Стените на Спайт]
Storie di gatti e vampiri
Stormin' Sonic
Strannik, izgonayuschiy mrak [Странник, изгоняющий мрак]
Super Disney #5
Syankata na Satanata [Сянката на Сатаната]
Szörnyek szigete
Tales of the Jedi Companion
Talisman smrti
El tatuaje de la muerte
Terror a Daredevil Park
Terror on the Titanic (Original edition)
The Test
Tic toc, bienvenue en enfer!
The Time Warp Virus
To Sleep with Evil
Topolino e il mostro del Lago (Super Disney edition)
Topolino e Pippo eroi del giorno prima (Topomistery edition)
Topomistery #44
Torre de devastação
La tour aux cent menaces
Treasure Hunt in the Lost City
Il treno dei fantasmi
Tunnels and Trolls: Mac Aber, A Highland Warrior with Claymore
Tunnels and Trolls: Praxides, Female Gargoyle
Twilight of the Gods
La última carrera
Una storia di campagna
Uncle Alf and the Time Travel Detectives
Under the Magician's Spell
The Underground Railroad
The Usborne Book of Solve It Yourself Mysteries
Ushinawa re ta mono wo motome te [失われたものを求めて]
La vallée aux cent prodiges
Veltigg, The Forest Shade / Mattha, Huntress of Denglade
Verrat in Helms Klamm (reissue)
Vesmírný zabiják
Villa y Corte
Warriors 4: Theros Ironfeld
Warriors 5: Knights of the Rose
Warriors 6: Lord Soth
Watch Out for Room 13
Wedge's Gamble
Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum
Wewnętrzne zło
Young #24 - La Valle della Notte
Young #25 - Tunnel!
Young #26
Zajatci času
Zaplahata - bitkata za Shangri [Заплахата : Битката за Шангри]
Zio Paperone, Brigitta e il tesoro... a bivi (Super Disney edition)
Das 4. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielbuchTa 88 dolmadákia [Τα 88 ντολμαδάκια]
Alien Bodies
Am Fuß des Geisterfelsens II: Die Mondsilberkugel
Arafael the Angel
Arcanthus the Sage
Arena 2 [Арена 2]
Assault on Yavin Four
Atrapados en el futuro
Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter
Attack of the Living Mask
Attack on Delrakkin
Avventura a Lecca Gheims
Aztec Quest
Bain de minuit
Banduan masa
I Bassotti e i bivi del crimine
Behind Closed Doors (American edition)
Beyond the Sun
The Black Hand Gang and the Mysterious House
The Black Hand Gang and the Treasure in Breezy Lake
Blood Wars Trilogy 3: Planar Powers
The Bodysnatchers
The Book of D'Ni
El bosque tenebroso
Boycite na Orm [Бойците на Орм]
Das Buch der Abenteuer (revised) (reissue)
Bugged Out! (Hardcover edition)
Canasta triple
Carnaval Disney
The Case of the Barking Dog
El castillo de la oscuridad
Chasut na vampira [Часът на вампира]
Chasut na veshticata [Часът на вещицата]
Chernata maska [Черната маска]
Chester the Jester
Chrám zkázy
Ciber-guerra interespacial
Ciborg Ninja
Ciclismo todo terreno
Le cirque aux cent prouesses
Le cirque du docteur Vampire
Cities of Gold and Glory (American edition)
The City of Stars (original)
Les colts du chaos
Cool School (1997 reprint)
The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock
Cuidado con la mermelada púrpura
Daniel the Pirate
The Dark Path
Deathtrap Dungeon (Video Game, UK 20th printing (Clays) [20th])
Dem Yeti auf der Spur
La desaparición de los delfines
Design Your Own Character
Destroy the Liquidator
A Device of Death
The Devil Goblins from Neptune
Diario di una mummia impazzita
Dietro le porte (paperback)
The Dig (paperback)
Dino Fight Series: Allosaur
Dino Fight Series: Pachycephalosaur
Dino Fight Series: Pinacosaur
Dino Fight Series: Stegosaur
Dino Fight Series: T-Rex
Dino Fight Series: Triceratops
Divertiti con il libro gioco Il mondo perduto: Jurassic Park (Sperling & Kupfer edition)
Dotto and the Minotaur's Maze
Dotto and the Pharaoh's Mask
Dragão Brasil #27
Le dragon de la nuit
Dragon Quest (Paperback, US printing)
The Dragons of Chaos
Dragons' Wrath
Drakon v mazeto [Дракон в мазето]
Drakoni, napred! [Дракони, напред!]
The Dying Days
Dzhonga [Джонга]
Egyptian Quest
The Eight Doctors
Eilee the Sprite
Elige tu camino hacia el mundo perdido
Em busca do perigo
L'épée du roi guerrier
Escape from Camp Run-For-Your-Life
Escape from Thyferra
Escravos do abismo
The Essential World of Darkness
Eternity Weeps
The Evil Pen Pal (Paperback)
Los experimentos mortales del Dr. Eeek
The Fall of Blood Mountain (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Felina the Tiger Lady
La feria de los horrores
La fiesta de Halloween
The Fifth Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures
Find Your Way to the Lost World: Jurassic Park
Friday Again, Dammit
Fünf Freunde und Du auf der Felseninsel
Fünf Freunde und Du beim Wanderzirkus
The Funfair of Evil (reissue)
Le Gardien des secrets
Il genio del male
Ghost Devices
Gildersleve the Dwarf
Give Yourself Goosebumps Books #5-#8
Gnevyt na vikingite [Гневът на викингите]
Görünmez oldun
Grobishteto na slonovete [Гробището на слоновете]
La guerre des runes
The Haunted Baby
Hercules [Херкулес]
Le héros de Mynuit
The Hidden Terror
Hilfe! Ich bin unsichtbar!
Hlapeto s revolvera [Хлапето с револвера]
Hlapeto se izdiga [Хлапето се издига]
Hlapeto se razvihrya [Хлапето се развихря]
Horras Hob-Goblin
How I Became a Freak
If I Ran the Zoo...Con
Imperial Double-Cross
In den Minen von Moria
La isla maldita
Je joue contre la maltraitance : Un livre dont vous êtes le héros
Joel ha desaparecido
Kadjanga [Каджанга]
Kampf um das Königreich
Kaos #47
Kaos #49
Karamba! [Карамба!]
Kawah gentar
Ketherské bratrstvo
Ketua kedurjanaan
Killer Virus
The Kingdom of Dreams (original)
Klopka za pobediteli [Клопка за победители]
Komandir na roboti [Командир на роботи]
Komandos [Командос]
Koruna králů
Kosmicheski ubiets [Космически убиец]
Krvavá moře
Layne & Bright - orbitalni imoti [Лейн & Брайт орбитални имоти]
Ledenite pirati [Ледените пирати]
Ledenyat vihar na smartta [Леденият вихър на смъртта]
Legacy of the Darksword (hardback)
Legacy of the Drow 4: Passage to Dawn (paperback)
Lilli the Swashbuckler
Little Comic Shop of Horrors
Lost in Stinkeye Swamp
Lost Legends 2 / Lost Gods Series 2: Fistandantilus Reborn
Lost World: Jurassic Park Role-Playing Game Book
Mágusok Tornya
Mahligai maut
Make a Simple Wish of Your Very Own
Le manoir de la chauve-souris
La Mansión del Murciélago
Master of Kendo
Mauve, visqueux et dangereux!
Maystori na mecha [Майстори на меча]
Mean Streets
Megaigra 10 [Мегаигра 10]
Megaigra 8 [Мегаигра 8]
Megaigra 9 [Мегаигра 9]
Men in Black Roleplaying Game
Mergulho no passado
Miller Gölü'ndeki canavar
La momia que no quería morir
La montagna insanguinata
Murtvi zvezdi [Мъртви звезди]
Nadprevarata vuv Formula 1 [Надпреварата във Формула 1]
Najdi smrt
Nashestvieto na vikingite [Нашествието на викингите]
Nemesis [Немезис]
Ninja Avenger
Nobles Series 6: The Simbul's Gift
La noche del hombre lobo
Noche en el bosque del hombre-lobo
Nokti sreshtu ogan [Нокти срещу огън]
L'océan aux cent abîmes
Oh No It Isn't!
Okoto na boga [Окото на бога]
Oowell the Ghoul
Ostrovat na dinozavrite [Островът на динозаврите]
Pages of Pain (paperback)
Paper Fantasy #18
Paperino e gli incontri ravvicinati di 5 tipi (Paper Fantasy edition)
Patrul za ada [Патрул за ада]
Penjara Torgar
Perdu dans le manoir Raidemort
Perdus dans la forêt des loups-garous
Piú Disney #2
Please Don't Feed the Vampire (Original American edition, first printing)
La pleine lune des mutants-garous
Prikazki ot hrama na chudesata
Princat-geroi [Принцът – герой]
Le prof cannibale
Proklyatieto na zamaka Mush-Murok [Прoклятието на замъка Муш-Мурок]
Puzzle School (American edition)
Quest for the Auburn Pelt
Qui, Quo, Qua e le vacanze... a bivi (Piú Disney edition)
La rage de Vulcain
Realms of the Arcane
Rettung für das Raumschiff
Return to the Carnival of Horrors
La revanche du vampire
Rimba ngeri
River of No Return
Rodi se syanka [Роди се сянка]
The Room with No Doors
Rumo ao futuro
Scream of the Evil Genie
Secret Agent Grandma
The Secret of Clark Mountain
Sedm mystických Hadů
Il sentiero del lupo
Ship of Fools
Shiwo, a holtak ura
Sins of the Fathers
Şişedeki cin
Só Aventuras #7
Só Aventuras #8
Les Sombres cohortes (Défis fantastiques, revised cover edition)
Something's in the Woods (Hardcover edition)
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Reissue edition)
Les sortilèges d'un magicien maléfique
¡Soy una mosca!
Spasete Titanic! [Спасете "Титаник"!]
Spider-Man vs. the Incredible Hulk (Paperback (Simon & Schuster))
Die Stadt des Goldes
Stan' stalnoy krisoy [Стань стальной крысой]
Star Wars Galaxy #13
Starting Up: An Interactive Adventure that Challenges Your Entrepreneurial Skills
Steel Rain
Suche nach dem Piratenschatz
The Sword of Life (original)
Sword Quest (Paperback, 1997 printing)
Sylvestra the Wood Elf
Take the Mummy and Run
Talasamite se zavrashtat [Талъсъмите се завръщат]
Tale of the Comet
Tales of Uncle Trapspringer
Talion: Revenant
Le temple des nuages
Terreur à Ayers Rock
Les terribles expériences du docteur Onk
Terror en el Titanic
The Judas Mystery
The Lost Self
Thorgal the Wyrm Slayer
¡Tic, tac, muere!
Les tombeaux de la réalites
Topolino #2149
Topolino e il mutevole uomo delle nevi (Topomistery edition)
Topomistery #60
The Toy Shop of Terror (Paperback edition)
Toy Terror: Batteries Included
Trail of the Wolf (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Trapped in Bat Wing Hall (British edition)
Trapped! Your Day in the UC
A través de la puerta electrónica
Trilogy of the Blood Curse 1: The Devil's Advocate
The Twisted Tale of Tiki Island
The Ultimate Spot-the-Difference Book
L'ultimo drago
Ursa Bugbear
V dvata kraya na dagata [В двата края на дъгата]
Valshebnata arfa [Вълшебната арфа]
Vampire Science
Vampirite na Flaviya - Lovcite [Вампирите на Флавия - Ловците]
Vampirite na Flaviya - Vkusat na kravta
The Vanishing Vampire
Viajantes no tempo
Viver ou Morrer: Esta É a Jogada
Vodopadat na dagata [Водопадът на дъгата]
Vzbouřená planeta
War of the Daleks
The War-Torn Kingdom (American edition)
Warriors 7: The Wayward Knights
Welcome to Horror Hospital
The Well-Mannered War
Wind über Weiden
Wo keine Sonne scheint
Wyrm the Dragon
You Are a Mathematician (hardback)
Your Code Name is Spinoza
Zajatec Kaagu
Zapped in Space
Zé Carioca #2068
Zéro absolu
Zzz... Zombie
Das 5. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielbuchThe Abduction
Abenteuer in der Eishöhle
Alone in Snakebite Canyon
Un amigo peligroso
Angkasa lepas dan ruang selepasnya
Another Girl, Another Planet
Arcane Age: Netheril Trilogy 3: Mortal Consequences
Arena 3 [Арена 3]
L'armure hantée du chevalier maudit
Artifacts Cycle 1: The Brothers' War
Artifacts Cycle 2: Planeswalker
L'artiglio di Naar
Au fond de la jungle ensorcelée
Auf dem blutroten Meer
Auf dem Kriegspfad
Az összeesküvés
Baba Yaga
Bajo el embrujo del mago
La balade des pierres tombales
Batman i Robin [Батман и Робин]
Batman sreshtu Dzhoker [Батман срещу Джокер]
The Beast Within
Beige Planet Mars
Bekstvo iz tame
Bounty Hunter vs. Battle Droids
Boycite na Evropa [Бойците на Европа]
Bridges of Time 1: Spirit of the Wind
Bridges of Time 2: Legacy of Steel
El caballero de la armadura gimiente
Caliban Cove
Campeón de snowboard
Captain America
Castle Mystery
Le cauchemar de Mme Henry
Il cavaliere fantasma
Checkout Time at the Dead-End Hotel
Le cimetière flottant
La citadelle aux cent tours
Citizen V
Les cloches de la mort
Combat Team: The Captains' War
Come diventare ricercatore universitario in 29 paragrafi
Computerni voyni Omega sreshtu Alpha [Компютърни игри : Омега срещу Алфа]
Computerni voyni: Alpha sreshtu Omega [Компютърни войни : Алфа срещу Омега]
Coração Acelerando
Corsia nelle ombre
Il cugino primo di Arsenio Lupin
Dagata sreshtu ada [Дъгата срещу ада]
Dai, Aldo!
Darksword Adventures
Deathtrap Dungeon
Deathtrap Dungeon Card Game
Deathtrap Dungeon: Limited Edition
A Démon Szeme
Démoni z hlubin
Destruction imminente
The Devil's Addition
The Diamond
Diario de una momia loca
Disney's Juleklassikere - Fra alle os til alle jer #5
Divertiti con il libro gioco Il mondo perduto: Jurassic Park (CDE edition)
Doktor Eeeks grøssende eksperimenter
Dragon Magazine #246
Dreamstone Moon
Dry Pilgrimage
Easy Betrayals
The Empire Strikes Back
En las profundidades de la jungla maldita
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Sleeping Dog
Errand of Mercy
El espejo diabólico
The Evil Pen Pal (Hardback, first printing)
Exércitos da morte
Fanget i flaggermusborgen
Ferienfahrt ins Ungewisse
Fire on Ice
Flukten fra skrekkens tivoli
France '98 [Франция'98]
Fünf Freunde und Du im Zeltlager
Futbol maniia '98 [Футбол мания '98]
La gardienne la plus bête en ville!
Die Geisterbahn des Grauens
Giocarea #1
Giocarea #2
Giocarea #3
Giocarea #4
Giocarea #5
Giocarea #6
Giocarea #7
Giocarea #8
Les gluants de l'espace
Godzilla [Годзила]
Gospodaryat na dushite [Господарят на душите]
Das Grab der Mumie
Great Quicksolve Whodunit Puzzles
Grimoire [Гримоар]
Gua masa
Harbinger Trilogy 1: Starrise at Corrivale
Hilfe, ich schrumpfe
Hornpipe's Hunt for Pirate Gold
The Hunger of Sejanoz (Red Fox, UK 1st printing [1st])
The Hunt for Han Solo
I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin
Im Bann des Magiers
Imperial Jailbreak
L'impero dei sensi
The Incredible Hulk
Into the Jaws of Doom
Invaders from the Big Screen
Iron Fist
Iron Man
Istinska magya [Истинска магия]
It's Only a Nightmare!
Ithorian Invasion
The Janus Conjunction
Jonathan Harper i chetirimata konnika na Apokalipsisa [Джонатан Харпър и четиримата конника на Апокалипсиса]
Journal intime d'une momie en délire
Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar God Jul! #4
Kang's Regiment 1: The Doom Brigade (paperback)
Kaose kants
Katastrophentag (Original edition)
Kes Raja Sutera
Komando robotů
Konan i igrata na bogovete [Конан и играта на боговете]
Krasavitsata i chengeto [Красавицата и ченгето]
Křížová výprava
Kupata e nasha [Купата е наша]
Last Stop
Legacy of the Daleks
Legacy of the Darksword (paperback)
A lenda dos cavaleiros das trevas
La librairie aux cent trésors
Longest Day
Lord Drakon [Лорд Дракон]
Lord i magyosnik [Лорд и магьосник]
A Mágus küldetése
La maldición del ataúd
The Mary-Sue Extrusion
Masky zmaru
The Medusa Effect
Megaigra 13 [Мегаигра 13]
La mer aux cent défis
The Mercenaries
The Mighty Thor
Misión secreta
O Mistério da Gruta
La momie du pharaon Dhéb-ile
The Monsters of Dweem
Le monstre de la Tamise
Murder in Cormyr (paperback)
El museo de cera del terror
Natt i varulvskogen
Neshto nyakakvo takova [Нещо някакво такова]
A New Hope
Night of a Thousand Claws
La niña embrujada
Ole-le, na svetovno sme! [Оле-ле, на световно сме!]
The Omega Variant
On the Verge
One Night in Payne House
Opération Ragnarok
An Opportunity for Profit
Option Lock
L'or du vaudou
Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature (revised edition)
The Paladins
Pass deg for det lilla peanøttsmøret
¡Peligro! Nos ataca un cometa
Pemburu hantu
Pengembaraan di dasar laut
La petite boutique aux horreurs
Placebo Effect
La plainte du génie malfaisant
Pockets 3e reeks #56
Podzemen biag [Подземен бяг]
Poletat na grifona
Prishuletsut [Пришълецът]
Prisoners of the Nikto Pirates
Probiv v NBA [Пробив в NBA]
Putiat na Drakona [Пътят на Дракона]
La pyramide aux cent malédictions
¿Quién eres tú?
Rahsia ninja
Raid sur Harmonia
Realms of Mystery
Reflets mortels
El regreso del Ninjaborg
Reindzhur [Рейнджър]
Return of the Jedi
Return to Terror Tower
Revolt of the Battle Droids
Roi Makliin razsledva: Kuklovodut [Рой Маклийн разследва: Кукловодът]
Rubineno sarce [Рубинено сърце]
Saga za Ringlas [Сага за Ринглас]
Samurajův meč
The Scarlet Empress
Der Schwarze Graf
The Sea of Menace
The Search for Grubba the Hutt
Le secret de l'anaconda
Seeing I
Semester med valmöjligheter
Shop Till You Drop...Dead!
Showdown in Mos Eisley
Siamo tutti fumettisti
Smartonosen labirint [Смъртоносен лабиринт]
Smurtonosna bitka [Смъртоносна битка]
Sötét álom
South Carolina Silly Football Sportsmysteries, Vol. 1
Les squelettes de feu
Star Wars: Kosmicheski zavoevateli [Star Wars: Космически завоеватели]
Starship Titanic
La strana morte del signor Hedges
Sumpahan vila berhantu
Sword of Forever
Sword Quest (Hardback, 1998/07 printing)
Tainata na Zorro [Тайната на Зоро]
Tajnata na talasamite [Тайната на таласъмите]
Talisman na smartta [Талисманът на смъртта]
Team Leadership: Five Interactive Management Adventures
Terror en el hospital
Tigrovo oko [Тигрово око]
Tikk-takk, du er død!
Togorian Trap
Totalno unishtozhenie [Тотално унищожение]
The Toy Shop of Terror (Hardcover edition)
Trapped in the Circus of Fear
Trilogy of the Blood Curse 2: The Winnowing
Trilogy of the Blood Curse 3: Dark Prophecy
Les tueurs de l'espace
Ubiystvo v Bellskade
The Umbrella Conspiracy
Uneasy Alliances
The Vactooine Disaster
Een vakantie naar keuze
Valshebnata tetiva [Вълшебната тетива]
Vampirium (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
Un vampiro en la oscuridad
Vanderdeken's Children
Varvari nashestvenitsi [Варвари нашественици]
Vatra na vodi
El veneno de la serpiente
Voglio entrare a Mucca Games
Voini na pustiniata [Воини на пустинята]
Voix sans issue
Voyage to the Underworld
Voynata na senkite [Войната на сенките]
Walking to Babylon
Walt Disneys Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderband #5
The Werewolf of Twisted Tree Lodge
Wodny pająk
Wolf and Raven
Wraith Squadron
You're Plant Food
Zápas mistrů
1000 unheimliche GefahrenDas 6. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch
Adamo ed Eva la pensavano così...
Against the Giants
Agur bh yek heywela tebdeyl shewy [اگر به يك هيولا تبديل شوي]
Un aiuto dal passato
All'incontrario ovvero terradue
Amici per Jenny
Ånden i brusen
The Annotated Chronicles
Artifacts Cycle 3: Time Streams
Artifacts Cycle 4: Bloodlines
Attila Metropolitano
Autumn Mist
Aventuras Interativas #2
Le avventure di Rex Augusto
Le avventure di un elettrone un po' speciale
Back from Hell
Baldur's Gate
The Bartokk Assassins
Best of You Be the Jury
Bezdnata na obrechenite [Бездната на обречените]
Big Night Out
The Blue Angel
Bounty on Bonadan
Bridges of Time 3: The Silver Stair
Bridges of Time 4: The Rose and the Skull
La cantine morbide de Loup Ragoût
Captain Leonatos, Blood Angel Captain
Le carnaval aux cent masques
Černokněžníkova krypta
Chi trova un amico... getta lo spray
La chose dans ma chambre
La cité de l'empereur
La città in pericolo
City of the Dead
Clan Novel: Toreador
La colline aux cent fées
Cormyr Saga 2: Beyond the High Road
Culture Shock
The Curse of the Cave Creatures
Darth Vader's Return
Dead Romance
Le démon des profondeurs
Det onde vokskabinettet
Donald Duck Comics & Mehr #13
Draganta Revealed
Dragon Magazine #264
Dragon Magazine #265
Eldar Exarch
Elevator to Nowhere
Die endlose Steppe
Entradas e Bandeiras
Ephrael Stern, Sister of Battle
Escape from Horror House
Ewig ist nur Satinav
Eye of Terror
The Face Eater
False Colors
Il fantasma dell'opera
Le fantôme du 7e étage
Fire Within, Air Above!
The First Journey
Flukten fra Skrekkens leir
Forest of Dreams
Den forheksede jungelen
Frontier Worlds
Fünf Freunde und Du geraten in Schwierigkeiten
The Fury of Darth Maul
Gabriele il vandalo
Gaunt's Ghosts 1: First and Only
Gefährliche Zeitreise
Geheimtreff: Villa Fledermaus
Gotrek & Felix 1: Trollslayer
Gotrek & Felix 2: Skavenslayer
Gotrek & Felix 3: Daemonslayer
Le gouffre de la peur
Das Grab des Ritters
Graffiti bombolette e... spiriti
La griffe du vampire
El grito del genio diabólico
Grusel im Tower von London
Harbinger Trilogy 2: Storm at Eldala
Harbinger Trilogy 3: Nightfall at Algemron
Höbarths Zeitmaschine (reissue)
Hocus-Pocus Horror
The Horror of Craggen Rock
Hősök ideje
Hukatuse mets
Hvem er egentlig bestemor?
Hvězdný lovec
Ice Age Cycle 1: The Gathering Dark
La II B in giallo
Ikke mat vampyren!
In Search of Gorillas
Interference 1: Shock Tactic
Interference 2: The Hour of the Geek
Into the Maelstrom
Into the Twister of Terror
Into the Under World
Invasion Cycle: The Thran (A Prequel)
Isard's Revenge
It Came from the Internet
Izpitanie za shampioni [Изпитание за шампиони]
Le jardin des supplices
Jedi Emergency
The Joy Device
Kal Jerico, Necromunda Bounty Hunter
A kárhozat ura
Kharn the Betrayer
The Legend of the Ancient Scroll
La Leggenda degli Erranti 1: L'Archibugio di Fermoy
Létsíkok vándora
Life's Lottery (Original hardback edition)
Lost Empires 2: Star of Cursrah
Mamma, li spruzzi!!!
Masquerade Cycle 1: Mercadian Masques
Les mauvais tours de Maggie Noire
Le messie de l'ombre
Milo and the Magical Stones
A Missão de Krogh
Un mondo da salvare
Il mondo della pulizia
Mumiens dagbok
Mystery in London (Spanish edition)
Netz der Mörder
Night in the Haunted Tower
O Descobrimento do Brasil
O Quilombo dos Palmares
Operazione Spray: Il caso è tuo
Ork gyilkosok
Le palais aux cent festins
Parallel 59
Pećine Kaltea
Permission de minuit
Peshterite na Kalte [Пещерите на Калте]
Pilgrim Stars
Plamak nad vodata [Пламък над водата]
Pod strašidelným zámkem
Polet ot mraka [Полет от мрака]
Ponor sudbine
Prise de tête
Přízraky strachu
Professor Shocks magiske verden
Půlnoční lupič
Quem procura- encontra!!!
Questi vandali, a casa mandali!
Raining Hammers: The Ballad of Johnny MacDonald
Den råtne barnevakten
Reader's Companion: The Odyssey of Gilthanas
Return to the Fractured Planet
Revenge of the Body Squeezers
Revolution Man
Rogue Squadron to the Rescue
Run Hard, Die Fast
S.O.S. I monumenti chiedono aiuto
S.O.S. Monumenti
Scary Birthday to You!
Schwarzer Druidenwald
Search for the Lost Jedi
Sefr bh sal 3000 [سفر به سال ٣٠٠٠]
Les serviteurs de l'enfer
Ship of Ghouls
Silence Between the Stars
El siniestro profesor Shock
Skrekkens lekebutikk
Den skrikende rustningen
Snack '90
Songs & Swords Book 5: The Dream Spheres
Space Wolf 1: Space Wolf
Spectre of the Black Rose
Die spektakuläre Reise ins Schwarze Loch
Spøkelsene på kirkegården
Star Quest (Paperback, 1999/02 printing)
Star Wars Episode I Adventures Adventure Guide
Stop al vandalismo grafico (boxed set)
Stop al vandalismo grafico 10° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 11° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 12° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 1° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 2° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 3° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 4° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 5° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 6° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 7° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 8° fascicolo
Stop al vandalismo grafico 9° fascicolo
Strašlivý netvor
Sugarcane Island (1999 German release of original English text)
Sur la piste du loup
Sword Quest (Paperback, 1999/12 printing)
T'aurais pas dû aller au supermarché !
T'aurais pas dû allumer l'ordinateur !
T'aurais pas dû descendre la poubelle !
T'aurais pas dû partir en colo !
Les tableaux de sang
The Taint
The Taking of Planet 5
Taming of Pyre
Tears of the Oracle
Tempo, Tricks und Tolle Tore
Threat from the Sea 2: Under Fallen Stars
Tief im Dschungel des Verderbens
Total Destruction
Tri dorogi [Три дороги]
Trick or... Trapped!
Tryllekunstnerens onde triks
TV sei un boy
Twilight of the Gods
Tyranid Warrior
UFO-Abenteuer mit Wunschschluss (Donald Duck Comics & Mehr edition)
The Ultimate Wave (hardback)
Una canzone per ripulire la città
Una notizia sconvolgente
Una notte di terrore
Una scelta difficile
Unnatural History
Unter Werwölfen
Until the Messiah Comes
Usborne Fantasy Quests (Hardback, 1999/06 printing)
Usborne Fantasy Quests (Paperback, 1999/05 printing)
Vandali & turisti per una scritta
Vandali bombolette e fantasia
La vendetta di Sejanoz
Viaggio in Etiopia: "Graffiti? No grazie!"
La vida que se va
La Villa des Revenants [suivi de Les Diamants de lord Egremont] (Reissue edition)
The Voice - A Dark Matter Adventure
Water Around, Earth Below!
Weekend at Poison Lake
Wer die Mumie stört
Where Angels Fear
White Plume Mountain
Wing Commander: The Junior Novelization
Wing Commander: The Novel
Wolverine vs. the Brood Queen
Zero Point
Zombie School
Abenteuer AventurienLa abuela agente secreto
Ahol a gonosz lakik
Alene i Slangenes dal
All-Day Nightmare
The Ancestor Cell
The Armchair Detective #1
Ashkar the Magnificent
Astrapi #516
At the Side of David
At the Side of Esther
At the Side of Moses
At the Side of Ruth
El ataque de la niñera
Atrapados en la selva
Auf der Straße des Todes
Az utolsó csepp
The Banquo Legacy
Batalha nas estradas
Bertrem's Guide to the Age of Mortals: Everyday Life in Krynn of the Fifth Age
The Best of Tales
Die Bibliothek (original)
Bojechtivý válečník
The Bongo Rally
Brána zkázy
Bureau 13 (reissue)
The Burning
C'est arrivé-- demain!
Camp Cheer (original)
Capture Arawynne (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
Capture Arawynne (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
The Case of the Glowing Alien
The Case of the Killer Bugs
The Case of the Lost Lumberjack
The Case of the Theater Phantom
The Case of the Wandering Witch
Casualties of War
Charizard, Go!
The Chasm of Doom (Project Aon edition)
Chronicles 3: Dragons of Spring Dawning (reissue)
Clan War 1: The Scorpion
Clan War 2: The Unicorn
Clan War 3: The Crane
Cormyr Saga 3: Death of the Dragon (hardback)
Counselors and Kings 1: The Magehound
The Curse of the Mummy (DVD)
Danger on Naboo (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
Danger on Naboo (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
Danger Time
Der Schrei des Bösen
La dernière folie de Caligula
Descent into the Depths of the Earth
Le désert aux cent mirages
Dračí sluj
L'école aux cent farces
L'Egypte aux 100 complots
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamander
The Falcon and the Wolf
The Fall of Yquatine
Farlig leketøy
Festival of Warriors
The Final Battle (Star Wars Episode I Adventures edition)
Fire on the Water (Project Aon edition)
Flight from the Dark (Project Aon edition)
Fluss ohne Wiederkehr
The Forging of the Shadows (reissue)
Den forheksede øya
The French Powder Mystery
Fünf Freunde und Du helfen den Kameraden
Gaunt's Ghosts 2: Ghostmaker
Gaunt's Ghosts 3: Necropolis
Gefährliche Safari
Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht
The Ghostling Children (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
The Ghostling Children (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
Gotrek & Felix 4: Dragonslayer
Gratuiti 1: Le Note di Pietra
Ein grenzenloser Albtraum
Der grosse Baccanaq
La guerre de Troie aura t-elle lieu?
Hammers of Ulric
Heart of Ice (Panurgic Adventures edition)
Heart of TARDIS
Hilfe, ich verwandle mich!
The Hobbit Hole #4
The Hostel of Doom
Hrad temnoty
Huida del campamento
The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Episode I Adventures edition)
Høyt spill i verdensrommet
Ice Age Cycle 2: The Eternal Ice
Ice Age Cycle 3: The Shattered Alliance
If Whispers Call
In Hollow Houses
Invasion Cycle 1: Invasion
A jégmező harcosa
Le jeu du Mutando
Jezyerh 1000 hezar khetr [جزيره ١٠٠٠ هزار خطر]
The Kingdoms of Terror (Project Aon edition)
Knights of the Dinner Table: Brian "Teflon Billy"
Knights of the Dinner Table: Dave "El Ravager"
Kong Arthurs ridderkamp
Lair of the Troglodytes
Last Chancers 1: 13th Legion
La Leggenda degli Erranti 2: I Domini della Morrigan
Life's Lottery (Original paperback edition)
Lost Empires 3: The Nether Scroll
Lost Treasure of the Terrians
Masquerade Cycle 2: Nemesis
Masquerade Cycle 3: Prophecy
Milo and the Mysterious Island
I Misteri delle catacombe (First edition)
Nachts im roten Einhorn
Naufragés sur Crânîle
The Next Passage
Night of the Were-Chicken
No Coração dos Deuses
¡No des de comer al vampiro!
Nuit de cauchemar au manoir
Ostrov vyhnanců
Otroci propasti
Paperinik e altri supereroi #84
Paperino e le quattro strade della fortuna (Piú Disney edition)
Pirates from Beyond the Sea
Piú Disney #12
Please Don't Feed the Vampire (Original British edition)
Podrace to Freedom (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
Podrace to Freedom (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
Pokémon: Choose Your Own Pathway to Adventure
Posters on the Walls
Prison of Pestilence
Propasti zla
Realm of Chaos
Regresso à montanha de fogo
Rescue in the Core
Ring of Thieves (original free PDF)
Sacrifice chez les Aztèques
Scooter terreur
Scourge of Worlds (original)
Shadow on the Sand (Project Aon edition)
The Shadows of Avalon
The Shelbys Need Help
Shi: Judgment Night
Sluzhba zvezdni kurieri [Служба звездни куриери]
Snakeland Scorpion
Sötét herceg
The Space Age
Space Wolf 1: Space Wolf (American edition)
Space Wolf 2: Ragnar's Claw
Das Spiel des Hexers
Spøkelset i sumpene
Starcraft: Uprising
Status: Deadzone
A Sworded Adventure (Hobbit Hole edition, The)
Il tempio del Sardus Pater
La terrorífica tienda de comics
The Texture of the Sky
The Texture of the Sky
Tilbake til skrekkens tivoli
Tom Traveller und der Fluch des schwarzen Ritters
Trapdoor to Treachery (Original edition)
Le trésor des pharaons
Trouble on Tatooine (Star Wars Episode I Adventures edition)
Tulemäe Nõid
The Turing Test
Varehusets redsler
Il viaggio
War of Souls 1: Dragons of a Fallen Sun (hardback)
The Warlock of the Extremely High Tower of Painful Mystical Death
When Nightmares Come True
Wie Wasser im Sand
The Wine of Dreams
Wolverine: Judgment Night
The Adventuress of Henrietta StreetAgent Arthur's Desert Challenge (reissue)
Alien Discovery
American Revolutionary (Microsoft Reader edition)
Amy's Disappearing Pickle
Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Bhaal
Battlefleet Gothic 1: Execution Hour
Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Volume 1
The Betrayal
Bienvenue au Zoorreur
Blade of the Guillotine (Microsoft Reader edition)
Bound for Australia (Microsoft Reader edition)
By Dust Consumed
Caravan to China (Microsoft Reader edition)
The Case of Dr. Jenkins and Mr. Hyde
The Case of the Angry Alligator
The Case of the Monstrous Mutt
Castle Death (Project Aon edition)
The Castle of Madness
Černé stíny
Cesta hrůzy
Cities Series 2: Temple Hill
The City of the Dead
Civil War Secret Agent (Microsoft Reader edition)
Code: Veronica
Commander Kellie and the Superkids' Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries
Cormyr Saga 3: Death of the Dragon (paperback)
Counselors and Kings 2: The Floodgate
Dark Imperium
Dark Progeny
Day of the Dragon
Death Mask of Pancho Villa (Microsoft Reader edition)
Deathtrap Dungeon 3
Deathwing (expanded edition)
Diablo: Tales of Sanctuary
Disney Adventures (November, 2001)
Dragon Sun
The Dragons of Magic
Le drakkar aux cent vikings
Eater of Wasps
Eisenhorn Trilogy 1: Xenos
Eisenhorn Trilogy 2: Malleus
Escape from Blood Castle (2001 reissue edition, CN 2001/09 printing)
Escape Velocity
The Eye of Ulam
Father Time
Flame of the Inquisition (Microsoft Reader edition)
Der fliegende Teppich
Der Fluch der Klapperschlange
Der Fluch der Ruhelosen
Fünf Freunde und du als Retter in der Not
Fünf Freunde und Du auf großer Fahrt
La fusée médiévale
Gaunt's Ghosts 4: Honour Guard
Das Gespenst ohne Kopf
Gilead's Blood
Der Glockenblumenmörder
Gotrek & Felix 5: Beastslayer
Gotrek & Felix 6: Vampireslayer
Grimm Reality
Halo: The Fall of Reach
Heidi's Irresistible Hat
How I Became a Freak (DVD)
Ice Age Explorer (Microsoft Reader edition)
Im Haus der Poltergeister
Im Strudel der Gefahr
Im Wald der Geister
In Fluid Silence
The Incredible Dinosaur Expedition (2001 reissue edition, 2001/03 printing)
Invasion Cycle 2: Planeshift
Invasion Cycle 3: Apocalypse
Los juguetes del mal
The Jungle of Horrors (Project Aon edition)
The Konrad Trilogy 1: Konrad (reissue)
Last Chancers 2: Kill Team
Last of the Dinosaurs (Microsoft Reader edition)
Legacy of Blood (original)
Legacy of Blood (eBook)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
Legends Cycle 1: Johan
Legends Cycle 2: Jedit
Der Letzte Held no. 44
Liberty's Crusade
Lord of the Clans
Lords of Valour
Magazyn Portal nr. 10
Mission to World War II (Microsoft Reader edition)
A mocsár szörnyetege
Das Monster in der Themse
Monsters, Inc. - Can-Taminated
The Mystery of Atlantis (Microsoft Reader edition)
Die Nacht der Werwölfe
Nebeský lord
Necro-Groundhog of the Awfully Dark Graveyard of Excruciating, Arcane Death
Night of the Werewolf (DVD)
Queen Scorpions and Lady Nymphs (Tunnels and Trolls: Dragon Tree Press edition)
Odyssey Cycle 1: Odyssey
Of Aged Angels
Operation Sierra-75
L'ordinateur aux cent romans
Paths of Darkness 4: Sea of Swords (hardback)
Pawns of Chaos
QAGS: Quick Ass Game System
Quest for King Arthur (Microsoft Reader edition)
Quest for the Cities of Gold (Microsoft Reader edition)
Die Rache der Werewölfe
The Rangers of Taradoin: A Solo and Multiplayer Roleplaying Game
The Rangers of Taradoin: Of Cunerall Larinon and the Scions
Retorno a la feria de los horrores
Return of the Archwizards 1: The Summoning
Return of the Archwizards 2: The Siege
The Rings of Saturn (Microsoft Reader edition)
RuneQuest: Slayers
Sail with Pirates (Microsoft Reader edition)
The Scent of Crime
Das Schattenphantom
The Sea of Mist
Search for Dinosaurs (Microsoft Reader edition)
Secret of the Knights (Microsoft Reader edition)
Secret of the Royal Treasure (Microsoft Reader edition)
O senhor do caos
Senka na pesku
Shadow of the Xel'Naga
The Shadow's Rage
Sherlock Holmes, das 2. große KrimiAbenteuerSpielBuch
The Slow Empire
Die Stunde der Blutsauger
Super Mario Advance
Sword of Caesar (Microsoft Reader edition)
Sword of the Samurai (Microsoft Reader edition)
The Technocrat War 1: Machinations
The Temple of Elemental Evil
La tenebrosa historia de la Isla Tiki
Terror of the Twelve Thousand Toxic Toads
Time and Relative
Time Train to Ancient Rome (reissue)
Tom Traveller und die Entführung des Pharaos
Topolino #2353
Le train aux cent suspects
Trollok völgye
The Ultimate Wave (paperback)
Untitled Solo Game
Vacation in Asia
The Vampire Genevieve 1: Drachenfels (American reissue)
Vanishing Point
Venise aux cent suspects
Das Verlies des Grauens
El Vigilante #4
El Vigilante #5
El Vigilante #6
Voyage to Victory (Original edition)
War of Souls 2: Dragons of a Lost Star (hardback)
Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor
Der Weg ins Abenteuer
Wild West Rider (Microsoft Reader edition)
Willy's Noisy Sister
World War I Flying Ace (Microsoft Reader edition)
World War II Code Breaker (Microsoft Reader edition)
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
Year of the Scarab Trilogy 1: Heralds of the Storm
Zagor legendája
Zloděj duší
Alien Territory (Maps: The Uncollected John Sladek edition)Anachrophobia
Angel Body and Other Magic for the Soul
The Annotated Chronicles (paperback)
Arena of Sorcery
Armády smrti
The Armchair Detective #2
Basic Role-Playing (Reissued third edition)
Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Volume 2
The Black Road
Blossom and the Haunted House
Blossom vs. the Blasteroid
Blossom's Bad Hair Day
The Book of the Still
Brand-New Blossom
Brute Force: Betrayals
Bubbles and the Opposite Potion
Bubbles in Storyland
Bubbles in the Middle
Bubbles Saves the Circus
Bubbles's Butterfly Hunt
Buttercup and the Mind-Reading Juice
Buttercup's Monster Challenge
Buttercup's Terrible Temper Tantrums
Buttercup, the Better Cop
Camera Obscura
Camp Cheer (reissue)
Career-Day Blossom
The Cauldron of Fear (Project Aon edition)
The Cavern of Screaming Skulls
Circus Supremus
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W/Duxford))
Citadel of Dreams
City of Fire
City of Thieves (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Clue Mysteries
¡Compra hasta caer muerto!
Counselors and Kings 3: The Wizardwar
Creature of Havoc (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Creature of Havoc (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W/Macmillan))
Crimson Skies
The Crooked World
Crucible of the Vigil
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
The Dead and the Damned
Deathtrap Dungeon (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Deathtrap Dungeon (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W/Duxford))
Diamonds Are for Princess
Disney Adventures (December, 2002)
Doomsday Exam (reissue)
Dragon Quest (Paperback, 2002/02 printing)
The Dungeons of Torgar (Project Aon edition)
Dýky temnoty
Eisenhorn Trilogy 3: Hereticus
Eldar: Farseer
The Emerald Conspiracy (reissue)
Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day (Dell Yearling edition, 34th printing)
Escape from Horror Island
Expedition ins Ungewisse
A fekete lovag
Le feuilleton de l'été dont vous êtes le héros: Épisode 1: Bain de mer & soleil chaud
Le feuilleton de l'été dont vous êtes le héros: Épisode 2: Magie, monstres et amour
Foreign Devils
Forever Blowing Bubbles
Full Moonster (reissue)
Fünf Freunde und Du im alten Turm
Fünf Freunde und Du jagen die Entführer
GAMES #179
Gaming Frontiers, Volume 2
Gaunt's Ghosts 5: The Guns of Tanith (American edition)
Gaunt's Ghosts 6: Straight Silver
Ghost Ship
Il gobbo maledetto (Novecento Giochi edition)
The Golden Udder
Grampa Barmo's Discount Game Magazine #3
Grandi Classici Disney #171
A halálontúli király
Haus der hundert Schrecken
Hide-and-Go Mojo
History 101
Hlava Smrtihlava
The Hostage Princess
House of Hell (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
House of Hell (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Hrobka nočních můr
Hunt the Sun Runner
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 1: The Thousand Orcs (hardback)
The Infinity Race
Die Insel der Schrecken
Je bouquine #221 (Juillet 2002)
Je bouquine #222 (Août 2002)
Jedi's Legacy
Jeremiah's Promise: An Adventure in Modern Israel
Der Junge ohne Gedächtnis
Kampf gegen den Taifun
King Arthur’s Knight Quest (Paperback, 2002/04 printing)
Kingdom of Shadow
Kínok kínja
The Konrad Trilogy 2: Shadowbreed (reissue)
The Konrad Trilogy 3: Warblade (reissue)
Království děsu
Le labyrinthe du cyclope
The Last Guardian
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Legends Cycle 3: Hazezon
Legends Cycle Two 1: Assassin's Blade
The Living Dead
La machine aux cent voyages
Die Macht des Dämons
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Magazyn Fantasy (nr 1)
Maps: The Uncollected John Sladek
Le match aux cent buts
The Mayor's Birthday Surprise
Mojo Jojo's Day Off
Mojo Jojo's Secret Paper
Mr. Buckethead Goes to the Moon!
Mr. Buckethead vs. Doctor Neuron
Nemrtvá spravedlnost
Not Another Buttercup
Oath of Nerull
Odyssey Cycle 2: Chainer's Torment
Odyssey Cycle 3: Judgment
Of Day, Of Night
Onslaught Cycle 1: Onslaught
El pantano hediondo
Paperino #260
Paths of Darkness 4: Sea of Swords (paperback)
Perdidos en el ciberespacio
The Prisoners of Time (Project Aon edition)
Professor Utonium's Dating Game
The Professor's Monkey Business
Queen of the North
Quicksilver Fantasies Solo-Adventures
Rainy Day Professor
The Rangers of Taradoin: The Heritage
Realm of the Vampire
Resgate em Arion
A rettegés erdeje
Return of the Archwizards 3: The Sorcerer
Return of the Archwizards: Realms of Shadow
Ridderens grav
Říše chaosu
Sabotage! (Regular edition)
The Savage Caves
Science Fiction / Horror: A Sight and Sound Reader
Sefr mheyj bh seyah chealh [سفر مهيج به سياه چاله]
Sembia 5: Heirs of Prophecy
Sembia 6: Sands of the Soul
Sherlock Holmes, das 1. große KrimiAbenteuerSpielBuch
Slaves to Darkness Trilogy 1: The Claws of Chaos
Solo en el cañón de la Serpiente
Soul Drinkers 1: Soul Drinker (American edition)
Space Wolf 3: Grey Hunter
Speed of Darkness
Spooks' Surprise (Reissue edition)
Spuk in der Halloween-Nacht
Star of Erengrad
Star Wars Adventures Adventure Guide
Star Wars Gamer #10
La storia di risiko
Sudden Turn
Sur les traces des grands évolutionnistes
The Tales of Orfeo 1: Zaragoz (reissue)
The Technocrat War 2: Masquerade
The Technocrat War 3: Maelstrom
Ten Little Aliens
The Testing
Time Zero
The Tomb of Horrors
Topolino e Pippo eroi del giorno prima (Grandi Classici Disney edition)
Trading Futures
Treasure Planet - The Shape of Danger
The Trial of Allibor's Tomb
Über den Sylinthpass
Ultramarines 1: Nightbringer
Un figón de malos tragos
The Vampire Genevieve 2: Genevieve Undead (American reissue)
The Vampire Genevieve 3: Beasts in Velvet (reissue)
The Vampire Genevieve: Silver Nails
Wald der Gräber
War of Souls 2: Dragons of a Lost Star (paperback)
War of the Spider Queen 1: Dissolution
War of the Spider Queen 2: Insurrection (hardback)
Warchon: Clash at Sygillis
Warchon: Clash at Sygillis Demo
Warioland 4
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Sample), UK printing (C&W))
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK 2002 printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, distributed by Macmillan))
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Winner Takes All
The Wooden Cow
Zimmer frei - Grusel inklusive
Zio Paperone, Brigitta e il tesoro... a bivi (Paperino edition)
2000 AD Extreme Edition #1Ta 33 roz roumpínia [Τα 33 ροζ ρουμπίνια]
Abenteuer auf dem Mars
Adventures on the Planet Goran
Amara Wintersword, Female Barbarian with Axe
Amok-væsnet (Borgen 2003 edition)
The Amulet of Power
Angels of Darkness
Armies of Death (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Armies of Death (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Armies of Death (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Auf der Suche nach Atlantis
Battlefleet Gothic 2: Shadow Point
Beauty Queen Blowout
The Bloody Eye
The Book of Wizardry
Brána zla
Brunner the Bounty Hunter 1: Blood Money
Brunner the Bounty Hunter 2: Blood and Steel
The Cabinet of Light
The Captives of Kaag (Project Aon edition)
Capture Arawynne (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
Capture Arawynne (Star Wars Adventures novel)
Las Cavernas de Kalte (reissue)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Choose Your Adventure
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S1 (Special), US printing)
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
City of Thieves (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
La ciudadela del caos (Fighting Fantasy Reissues edition)
The Classics Professor
Las colinas de Shamutanti
Companion Piece
The Crown of Kings (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Crown of Kings (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
The Crown of Kings (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Crypt of the Sorcerer (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Cthulhu Spieler-Handbuch (1st ed.)
Daemon World
Danger Mountain
Danger on Naboo (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
Danger on Naboo (Star Wars Adventures novel)
Dark Debts
A Day in the Life
Deadly Expedition
A Death of Kings
The Death Ray
Deathtrap Dungeon
Deathtrap Dungeon (Wizard S1 (Special), US printing)
Deathtrap Dungeon (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Destiny Quest
The Domino Effect
Dødens labyrint (Borgen 2003 edition)
Emotional Chemistry
Escape from Fire Island!
Eye Spy Aliens
Fallen Gods
Fighting Fantasy 2004 Calendar
Fighting Fantasy Box Set 1
Fighting Fantasy Box Set 2
Fighting Fantasy Box Set 3
The Final Battle (Star Wars Adventures edition)
The Forbidden City (Project Aon edition)
The Forbidden Towers (Reissue edition)
Forest of Doom (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Forest of Doom (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Forest of Doom (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Fuego sobre el agua (reissue)
Fünf Freunde und du verfolgen die Strandräuber
Gaming Frontiers, Volume 4
The Ghostling Children (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
The Ghostling Children (Star Wars Adventures novel)
Gotrek & Felix 7: Giantslayer
The Grand Crusade (trade paperback)
The Great Coaster Contest
Grey Star the Wizard (Project Aon edition)
Halo: First Strike
Halo: The Flood
Haunted Park
El hechicero de la Montaña de Fuego (Fighting Fantasy Reissues edition)
Hector James
Heroes of Redmarch 1: Goblin Bane
A hold sikolya
House of Hell (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
House of Horror
Huida de la oscuridad (reissue)
The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Adventures edition)
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 1: The Thousand Orcs (paperback)
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 2: The Lone Drow (hardback)
The Hunting Safari
Island of the Lizard King (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters
Jousai-toshi Khare [城砦都市カーレ] (reissue)
Kampf auf Burg Falkenstein
Kaos-borgen (Borgen 2003 edition)
Kathryn in the City
De keuze is aan jou
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Kharé, ciudad de las trampas
Knights of the Dinner Table: Bob "Knuckles"
Knights of the Dinner Table: Sara "Thorina"
Knights Panther: Riders of the Dead
Koshmar na ves' den' [Кошмар на весь день]
Král noci
Laberinto mortal (Fighting Fantasy Reissues edition)
Ladrões de Histórias
The Last Resort
Leda: Book the First of the Maduban Saga
Legends Cycle Two: Emperor's Fist
Legends of Mystaris 1: The Flame of Illean
Legends of Mystaris 2: Lord of Blackskull Keep
Legie smrti
Lift v nikuda [Лифт в никуда]
Magazyn Fantasy (nr 11)
The Magician's Ring (Reissue edition)
Shamutantino oka wo koete [シャムタンティの丘を越えて] (Reissue edition)
A maldição da múmia
The Master of Mazes (Reissue edition)
The Masters of Darkness (Project Aon edition)
The Minotaur's Maze
Module Prime Alpha
More Clue Mysteries
Mucho Graxxias versus Frankenstein, the Mummy and the Vampire on the Pirates' Ship in a Perfect Storm
Neither Either nor Or
Night of a Thousand Boyfriends
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
The Obelisk of Eeeno
Ondskabens skov (Borgen 2003 edition)
Onslaught Cycle 2: Legions
Onslaught Cycle 3: Scourge
Passages of Peril
The Plague Lords of Ruel (Project Aon edition)
Plague of Ice
Podrace to Freedom (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
Podrace to Freedom (Star Wars Adventures novel)
Puzzle School (reissue)
Rebel Thunder
Reckless Engineering
Rescue the Princess
Return of the Damned
Return to Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Return to Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Revenge of the Gargoyle
Rip Tide
Rogues 1: The Alabaster Staff
Rædslernes hus (Borgen 2003 edition)
Sabotage! (School edition, first printing)
Schatten über Arkham
Scourge of Worlds (revised edition)
Sembia 7: Lord of Stormweather
The Seven Serpents (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Seven Serpents (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, distributed by Macmillan))
The Seven Serpents (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
The Seven Serpents (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
The Shamutanti Hills (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Shamutanti Hills (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, distributed by Macmillan))
The Shamutanti Hills (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
The Shamutanti Hills (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
The Shape-Shifter Strikes
Shell Shock
Sherlock Holmes: Three Cases
Die Siedler von Catan
Síla druidů
Slaves to Darkness Trilogy 2: The Blades of Chaos
Sorcery! Box Set
Soul Drinkers 2: The Bleeding Chalice
Space Wolf 4: Wolfblade
Spaced Out!
Spooks' Surprise (American reissue edition)
Star Quest (Paperback, 2003/07 printing)
Stolen Prophecy
The Sundered Arms
Super Disney #27
Super Sharp Pencil & Paper Games (reissue)
Sur les traces des révolutionnaires de 1789
Tangle in Tijuana
Tempest of Trouble
Topolino e il segreto del Castello (Super Disney edition)
Trapped in the Museum
Treachery's Wake
Trial of Champions (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Trial of Champions (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
Trial of Champions (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (Clays))
Troldkarlens krypt (Borgen 2003 edition)
Troldmanden fra Ildbjerget (Borgen 2003 edition)
Trouble on Tatooine (Star Wars Adventures edition)
Tyvenes by (Borgen 2003 edition)
Ultramarines 2: Warriors of Ultramarr
Uzhas phocus-pocusa [Ужас фокус-покуса]
Verschollen im Urwald
War of the Spider Queen 2: Insurrection (paperback)
War of the Spider Queen 3: Condemnation
The War of the Wizards (reissue)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Promotional), UK printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), AU printing)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK 2003 printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Special), first US printing)
The Warlords of Balmorra
Whatever You Want (British edition)
2300 AD (eBook)La abadía de la traición
El Abismo maldito (reissue)
Absolutely Amazing Five-Minute Mysteries: 40 New Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
Against the Odds
Aliados y enemigos
American Girl: Mini Mysteries
American Girls About Town (American edition)
American Girls About Town (British edition)
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 1
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 2
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 3
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 4
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 5
Az ötvenegyedik harcos
Bad Moon Rising
Der Berg der 1000 Gefahren
Beyond the Nightmare Gate (Project Aon edition)
Big Match Manager
The Black Thorn Gambit
Blood and Hope
El bosque en llamas (online edition)
Bridgewater 5-3-2
Brunner the Bounty Hunter 3: Blood of the Dragon
Bum: Rags to Riches
Caccia spietata
The Canoeing Safari
Captif d'Yvoire Redux
Character Pack 1
Character Pack 2
Choose Your Own...
City of Thieves (Wizard S1 (Standard), US printing)
La ciudad de los ladrones (Fighting Fantasy Reissues edition)
La corona de los reyes
Costruire i libri-gioco
Creature of Havoc (Wizard S1 (Special), US printing)
Criatura del caos
Curse of Count Blood
D6 Fantasy Rulebook
D6 Space Rulebook
The Dalek Factor
The Darke Crusade (Project Aon edition)
The Darklands
The Day of the Dead
The Deadstone Memorial
El Desafío del Guantelete de Plata
El desierto de las sombras (reissue)
El emisario
The Erevis Caves Trilogy 2: Dawn of Night
Fire and Steel: Part I, The Hammer of Dog Green
Fire and Steel: Part II, To the Boundaries of Hell
Fire and Steel: Part III, Armored Advance
Fire and Steel: Part IV, Hold the Line!
Fire and Steel: Part V, Take the Village!
Flight from the Dark
Forest of Doom
Friend or Freak
Gefährlicher Sommer
Get Real!
Giaks Blister Pack
The Grand Crusade (paperback)
Grey Knights
Gunslinger with Whip and Pistol
Halo, Books 1-3
Hand of T'ah
Herbert's Big Adventure
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 2: The Lone Drow (paperback)
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 3: The Two Swords (hardback)
The Inquisition War
L'Isola di Anastrofe (Manuali educativi edition)
Kai Lords Blister Pack
Kelek's Crystal
Khamsin's Heir
Knightmare: Choose Your Own Adventure
Il Labirinto di Creta (Manuali educativi edition)
Last Chancers 3: Annihilation Squad
Legend of Zagor (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Der Letzte Held no. 45
Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game
The Lost Cult
Magazyn Fantasy (nr 12)
Magic of Magnamund
Medway United 4-5-1
Mersey City 4-4-2
Mutant Hill Giant
The Myst Reader
The Mystery of Microsneezia
The Mystery of the Backlot Banshee
L'Oripetea (Manuali educativi edition)
Őserők ura
Paperinik e altri supereroi #126
Pastrami Project
Pierścień Złodziei
Puzzle Car Race
Puzzle Pyramid
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Genesis
Riders of the Storm
The Rise of the Lost
Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Shooting Star Comics Anthology #4
Sichi-hiki no daija [七匹の大蛇] (reissue)
Las siete serpientes
A Simple Task
Slaves to Darkness Trilogy 3: The Heart of Chaos
The Sleep of Reason
Smrtící jed
Sometime Never...
Sorcery 3: The Seven Serpents
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Reissue edition (Wizard Books Series 1))
Lo straniero solitario
Der Tempel der 1000 Gefahren
Temple of Terror (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Temple of Terror (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Thames United 4-4-2
Three Strikes and You're a Monster!
To the Magical Pond
To the Magical Pond
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
The Tomorrow Windows
Trent Albion 4-3-3
The Two-Month Itch
Tyne Athletic 4-3-3
Ultramarines 3: Dead Sky, Black Sun
Upírova hrobka
Usborne Young Puzzle Adventures
Utterly Ingenous Five-Minute Mysteries: 40 New Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
The Village Safari
War of the Ancients 1: The Well of Eternity
War of the Ancients 2: The Demon Soul
War of the Trolls
Whatever You Want (American edition)
The Wicker Hamper
Wizard Books Fighting Fantasy Logo Pin-badge
Wizardry: Crea la tua avventura da giovane mago
Zero Hour
Zlaté údolí
The 826NYC Review: Issue 1The Abominable Snowman (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Across the Wall
The Amazon
Ariona: The Bounty Hunter
Armchair General Volume 1, Issue 6
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 1
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 2
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 3
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 4
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 5
Avalanche Mountain Mess
Avon United Diamond
Badical Battles
Beyond Escape! (ChooseCo reissue edition)
BFI TV Classics: Doctor Who
The Black Lobster
The Brilliant Dr. Wogan (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Die Burg der 1000 Gefahren
The Case of the Silk King (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
The CEO: An Interactive Book (First printing)
Choose Your Own Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure Teacher's Guide
Choose Your Own Adventure Writer's Handbook
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, 2005 reprint))
Clyde Rovers 4-4-1-1
A Courier for Stonewall
Curse of the Cockroach
Damned Nation
Dnevnik sumashedshey mumii [Дневник сумасшедшей мумии]
The Dragon Dance
The Dragon Star
Die Dritte Expedition
Edgar & Ellen: The Eerie Wax Museum
Elige tu propia Argentina
The Emerald Pirate
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Jumping Frogs
Escape (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Eye of the Dragon (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Eye of the Dragon (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Fantazyn nr 3
Fantazyn nr 4
Fire and Steel: Part IX, First Patrol
Fire and Steel: Part VI, Capture the Bridge!
Fire and Steel: Part VII, Stop the Panzers - The Mortain Counterattack!
Fire and Steel: Part VIII, Roar of the Tiger!
Fire and Steel: Part X, Race for the Rhine!
Fire and Steel: Part XI, The Road to Hammelburg
Freeway Fighter (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Gallifrey Chronicles
Game On!
The Gatekeeper Chronicles 1: Nightmare Unleashed
The Gatekeeper Chronicles 2: The Dungeon of Havenrock
The Gatekeeper Chronicles 3: Pirates of the Black Grotto
The Golem of Brick Lane
Golgotha Run
Das Gruselbuch der 1000 Gefahren
L'Holocron di Wyrm
House of Danger (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Hunter's Blades Trilogy 3: The Two Swords (paperback)
The Iceland Wyrm (British edition)
Impudent Peasant!
Initial Vector
The Island of Lost Spells (1st ed.)
Isle of the Cyclops
Journey Under the Sea (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Keep Me in Mind
Kniga volshebstva [Книга волшебства]
Krvavá země
The Legacy of Vashna (Project Aon edition)
Legend of Zagor (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Der Letzte Held no. 46
Little Boy Lost
Lone Wolf: The Poster Painting Book (Project Aon edition)
Los Acólitos de Guland
Los músicos de Bremen
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Lost on the Amazon (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
The Magnamund Companion (Project Aon edition)
Masters of Mayhem
Das Meer der 1000 Gefahren
Mission Pornstar
The Monsters Inside
Mundo Arcano
Mystery of the Maya (ChooseCo reissue edition)
The Mystery of Ura Senke (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Na Trilha do Lobisomem
Nancy Drew: Mummy's the Word
Night Terrors
Ocean of Lard
Osvaldo e i cacciatori
The Outback
Ozhivshiy maneken [Оживший манекен]
El palacio de las cien puertas
Paperi in... gioco
People Wearing Party Hats, People Blowing Horns
Prisoner of the Ant People (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Puzzle Balloon Race
Puzzle Palace
The Race Against Time
Race Forever (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Return to Atlantis (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Rytíř Půlnoční hvězdy
A sárkány vére
Secret of the Ninja (ChooseCo reissue edition)
The Skull of Agarash (Project Aon edition)
So Not the Drama!
Solitaire Tic-Tac-Toe
Soul Drinkers 3: Crimson Tears
Space and Beyond (ChooseCo reissue edition - reissue)
The Space Plague
The Spy Master
Starship Traveller (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Starship Traveller (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
The Suicide King
Sword of the Samurai (PDF edition)
Sword Quest (Paperback, 2005/05 printing)
Struggle Down Under (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Tesáky běsu
The Usborne Big Book of Fantasy Quests
To The Slaughter
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Operation Barracuda
Track of the Bear (German edition)
Trouble on Planet Earth (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Tunnels and Trolls 5.5
La última noche de La Luna
The Vampire Genevieve
War of the Ancients 3: The Sundering
War of the Wizards (Project Aon edition)
War with the Evil Power Master (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
The Web of Arachnos
The Winged Serpent
A Yakuza Tale
Yaobikuni no Toki [八百比丘尼の斎]
309Aberdan's Folly
The Abominable Snowman (Australian edition, first printing)
The Abominable Snowman
AFL Arch Rivals
AFL Finals Chance
AFL Mud and Rain
AFL Rough Play
Airi: Infernal Temptress
American Girl: Mini Mysteries 2
Amphigorey Again
Armchair General Volume 2, Issue 6
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 1
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 2
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 3
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 4
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 5
At the Sharp End: Part I, Bloody Peleliu
At the Sharp End: Part II, Bloody Night on Peleliu
Billy Acres and the Gold Miners' Treasure
Bloodbones (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Blossom vs. the Blasteroid / Forever Blowing Bubbles
El bosque en llamas (print edition)
Bpôm-bpà-raa-gaan-má-hăa-pai [ป้อมปราการมหาภัย]
Brand-New Blossom / Bubbles Saves the Circus
Brothers by Blood
Bubbles and the Opposite Potion / The Mayor's Birthday Surprise
Bubbles's Butterfly Hunt / Rainy Day Professor
The Bullow Lands (Hobbit Hole edition, The)
Buttercup and the Mind-Reading Juice / Diamonds Are for Princess
Buttercup, the Better Cop / Career-Day Blossom
Chelovekoszhimalki [Человекосжималки]
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 1 (1-4)
Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure
Cirk-zapadnya [Цирк-западня]
The Cold Heart of Chaos
Cold Steel and Iron Courage: Part I, Storm in the Valley
Cold Steel and Iron Courage: Part II, Cavalry in the Valley
Cold Steel and Iron Courage: Part III, Raid the Wagons
Conspiração Dumont
Contra los trolls
The Crime Lord
Curumatara - De Volta à Floresta
Dark Harbour
The Deathlord of Ixia (Project Aon edition)
Dolly e l'elefante scomparso
Dragon Quest (Paperback, 2006/02 printing)
Eleven falak
Elina: Captain of the Royal Guard
Emerald Enchanter (Project Aon edition)
Escape (Australian edition)
Fallen from Grace
Fantazyn nr 5
Fantomen 7/06
Fate, maghi e principesse
The FEAR Agency
Final Destination 3
Fire and Steel: Part XII, Hammelburg Raid Conclusion!
The Forgotten Spell (original)
The Freedom Phalanx
Das Grauen von Hook's End
The Halls of the Gorgon
The Hidden Halls of Ogul-Duhr
Hide-and-Go Mojo / Buttercup's Terrible Temper Tantrums
The Hobbit Hole #5
The Hobbit Hole #6
The Hobbit Hole #7
House of Danger (Australian edition)
House of Hell (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W, 2006 reprint))
Hunger of the Wolf
The Ice Cavern of Isahil
If You Can't Be Good, Be Good at It
Il sindaco e la torta a sorpresa
Inca Gold (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Journey Under the Sea (Australian edition)
Kanikuly v djunglyakh [Каникулы в джунглях]
Kingdom of Loathing: The Home Game
Kuessen streng nach Stundenplan (Paperback edition)
Kŭm sáp pôr mót kăo àk-kee [ขุมทรัพย์พ่อมดเขาอัคคี]
Last Stand at Kirrinbahr
Leina: Exalted Warrior (3-D version)
Lolly alla riscossa
Lost Jewels of Nabooti (Australian edition)
The Lost Sword
Love is Random Too
Menace: Ancient Princess
Molly e la pozione portentosa
Mortal Eyes
Mystery of the Maya (Australian edition)
Na szczycie
Naperegonki s tornado [Наперегонки с торнадо]
Noch v lesu oborotney [Ночь в лесу оборотней]
On yavilsa iz Inteneta [Он явился из Интернета]
Once Upon... 1001 Stories
Orcs of the High Mountains
Professor Utonium's Dating Game / Buttercup's Monster Challenge
Puzzle Pirates
Quest for the Black Gem
The Rapture is At Hand
Return to Quag Keep
Ein Sarg ohne Leiche
Šarlatové písky
Scandal in Stringwater
Scarlet Sorcerer (Project Aon edition)
Sete-Ka's Dream Quest
The Sewers of Redpoint
Silver Wings (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Soccer Champions Cup
Space and Beyond (Australian edition)
Die Sterne der Tiefen
A Submarine Adventure
Sword of the Samurai (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Sword of the Samurai (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Szabad nép
Talisman of Death (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Talisman of Death (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Tattoo of Death (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Terror on the Titanic (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Checkmate
The Trouble with Twins
Twenty Epics
Ty - udobreniye dla rasteniy [Ты - удобрение для растений]
Void Station 57
What if... All the Boys Wanted You
What if... Everyone Knew Your Name
With Stars on Her Ankle
Wrath of the Behemoth
Your Best Friend's Boyfriend
Zaklyatie charodeya [Заклятие чародея]
Ztracená říše
El abominable hombre de las nievesAfter-Hours Girls
Alice, Gate Opener
Alien Arena
Der Amaryll
Amiche, dolci e guai
Anel Elemental
Armchair General Volume 3, Issue 6
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 1
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 2
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 3
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 4
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 5
Asesina 1: Líneas
Asesina 2: La tierra prometida
Asesina 3: El sustituto
Asesina 4: La fuga
At the Sharp End: Part III, Cave Assault on Peleliu
At the Sharp End: Part IV,Okinawa
At the Sharp End: Part V, Okinawa, 1945
At the Sharp End: Part VI, Okinawa, 1945
Basketball Winning Streak
La battaglia di Phonos
The Battle of the Alamo
Die Bibliothek (reissue)
Black Baron (Project Aon edition)
Boy Shopping
The Campfire Crush
Captured by Pirates
Caravan (Dragonlarks reissue, first printing)
Castle of Despair
Cattleya: Weapon Merchant
Caverns of Discovery (Adobe Acrobat edition)
Caverns of Discovery (Paperback edition)
The Caverns of Kalte (collector's edition)
Charlie Choicemaker Chooses... Under Pressure
La classe aux 100 souvenirs
Claudette: Lord of Thunder
Cleverly Crafty Five-Minute Mysteries: 40 New Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve
Code Mission
Compendium of Solos
Contractual Obligation
The Corinthian Project
The Crimes of Dr. Watson: An Interactive Sherlock Holmes Mystery
The Crown of King Alin IV
The Crystal Snare
Cthulhu Spieler-Handbuch (2nd ed.)
The Curse of the Lost Idol (2007 reissue edition, CN 2007/06 printing)
Curse of the Mummy (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Curse of the Mummy (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
The Dance Dilemma
Dark Depths
Dark Planet
A Day in the Life...
Death or Glory
The Diamond Key
Don't Do Anything I Wouldn't Do
Dragonology: Pocket Adventures Boxed Set
È un gioco da ragazze
En busca del paso secreto (reissue)
Encyclopedia Brown Cracks the Case (Original edition)
Envoyer Rollenspielmagazin 06/2007
Escape from Blood Castle (2007 reissue edition, CN 2007/06 printing)
Escape from Khosht (Tunnels and Trolls: Dragon Tree Press edition)
Escape from Khosht (Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press edition)
Escape from Pyramid X
Fejtörők erdeje
Finalmente sabato sera!
Fire on the Water (collector's edition)
Five-Minute Halloween Mysteries
Flight from the Dark [expanded version] (Lone Wolf (2007-) edition - hardback)
Flight from the Dark [expanded version] (Lone Wolf (2007-) edition - paperback)
Flucht aus Rogogard
Forecast from Stonehenge
La forêt noire
From the Shadows
La Fuga
Get More
Gorgon's Cave
Hacia el Nuevo Mundo (reissue)
Hasta el infinito y más allá
The Haunted House (Dragonlarks edition, first printing)
The Haunted Wagon Train
A hit nevében
How Big is Your Brain?
How Big is Your Brain? (abridged sample edition)
Howl of the Werewolf (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
The Iceland Wyrm (American edition)
Im Auge des Orkans
Im Rennfieber
The Incredible Dinosaur Expedition (2007 reissue edition, 2007/06 printing)
Indian Trail (Dragonlarks reissue, first printing)
Ink Nijihara, Witch Girl
Interactive Mega-Zine #1
Interactive Mega-Zine #2
Invitation to a Feast
Irish Immigrants in America
Kill the Beast
Kingdom of Loathing: The Home Game, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Księga Labiryntu
El laberinto del cíclope
Le labyrinthe enchanté
Land of Endless Night
Lencian Trilogy 1: The Dragons of Lencia
Like This and Like That
Lose Yourself
The Lost Diary
Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure (American edition)
Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure (British edition)
M'ama, non m'ama?
Magus: Betrayal
Melona: Shapeshifter
Melpha: Priestess
Mutants & Masterminds Beginner's Guide
Mystery at the Manor
Mystery in London (Third edition)
Nanael: Angel of Light
Nyx: Master of Flame
Oranges in the Snow
The Pegasi Incident
Peligro en la casa
Pretty Little Mistakes: A Do-Over Novel
Puzzle Dinosaurs
The Pyramid Plot (Paperback edition, 2007 reissue)
Die Pyramide der 1000 Gefahren
Realm of the Enchanter
Rémálmok jönnek
Revista NoSoloRol #45
Revista NoSoloRol #47
Revista NoSoloRol #49
Revista NoSoloRol #51
Revista NoSoloRol #53
Second Front
The Secret of the Video Game Scores (Hardcover reissue)
I signori delle tenebre (reissue)
Ski Trip Trouble
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Reissue edition (Wizard Books Series 1), revised cover)
Space Plague
The Spaceship Graveyard
Spellbreaker (Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W))
Spook Manor
Sting of the Zygons (hardback)
Take Me There
Der Tempel der Zerstörung
Il tempio del Sardus Pater (second edition)
Terror in Ghost Mansion
Terror no Porto
The Temple on Terilek Prime
The Ultimate Quest
Tiberium Wars
The Time Crocodile
The Time Curse
The Titanic (Library bound edition)
A toda velocidad
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Fallout
The Treasure of Mount Fate
Trouble on Planet Earth (Australian edition)
True Hero Minigame
Valley of Wisdom
The Vanishing Village (Usborne Puzzle Adventures edition, later printing)
Das vergessene Tal
Viking Blood
Vonotar's Web
War of the Robots
War with the Evil Powermaster (Australian edition)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (25th Anniversary - hardback)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK 2007 printing (C&W, distributed by TBS))
What if... Everyone Was Doing It
What if... You Broke All the Rules
The White Stones
White Warlord (Project Aon edition)
Wizards Keep
The Wounded Falcon
Wrong Way Go Back
Your Purrr-fect Birthday
Your Very Own Robot (Dragonlarks reissue, first printing)
Zicken, Zoff und Herzgeflüster
2054 - Firenze2054 - Florence
The Adventures of Cagney
Aldra, the Queen
Alien Incident on Planet J
The All Seeing One
Alleyne: Elfin Fighting Master
Amor - Verona
Amor - Verona
Annelotte, Princess Knight
Armchair General Volume 4, Issue 6
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 1
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 2
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 3
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 4
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 5
Asesina 5: El dulce beso de la venganza
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Battle of Bull Run
The Battle of Bunker Hill
Beyond Escape (Australian edition)
Blood Dagger
Blood in the Dust
Blue Frog Tavern (eBook)
Der Blutstern
The Boston Massacre
Breadman Issue 2
Burned by the Inner Sun
Caleb's Quest
The California Gold Rush
The Call
Castle Death (collector's edition)
Cazadores de tesoros
The Chasm of Doom (collector's edition)
Chinese Immigrants in America
Choose the Right and Walk with Noah
Choose Your Path!
Le cimetière hanté
Claw of the Dragon (Endless Quest Reissues edition)
Compendium of Solos #2
La corona di Re Allin IV
Cry Wolf!
The Curse of the Crossbow Archer
The Dark Star Incident
Dawn of the Dragons (Project Aon edition)
Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon (eBook)
Dinara: Prastare szczyty
Doctor Who Magazine #397
Dracula's Heir: An Interactive Mystery
The Dragon King
Dragon Warriors Bestiary (Magnum Opus edition)
Dragon Warriors, 2nd Edition (Magnum Opus edition)
Drobne błędy
Dungeons & Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games
Der dunkle Messias
Encyclopedia Brown Cracks the Case (First Scholastic printing)
Escape from Ga-'Tyr
Experience Pipeline
Exploring the New World
FA You're in Charge: Guide England to Glory
FA You're in Charge: World Cup Challenger
Fabulous Terrible: The Adventures of You (Book 1)
Das Fußballspiel der 1000 Gefahren
German Immigrants in America
The Golden Age of Pirates
Ghost Island (Dragonlarks reissue, first printing)
The Haunted Tower (Revised cover edition)
Der Hexenmeister vom Flammenden Berg (FantasyAbenteuerSpielbücher edition - reissue)
Highway Holocaust (Project Aon edition)
The Hobbit Hole #13
The Horror of Howling Hill
Howl of the Werewolf (Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W))
Into the Hollow Earth (Hardback, first printing)
Into the Hollow Earth (Promotional galley)
Invasion of the Astro-Gorillas
Inz the Warrior
The Island of Horror (reissue)
The Island of Time (ChooseCo reissue edition)
The Japanese-American Internment
The Key to the Future
Kingdom of Loathing: The Home Game, Episode 3: Past as Prologue
The Kingdoms of Terror (collector's edition)
Kvest [Квест]
Laberinto de juegos
Late Fragment
Leader of the Pack
Lost in the Wild
Lost Luggage
Maelstrom (eBook)
Mai Shiranui
Mexican Immigrants in America
Mistywood (eBook)
Moon Quest (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Murder at Wayne Manor: An Interactive Batman Mystery
Naked Doom (eBook)
Nekropolisz: A holtak birtoka
Nightmare Castle: Rise of Skarlos
Nightmare on Zombie Island
The No-Good Knight
Operation Golden Scepter
Operation Yellow Dragon
Ostatni kurs
Pirate Gold
Planet of the Spiders
Project UFO (ChooseCo reissue edition)
La propriété infernale
QUERP: Second Edition
Quest for the Ebony Wand
La regina del ballo
The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain
Repel Boarders Starboard
The Ruyi - Roma
The Ruyi - Rome
The Ruyi - Venezia
The Ruyi - Venice Act
Les Sabres d'Asguenn
Sand Castle (Dragonlarks reissue, early printing)
Save the Empire!
Das schleichende Grauen
Der schwarze Drache
Die Schwarze Eiche
Se tu fossi una pastorella
Se tu fossi una sirenetta
Sea of Mystery (eBook)
The Lake Monster Mystery (Dragonlarks reissue)
The Search for Earth's Surface (American edition)
The Search for Earth's Surface (Australian edition)
Search for the Mountain Gorillas (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Search for the Pegasus (Endless Quest Reissues edition)
Second Skin
Secret of the Ninja (Australian edition)
The Seventh Expert: An Interactive Medieval Adventure
Sewers of Oblivion (eBook)
Shadow on the Sand (collector's edition)
Slaine the King
Sleeping Gods (Magnum Opus edition)
Snake Bite
Sorcerer Solitaire
La sorcière d'Hanz
Steghe, sirene e cavalieri
Sting of the Zygons (paperback)
Stowaway!: Adventures at Sea
Submission: An Erotic Select Your Own Storyline
Sword for Hire (eBook)
Take the Money
El talismán cósmico
Testigo: Sobrevive o Muere
The Time Travel Trap
The Titanic (Paperback edition, early printing)
Tom Clancy's EndWar
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
The Tomb of the Majhan
Traversata infernale (reissue)
The Treasure of Blackbird Rock
The Triad of Skulls
Tunnels and Trolls 7.5
Turn Left Set Report
The Underground Railroad
Vampire Hunt
Vampire in Rocky Beach
The View from the Seventh Layer
War of Deities - Part One
The Way of the Jedi
Weirdworld (eBook)
Westward Expansion
What if... All the Rumors Were True
What If... Your Past Came Back to Haunt You
Whizzy's Incredible Journeys
Więzień labiryntu
Die Wüste der 1000 Gefahren
Ymir: Iron Princess
You Are a Miserable Excuse for a Hero
Zickenzank: Grün vor Neid oder rosarot?
1000 Gefahren Angriff der Roboterspinnen1000 Gefahren auf dem Piratenschiff
1000 Gefahren im Gruselschloss
25 Jahre Das Schwarze Auge – Band III: Die Soloabenteuer
Aboard the Intrepid
Agent Mongoose and the Hypno-Beam Scheme
L'alchimiste fou
All That Glitters
Always Picked Last
The Apocryphon
Armchair General Volume 5, Issue 6
Army of the Alchemist
Az elveszett légió
Banana Split Decision
Beyond Heaving Bosoms
A bizonytalanság börtönében
The Buccaneers of Shadaki (Project Aon edition)
La casa del peligro
The Cauldron of Fear (collector's edition)
Cerca del sol
Chinese Dragons (ChooseCo reissue edition)
A Cidadela do Caos (Fighting Fantasy (2009-, Jambô) edition)
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
The Citadel of Chaos (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed, Colored text))
La città di Atlantide
The Civil Rights Movement
Courier Service
Cuando vengan a por mí
The Curse of Naar (Project Aon edition)
Darkus Rising
Deathtrap Dungeon (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed, Red text))
Delver's Pack
Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game
Dragon Magazine #382
Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit: Eilifs Schatz
The Dungeons of Torgar (collector's edition)
The Dust Bowl
Echoes of Lost Light
The Elven Crystals, 2nd Edition (Magnum Opus edition)
Enemy of Chaos (Paperback edition)
Enemy of Chaos (Proof edition)
The Enemy of My Enemy
The Enriyes
Esta noche tú decides: Finalista del IX Premio Odisea de Literatura
O Feiticeiro da Montanha de Fogo (Fighting Fantasy (2009-, Jambô) edition)
Feuer über den Wassern (reissue)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 1 (September 2009)
Flucht aus dem Dunkel (reissue)
Follow the Reader
Garden of Bones
The Goblin King
The Golden Crate
La guarida de los monstruos
The Guildmaster's Hammer
The Heart of Harkun #1
The Heart of Harkun #2
The Hobbit Hole #15
The Hobbit Hole #16
The Hobbit Hole #17
The Hypertrout
In the Shade of the Pango Tree
Into the Star
The Inventor's Apprentice
Isla pirata
Jughead and Friends Digest #31
The Jungle of Horrors (collector's edition)
Kingdom of Loathing: The Home Game: And Now, Something Else Entirely
Kuessen streng nach Stundenplan (Hardcover edition)
Kung Fu Masters
Lord of Meledor
Lose Your Own Adventure
The Lost Legion
The Lost Prince (Lulu edition)
A Masmorra da Morte
Masquerade in Hikas
A Midwinter Carol
Mina Majikina
Minaccia su Gorm
Mirim Ultra Vibration Valkyrie
Misión bajo cero
La montagne interdite
Moon Quest (Australian edition)
Murder on the Latona / Hedrien's Elixir
Mydnight's Hero (Project Aon edition)
The Oracle's Breath
Perdidos en el tiempo
Petrified World (First edition)
Les pharaons déments
Pit of Peril
Prime Suspect
Prince of Darkness (Magnum Opus edition)
Quest for the Allspark
Quest for the Fountain of Life
Raid on Cygnosa
Resurrection of the Dead
The Revolutionary War (Library-bound edition)
The Revolutionary War (Paperback edition, early printing)
Rocky Beach steht Kopf
Ruby the Red Fairy
Save the Fair Maiden
Ścieżka Jedi
The Secret of Pirate Island
Ship of Fools (eBook edition)
Shipwrecked on Mad Island
Sid Love
Sigui: Inquisitor
Smoke Jumper (ChooseCo reissue edition)
Solitary Confinement
Space Rescue
SpaceView 1/09
Ein SpaceView-Abenteuer
Star Reporter
Strike Force
¡Superhéroe por sorpresa!
Tales of the Arabian Nights (revised)
The Terrible, Horrible, Temp-to-Perm Debacle
Tethan Battle Adventure (British edition, 1st printing)
The Exile of Aeneas
The Journey of Odysseus
The Wrath of Achilles
To Catch a Thief
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Endgame
Tomb of the Ancients
Le tournoi d'Hazila
Track Star!
Trail of the Wolf (Project Aon edition)
A Trip To The Priory (Auxo Limited Solo #1)
Truth or Dare
Twenty One Turn Hero Minigame
Twin Taimashi: Tarnyang & Sainyang
Das U-Boot der 1000 Gefahren
U.N. Adventure: Mission to Molowa (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Das Vermächtnis des Zauberers (Egmont original)
Verschlusssache: Spieler-Handbuch für Ermittler (Cthulhu Now)
A Viharfaló titka
La voleuse de Langal
Voyage of the Moonstone (Project Aon edition)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Wizard S2 (Large, Unembossed, Grey Spine))
The Way of the Jedi
Web of Deception
What if... All Your Dreams Came True
What if... All Your Friends Turned on You
What Is Best?: An interactive novel
The Wild West
Wolf's Bane (Project Aon edition)
World War II (Library-bound edition)
World War II (Paperback edition, first printing)
Your Very Own Robot Goes Cuckoo-Bananas!
Yuit & Vante
Zaginiony Legion
Zock weiter bei 42: Auf verschlungenen Pfaden durch die Welt der Abenteuer-Spielbücher
Zombies in Brighton!
Zombocalypse Now
4 Film Favorites: Final Destination Collection65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (eBook edition)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (First edition paperback)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (Second edition paperback)
Aces & Eights: Bad Day at Buena Roca
The Adventures of Whatley Tupper
Afrykański świt
Agent Mongoose and the Attack of the Giant Insects
American Revolutionary (Kindle edition)
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits! Pocket Edition
Ancient Rome
Angriff der Roboter
Aphrodite's Mirror (Dragon Pathways edition)
O Aprendiz de Inventor
Arthur and the Curse of the Rain Sorceress
An Assassin in Orlandes
Attack of the Mutant Meteors
Bakland Battlegrounds
Banana Republic: The Enemy of My Enemy II
Bane of Silverton
Beer, Women and Bad Decisions
Behind the Wheel (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Blood on the Handle (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
The Blood War of Saxon
Bloodbones (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Braving the Lake
Burning Sky
Campamento vampiro
The Captives of Kaag (collector's edition)
The CEO: An Interactive Book (Kindle edition)
Cham Cham
Charms and Tiny Arrows
Le Chevalier courage
A Cidade dos Ladrões
The Citadel of Chaos
Cities of Gold and Glory (Small-format reissue edition)
City of Thieves
City of Thieves (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
The Civil War (Library bound edition)
The Civil War (Paperback edition)
Claws of the Macra
Colonial America (Library-bound edition)
Compendium of Solo's [sic] #1
A Computer Generated Dungeon: A Retrospective Review
Creature of Havoc
Creature of Havoc (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Criatura Selvagem
A Cripta do Feiticeiro
Crisis on Coruscant
The Curse of Blackwood Manor
The Dark Cauldron
Dark Rising
Darkness Most Dire
The Dead World
Deathtrap Dungeon
Debacle at Dead Man's Inn
Le démon des glaces
Diablo's Doom
Dooku's Secret Army
Dragon Slayer
Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set
Ekaterina "Katja" Kurae
Erik's Enigma
Escape Neuburg Keep
Punishment: Earth (Reissue edition, first printing)
Eye of the Dragon (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Fighting Fantasy: The Newsletter Issue 6 (April 2010)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 2 (January 2010)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 3 (May 2010)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 4 (October 2010)
Flucht von Valmorca
Forest of Chaos
Fork in the Trail
Four Jars of Mead
GAMES #263
Der Geisterfluss
Geisterspuk in der Zwergenmine (Egmont original)
Gemstone Princess Eilin and Iron Advisor Ymir
Ghost Tower of the Witchlight Fens
A Girl's Best Friend
Going Solo
The Great Puffle Switch
Die Grotten von Kulde (reissue)
Hall of the Gargoyle King (Dragon Pathways edition)
Hela's House of Dark Delights (Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press edition)
Hernando's Labyrinth
Heroes of Magnamund
The Hobbit Hole #18
The Hobbit Hole #19
House in the Hills
House of Hell (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
How to Write a Solo Adventure: Part 1
How to Write a Solo Adventure: Part 2 - The Introduction
Howl of the Werewolf (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
In Search of the Mungies' Gold
Incredible Shrinking Knight
Into the Valley of Halos
Jaskinie Kalte
Junko Hattori
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 1
Katie and the Missing Kitten
Khara Khang's Random Rainbow Maze
King Arthur’s Knight Quest (Hardback, 2010/05 printing)
King Cobra's Curse
Kryzys na Coruscant
Der Labor der 1000 Gefahren
Left For Dead
Life as a Gladiator
Life as a Knight
Life as a Ninja
Life as a Samurai
Life as a Viking (Library edition)
Life as a Viking (Paperback edition)
Le Livre du Job dont vous êtes le héros
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Game Book
LunaLuna, Moon Shadow Dancer
Maiden of Greenwold (Dragon Pathways edition)
Making Waves
The Many Lives of Lizzie Hexam
The Middle Ages
Million Little Mistakes
Misterios subterráneos
The Next Level
Night of the Necromancer
Ogień na wodzie
One of Those Nights
Otchłań zagłady
Over the Blood-Dark Sea (Small-format reissue edition)
Owl Tree (Dragonlarks reissue)
Ozmodeons Reise
The Paradox Labyrinth
O Passageiro Clandestino
Paying the Ferryman
Pick-A-Path: A Card / Solo / GM Adventure Game Book
Plague Agent
The Plains of Howling Darkness (Small-format reissue edition)
Planeta Alfa
Pledge of Peril (Dragon Pathways edition)
I Predicatori del male
The Presence of a Hero
Prey of the Hunter
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - The Guardian's Path
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - To Right a Wrong
Prisoner of the Wizard's Harem
Przygoda na Teth
The Quest for Dragon Mountain
Quest: Zeit der Helden - Angriff der Orks
Rapscallion's Revenge
Return of the Lizard King
Return to Haunted House
Return to the Cave of Time
Revenant Rising
Rise or Fall
Rune War (Project Aon edition)
The Salem Witch Trials (Library-bound edition)
Der Schatz der Oger (Egmont original)
Die Schlucht des Schicksals (reissue)
School of Evil
Secret of the Sphinx (Dragon Pathways edition)
The Shamutanti Hills (no longer available)
Sharkbait's Revenge
Shrine of the Salamander
The Siege of the Necromancer
Simonius' Challenge
Slaves of Rema
Sorcery 2.5 - The Race from Earth End
Storm Rider (Dragon Pathways edition)
Sturzflug der 1000 Gefahren
Summoner Aldra
Super Giant Monster Time!
O Super-Repórter
Survivor's Struggle
Szklana Twarz
Słuchaj swego serca
Tajna armia Dooku
Takama's Tyranny
Taking the Reins
The Temple of Issoth (TrollsZine! version)
The Temple of Issoth
Ten Short Fighting Fantasy Books and One Long One
Terror of the Darklords
Tethan Battle Adventure (American edition, 1st printing)
The Rainbow Connection
Through the Black Hole
The Tomb of Baron Gharoth
The Tomb of Baron Gharoth: A Review
Tomb Runner
The Toughest Dungeon in the World (Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press edition)
Trapped in Time
Trial of Champions (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
TrollsZine! Issue 1
TrollsZine! Issue 2
TrollsZine! Issue 3
Tron: Legacy - Initiate Sequence
Ucieczka przed mrokiem
Um Dia de Puffle
Unbound Island
Vash's Revenge
The War-Torn Kingdom (Small format reissue edition)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Word Fell Silent
World War II (Paperback edition, 2010 printing)
Yagyu Jubei
Your Life, but Better
Your Life, but Cooler
Your Life, but Sweeter
Zombie Apocalypse!
Zombie Death Town
Zombie Penpal
Zona mutante
1000 Gefahren im Internet2000 AD Prog 2012
5 Magic Rocks
Advanced Fighting Fantasy: The Roleplaying Game
The Adventure Begins
Alien Raid
El alquimista
Aphrodite's Mirror (Dragon Roads edition)
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Aquelarre (third edition)
Armies of Death (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Arnhem 1944
Asphalt Warrior: Highway to Hades
Awkward Turtles
Aztec Quest (Kindle edition)
Becca, Reporting for Duty
Before Card-Jitsu: The Ninja Quest
Belagerung der Monster (Egmont original)
Below Zero Point
Bones of the Banished
Book of the Magnakai
Can You Survive Antarctica?
Can You Survive Storm Chasing?
Can You Survive the Jungle?
Can You Survive the Titanic? (Library bound edition)
Can You Survive the Titanic? (Paperback edition)
Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
Castillo fantasma
Castle of Doom
Catacombs of the Undercity
The Cavern of Clues (Paperback, original edition)
Cellars of Castle Cassoulet
Charlotte, Prowling for Enchantment (Branching Path Books edition)
Choose Your Own Adventure
Choosing Our Own Adventure
Cień na piasku
Cinderella: Ninja Warrior
City of Terror
The Civil War (Paperback edition, 10/11 printing)
Colonial America (Paperback edition, early printing)
Crypt of the Wolf Prince
Cthulhu Spieler-Handbuch (3rd ed.)
The Curse of Drumer
Curse of the Mummy (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Curse of the Pirate Mist
The Dagger of Doom
Dancing with Cadence
Dare to Be Different
Dark Lord: The Early Years (Original British edition)
Death Phrogg Attack
Death Riders / Heart of Stone
Deep Delving
Demon Hunter
Desafío ninja
Detective Frankenstein
Devotion to Duty
Dewdrop Inn
Disco Mystery
Dive Right In
Le dragon des neiges
Dragon Warriors Bestiary (Serpent King Games reprint)
Dragon Warriors, 2nd Edition (Serpent King Games reprint)
Dungeons of Doom (Dragon Roads edition)
Egyptian Quest (Kindle edition)
Elder Tunnels: Summer 2011
Elder Tunnels: Winter-Spring 2011
The Elven Crystals, 2nd Edition (Serpent King Games reprint)
En otro mundo
Enslaved Dragon Warrior Branwen
Entangled: A Pirate's Story Choose Your Own Adventure
Escape from Khosht (Tunnels and Trolls: Fabled Worlds edition)
Escape from the Sorcerer
Escape from Zombie City (Original paperback edition)
Everest: You Decide How to Survive!
Fantasy #49 (April, 2011)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 5 (January 2011)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 6 (April 2011)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 7 (July 2011)
Finding Franklin: Mystery of the Lost State Capitol
A Floresta da Destruição
Forest of Doom (Wizard S2 (Large, Embossed))
Free Fall
Fuga Infernale (second edition)
Fury of the Deep
The Great Depression
Great Pirate Captain Liliana
Greek Quest (Kindle edition)
The Gargoyle King (Dragon Roads edition)
Haus der Angst
Hive of the Dead
The Hobbit Hole #20
The Hobbit Hole #21
Horror in Space
Im Griff der Schwarzen Eiche
El impostor
Into the Spotlight
Invasion der Normannen
Isabella "Ivy" Valentime
Iwo Jima
Izumi - Samurai of the War God
Jack London's Call of the Wild: A Choose Your Path Book (original Kindle edition)
Jack London's Call of the Wild: A Choose Your Path Book (original paperback edition)
Jamais Plus: Explorations of the Facts in the Curious Case of the Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe
Janek: Historia małego powstańca
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 2
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 3
Kincses térkép
King Arthur II Adventure Quest Book
Die Königreiche des Schreckens (reissue)
Labirint zataivsheicia smerti [Лабиринт затаившейся смерти]
Laila - Celestial Punisher
Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Grindhouse Edition
Lauren, Riding Off Trail
Legend of the Spirit Stone
The Legion of Shadow (First edition)
Les légions du mal
Lobos de mar
The Lonely Road
Love Is Not Constantly Wondering If You Are Making the Biggest Mistake of Your Life
Magnamund Bestiary
A Mansão Diabólica
The Mansion of Mazes (Paperback, original edition)
Mars: You Decide How to Survive!
Mass Movement #30
Masz Wybór (nr 3)
Masz Wybór (nr 5)
I mille e una storia
Moshling Mayhem
The Most Dangerous Game
Multiple Choice Adventures
The Museum of Mysteries
Myranor: Die verbotene Kammer
Neighborhood Hero: A Semi-Autobiographical Interactive Short Story
The New Reader as Detective
Night of Champions
Noel Vermillion
The Orb of Souls
Orphan Trains
Out of the Pit (Advanced Fighting Fantasy reissue edition)
Owned: um Novo Jogador
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box
The Planet of Puzzles
Prince Groffy's First Adventure
Prince of Darkness (Serpent King Games reprint)
Protodimension #9
Queen of Shades
Quest: A Time of Heroes
¿Quién secuestró a la princesa Saralinda? (Later printing)
Race to the Rumble
The Rainbow Dragons' Castle
The Ranger of Grewlant
Reality Optional (S1)
The Redemption of Mr. Sturlubok
Das Reich des Krieges
The Revolutionary War (Paperback edition, later printing)
Ring of Thieves (hardback reissue)
Ring of Thieves (paperback reissue)
Risky Business
Roman Quest (Kindle edition)
Russian Gold
The Salem Witch Trials (Paperback edition, early printing)
Save Our Ship
Save Yourself, Mammal!
Die Schatten der Wüste (reissue)
Schloss des Todes (reissue)
Search and Ye May Find
Search for the Black Rhino
Search for the Pirate's Treasure
Curse of the Sphinx (Dragon Roads edition)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: A Choose Your Path Book (original Kindle edition)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: A Choose Your Path Book (original paperback edition)
Skull Island
Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
Sleeping Gods (Serpent King Games reprint)
Smog & Ambuscade
Steve Costigan and the Thief of Youth
Storm at the Summit of Mount Everest
The Storm Rider (Dragon Roads edition)
A Surprise Find
Swept Away
Sword Daughter (Dragon Roads edition)
A Sworded Adventure (Tunnels and Trolls: Trollhalla Press edition)
System Wipe / The Good, the Bad and the Alien
Tajemne Oblicze Świata
Tajemne Oblicze Świata II: Piekielny Szyfr
Tavern by the Sea
The Tavern by the Sea: Special Edition
Temple of the Spider God
Les terres maudites
El tesoro del indiano
Tiger's Lair
Titan: The Fighting Fantasy World (Advanced Fighting Fantasy reissue edition)
The Wizard's Towers (Dragon Roads edition)
The Trail of Lost Time
Traitor Hangout (Y1)
Trapdoor to Treachery (Reissue edition)
A Traveler's Tale
Pirate Treasure of the Onyx Dragon (Reissue edition, first printing)
Tricky Coyote Tales
Tricky Fox Tales
Tricky Monkey Tales
Tricky Rabbit Tales
Tricky Raven Tales
Tricky Spider Tales (Library-bound edition)
Tricky Spider Tales (Paperback edition)
The Troubleshooter Rules 1: Stay Alert (T1)
The Truth About Roswell
Uncle Zebulon's Present
The Crown and the Unicorn (Dragon Roads edition)
Vampire Hunter
Die verhexte Achterbahn
Verrat an der Zauberschule (Egmont original)
Das versunkene Gold
The Vortex
Voyage to Victory (Reissue edition)
Werewolf Hunter
What Lies Beneath the Clock Tower
A Winning Goal
The Wizard from Tarnath Tor
Wizard Outcast
The Wizard's Test
The World of Magnamund: The Definitive Map of the World of Lone Wolf
World War II (Paperback edition, 2011 printing)
The Wounded Falcon (expanded)
The Wounded Falcon Add-on Adventures
You Are a Cat!
Yukimura Sanada
Zombie Hunter
10 Alien Batteries1000 Gefahren bei den Rittern der Tafelrunde
1000 Gefahren in der Drachenhöhle
4 Missing Shoes
6 Halloween Costumes
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (Third edition paperback)
Agents of SMERSH
The Airship of Doom
Alicia, Dark Master in Wonderland
Alosar Emanli and the Creatures from the Fallen Star
Amazon: You Decide How to Survive!
Ancient China
Armies of Death: Rise of Agglax
Arnhem 1944 (Kindle edition)
The Art of Lone Wolf (Hardback)
Avalon Solo Adventures Volume #1 (Fighter)
Avalon Solo Adventures Volume #2 (Rogue)
Avalon Solo Adventures Volume #3 (Cleric)
Avalon Solo Adventures Volume #4 (Mage)
The Aztec Empire
Le Bac Philo Dont Vous Etes le Heros Réviser en S'Amusant
Bandit Sorcerer
Barsoom! Rise to Power (reissue)
Batman: Super-Villains Strike
Battle for the Kingdom
Battle School
Behind the Scenes
Beneath the Arena
Beneath the City of the White Wolf
Draco's Revenge (Dragon Roads edition)
Blood of the Zombies
Bloodsworth Bayou
The Boggan's Path
Bound for Snow
Bram Stoker's Dracula: A Choose Your Path Book (original Kindle edition)
Bram Stoker's Dracula: A Choose Your Path Book (original paperback edition)
Błękitne Nimfy
Can You Survive Extreme Mountain Climbing?
Can You Survive in the Special Forces?
Can You Survive in the Wilderness?
Can You Survive the Desert?
The Case of the Mysterious Dognapper (Reissue edition, third printing)
The Case of the Silk King (Graded Reader)
The Case of the Video Game Smugglers (Reissue edition, third printing)
Castle Ironwood
As Cavernas da Bruxa da Neve
The Challenge of the King
The Pegasus Quest (Dragon Roads edition)
Chinese Dragons (Graded Reader)
Christopher Columbus and the Knights Templar
Circo tenebroso
The Citadel of Chaos: Dire Consequences
The Computer is Your Friend (A1)
The Cosmic Orb
The Court of Hidden Faces (Small-format reissue edition)
Crop Killer: Field of Giants
Crown of Kings: A Campaign for Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Cup of Death (Graded Reader)
The Dark Lord
Dark Shadows
Data Center of Doom
Deathtrap Dungeon
Depths of the Devilmancer
Desafio dos Campeões
The Destiny Device (Graded Reader)
Double Shot Solos: Tomb of the Unexpected / Tomb of the Toad
Down Time
Dragon's Blood
Dragon’s Tomb
Dschungel der Ungeheuer (Egmont original)
Duck Soup
The Dungeon of the Rat
A Dwarf's Tale
Dżungla Horrorów
East of Fabassea
El Alamein 1942
Elgar Fletch and the Dark Army
Escape del Titanic
Escape from Dorado (Graded Reader)
Exiled to Earth (Graded Reader)
Exploring The Warm Castle
Falling Waters
The Fifth Musketeer
Fighting Fantasy: The Legacy of Firetop Mountain
Fighting Fantazine Issue 10 (December 2012)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 8 (February 2012)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 9 (July 2012)
First Day at School: Choose-Your-Own-BONDAGE-Adventure
Friday - A Rebecca Black Themed Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Book
Games of the Hunt: Escape the Hunt, Make the Choice!
GamesMaster #254 (September, 2012)
Gdzie jest wydra? czyli Śledztwo w Wilanowie
Die Gefangenen der Zeit (reissue)
The Gorillas of Uganda (Graded Reader)
The Great Cake Disaster
The Great Googenheist
Greek Mythology's Adventures of Perseus: A Choose Your Path Book (original Kindle edition)
Greek Mythology's Adventures of Perseus: A Choose Your Path Book (original paperback edition)
Grimlok: Beauty & Beast
Hadas contra duendes
Hand of Fate
Harpers Faery Fellowship
Health and Unsafety
The Heart of Fire (First printing)
Henchmen for Solo Delvers
Herald of Oblivion
Herederos de Hermes: Traición
Hero City
Heroes & Villains: The Games Art of Peter Andrew Jones
Héroes del Acero
Die Herren der Dunkelheit (reissue)
Hide and Peep Thomas!
Hitman Greatest Hits Gamebook Vol 1: The King of Chinatown
The Hobbit Hole #22
House of Danger (Graded Reader)
How to Write a Solo Adventure: Part 3 - Keeping It All in Order
Hùndùn zhī chéng [混沌之城]
Hunt for the Evil Overlord
Huǒyàn shān de mó fǎshī [火焰山的魔法師]
Inca Gold (Graded Reader)
Infinite Universe
Die Initiation
Invaders (Kindle edition)
The Jewels of Nabooti (Graded Reader)
Jinrō mura kara no dasshutsu ōkami wo mitsukenai to, korosareru [人狼村からの脱出 狼を見つけないと、殺される]
Journal d'un héros
Journey to Atlantis (Graded Reader)
Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A Choose Your Path Book (original Kindle edition)
Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A Choose Your Path Book (original paperback edition)
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 4
Kalgor Bloodhammer and the Ghouls Through the Breach
1000 Gefahren am Katastrophentag (Reissue edition)
Die Kerker des Schreckens (Egmont original)
Die Kerker von Torgar (reissue)
Khazan City Chaos
Knights of the Dinner Table #187
Knights of the Dinner Table #193
Kocioł strachu
Królestwa Grozy
Labyrinth of Sorrow
The Legion of Shadow (Second edition hardcover)
Locket Away
Lords of the Rising Sun (Small-format reissue edition)
Lost City of the Dwarves Part 1: Discovery
The Lost City of the Outback (Graded Reader)
The Lost City
Lost Dog! (Dragonlarks reissue)
Lost on the Amazon (Graded Reader)
The Lost Prince (Fabled Lands Publishing edition)
Lunatic Labyrinth
Legend of Green Briar (Dragon Roads edition)
Masz Wybór (nr 6)
The Maze of Despair
Der Meisterdieb
The Merchant of Breckenwald
Miss Saggybottom's Labyrinth of Doom (Kindle edition)
Moon Quest (Graded Reader)
The Most Boring Book Ever Written
Murder in the Family (Graded Reader)
Mysterious Mist
The Mysterious Silence of Scribbles
Mystery of the Maya (Graded Reader)
Mystic Island
NCIS: Special Agent Probie
The New Girl
Night Walk in the Wild Woods
Nye's Song
Occult Nazi Go-Go Girls Storm Tibet
Peril at Summerland Park (Hardback edition)
Peril at Summerland Park (Paperback edition)
PH's Great Puffle Search
Pick Your Pleasure
The Pirate's Curse
Pirates vol. 1
Pitcher of Immortality
Pocket Troll #0
La Princesse attaque !
The Program
Project UFO (Graded Reader)
Quest for the Lost Treasure
Quick Change
Race Forever (Graded Reader)
Das Reich des Goldes
Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne
The Renegade Wizard
Return to Dorado (Graded Reader)
Return to the Cave of Time (U-Ventures edition, first printing)
Return to the Icefinger Mountains
Le rêve de vent
Risen: The Zombie Survival Game
Die Ruinen von Zaaryx (reissue)
Safari Survivor
Schatten über Dolmvay
School of the Living Dead (Graded Reader)
Search for the Yeti (Graded Reader)
The Secret of Stonehenge (Graded Reader)
Secret of the Knights (Kindle edition)
The Secret of the Long-Lost Cousin (Reissue edition, second printing)
Secret of the Ninja (Graded Reader)
Secret Stowaway
Silver Disc
Silver Wings (Graded Reader)
Smoke Jumpers (Graded Reader)
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Reissue edition (Le Grimoire))
Soul Survivor
Die Spanische Armada
Special Edition - Fantasy: The Ultimate Celebration
The Sundered Tower
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse! A Suburban Zombie Adventure
Task Force: U.N. (Graded Reader)
Tattoo of Death (Graded Reader)
Temple of the Fool God
Terror on the Titanic (Graded Reader)
Through the Black Hole (U-Ventures edition, first printing)
Thrusts of Justice
Time-Traveller's Treasure
Tödlicher Dreh
Tower of Terror
Track Star (Graded Reader)
The Treasure of the Onyx Dragon (Graded Reader)
Trial of the Clone: An Interactive Adventure!
TrollsZine! Issue 4
TrollsZine! Issue 5
TrollsZine! Issue 6
Trouble at Hobgoblin Hill
Tyranno Quest 1: Air Blast
Tyranno Quest 2: Fire Storm
Tyranno Quest 3: Ice Strike
Tyranno Quest 4: Earth Attack
Uwikłana (First edition)
Vampires in Brighton!
Vengeance at Midnight
Viver ou Morrer
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Lost Chapters
When Good Games Go Bad
The Wings Keeton Role Playing Game
Wired (December, 2012)
Wonder Woman: Power Outage
World War I
World War II (Paperback edition, 2012 printing)
World War II on the Home Front
Yorgi and the Phoenix
You vs. the Zombie Apocalypse (Kindle edition)
You vs. the Zombie Apocalypse (Paperback edition)
You Will Be Incredible
Your First Pokémon!
Zamek Śmierci
Zara - Red Hood Fiend Hunter
Zdrowie w opałach
Zombie Apocalypse: Choose Your Fate!
'Normal Club1000 Gefahren bei den Samurai
1000 Gefahren bei den Wikingern
1000 Gefahren im alten Rom
1000 Gefahren im Reich des Pharao
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (Fourth edition paperback)
A Girl Walks Into a Bar (Kindle (Choose Your Own Erotic Destiny))
Les Accessoires du Meneur de Jeu
Adventure Time, Volume 3
Agent Rookie's Secret Mission
Alien Invasion
Allansia Map
Amazon Adventure
Ancient Odysseys: More Treasure Awaits! Pocket Edition
The Anniversary
Any Port in a Storm
Armageddon: Pick Your Plot
Ascent of Darkness
Avalon Quests
Avalon Quests, Adventure #1
Avalon Solo Adventures Volume #5 (Kobold Camp)
Barbarians, Booze, & Battle Axes!
Blade of the Guillotine (Kindle edition)
Blood Crown Quest 1: Sands of Blood
Blood Crown Quest 2: Dragon Mountain
Blood Crown Quest 3: Demon Sea
Blood Crown Quest 4: City of the Dead
BMO's Day Out
La caja de Pandora
Campfire Crisis
Can You Survive an Earthquake?
Can You Survive Being Lost at Sea?
The Case of the Cheese Thief
Castle of Lost Souls (reissue edition)
Channel U
Choose Your Own Story: Your Basement of Wonder
Choose Your Shot: An Interactive Erotic Adventure
Deluxe City of Terrors (Deluxe edition)
Civil War Secret Agent (Kindle edition)
The Civil War (Paperback edition, 4/13 printing)
Creature of Hangover
The Crimson Ark
Cruise Fever
Crypt of the Vampire
Curse of the Pharaoh (reissue edition)
Dark Lord: The Early Years (American edition)
Der Darke Feldzug
Dawn of the Dragons (collector's edition)
Défis Fantastiques - Le jeu de rôle (Original edition)
The Door and the Lake: Adventures in Autonomy
Dragon's Deep
The Dreadful Dragon Disappearance
The Dream Team Nightmare
Die Druiden von Ruel
Dungeon Crawlers: 1st Level
Egyptian Lords
Einsatz auf Caverna: Ein SF-Spielbuchabenteuer auf dem Planet der Höhlen
Ellis Island (Library bound edition)
Ellis Island (Paperback edition)
Entre dimensiones
Escape from Zombie Island (Kindle edition)
Escape from Zombie Island (Paperback edition)
Escape the Monster Breeding Grounds
Exércitos da Morte
The Fall of Blood Mountain (Project Aon edition)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 11 (April 2013)
Fighting Fantazine Issue 12 (October 2013)
Flame of the Inquisition (Kindle edition)
The Forbidden Castle (U-Ventures edition)
The Forest of Doom
The Forgotten Spell (reissue)
Four Jars of Mead
Funfair Fright (Paperback edition)
Futago shima kara no dasshutsu shōnen wa modoritai to omotta [ ふたご島からの脱出 少年は戻りたいと思った]
The Gatekeeper's Oath
Die geheime Galaxie
Golyamoto priklyuchenie na malkoto talasumche [Голямото приключение на малкото таласъмче]
Greek Mythology’s Twelve Labors of Hercules (original paperback edition)
Das große Duell (Egmont original)
Heart of Ice (Critical IF edition)
Heroes Companion
The Hobbit Hole #23
The Hobbit Hole #24
Hostile Takeover
Hotel der Diebe
House of Hell
How to Train a Lover: A Savage Interactive
Howard Pyle’s Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Hummingbirds Island
Ice Age Explorer (Kindle edition)
A Ilha do Rei Lagarto
Im Rücken des Königs
In the Magician's House (Kindle edition)
An Interactive Billionaire Erotic Romance
Island of the Lizard King
Jake Goes Bananas
Jungle Crash
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 5
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 6
Knights of the Dinner Table #200
Labyrinth of Lies
La legion de las sombras
The Legion of Shadow (Second edition paperback, sixth printing)
Leyendas árabes
Lochy Torgaru
The Lord of Shadow Keep (reissue edition)
Lost City of the Dwarves Part 2: Deliverance
Lost in Space
The Loyal Servant
La mansión infernal (Fighting Fantasy / Dark Game edition)
Medieval Mayhem
Die Meere des Schreckens
Le Message
Midnight Rogue II
The Miller's Tale
Minotaur's Maze
Missing Money of Altevia: A Mudskipper Mystery
Mission to World War II (Kindle edition)
The Mystery of Atlantis (Kindle edition)
The Mystery of the Maze Monster
Oddané srdce
Once Human (Explore-A-Quest edition)
Once Upon an Island (Kindle edition)
The Oregon Trail (Library bound edition)
The Oregon Trail (Paperback edition)
Out of the Dark
Le palais de la déraison
Peacemaker: The Absorbing Rock
Perilous Space
Pirate Island (Kindle edition)
Pirates vol. 2
Poor Yorick
Prisoner Escape
Project Friendship
Quest for the Cities of Gold (Kindle edition)
Race Through Rome (Paperback, original edition)
Record of the Dwarven Kingdoms, Volume 1
Red Dog
Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne (second edition)
Rescue Mission
Retorno à Montanha de Fogo
Return to G15-275
Ring of Thieves (free PDF, version 3.0)
The Rings of Saturn (Kindle edition)
Road to WrestleMania
Robert Louis Stephenson’s Treasure Island (original paperback edition)
The Rotten Apple Interactive Adventure Book (Smashwords edition)
Sail with Pirates (Kindle edition)
La sangre de los zombies
Search for Dinosaurs (Kindle edition)
Second Chances
The Secret Formula
Secret of the Royal Treasure (Kindle edition)
The Secret of the Sea Creature
Sex, Spies and Photographs
Shadows Over Sylvania
Sherlock Holmes: La BD dont vous êtes le héros
The Sleeping Dragon
Soapy Bimbo Car Wash Fantasy
Star Wench
Starhunt: Void Slavers
Succubus Fantasy
Super Hero Creation Solo
Sword of the Samurai (Kindle edition)
Tales from the Bird Islands
The Temple of Flame (Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks edition)
The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast
The Thief of Memories
The Titanic (Paperback edition, later printing)
To Be or Not to Be (Kickstarter hardback edition)
To Be or Not to Be (Kickstarter paperback edition)
Tomb of Terror (Paperback, original edition)
Trial of the Clone 2: Wrath of the Pacifist
Trials of the First Moon
TrollsZine! Issue 7
The Trouble With Doubles
Underground Kingdom
Vacaciones en la Atlántida
Vampirium (Project Aon edition)
Vashnas Vermächtnis
Die Verdammten von Kaag
Virus Outbreak
Die Welt Magnamund: Die Ultimative Karte der Welt des Einsamen Wolfs
Who Killed John F. Kennedy?
Who Killed John F. Kennedy? Book Critic Guide
Der Wikingerschatz
Wild West Rider (Kindle edition)
Wolf's Bane (collector's edition)
World War II Infantrymen
World War II Naval Forces
World War II Pilots
World War II Spies
You Are a Cat in the Zombie Apocalypse!
You Are Jonah Yu
1000 Gefahren bei den Dinosauriern1000 Gefahren im Fußballstadion
1000 Gefahren vor Weihnachten: Der Adventskalender
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (Fifth edition paperback)
A Girl Walks Into a Bar (Paperback (Choose Your Own Erotic Destiny))
A Girl Walks Into a Bar (Paperback (Uncorrected Proof) (Your Fantasy, Your Rules))
A Girl Walks Into a Bar (Paperback (Your Fantasy, Your Rules))
A Girl Walks Into a Wedding
A Hot Cold Summer (American edition)
A Hot Cold Summer (Australian edition)
A Hot Cold Summer (Kindle edition)
The Adventures of Chainsaw Sam
Albatross Atoll
Appointment with F.E.A.R.
Argor Fantasy Role Playing Game
Assassin! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Assassin! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
El Aullido del hombre lobo
Avalon Quests, Adventure #2
Avalon Quests, Adventure #3
Avalon Quests, Adventure #4
Avalon Quests, Adventure #5
Avenger! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Avenger! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
Aventura en el Amazonas
The Battlepits of Krarth (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Beat the Game
Beyond the Pit
Birdie Of Paradise
Blood Island
A Brighter Tomorrow: My Journey with Julie
Butler to the Dark Lord
Buzzkill: A Branching-Path Book of Blunders
The Call Of The Wild (Australian edition)
The Call Of The Wild (Kindle edition)
The Captive (Cursed Tides Book 1)
Catch the Wind: My Journey with Caroline
Caverns of the Snow Witch
Challenge of the Faerie Lord
Charlotte, Prowling for Enchantment (Take Control edition)
Choose Your Erotic Destiny: An Interactive Adult Book
La Cite Ensevelie
Crisis Of Love
Crosshilt and Stormfire
Crypt of Veritas
Cube Countdown
Cuckolding Fantasy
The Curse of Naar (collector's edition)
Dark Lord: Eternal Detention
Deep Sea Danger
Deepbridge Danger Day
Defenders of Quarton
Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Adventurers Compendium
The Demon's Claw (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Doomwalk (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Dragon's Bane
Drammons Hirte
Dwarven Vengeance
Eddie in The Bellcrest Artefact
Eighth Grade Witch
Eine Lanze für die Eintracht
Ellery's Choice
Escape from Zombie City (Kindle edition)
Escape from Zombie Planet
Etwas mehr Klarheit
Expediente Z: Infección
The Eye of Winter's Fury (First printing)
Fenix 3/2014
La Feria del Terror
Festivities of Fury
Fetish Fair
Das Feuer des Mondes (First Edition)
FF01 Zagor
Fighting Fantazine Issue 13 (April 2014)
A Flame in the North
Flykt undan Mörkret
La forêt des murmures
La fórmula secreta
Four You Say Which Way Adventures (Kindle edition)
Full Speed Ahead: My Journey with Kit
The Ghost of the Bermuda Triangle
Gilgamesh y la fuente de la vida
Gingerbread Dreams
The Glow of the Spotlight: My Journey with Rebecca
Good Boy, Bad Boy
Il grande Django (first edition)
Grausame Göttin
The Great Core Caper
The Groom of the Tomb
Groovy Mortals
Gus vs. the Robot King
The Harem Club
The Haunting of Spook House
A Heart For Copper
Hércules y la espada de oro
The Hobbit Hole #25
Holiday Cruise
The Hounds of Halthrag Keep
Hovel of the Vampire
How to Choose a Cowboy: A Savage Interactive
How to Get to Rio (Kindle edition)
How to Get to Rio (Original Australian edition)
How to Tempt a Tycoon (Invitation to Eden): A Savage Interactive
The Hunger of Sejanoz (Project Aon edition)
Hunk and the Hydra
if: a novel
Immortal Empire
In cerca di fortuna (Second edition)
In the Fängen der Seehexe
Inferno! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Inferno! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
It Don't Mean a Thing
Jase & the Deadliest Hunt
Journey to Mars
Jungle Trek
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 7
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 8
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 9
The Keep of the Lich Lord
The Keys
Kill Your Routine
Killing Hitler with Praise and Fire
The Kingdom of Wyrd (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
The Knight's Tale
Knights of the Dinner Table #209
Le valli di Artel
Legacy of the Vampire
The Legend of Eagle Eye Mountain
The Legend of the Crooked Girl Scout
Legend of the Wayfarer
Das Licht unter dem Berg
Life's Lottery (Titan Books paperback edition)
The Lilac Tunnel: My Journey with Samantha
Lost at SEA and Found
Lost in Lion Country (Kindle edition)
Lost in the Desert of Dread
Lost in the Jungle of Doom
Lost in the Mountains of Death
Lost in the Sea of Despair
Lovelorn Orc
Les magiciens du fer
Make Up or Break Up (Australian edition)
Make Up or Break Up (Kindle edition)
Mayhem at Magic School
Maze of Doom
Mission Invent
Mon Coeur Est une Ecchymose
Il mondo perduto (first edition)
Myranor: Der letzte Tyrann
The Mystery of the Aztec Tomb
Nécessaire de Magie
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography
Nen-Tai Island
The Nevermen
A New Beginning: My Journey with Addy
The Night I Wore a Mask
Ninja (Kindle edition)
Ninja (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
Ninja (Paperback edition, early printing)
Overlord! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Overlord! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
Painful Chemistry
Papagayo Island
Perdido en el bosque
Perdido en el espacio
Phil & the Ghost of Camp Ch-Yo-Ca
Pirates vol. 3
Plant Your Path
Play the Game (Australian edition)
Play the Game (Kindle edition)
Playoff Pressure
Portal to Disaster
Power Play
Princesse Gargea
Quatre enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes
The Quest for Rividia
Race Through Rome (Hardcover edition)
Redeemer! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition, 2nd printing)
Das Reich des Frosts
Restless Heart of Evil (original)
El rey mono y el viaje al oeste
Risky Ventures
The Roar of the Dragon
The Roar of the Falls: My Journey with Kaya
The Robot's Revenge
Room 707
Sapphire Atoll
Die Schlacht bei Silbun
Secrets of Glass Mountain (Kindle edition)
A Shadow in the North
She Used To Be Hot
Si in Space
Sigfrido y los nibelungos
The Sinking of the Lusitania
Six-Gun Friday
Snow White
Sorcery! 1
Sorcery! 2
Space Pup
Spoiled For Choice
Spur ins Römergrab
Starship Traveller
State of Mind
Steamy Elevator Office Spanking
Storm At SEA
Storm Petrel Island
Summer Love
Surviving Middle School: An Interactive Story for Girls
Sword of Caesar (Kindle edition)
Time Travel Dinosaur
Der Todeslord von Ixia
Tomb of Terror (Hardcover edition)
Toxic Love
Trader's Vengeance
The Treasure of Dead Man's Cove
TrollsZine! Issue 8
The Trouble with Trow
Under the Titan Sun
Usurper! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Usurper! (Megara Entertainment New Collector's Edition, 1st printing)
Usurper! (Megara Entertainment New Collector's Edition, 2nd printing)
Uwikłana (Paperback edition)
Uwikłana (Revised electronic edition)
The Very Thought of You
Der Wächter
Warbringer! (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
Warbringer! (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Way Things Thaw
Die weiße Anakonda
The Wheel of Fortune
Wicked Wants
Wilcza siostra
Willie's Redneck Time Machine
Window Undressing
Wipeout of the Wireless Weenies
World War I Flying Ace (Kindle edition)
You Are The Hero Pencil
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Hardback)
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Paperback)
You Are...Puss in Boots
You Are...Puss in Boots
You Are...The Frog Prince
You Decide! The Future of Scotland
You're a Scientist!
Za wszelką cenę
Zombies in Tokyo
Þín eigin þjóðsaga
1000 Gefahren bei den Indianern1000 Gefahren im Reich des Maharadschas
72 Hours
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland (Kickstarter Collector's Hardback (Original))
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland Colouring Book
Alien Invaders from Beyond the Stars
Alone Against the Flames (Standalone print edition)
Ambar's Fate
Amigas Para Sempre
Anduin #107
Arctic Rescue
Le armate di Krill
The Art of Lone Wolf (Paperback, 1st printing)
At Battle in the Civil War
At Battle in the Revolutionary War
At Battle in World War I
At Battle in World War II
Ataque a Khalifor
Das Auge des Abyssus (booklet)
Das Auge des Abyssus (e-book)
Aventuras na Amazônia - Uma Brilhante Aventura Biológica!
Backing Up the Beast
Bajo el Lago Ness
The Battlepits of Krarth (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition)
Become the Woman of Your Dreams!
Become the Woman of Your Dreams! 2
Between the Stars (Kindle edition)
Between the Stars (Paperback edition)
The Big Adventure of the Little Gremlin
The Buccaneers of Shadaki (collector's edition)
Building the Transcontinental Railroad
By Balloon to the Sahara (ChooseCo reissue edition)
California Countdown (Project Aon edition)
The Call Of The Wild (American edition)
The Cavern of Clues (Boxed set edition)
Chuva de Verão
La cité du diamant noir
Cities of Gold and Glory (Large-format reissue edition)
City of Winterbridge
Clock Tease
La Cofradía
Colonial America (Paperback edition, later printing)
I congiurati (first edition)
Create-A-Climax: Book One
Create-A-Climax: Book Two
Creepy House
Critical Ass
The Curse of Atlantis
The Curse of Storm Island
Danger on Dolphin Island (Kindle edition)
Danger on Dolphin Island (Paperback edition)
Dead Reich
Dead Reich 2
Deadline Delivery (Kindle edition)
Deadline Delivery (Paperback edition)
Deep-Sea Danger
The Defeat of Champion Girl
Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls
DestinyQuest Infinite
Dinosaur Canyon (Kindle edition)
Dinosaur Canyon (Paperback edition)
Domedagsklyftan (reissue)
Dragon Age & Star Wars
Dragon Warriors Players Guide
Dragons Realm (Kindle edition)
Dragons Realm (Paperback edition)
Dreams of Darkness
Dungeon Crawlers: 2nd Level
The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder
Der Dunkle Fürst
Eld över vattnet (reissue)
EMPowered: America Re-Energized
Encontro Marcado com o M.E.D.O.
¡Eres un supervillano!
Escape from the Haunted Warehouse (Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-) edition)
Escape from Zombie City (Reissue paperback edition)
The Eye of Hastur: Make Your Fate
The Eye of Winter's Fury (Second printing)
Die Fallen von Kharé
Fantasy Dungeon
Fighting Fantazine Issue 14 (January 2015)
Fire! (Dragonlarks reissue)
Der Fluch von Naar
Forget This!
A Fórmula Secreta: Uma Aventura Química de Quebrar a Cabeça!
Four You Say Which Way Adventures (Paperback edition)
Friends or Foes
The Fright at Zombie Farm
Funfair Fright (Boxed set edition)
Grampa Simpson's Unbelievable Adventures
The Grimoire Bookshop
The Grimoire Dungeon
Grimoire: Maura's Pleasure House
Grimoire: The Nymph's Pleasure House
Das Handy der 1000 Gefahren
Heart of Ice (Megara Entertainment Collector's Edition, 2nd printing)
Herald of Oblivion
Honour and Glory
The House on Spooky Street
How to Get to Rio (American edition, first printing)
Hyper Rift
In the Magician's House (Paperback edition)
Island of the Soulless
The Island of the Tyrant
Jack and the Beanstalk: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
Jane Murray: My Open Marriage - Live the Sexual Dream!
Jeden Montag ein Mord
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf
Joghurt um Mitternacht
The Joker's Dozen (Library-bound edition)
The Joker's Dozen (Paperback edition (American printing))
The Joker's Dozen (Paperback edition (Chinese printing))
Journey Into The Earth
Kaland Játék Kockázat Issue 10
Kaltes grottor (reissue)
Kaltmarn Pen & Sommersang
Knights of the Dinner Table #224
Les Larmes de Nüwa
Die Legion der Schatten
Legion of the Dead
Lost in Lion Country (Paperback edition)
The Lost Legion
Loup Garou
Love on the Lifts
Lumpy Space Princess Saves the World
Make Up or Break Up (American edition)
The Mansion of Mazes (Boxed set edition)
The Maps of Magnamund Collection
The Maze of Games
Minecraft Self Adventure
I misteri delle catacombe
Mistério na Vila da Neblina
Moïse et la grande traversée
Mountain Peak Peril
Murder at Colefax Manor
My Left or Yours?
Myranor: Legatin des Bösen
A Nave Espacial Traveller
Night of the Creepy Carnival
No Return Land
The Omega Zone (Project Aon edition)
Once Upon an Island (Paperback edition)
Operation Lightning Strike
Paul, le voyageur infatigable
Perdidos No Espaço: Uma Maravilhosa Aventura De Astronomia!
Petrified World (Second edition)
Pirate Island (Paperback edition)
The Pit of Darkness (Megara edition)
Planet of Peril
Pocket RPG
Powerless: America Unplugged: An interactive novel
Princess Island
The Private Lecture
Le Puits des Ténèbres
Quest Adventure Set [10 books]
Quest Adventure Set [6 books]
Race Through Rome (Boxed set edition)
Rapid River Rescue
Recursive Occlusion
Redeemer! (Paperback)
The Renegade Lord (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue edition)
Return of the Centaurs
The Riddler's Ransom (Library bound edition)
The Riddler's Ransom (Paperback edition)
The Rime of the Salty Sea Scout
The Rotten Apple Interactive Adventure Book (Kindle edition)
Rückkehr zur Schwarzen Eiche
Die Safari der 1000 Gefahren
Safari en África
Der Schatten des Wolfs
Sci Fi Two Book Bundle (Kindle edition)
Sci Fi Two Book Bundle (Paperback edition)
The Seal of Thomerion
The Secret of the Flying Saucer
Secrets of Glass Mountain (Paperback edition)
Seed Bank Heist (Library-bound edition)
Seed Bank Heist (Paperback)
Seek and Ye Shall Find
Sex Dungeons of the Rich & Famous
Sextrap Dungeon
La sfida di Malifestro
Die Shamutanti-Hügel
Sherlock Holmes & Moriarty, associés
The Sky's the Limit: My Journey with Maryellen
Slaughter Mountain Run (Project Aon edition)
Song of the Mockingbird: My Journey with Josefina
The Sorcerer's Maze (Kindle edition)
The Sorcerer's Maze: Jungle Trek (Kindle edition)
Sorcery! 3
Spies of the American Revolution
Spies of the Civil War
Spies of World War I
Spire Ablaze
Stealing Nazi Secrets in World War II
Stepmother Smackdown: An Interactive Catfight
The Story of Juneteenth
Strange Times on Zzyzx Road (Kindle edition)
Strange Times on Zzyzx Road (Paperback edition)
Sukumvit's Grotto
Summer Freeze! (Library bound edition)
Summer Freeze! (Paperback edition)
Super Sports Spectacular
Super-Villain Smackdown!
Sustos no parque de diversões: Uma aventura eletrizante no mundo da Física!
Sword Daughter
Tavern of Spireport
Temptation Resorts: Marnie's Tale
The Terrible Trio
Il Tesoro della Regina
Test of the Warrior
Three You Say Which Way Adventures (Kindle edition)
Three You Say Which Way Adventures (Paperback edition)
To Be Or Not To Be
Tomb of Terror (Boxed set edition)
Trapped in the Games Grid
Der Vampir von Havena (1st ed.)
Venom of Vortan
Verrat auf Burg Hernatz
Volcano of Fire (Kindle edition)
Volcano of Fire (Paperback edition)
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Library-bound edition)
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Paperback edition)
Voyage of the Moonstone (collector's edition)
The War-Torn Kingdom (Large format reissue edition)
Wasteland Slut 1: Escape From the Bunker
Der Weg der Wachtel (first edition)
Das Weihnachtsfest der 1000 Gefahren: Der Adventskalender
Westward Dystopia
What Should Riley Do?
When Magics Meet
Xshanaar Assassin
ye Royal Adventure
You Are a Kitten!
You Are The President!: A Conspiracy Adventure Game-Book
You Are...Tortoise Triumphant
You Choose Flip Me! 1 and 2
You Choose Flip Me! 3 and 4
Zirkus der Rätsel
Þín eigin goðsaga
1000 Gefahren in den USA1000 Gefahren in den Weihnachtsferien: Der Adventskalender
1000 Gefahren in der Wildnis
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math! (Sixth edition paperback)
Advanced Fighting Fantasy: Deluxe
Agent der 1000 Gefahren
Alice Through the Looking Glass: A Matter of Time
The Art of Lone Wolf (Paperback, 2nd printing)
An Assassin in Orlandes
Backyard Boxing: Erotic Interactive Mixed Boxing
Le Bal au Pont
La bataille de la cité pourpre
The Battle for Magnamund
Be the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
Best of You Say Which Way Adventures (Kindle edition)
Best of You Say Which Way Adventures (Paperback edition)
Beyond the Morning Mountains - Volume One (1st edition, paperback)
Black Canvas
Blackbeard's Revenge
Bol'shoe Prikliuchenie Malysha Leshenki [Большое Приключение Малыша Лешенки]
Bullet Train Disaster (Original Australian edition)
Can You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Can You Survive an Artificial Intelligence Uprising?
Can You Survive in a Dystopia?
The Case of the Fright Flight
The Castle of Blackwood Moors
Il Cavaliere della Porta
Charge to Glory
Chasing the Day
Le Chevalier de la Déesse
Choose Your Own Love Story
A Cidadela do Caos (Reissue edition)
Cinderella: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
Circle of Truth: A High Fantasy Interactive Novel
Citadela chaosu (Mytago reissue)
The City of Stars (2nd ed.)
City of Thieves
Clayface Returns
Cold Fury
Comics Squad: Lunch!
Créatures de Titan (Original edition)
Cruise Ship
Crypt of the Vampire (Augmented Collector's Edition)
De Dødes Nat
Deadman Diaries
Deathtrap Dungeon
Le défi d'Irène Adler
Dino Lab
Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!
Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat
Dragon Fate: Interactive Fiction
Enigma at the Greensboro Zoo
L'épreuve des fabulins
Es gilt die Schuldvermutung
Escape from Libra Island (Kindle edition)
Escape from Libra Island (Paperback edition)
A Espada do Samurai
L'Étoile Obscure
Extreme Machine Challenge
The Eye of the Dragon (reissue)
Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 1: Kampf um das Königreich & Die Stadt aus Gold
Fade to Black
Il falso profeta
O Feiticeiro da Montanha de Fogo (Reissue edition)
Das Feuer des Mondes (Second Edition)
Fire on the Mountain
The Forest of Doom
Four More You Say Which Way Adventures (Kindle edition)
Four More You Say Which Way Adventures (Paperback edition)
Fünfmal Nicht-Genügend
Geheimnis der Indianer
Il Giorno della Civetta
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
Golgota Blues
La Grande Avventura del Piccolo Spiritello
Grimtina's Guard
Guerreiro das Estradas
Highway to Hell
The Holidays
L'Homme de Fer
The House on Hollow Hill
Im Feuer der Dämonen
In cerca di fortuna (Third edition)
In the Realm of Dragons
Island of Giants
Jagd nach dem Mondstein
Jak wytresować Cthulhu
Jump Ship!
Die Jünger der Finsternis
Jungle Quest
The Kingdom of Dreams (2nd ed.)
Knights of the Dinner Table #229
Knights of the Dinner Table #233
The Lazarus Plan
Little Red Riding Hood: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
Lone Wolf Mug
Lords of Stone
Lost in the Crater of Fear
Lost in the Swamp of Terror
Lost Treasures of a Dinosaur World (original)
A Masmorra da Morte (reissue)
The Master of Stormfire
Mazā Mežgariņa lielais piedzīvojums
Memory and Rulebook
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock (1st ed.)
Midnight Legion Box Set
Milano morente: la polizia è abbandonata (first edition)
Mille et Un Destins
The Minecraft Ender Dragon Adventure
The Minecraft Enderman Adventure
The Minecraft Herobrine Adventure: Herobrine's Apprentice
The Minecraft Pig Adventure
Minecraft Self Adventure Book 2
Minecraft Self Adventure Book 3
The Minecraft Wimpy Ender Dragon Adventure
The Minecraft Wimpy Zombie Adventure
Miss Saggybottom's Island of Terror
Modern Art Mayhem
Montague Island Mysteries
Music In My Heart: My Journey with Melody
My Ultimate Super Hero Manual #1 (Paperback edition)
Mystery in the Murky Deep
The Mystery of Mayhem Mansion
Mystic Portal (Kindle edition)
Mystic Portal (Paperback edition)
Mythos Tales
New Year's Day with Wyatt & Marlow
Night of the Kraken
Nils Jacket contre l'Agent X
Nils Jacket et le Puzzle de l'Oubli
Una nuova guerra (first edition)
Oberon il giovane mago (Oberon (2016-) edition)
The Office
Once Human (Standalone edition)
Operation Deep Sleep
Out at Home
Out of the Pit (Advanced Fighting Fantasy reissue eBook edition)
The Perfect Date
Please Don't Feed the Vampire (British reissue edition)
Post Apocalypse
Power Play: America's Fate
Princess Perri and the Second Summer
Prokletý hvozd (Mytago reissue)
Quest for the Crown
Das Rätsel der Smart City
The Reeve's Tale
Rescue from the Valley of Chaos
Rider of the Black Sun (Limited promotional edition)
Rise of the Shadow King
Rivolta ad Abalone (first edition)
The Rogue Starfighter: A Sol Wars Adventure
Romeo and/or Juliet
Sabotage in the Sundered Sky
Sadness Saves the Day!
The Saga of the Shifty Space Scout
Sara et la promesse d'Abraham
Scooby Doom Versus the Cult of Cthulhu
The Secret of the Aurora Hotel
Secuestro alienígena
Shadow of the Opposition
The Ship at the Edge of Time
Shockwave (Original Australian edition)
Si Muore Solo Due Volte
Skeleton Princess
Skuggor i sanden (reissue)
Slay the Blood Witches
Snake Invasion
Sneezy Steve and the Best Quest Ever: A Minecraft Adventure
The Sorcerer's Maze (Kindle edition)
The Sorcerer's Maze: Time Machine (Kindle edition)
Sorcery! 4
Space Exploration Quarterly
Star Bastards
The Storms of Chai (collector's edition)
Stowaway 52
Stranded Starship (Kindle edition)
Stranded Starship (Paperback edition)
The Strange Physics of the Heidelberg Laboratory
Super Bowl
The Sword of Life (2nd ed.)
Tales of Quahnarren: Rare Items - Volume One
O Templo do Terror
Ten dom
Terror Moon
Through the Forest
Thunderbirds: Falling Skies: A Pick Your Path Adventure
To Be or Not to Be (Reissue edition)
The Tower of Never There
Treasures of the Forgotten City
El triángulo de las Bermudas
U, Robot
The Underworld Horror
Das Vermächtnis des Zauberers (Mantikore reissue)
Viking Attack
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Der Weg der Wachtel - Promo-Abenteuer
Der Weg der Wachtel (revised edition)
Wendigo's Wizarding Academy
The Young Masters of Time
Your Grandparents Are Spies
Your Town
Zázračná Kněžka
The Zombie Adventure
Þín eigin hrollvekja
1-4 Boxset1000 Gefahren auf dem Mars
1000 Gefahren in der Liebe: Der Adventskalender (2017 edition)
1000 Gefahren in der Weihnachtszeit: Der Adventskalender
Abenteuer in Tuvania
AFL: Footy Fever
AFM001: Jungle
AFM002: Dungeons I
AFM003: Mountains
AFM004: Forests
Al Kazar's Caravan
Alarums & Excursions no. 501
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland Colouring Book Two
Ankors amulet
Attack on Circuit City
Avventure di un topino di campagna
Blade of the Guillotine (Ibooks reissue)
Bound for Australia (Ibooks reissue)
Can You Survive?
Caravan to China (Ibooks reissue)
The Case of the Clown Carnival
Castle Dark
Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters
The Chalice of Jupiter
Choose Your Own Adulthood: A Small Book about the Small Choices that Make the Biggest Difference
Choose Your Own Aspen Adventure
The Citadel of Chaos (Scholastic (Standard), 1st printing)
La Cité des Proscrits (1st ed.)
City of Robots
City of Thieves (Scholastic (Standard), 1st printing)
The Class War
Colonial Marines
Coś na dachu
Creepy Crawly Chaos
Crisis at Desolation Station
Dark Waters
Deadly Heist
Death Mask of Pancho Villa (Ibooks reissue)
Death Queen and the Life Stone
Decide Your Destiny - The Choice is Yours! Unicorn Hunt
Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game, Second Edition
Dračí Hrobka
Duel at Dawn (Kindle edition)
Duel at Dawn (Paperback edition)
Dungeon of Doom (Kindle edition)
Dungeon of Doom (Paperback edition)
Duo de choc
En tierra vikinga
The Endless Catacomb
The Epic Adventures of Odysseus
L'Epopée du Moine Guerrier
Escape from Hotel Infinity
Escape from the Medieval Age
Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 2: Das Meer des Schreckens & Die Täler der Finsternis
Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 3: Das Reich der Masken & Herren der aufgehenden Sonne
Fiendish Foes
Fighting Fantazine Issue 16 (August 2017)
Flame of the Inquisition (Ibooks reissue)
The Forest of Doom (Scholastic (Standard))
Forest of Fate
Forest of Secrets
Four Against Darkness
Four Against the Abyss
Fra Tenebra e Abisso: Il Marchio
The Frankenstein Wars
Freeway Fighter Issue 1
Freeway Fighter Issue 2
Freeway Fighter Issue 3
Fresh Meat
Goblin's Gift
The Good, the Bad & the Grizzly
Grey Star the Wizard (Collector's Edition)
Grimm Choices
Guardianes fantásticos
Gunpowder and Tea Cakes: My Journey with Felicity
The Heart of Fire (Second printing)
Heroes of Urowen (First edition)
Highway Holocaust (Swedish edition)
House of Hell (Scholastic (Standard), 1st printing)
Ian Livingstone's Freeway Fighter
In a Daze Work: A Pick-Your-Path Journey Through the Daily Grind
O Inimigo Digital
Into the Massacre
The Island of Tomorrow
Jack Frost Must Die
Jeskyně Tisíce Přání
Joe Weller Explores Haunted Hotel
Kiss the Chef
Das kleine Böse Buch
The Knight of Destiny
Knights of the Dinner Table #240
Knights of the Dinner Table #246
A Knights of Torbalia Game Book Omnibus
Konsole der 1000 Gefahren
Die Krone der Könige
L'Ascesa del Re delle Ombre
Labyrinth der Piraten
Last of the Dinosaurs (Ibooks reissue)
Legacy of Dragonholt
The Legend of Shadow High
Legend of the Star Runner
Lost in the Fourth Dimension
The Magic of the Unicorn (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Magica Tenebrae
Malice from the Middle Vale (Paperback)
Die Mannschaft der 1000 Gefahren
March of the Demon Trees
Maze of the Riddling Minotaur (reissue)
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock (2nd ed.)
Miss Saggybottom's Labyrinth of Doom (Paperback edition)
Mission Mars
Mission Mars !
Mission Pompéi
Monsters & Mazes
Moon Unit
Motorvägens Krigare
Nářek mrtvého světa
Ossos Sangrentos
Pick the Plot
Pick-a-Path Apocalypse Book 1
Pierre et la venue du Messie
Die Piraten von Shadaki
Po stopách plamenů
The Port of Peril
Powstanie Warszawskie. Pierwsze dni. Interaktywne spotkanie z historią
Puzzle Quest: The Fantastic Journey
Pyramid Volume 3, Issue 104
Quest for King Arthur (Ibooks reissue)
Quest for the Cities of Gold (Ibooks reissue)
The Quest for the Zombie Pirate
Il Regno Lacerato
El Retorno del Imperio Cobra
The Return of the Stolen Jewel
The Ringbearer
Ritter: Wie alles begann
Robin Hood
Rogue City
Le Royaume de la Discorde (1st ed.)
Rycerz Lwie Serce
Rytíř temného slunce
The Saga of the Ariax: The Complete Saga
The Saga of the Ariax: Volume One
The Saga of the Ariax: Volume Two
The Salem Witch Showdown
The Salem Witch Trials (Paperback edition, later printing)
Sangue de Zumbis
Der Schatz der Oger (Mantikore reissue)
Scotland Yard Detective (Ibooks reissue)
SCR07 Yaztromo
Search for the Nile (Ibooks reissue)
Secret of the Royal Treasure (ibooks reissue)
Sherlock Holmes: Die Moriarty-Akte
Sherlock Holmes: Die vier Fälle
Siafu Saves the World
Siafu vs. the Horde
Die sieben Schlangen
Sister Angela's Veil
Smog & Ambuscade
Sneezy Steve Saves Creeper Christmas: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
The Sorcerer's Maze (Paperback edition)
The Sorcerer's Maze (Paperback edition)
The Sorcerer's Maze: Jungle Trek (Paperback edition)
The Sorcerer's Maze: Time Machine (Paperback edition)
Starship Deadfall
Stellar Adventures
Stellar Adventures Starship Catalogue
Steve Jackson's The Trolltooth Wars
Stíny paramského hvozdu
The Story Herder's Adventure Companion
Surf Monkeys (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
Surviving the Underground (Kindle edition)
Sword of Caesar (Ibooks reissue)
The Temple of Flame (Augmented Collector's Edition)
The Thief of Tarley Manor
The Three Rings
Titan Herbal
Le Tombeau du Vampire
Il Torneo della Regina Bella
Traquelero: A Quest for Happiness
Treasure Hunters of Charlemagne
V duhové kouli / Mořský svět
The Vampire of Havena
Die Verschwörung der Magier (1st ed.)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Scholastic (Book club), 1st printing)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Scholastic (Standard), 1st printing)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: The Hero's Quest
The Way of the Quail - Promo Adventure
What Should Danny Do?
The Wicked Wizard of Oz Colouring Book
The Wicked Wizard of Oz
Wild West Rider (Ibooks reissue)
The World Reborn
World War I Flying Ace (Ibooks reissue)
World War II (Paperback edition, 2017 printing)
Year 850: Last Stand at Wall Rose
You Are Alice In Wonderland's Mum!
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Hardback (revised edition))
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Paperback (revised edition))
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks Part 2
You Can Control Your Voice: Loud or Quiet? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Handle Conflict: Hands or Words? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Listen to Directions: Stop or Go? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Stay in Control: Wild or Calm? (Hardcover edition)
You Choose Flip Me! 11 and 12
You Choose Flip Me! 5 and 6
You Choose Flip Me! 7 and 8
You Choose Flip Me! 9 and 10
You Tell the Tale: Interactive Retellings of the Myth of Orpheus
You're Angry: Throw a Fit or Talk It Out? (Hardcover edition)
You're in Trouble: Fib or Truth? (Hardcover edition)
Your Grandparents Are Ninjas
Zagubieni: Na Pustyni Strachu
Zagubieni: W Dżungli Zagłady
The Zombie Adventure 2: Journey to the Ender
The Zombie Adventure 3: Plunge into the Nether
Zombie! The Adventure is Yours!
Zrada ve Faranoru
Złote czasy piratów. Interaktywna przygoda z historią
¿Quieres ser crack de fútbol?
Þitt eigið ævintýri
L'Œil d'Agarash
1000 Gefahren in der Schule des Schreckens1000 Gefahren in der Stadt der Liebe: Der Adventskalender
3 Animal Adventures (Kindle edition)
3 Animal Adventures (Paperback edition)
A Funny Thing Happened to Simon Sidebottom
Abenteuer im Dschungel von Kollis
Alarums & Excursions no. 508
Alarums & Excursions no. 509
Alice im Düsterland
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland (Paperback)
Alone Against the Dark (revised edition)
Alone Against the Flames
Alone Against the Flames (Starter set print edition)
Alone Against the Tide (1st ed.)
L'Anneau des Serpents de Feu
Apokolips Invasion
Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Scholastic (Porthole), 1st printing)
The Arkham Madhouse (hardback)
The Arkham Madhouse (paperback)
At the Battle of Antietam
At the Battle of Bull Run
At the Battle of the Ironclads
At the Battle of Yorktown
At the Mountains of Madness (hardback)
At the Mountains of Madness (paperback)
Attack of the Demon Trees
The Bands of Bravery
Bayt Al Azif: Issue 1
Be a Hero: 3 Books in 1
Big Trouble
The Black Heart
Blackwater Creek
Borbarads Fluch (remastered)
Börn Loka
Break into the Internet!: Pick Your Player, Start Your Quest
Break Your Chains (Kindle)
Die Burg der Ungeheuer (reprint)
Call of Cthulhu Starter Set
The Call of Cthulhu (hardback)
The Call of Cthulhu (paperback)
Can You Brexit? Without Breaking Britain
Caverns of Chaos
Chasseur de monstres
Choose Your Own Adventure Magick Box
A Cidade de Your Town
Città d'Oro e di Gloria
La città proibita (Oberon (2016-) edition)
City of Terrors
The City of the Dead
La ciudad sin nombre (hardback)
La ciudad sin nombre (paperback)
Click Start: A Select-Your-Story Adventure
Coming Down the Mountain: a Mystic Japanese T&T Adventure
Cosmic Conquest
The Court of Hidden Faces (Large-format reissue edition)
The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Creature of Havoc (Scholastic (Porthole), 1st printing)
Crimson Letters
Crisis in Time
The Crucible of Classic Critters
Crypt of the Shadow Lord (Paperback edition)
Crypt of the Shadow Lord (PDF edition)
The Crypt of the Vampire
Crypt Quest/Space Battles (Hardcover first printing)
Danger at the Haunted Gate
Dead Boarder
Deathtrap Dungeon (Scholastic (Porthole), 1st printing)
Demons of Doom
A Dragon's Bounty
The Dreams in the Witch House (hardback)
The Dreams in the Witch House (paperback)
The Dunwich Horror (hardback)
The Dunwich Horror (paperback)
E-scrita v. 9, no. 2
Earthquake Escape! Can You Survive?
Edge of Darkness
En las montañas de la locura (hardback)
En las montañas de la locura (paperback)
En quête du Dragon
Escape from Minecraft
Escape from the Crypt
Escape the Underdark
Excellent Ernesto Cousins 3/Wrestlevania
Eyes of the Law
Finding the Dragon (first edition)
The Forest of Fiends
Four Against the Netherworld
Four Against the Titans
Fra Tenebra e Abisso: La Megera
Futa Night Club: A Date with Claire
The Gate to Thomerion
The Gates of Death
The Gathering of the Four 1: Buried Secrets
Gatlopp genom Bergen
Die Geheime Bibliothek
Geisterspuk in der Zwergenmine (Mantikore reissue)
Genova: l'ora della violenza (first edition)
La Geste de Gurdil 1: Prospection
The Ghost Planet
The Good Professor
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (hardback)
Le grand tournoi
Guardian Maia, Ep. 1
A Han & Chewie Adventure
Hansel and Gretel: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
The Haunted Cabin on Princess Island
The Haunting of Past Wraiths
Hayvanat Bahçesi Macerası
Hazard Pay: Interactive Fiction (Kindle edition)
Hazard Pay: Interactive Fiction (Paperback edition)
Heroes of Urowen (Second edition)
Highway Holocaust (Swedish PDF edition)
Highways and Holloways (original)
Högt Spel i Aberdon
El horror de Dunwich (hardback)
El horror de Dunwich (paperback)
House of Danger
The Hunt for the Adulterous Bard
The Hunt for the Female Titan
In Me I Trust: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Story
Interstellar Terra (1st printing)
Into the Jungle
Irlanda mágica
The Island of Lost Spells (2nd ed.)
Island of the Lizard King (Scholastic (Porthole), 1st printing)
Journey Under the Sea (ChooseCo reissue edition, 17th printing (40th anniversary edition))
The Journey
Der junge Magier (reissue)
King Arthur
Das kleine Böse Buch 2: Jetzt noch gefährlicher!
Die Krone von Siyen
La caccia
Das Laserschwert der 1000 Gefahren
The Last Evil
Last Recruit
Le fatiche di Autolico
The League of Laughs
The Legend of Grimm's Woods
Lego Star Wars: Choose Your Path
Le livre secret du monstre
La llamada de Cthulhu (hardback)
La llamada de Cthulhu (paperback)
Lords of the Rising Sun (Large-format reissue edition)
Loup Garou (Hardcover edition, first printing)
Loyal Heart
Lucha final
A Luke & Leia Adventure
La Magia della Baldera
The Magic Knight (Kindle edition)
The Magic Knight (Paperback edition)
Le maître des cauchemars
Malice from the Middle Vale (Hardback)
El manicomio de Arkham (hardback)
El manicomio de Arkham (paperback)
Marooned (Kindle)
Marooned (Paperback)
The Maze of Madness
Mercenários do Caos
Metallo Attacks!
Metropolis Mayhem
Mind Power: America Awakens
Miskatonic University
Mission Abysses
Mission Léonard de Vinci
Mission Versailles
Monster Maze of Zorr
Le montagne della follia
Morte nell'abisso
Movie Mystery Madness (Kindle edition)
Movie Mystery Madness (Paperback edition)
Muteki Chojin Hyperion (first edition)
My Lady's Choosing: An Interactive Romance Novel
Mystery in the Mansion (Hardcover edition)
Mystery in the Mansion (Kindle edition)
The Nameless City (hardback)
The Nameless City (paperback)
The Necropolis of Death: A Beginner's Guide to Tunnels & Trolls
Nedime - Die Tochter des Kalifen (revised edition)
Nella casa stregata!
Neukdaeingan maeureseo talchul [늑대인간 마을에서 탈출]
Night Shift (Kindle edition)
Night Shift (Paperback edition)
The Ninja Girl
O Labirinto de Tapista
L'ombre de Jack l'éventreur: Sur les traces de Jack l'éventreur
Oni byli Niezłomni. Interaktywne spotkanie z historią
Oppression of the Press
Over the Blood-Dark Sea (Large-format reissue edition)
Paper Chase
Past Present Future (Kindle edition)
Past Present Future (Paperback edition)
A Peacock in the Den of Foxes
Pick-a-Path Apocalypse Book 2
Pierścień lorda Hatifnata
The Plains of Howling Darkness (Large-format reissue edition)
La Planète Fantôme
The Portal of Doom
Preddverie [Преддверие]
Las puertas mágicas
Quest for a Cure
The Race to Chimney Rock
La Ragazza Ninja
Rapunzel: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
Reinos da Destruição
Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne (hardback)
Ręka Pana
Relic of the Dragon
Revista Re-Unir, v. 5, no. 1
Les Richesses du Golnir (1st ed.)
Il richiamo di Cthulhu
Rider of the Black Sun (Kickstarter hardcover edition)
Ritter: Die Botschaft
The Road to Oregon City
Der Rote Schlächter (1st ed.)
Le Royaume Déchiré (1st ed.)
Rumpelstiltskin: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
SAM001: Stellar Adventures: Alien Mercenaries
SAM002: Stellar Adventures: Kaladarians
Santataur Holiday Tale
Die Schlacht um Dark Dagalur: Cold Blood Cooper's Mission One
The Search for Snake River
Secrets of the Singing Cave (Kindle edition)
Secrets of the Singing Cave (Paperback edition)
The Serpent King's Domain (Collector's edition hardback)
The Serpent King's Domain (Large-format paperback)
The Serpent King's Domain (Small-format paperback)
Servos da Escuridão
The Shadow over Innsmouth (hardback)
The Shadow over Innsmouth (paperback)
The Shamutanti Hills (Scholastic (Porthole))
Sherlock Holmes: Four Investigations
Sherlock Holmes: In Sachen Irene Adler
Sinnestaumel & Begierde
Slaughter at Masada
Slaughter Mountain Run (Swedish edition)
Slaughter Mountain Run (Swedish PDF edition)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
SoloQuest Classic Collection (pdf)
Solos en el Himalaya
La sombra sobre Innsmouth (hardback)
La sombra sobre Innsmouth (paperback)
Sombras demoníacas
Somewhere Else, Another You
Sophie's Path
Le Sorcier de la montagne de feu (Reissue edition (Scriptarium))
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #1
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #2
Star Wars Adventurers Journal presents Galactic Guide One: Rotgut Station
Stellar Adventures: The Kaladarian Response
Sterne, Planeten und Raketen: Unterwegs im Sternhagelpass
Los sueños en la casa de la bruja (hardback)
Los sueños en la casa de la bruja (paperback)
Superman Day Disaster
Surviving Middle School: An Interactive Story for Boys
The Sword of the Bastard Elf (hardback)
The Sword of the Bastard Elf (paperback)
T&T Adventures Japan
Tails of Equestria Starter Set
Tears of a Goddess
The Rooms
The Temple of Death: The Villain's Gamebook (Paperback edition)
Therapy Quest: An Interactive Journey Through Acceptance And Commitment Therapy
The Throne of Zeus (ChooseCo reissue edition, first printing)
To Catch a Thief
Too Cool For School
Touch the Sun (Kindle)
TrollsZine! Issue 9
The Trumpet of Terror (Reissue, first printing)
Uivo do Lobisomem
The Ultimate Weapon
Unicorn Princess
V tajemné moci jantaru
Vale da Morte
Vampire's Vault
The Vaults of K'Horror
Vengeful Justice
Verax - Das Experiment
Die verbotene Stadt (reissue)
Die Verschwörung der Magier (2nd ed.)
Věž havranů
Das Weihnachtshandy der 1000 Gefahren: Der Adventskalender
What Should Danny Do? School Day
The Wild West Dungeon Adventure
The Wildlands Hunt (Kickstarter hardcover edition)
William Shakespeare Punches a Friggin' Shark and/or Other Stories
Within the Forest of the Kings Keep
Write Your Own Adventure: Choice-Based Fiction in Schools
You Are Deadpool
You Can Control Your Voice: Loud or Quiet? (Paperback edition)
You Can Handle Conflict: Hands or Words? (Paperback edition)
You Can Listen to Directions: Stop or Go? (Paperback edition)
You Can Stay in Control: Wild or Calm? (Paperback edition)
The You Say Which Way Collection (Kindle edition)
The You Say Which Way Collection (Paperback edition)
You're a Dragon (ARC)
You're a Dragon (regular)
You're Angry: Throw a Fit or Talk It Out? (Paperback edition)
You're in Trouble: Fib or Truth? (Paperback edition)
Your Story - Zoo Adventure
Your Town
Zero to Hero (paperback)
Þitt eigið tímaferðalag
'Normal Club'TWAS - The Krampus Night Before Christmas (Kickstarter Collector's Hardback)
'TWAS - The Krampus Night Before Christmas (Paperback)
1000 Gefahren im Schneeparadies: Der Adventskalender
A través del océano
Ein Abenteuer mit Han & Chewie
Adesfort (1st ed.)
The Adventure of the London Waterworks
Akty (samo)zagłady człowieka (nad)wrażliwego
Alice Key e l'origine del mondo
Alla ricerca del drago
Alone Against the Frost (pdf)
Alone in the Wild
The Altimer
Anybody Out There: Dead City (updated edition)
Die App der 1000 Gefahren
Assassins of Allansia (Collector's Hardback)
Assassins of Allansia (Scholastic (Porthole))
The Asturia Incident
Attack of the Necron
Bắt đầu từ 1 lựa chọn
Die Befreiung aus Mean Mines: Cold Blood Cooper's Mission Three
Beowulf Beastslayer
Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Break Your Chains (Paperback)
Bright Lights, Medium-sized City: a novel (Hardback edition)
Build Your Own Christmas Movie Romance
Cain's Jawbone
Calamity in the Cold
Camp Cruddly
Caverns of the Snow Witch (Scholastic (Porthole), 1st printing)
Change of Heart
Le Château des Ténèbres (new ed.)
Children of the Painted Apple (Paperback, 1st printing)
Children of the Painted Apple (Paperback, 2nd printing)
Choose Your Own Apocalypse With Kim Jong-un & Friends (Copy of Hardback edition)
Choose Your Own Apocalypse With Kim Jong-un & Friends (Hardback edition)
Choose Your Own Death
Choose Your Own Homura: A Very Silly Gamebook
La città senza nome
City of Lifestone
Claws of the Genestealer
Concise Collection of Classes
The Coop
Core Runner
Créatures de Titan (Revised and corrected edition)
The Crown of Torture
Crypt Quest/Space Battles (Paperback first printing)
The Crystal Quest
The Curse of Saltash Mine (original edition)
Dark School
Darkness on a Foreign Shore
Dead in the Deep (collector's edition)
Death Asylum
Death Test and Death Test 2
La découverte de l'Atlantide
The Defenders of Dusk (Kindle)
The Defenders of Dusk (Paperback, original)
Défis Fantastiques - Le jeu de rôle (Revised and corrected edition)
The Demon Sorcerer
Descubriendo la Atlántida
Digressions of the Devouring Dead
Discovering Atlantis
Dobrodružství jezerních skřítků
The Dragonfin Dungeons
Echoes in the Stream of Time: A Gothic Adventure Gamebook
Elven Lords (updated deluxe edition)
En busca del dragón
Endangered Operation
Enquêtes internationales
Epic Night
Escape from Castle Ravenloft
Escape This Book!: Titanic
Fantastic Fist/MowTown
A Finn & Poe Adventure
Le Fléau de Titan
Die Flucht aus Faded Factory: Cold Blood Cooper's Mission Two
Fortezza Europa - Londra
Four Against Ragnarök
Fresco di Stampa
Gefahr in den Bergen
Die geheimen Inseln
Das Geheimnis des Drachenritters: Einsteigerbox (1st ed.)
La Geste de Gurdil 2: Rétribution
The Ghosts of Craven Manor
Giorni disperati: nessuno è innocente (first edition)
Gold Rush!
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (paperback)
Graphic Novel Adventures: The Crusoe Crew
The Hand In The Pumpkin Patch
Handsome Boy
The Heart of Hades
The Heart of the Lizard
Helvete (first edition)
Highways and Holloways (revised)
Hinter dem Schattentor (reissue)
Le Honeste Avventure di Gigi
Il destino del cerbiatto rosso
Il mistero della strega bambina (first edition)
Il sabba nero
Il tesoro di Atlantide
L'île aux mystères
Into the Dungeon (1st ed.: Kickstarter)
Isle of Swimming Cats (Kindle edition)
Isle of Swimming Cats (Paperback edition)
James Armistead Lafayette
Jekyll e Hyde
Jetpack Attack
Journal d'un Noob: Le méga temple maudit
Das kleine Böse Buch 3: Deine Zeit ist gekommen!
L'Audace Colpo del Vello d'Oro
La prigione degli orrori
Labyrinth: The Lich Lord's Lair
Lair of the Skaven
Lairs, Dens and Burrows
Lenny the Lobster Can't Stay for Dinner
The Life of Sergio
La llamada de Cthulhu HE
The Lord's Labyrinth
Lords and Kings: The Blood Wars
The Lost Ninja (Reissue edition)
Lovesong der 1000 Gefahren
The Mad Mage's Academy
Magician’s Gambit/Wild Goose Chase!
La maison-fantôme de Mme Hideuse
Il Marchio
La maschera di Innsmouth
Mata Hari
Maudit Trésor !
La megera
The Message of Destiny
Město zločinu
Mission Moyen Âge
Mission volcans
Move the Mountains (Kindle)
Movie Magic Madness
My Ultimate Super Hero Manual #1 (Hardback edition)
My Ultimate Super Villain Manual
Mydnight's Hero (collector's edition)
Mystery in the Mansion (Paperback edition)
The Mystery of Dracula (Kindle)
The Mystery of Dracula (Paperback, 1st printing)
The Mystery of Dracula (Paperback, 2nd printing)
Mystery on the Transcontinental Railroad
Myth Monster Mayhem
Neverland - Here Be Monsters
New Gaia
Night Journey of the Soul: A Gothic Adventure Gamebook (Kindle edition)
Night Journey of the Soul: A Gothic Adventure Gamebook (Paperback edition)
Nightshift (paperback, 1st ed.)
An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure
La Odisea de la Nave Fobos
L'Odyssée du Phobos
The Odyssey of the Phobos
Oltre il cancello dell'incubo
Oltre il Mare di Sangue Oscuro
The Omega Zone (Swedish edition)
Only the Strongest Has the Heart of a Wizened Queen
Oro e Vendetta
L'orrore di Dunwich
Phantasmagoria no. 9 (spring 2019)
Il piccolo Libro Cattivo
Pirate's Peril
Pirates: The Great Chase
The Portal of Life
O Porto do Perigo
Il primo ordine
Proving Grounds
The Quest For Cheesy Chips!
The Raiders of the Dune Sea (Paperback)
Return of the Ninja (Reissue edition)
Return to the Pit
Ritter: Die verlorene Stadt
Rocky Beach in Not
Der Rote Schlächter (2nd ed.)
Rough Guide to the Pit
Rune War (collector's edition)
Der Runenkrieg
Sandbrook Museum
Sandbrook: The Cult Wants You
Scoundrels in the Spike
The Search for the Magic Crystals
The Search for the Missing Dwarves
The Secret of The Chatter Blocks
The Shadowborn Trials
Sherlock Holmes & Moriarty Associates
Sherlock Holmes: Auf den Spuren von Jack the Ripper
Sherlock Holmes: The Challenge of Irene Adler
The Slave Scandal of Torbalia
I sogni nella Casa della Strega
Somorra: Stadt der Lüge
The Spanish Plot
Ssangdungiseomeseo talchul [쌍둥이섬에서 탈출]
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #3
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #4
Star Wars Adventurers Journal presents Fantastic Technology: Professional Gadgets & Personal Gear
Starfinder Beginner Box
Starswirl Do-Over
Steam Romance. Gremlins ad alta quota
Die Steine des Chaos
Stellar Adventures: Weapons and Armour Catalogue
Stolen from the Studio
Stregoneria Rusticana - Duellante
Stregoneria Rusticana - Scaramante
Der Superheld der 1000 Gefahren
Survivor of Arborea
The Flying Castle
The Haunted Hotel
The Impossible Maze
The Inca Adventure
The Keep of Bane
The Mysterious Woods
The Temple of Death: The Villain's Gamebook (Kindle edition)
The Treasure Hunt
Touch the Sun (Paperback)
Tränen einer Göttin
Trapped in the Museum
Travels in Arion
Tropas de choque
Vae victis
The Valley of Bones (hardback)
The Valley of Bones (paperback)
Der Vampir von Havena (5th ed.)
Vampire Hunter Belladonna (paperback)
Vampire Hunter Belladonna (pdf)
Vesta Shutdown
La villa misteriosa
Vivi e lascia risorgere
Vol au musée
W lunaparku szaleństwa
The Wagon Train Trek
The Walls of Spyte (Fabled Lands Publishing reissue)
The Walls of Spyte (Kickstarter hardcover)
War with the Evil Power Master
Warlike Woes
Wayfarers and Adventurers
A Wealth of Sin
Die Weihnachtsarena der 1000 Gefahren: Der Adventskalender
Weirding Woods (First edition)
Welcome to the Scramble
Wizard School Dropout
The Wrath of Thomerion
You Are Elon Musk
You Can Be Responsible: Do it Now or Put it Off? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Be Responsible: Do it Now or Put it Off? (Paperback edition)
You Can Encourage Others: Tease or Inspire? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Encourage Others: Tease or Inspire? (Paperback edition)
You Can Follow the Rules: Cheat or Play Fair? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Follow the Rules: Cheat or Play Fair? (Paperback edition)
You Can Make Changes: Ask or Ignore? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Make Changes: Ask or Ignore? (Paperback edition)
You Can Respect Differences: Assume or Find Out? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Respect Differences: Assume or Find Out? (Paperback edition)
You Can Stop Bullying: Stand By or Stand Up? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Stop Bullying: Stand By or Stand Up? (Paperback edition)
Your Grandparents Are Werewolves
Your Theme Park
Þinn eigin tölvuleikur
#____LivesMatter1000 Gefahren in der Liebe: Der Adventskalender (2020 edition)
1000 Gefahren in der versunkenen Stadt
Das Abenteuer Beginnt
The Abominable Snowman [board book]
Adesfort (2nd ed.)
The adventures of a little mouse in the country
The Alchemist's Folly (paperback, 1st ed.)
Alice au Pays des Cauchemars
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland (Paperback, revised)
Allein gegen die Dunkelheit (paperback)
Allein gegen die Dunkelheit (pdf)
The Alliance of Dragons
Alone Against Fear
Alone Against the Frost (paperback)
Alone Against the Tide (rev. ed. pdf)
Ashes of Ailushurai
The Ballad of Lonely Scar (Paperback)
The Beast of London (Proofreading edition)
Beyond the Morning Mountains - Volume One (2nd edition, hardback)
Beyond the Morning Mountains - Volume One (2nd edition, paperback)
Beyond the Vale of Madness
The Blighted Well
The Boy in the Book
Bright Lights, Medium-sized City: a novel (Paperback edition)
Bruidd (paperback 1st printing)
Bruidd (PDF)
Build Your Own Romantic Comedy
Bullet Train Disaster (American reprint edition)
The Buried City
Cantaloop: Prequel
Cantaloop: Vorgeschichte
Čaroděj ze severu
Cast of Fate (Dragon Dice: The Esfah Sagas Novels edition)
Il cavaliere del Sole Nero (basic)
The Cave of Gek
La caverna del destino
Chatons & Dragons
Cheese Dreams (Paperback)
Chill Wind: The Cyrean Songs Book 1
Chuck Tingle and Amanda Clover Helped Me to Clarify My Own Sexual Appetites Discretely at Home: Now I'll Share (Kindle edition)
Chuck Tingle and Amanda Clover Helped Me to Clarify My Own Sexual Appetites Discretely at Home: Now I'll Share (Paperback edition)
Cirsova: Summer Special no. 2
La Cité des Proscrits (2nd ed.)
Conspiracy of Mages
Could You Survive the Jurassic Period?
La Course des Casse-Tout
Creatures of Mishna
Crystal of Storms
Cult of the Pajoli
Il cuore pulsante del male
Czarnoksiężnik z Ognistej Góry
Czarny Legion (Second edition)
The Dark Village
Deeper into the Woods
The Defenders of Dusk (Paperback, revised)
Diary of an 8-bit Warrior: The Cursed Temple
Dinosaurs, Pirates, and Robots
Dobrodružství v lesní říši a kouzelné pastelky
Dom pełen zła
The Dragon Staff of Maladoria
Dragon+ #34
Die Drohne der 1000 Gefahren
The Dusk of Eternal Night (collector's edition)
Dæmonfyrstens forbandelse
Einbruch in den Knast
Escape from Billings Mall (Kindle)
Escape from Billings Mall (Paperback)
Escape from Darkmoor Keep
Escape From Portsrood Forest
Escape from Tanaka Island
Escape This Book!: Race to the Moon
Even in 2020 Chuck Tingle will Never Read My Blog so I Can Say What I Want Without Worrying About His Opinion Because Writers Don’t Take Online Texts Seriously
Die Fährte des Wolfes
The Fall of Blood Mountain (collector's edition)
Il falso profeta (revised edition)
First Year At High School
Fortress of the Warlord
Four Against Mars
Four Against the Great Old Ones (paperback)
Fox Spirit: A Two-Tailed Adventure
The Gamesmaster: My Life in the '80s Geek Culture Trenches with G.I. Joe, Dungeons & Dragons, and The Transformers
The Garden Path
Gefahren auf dem Tierhof
Der Gefangene Geheimagent
Das Geheimnis des Drachenritters: Einsteigerbox (2nd ed.)
Girls Change the Game
Graphic Novel Adventures Season 3 Bookmark Set
Graphic Novel Adventures: Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars
Greedy Gifts of the Guildmasters
Grimms Märchenwald
Harry Houdini
Heroes and Legends: Book 1 Complete Edition
Die Hexe vom Schattenwasser: Erweiterungssset
Highway To Heck
Hocus & Pocus: Die Fabelino-Prüfung
Hong Kong Hustle
Les Hordes des Grandes Steppes
I Virus (1st ed.)
I Virus (2nd ed.)
I Virus: Asymptomatic Carrier
i'm a woman
Il Presidente del Consiglio Sei Tu!
Incubo al Luna Park
The Infernal Clock
Into the Dungeon (2nd ed.)
is that all there is?
is that all there is? (Trilogy Edition)
Jailbreak (First printing)
Jailbreak (Second printing)
Jailbreak (Third printing)
Journey (Part One)
Journey (Part Two)
Journey 3000: an interactive audio adventure
Journey to Ochre Land
Journey Under the Sea [board book]
Die Kerker des Schreckens (Mantikore reissue)
Das kleine Böse Buch - Spezial
Knights, Dragons, and Hippos
Der Krieg der Zauberer (reissue)
Kurai Jikan Eidolon
L'incubo di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie
La piramide della morte
La voce di Greyven
The Legacy of Craven Manor
I libri dimenticati
Liebliche Prinzessin Yasmina (remastered pdf)
Lilly Van Helsing
London after Nightfall
Lost on the Amazon [board book]
Luó mì'ōu huò zhū lìyè [罗密欧或朱丽叶]
Madas Blaue Augen
Magica Tenebrae
The Magical Armory
Mary Bowser
Mermaid Island
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock (4th ed.)
Mission Amazonie
Mission Préhistoire
Mistress of Sorrows (Hardback edition)
Mistress of Sorrows (Paperback edition)
moments like this
Moort Wood
Moriarty - Il Napoleone del crimine
Move the Mountains (Paperback)
Natale ad Innsmouth
La Necromante di Ferro
Negli Eoni Fedele
Noor Inayat Khan
One Summer in the World
Ordeal of the Magic Tower
Par-delà la Mer de Sang Noir
Paranormal Hero
The Phantom Self (paperback, 1st ed.)
Le Pianure di Tenebra Urlante
Pirates: The Cursed Isle
Psycho Killer (paperback)
The Quest for the Crystals
Red Crypt (1st printing)
Red Crypt (2nd printing)
Retro Quest: El Librojuego
Retro Quest: The Gamebook
The Return of Zaltec (Original edition)
The Return of Zaltec (Remastered edition)
Return to Firetop Mountain (Scholastic (Porthole))
Les Richesses du Golnir (2nd ed.)
Rise & Fall of the Obsidian Grotto
River of Dread (Paperback)
Le Royaume de la Discorde (2nd ed.)
Le Royaume Déchiré (2nd ed.)
Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion
The Secret of Phantom Island
The Shadow's Tooth
Shelby contro Mecha Shelby
Sherlock Holmes: An der Seite von Mycroft
Sherlock Holmes: The Beginning
Sherlock Holmes: The Beginning Bookmark
Sherlock Holmes: The Shadow of Jack the Ripper
Shockwave (American reprint edition)
Le Sire aux Tristes Couleurs
Slaget om Dark Dagalur: Cold Blood Coopers Mission One
The Smugglers' Port
SoloQuest Classic Collection (paperback)
Space and Beyond [board book]
Space Unit
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #5
Star Wars Adventurers Journal #6
Straight to Hell (paperback)
Surviving the Underground (Paperback edition)
Il tempo del raccolto
Teuflisches Foul
The Terrifics #25
Der tödliche Fluss
Tournament of the Undead Viscount
Trail of the Wolf (collector's edition)
Troldmanden fra Ildbjerget (Faraos Cigarer edition)
Trouble in Tinglewood (Kindle)
Trouble in Tinglewood (Paperback)
Trova Shelby
Tú decides : historia jugable de una persona diagnosticada con enfermedad mental
La tumba del rey Liche
Twisted Minions
Unheilvolles Grauen
The Valley of Bones (pdf)
Il Vampiro di Havena
Venom of Vortan (hardback)
Venom of Vortan (hardback (Siddy cover variant))
Venom of Vortan (paperback)
Das Vermächtnis des Hexenmeisters
Der Verräter von Stormy Station: Cold Blood Cooper's Mission Four
Die Verschwörung der Magier (3rd ed.)
Viaje por las Tierras Ocres
The Village of the Living Dolls
Le Village Sombre
Voyage Across the Galaxy (Hardback)
Voyage Across the Galaxy (Paperback)
Voyage en Terre Ocre
Warp's Edge
Die Weihnachtsapp der 1000 Gefahren: Der Adventskalender
Why Did I Buy a Chuck Tingle Book?
Will You Survive?
Das wispernde Herz (1st ed.)
Wyspa Zmierzchu (Second edition)
You Can Be Helpful: Step Aside or Pitch In? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Be Helpful: Step Aside or Pitch In? (Paperback edition)
You Can Be Polite: Be Rude or Use Tact? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Be Polite: Be Rude or Use Tact? (Paperback edition)
You Can Persevere: Quit or Keep Going? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Persevere: Quit or Keep Going? (Paperback edition)
You Can Use Money Wisely: Spend or Save? (Hardcover edition)
You Can Use Money Wisely: Spend or Save? (Paperback edition)
Your Theme Park
Za żelazną bramą. Bunt maszyn
Záhady v ZOO
Zero to Hero (hardback)
Þín eigin undirdjúp
1000 Gefahren für den BodyguardA Roll of the Dice: A New kind of Reading Experience
The Adventure of the British Museum
Alba (e-book)
Allein gegen die Flammen
Alone Against the Tide (rev. ed. paperback)
Arena of Doom
The Armchair General: Can You Defeat the Nazis? (Hardcover edition)
El asiduo de las tinieblas
Au bord de l'abîme
Au Vol-Oeuf !
Aufruhr in der Ritterburg
The Ballad of Lonely Scar (Reissue)
Behind the Weeping Walls
Berge des Wahnsinns
Böses Spiel im Dinopark
The Bradfell Conspiracy
Breaking Into Prison
Bruidd (paperback 2nd printing)
By Balloon to the Sahara [board book]
Cages of Fear
California Countdown (Swedish edition)
The Call of Cthulhu HE
Can You Capture the Chupacabra?
Can You Catch the Kraken?
Can You Net the Loch Ness Monster?
Can You Track Down Bigfoot?
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Cheese Dreams (Reissue)
Children of the Painted Apple (Reissue)
Choose Your Own Adventure: Your First Adventure Box Set #1
The Citadel of Whispers
Classic Schwerter & Dämonen
El color que cayó del cielo
The Colour out of Space
Combat Companion
The Coming of the Dark Templars
Conan and the Queen of the Black Coast (reissue)
Conan Beyond Thunder River (reissue)
Conan the Wyrmslayer (reissue)
Conan: Moon of Blood (reissue)
Conquista a Quendor
La Corte dei Volti Nascosti
Could You Survive Midsomer?
Create Your Own Midlife Crisis
Crown & Tower (hardback)
Crown & Tower (paperback)
Crown & Tower (pdf)
Cthulhus Ruf (1st ed.)
Cthulhus Ruf (2nd ed.)
Cthulhus Ruf (hardback)
Cthulhus Ruf (e-book)
The Curse of Dethlok
The Curse of Saltash Mine (special edition)
Cybercop. Cena nieśmiertelności
Dark School: Path of the Neophyte
Dawning Horror
The Defenders of Dusk (Reissue)
Desolation of the God King
Diseño Narrativo de librojuegos: Breve manual de referencia y primeros auxilios
Distractions 1
Dracula: Curse of the Vampire
The Dragonslayer
The Druids of Pneuma
The Dungeoneer
Dungeons, Dragons, and Buckaroos
Duty Calls
Dziady, część V. Dziady, które nie spieprzają
Dødens port
Eighth Grade Witch [graphic novel]
Eismond: Das Abenteuer
El último animal de la Tierra
Escape de R’lyeh
Escape from R'Lyeh
Escape the Mummy's Tomb
Expedition to the Frozen Lake
The Festival
Finde deinen Drachen!
Fook Island: A Short Gamebook
Four Against the Great Old Ones (hardback)
Fra Tenebra e Abisso: Emraia
Gamebook Zine Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
Gamebook Zine Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Gamebook Zine Issue 3 (Autumn 2021)
The Gates of Terralon
Das Geheimnis des Zyklopen (remastered)
The Ghosts of Corpus Creek
Goblin Ambush
Gordon Pym attraverso l'abisso
The Gormley-Watt Velosteamer's Touring Guide Number 1
Green Water, Crimson Stag
Grim Dickensian
Das große Duell (Mantikore reissue)
Die Hallen des Meerkönigs
The Hammer of the Sun (Hardback)
The Hammer of the Sun (Paperback)
The Haunter of the Dark
Havarrské kobky
Helvedes forgård
Heroes and Legends: Book 2 Complete Edition
The Horror Gamebook
The Horror Gamebook
The Horror of River Atro: An Investigative Gamebook
The Houses of the Dead (Hardback)
The Houses of the Dead (Paperback)
How the Spider Ate the Moon (1st ed.)
How the Spider Ate the Moon (2nd ed.)
Icon of Death
Interstellar Terra (9th printing)
Invadindo o Presídio
Isheksens huler (Faraos Cigarer edition)
The Island of Doctor Moreau: An Interactive Adventure
The Isle of Torment
Keimusho nyūgoku [刑務所入獄]
A kis gonosz könyv
Das kleine Böse Buch 4: Teuflisch gut!
Koszmar Alicji w Krainie Czarów
La collisione delle realtà (first edition)
La Luna del Raccolto
La Legione delle Ombre
Liebliche Prinzessin Yasmina (remastered paperback)
Little Kid, Big City!: London
Little Kid, Big City!: New York
The Lost Jewels of Nabooti [board book]
Lost on the Amazon [board book]
Lot Żółtej Orchidei
Major Detours: A Choices Novel
Meryon Woods
Mi vuoi adottare?
Midnight Goblin
Miniature Wargames #459
Miniature Wargames #460
Il mio nome è Dotar Sojat (first edition)
The Mirror Maze
Misión Caribe
Misión Jade
Misión Pandemia
Mission dinosaures
Mission pyramides
The Monster Maker
The Mystery of Dracula (Reissue)
Mystery on the Starship Crusader
Die Nacht der Feuertaufe
Nemesis of the Nin Witch
The Night Forest
Night of the Six-headed Robogator
Nightshift (hardback)
Nightshift (paperback, 2nd ed.)
Ondskabens skov (Faraos Cigarer edition)
Operation Lone Wolf
Orc Invasion
L'orrore di Fiume Atro: Un libro game investigativo
Oz (hardback)
Paulson's Peak
A People's War: Part 1
A People's War: Part 2
Pewnej wilczej nocy
Il piccolo Libro Cattivo 2: È giunta la tua ora!
The Pillars of the Sky (Hardback)
The Pillars of the Sky (Paperback)
Il pozzo e il pendolo
Puszcza zagłady
El que susurra en la oscuridad
La Quête du Graal
Red Monsoon (hardback)
Red Monsoon (paperback)
The Reeking Metropolis
La Reine de Champ-Fleuri
The Rescue of the Unicorn
Retour vers l’Antiquité !
Rider of the Black Sun (3rd ed.)
River of Dread (Reissue)
Der rostige Tempel
RuneQuest Starter Set
La Saga du Prêtre Jean
Sąsiedzi Lonesbury
Select Your Superpower (Hardback edition)
Select Your Superpower (Paperback edition)
Senza perdono (first edition)
Serial Killer
Il serpente nel cielo
Shadow Chaser (original)
The Shadow out of Time
The Shadowbound Lands
Side Path
Solar War
SoloQuest: The Battle of Dangerford
Somorra: Stadt der Träume
Spasitel Padlých bohů
Spied (Kindle)
Spied (Paperback)
Spy for Cleopatra
Storm Weavers: Gamebook
Der Sturz der Drodarin
Tajemniczy Człowiek Śniegu
The Dragon's Demise
The Thing on the Doorstep
Throne of the Bandit Lord (paperback)
Throne of the Bandit Lord (pdf)
tic tac toe: a gamebook
Tkacze Burz
Tomb of Bel'Dor
La torre del elefante
Tragedia na Titanicu
Treasure Island
The Trials of King Arnac (Basic edition)
TrollsZine! Issue 10
TrollsZine! Issue 11
TrollsZine! Issue 12
Tron Zeusa
Twoja misja. Leonardo da Vinci
Twoja misja. Mars
Tyvenes by (Faraos Cigarer edition)
Der Vampir von Havena (6th ed.)
Vampire Hunter Belladonna (reprint)
Vampirium (collector's edition)
La Villa della Morte
The Village of Frogton
Village of the Damned
Voyage Across the Galaxy (Reissue)
W Górach Szaleństwa
Warlock's Workshop
Warrior: A Legend Begins
Weirding Woods (Second edition)
The Whisperer in Darkness
Widmo nad Arkham
The Wild Woods (Hardback)
The Wild Woods (Paperback)
Das wispernde Herz (2nd ed.)
Wrath of the Wraith Warlord
You Are The Hero: Die Geschichte der Fighting Fantasy Spielbücher
You Live a Miserable Life
You Must Conquer Earth: A Gamebook of Planetary Domination
You're a Wizard!
Your Baby Unicorn
Zew Cthulhu
Złowrogi dom
Zły Czarnoksiężnik z Oz
Þín eigin ráðgáta
2120The Alchemist's Folly (hardback)
The Alchemist's Folly (paperback, 2nd ed.)
Allan Quatermain e il tesoro di Re Salomone
Allein gegen den Frost (paperback)
Allein gegen den Frost (pdf)
Ancient Silence
Ângela: a vingança transcontinental
Army of Bones
Ashpherron (paperback 1st printing)
Ashpherron (pdf)
Auf dem Weg ohne Gnade (remastered)
Balance of Fate: The Legorian Kings Saga (paperback)
The Beast of London (Paperback edition)
The Beast of the Black Tor
Bezimienne miasto
Bite the Hand - Part One
Boris Johnson: The Neverending Tory: The Adventure Where You Take Back Control
Can You Survive Dracula? (reissued paperback edition)
The British Escape
Brooklyn Mermaid
Bruidd (paperback 3rd printing)
Can You Catch a Swamp Monster?
Can You Discover an Alien?
Can You Find the Jersey Devil?
Can You Nab the Mothman?
Can You Survive the Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
Catacombs of Dust
The Caverns of Kalte (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
The Caverns of Kalte (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, paperback)
The Change Ninja Handbook: An Interactive Adventure for Leading Change
The Chasm of Doom (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Citadel of Chaos
La Cour Des Masques
Cover of Darkness
The Crown of Kings (Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic) edition)
Il Cuore di Fuoco
Curse Breaker (original)
Danger on the Dig
The Dark Mage
Dark School: Mark of the Adept
Défis et Sortilèges
Défis Fantastiques #1
The Desolate Tomb
Dice Men: The Origin Story of Games Workshop
Disney Villains: Chaos beim Korallenfest
Disney Villains: Ein tierisch guter Plan
Distractions 2
Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game, Third Edition
Dracula. Klątwa wampira
Dragon d'Or
Die drei ??? und die Gefängnisinsel
Dschungel der Ungeheuer (Mantikore reissue)
Dødsreisen til Hels Klint
Ein ausgehackter Plan
Elusive Elixir
Encyclopedia Arcana Vol I - Treasures
Endlessly Ever After: Pick YOUR Path to Countless Fairy Tale Endings!
Escape from Sherwood
Fairy House
The Fall of District-U
The Feast of Glood
Fighting Fantazine Issue 17 (August 2022)
Finding the Dragon (second edition)
Die Finsternis von Kokras Tharn
Fire on the Water (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Fire on the Water (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, paperback)
Flight from the Dark (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, paperback)
Flight from the Dark [expanded version] (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
The Flight of the Unicorn
Fortean Times no. 422
Das Fußball-Geisterspiel der 1000 Gefahren
The Gamebook Collector's Check List and Price Guide 2023
Das Garadan-Komplott (original)
Das Geheimnis der Pirateninsel
General Quarters
The Ghost on the Mountain
The Girl I Knew Before
Gonitwa cieni
The Grand Tournament
Das Gruselschloss
A Hack of a Plan
Haunted (Hardback)
Haunted (Paperback)
Heiße Spur im Wilden Westen
The House on Sentinel Hill
The Hunger of Sejanoz (collector's edition)
I Koboldens Skygge (paperback)
Il Lupo del Maine (first edition)
The Ingram Chronicles Collection Volume One: A Ghostly Time-Travelling Game Book Mini-Series
Innsmouth: The Stolen Child
Can You Survive the Call of the Wild? (reissued paperback edition)
Jagd auf den Seelenfänger
Journey Under the Sea [graphic novel]
Klątwa pirackiej mgły
Die Klaue von Naar
Kolor z innego wszechświata
L'odore della pioggia (first edition)
La ciberodisea de chocolate
The Lantern: Issue One
The Lantern: Issue Two
The Little Bad Book #1
The Little Bad Book #2: Even More Dangerous!
The Lost Tomb
Loup Solitaire
Lupin - Il Palazzo delle Illusioni
The Mansion of Dark Secrets
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock Soundtrack
Milano morente: la polizia è abbandonata (second edition)
Misión Drakkar
Misión Jaguar
Misión Transilvania
Mission Résistance
The Misty Forest of Mirk and Mystery
Mit Karacho zum Ziel
Natale in Casa Lestrade
The New Yorker, Sept. 19, 2022
The Oblivionati
Die Odyssee der Oneiros
Only the Dead Will Hear Your Screams
Oz (paperback)
A Parliament of Rooks (hardback)
A Parliament of Rooks (paperback)
Périls dans les contrées de Titan
Pevnost démonů
The Phantom Self (paperback, 2nd ed.)
Plague of the Undead
Power of Flight
Psycho Killer (hardback: director's cut)
Psycho Killer 2: Death Cove
Reise durch Ockerland
Ronin 47
The Ruby of Power
Schatten über Brinthal
Schatten über Cas'Ashar
Schatten über Innsmouth
Der Schatz von Atlantis
Der Schulbus der 1000 Gefahren
Scourge of the Shadows
Secrets of Salamonis
The Seeker of Valenreath (hardback)
The Seeker of Valenreath (paperback)
The Seven Serpents (Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic) edition)
Shadow of the Giants
Shadow on the Sand (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Shadow over Brinthal
Shadows Under Laeveni: The Shadow Thief Trilogy
She-Hulk Goes to Murderworld
Sherlock Holmes International
Shopping Maul
Can You Survive the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? (reissued paperback edition)
Snigmorderne fra Allansia
So You Wanna: Start a Food or Beverage Business
Space Brigade
Ein Stab aus Ulmenholz (remastered)
Stormenes krystal
The Suns' Dark Shadow
The Supergame
Sur la Piste du Dahu
Tajemnica Ninjów
Talamander Fantasy Card Trumps
Les tambours de Shamanka
Táo chū lángrén cūn [逃出狼人村]
Throne of the Bandit Lord (hardback)
Tilbage til Ildbjerget
The Time Thief
An Unkindness of Ravens (hardback)
An Unkindness of Ravens (paperback)
Unrequited Goblin
La Valle delle Ossa
La vallée des Os
Vier gegen die Finsternis
The Voidspark Chronicles
Voyages en Terre d'Arion
Wächter der Lüfte
The Warlock Returns Issue #06
What Dreams May Come (paperback)
Widmo nad Innsmouth
The World Companion
Wybór damy. Romans interaktywny
You Are (Not) Deadpool
Zaltec II: The Generation Stone
Zgroza w Dunwich
1888 - Wer ist Jack the Ripper?Abenteuer auf Planet Pax
Against All Odds
Allein gegen die Flut
Alone Against the Static (pdf)
The Armchair General WWI: Can You Win the Great War?
Ashpherron (paperback 2nd printing)
Balance of Fate: The Legorian Kings Saga (hardback)
Belagerung der Monster (Mantikore reissue)
Beowulf le Fléau des monstres
Betrayal in Neo Sybaris
The Beyond
La Bibliothèque Infinie
Big Bigfoot's Secret Vacation
Bite the Hand - Part Two
Black Death and Bluebells: A Prequel to the Cluster of Echoes Hexalogy
Borbarads Fluch (remastered new edition)
Brutal Moon
Il cacciatore di ombre (first edition)
Il caso Victoria Cake
Castle Death (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
The Cauldron of Fear (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
The Citadel of Bureaucracy
The Cloistered Tears
The Cloistered Tears: An Explorer's Guide
Cthulhu Einstiegsbox
The Darkened Son (original)
Défis Fantastiques #2
Dem Dahu auf der Spur
Devil's Right Hand (hardback)
Devil's Right Hand (paperback)
Disney Villains: Der Fluch der bösen Fee
The Domestic
Les dragons d'Elesh
The Dungeon of The Dark Lord (hardback)
The Dungeon of The Dark Lord (paperback)
The Dungeon of The Dark Lord (paperback, 2nd ed.)
The Dungeons of Torgar (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Dødens labyrint (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Echoes of Eternity
En las cenizas
The Endless Asylum [A Prelude to "The Cloistered Tears"] (3i)
Escape from the Tower of Stars
Experiment 11
Finstere Gewässer
Forest of the Blood Witch
Game Over
The Gamebook Collector's Check List and Price Guide 2024
Games of Death II - Press Start
Ghasts'n Gremlins - Press Start
The Ghosts of Craven Manor & The Legacy of Craven Manor
The Ghosts of Greenwood Asylum
Glitterpony Farm
The Gloom Dragon
Can You Survive the Adventures of Perseus? (reissued paperback edition)
Heart of Ice (Deluxe edition)
Heiress of the Tundra
Heltenes prøve (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Heltenes slagmark (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Les héritiers de Dorgan (Reissue edition)
Hero for Hire
Heroes and Monsters (First printing)
Heroes and Monsters (Second printing)
Heroes and Monsters (Third printing)
Der Hexenmeister vom Flammenden Berg (Fantasy-Spielbuch edition, Ein)
Holiday in Castle Quarantine (First edition)
Holiday in Castle Quarantine (Second edition)
The Hunt for Agent 9
Hunt on the Borderlands
I Koboldens Skygge (deluxe edition)
Il castello maledetto
Il Palazzo dei Misteri
Immortal Reckoning
In cerca di Angelica
In cerca di fortuna (Fourth edition)
The Infinite Library
The Ingram Chronicles Collection Volume Two: A Ghostly Time-Travelling Game Book Mini-Series
Into the Tower
L'isola maledetta
Can You Survive 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? (reissued paperback edition)
The Jungle of Horrors (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Kaleidoscope Frenzy (hardback)
Kaleidoscope Frenzy (paperback)
Kaleidoscope Frenzy: Scorpio Falls
Kill Dozer: Imminent Domain
King of Chaos
The Kingdom Beyond the Hill
The Kingdoms of Terror (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Die Klabauter Chroniken: Ewiges Blau
Kolossernes skygge
Das Königreich unter dem Hügel
Lair of the Vampire
Le Orme Rosse
Leaf Riders of Wrenwood
League of Thieves (original)
Il Leone Bianco d'Acqua
A Listener in the Woods
The Lord of Craven Manor
Lost Treasures of a Dinosaur World (revised)
Loup Garou (Abridged "Free RPG Day" edition)
Lovec artefaktů
Luces misteriosas
La Machination d’Oz
Malivor: Cataclysm's Edge (hardback)
Malivor: Cataclysm's Edge (paperback)
Marked for Death
Misión Cleopatra
Mission Zeus
I Misteri delle catacombe (Second edition)
The Monks of Darkness
Moon Knight: Age of Anubis (e-book)
Moon Knight: Age of Anubis (paperback, first printing)
Les Mystères de Salamonis
Mysteriet i Salamonis
Nawiedziciel mroku
Nemo's Fury
L'Ombre d'Elim
Oscura Carcosa
Pan et le Monde perdu
Pattie et l'Épreuve des Dieux
Pendragon Starter Set (6th ed.)
Pirates of the Splintered Isles (paperback)
Power of Invisibility
Prologue (e-book)
Prologue (paperback)
Pull or Play YOU Choose
Der Quell des Todes (remastered)
Quelling of the Flame
The Race to Erase (Hardcover edition)
Die Rache des Sejanoz
Rache warm serviert
Raiders of Fang Mountain (promotional print run)
Raiders of Fang Mountain (regular issue)
Realm Wreckers And The Doors Of Destiny
Ruin of the Dead
Le sanctuaire des Horlas (Reissue edition)
Le sanctuaire des serpents
Der Schatzberg
Die Schwarze Sichel (remastered)
Science Fair Frenzy
The Secret of Dragon's Blood
The Secrets of Candarlin
Les Seigneurs du Levant
Shadows Over Fire
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock's Greatest Case
Shugendō - Press Start
Slavernes krønike
So You Wanna Be A Pop Star?: A Choices Novel
Sombras de Arkham
Stadt ohne Namen
Straight to Hell (hardback)
Super Game Book!
Szepczący w ciemności
Talent Show Troubles
Tarnished Silver
The Tavern on Gallows Hill (hardback)
The Tavern on Gallows Hill (paperback)
Der Tempel der Schatten
The Temple of Flame (Collector's Edition)
The Temple of Shadows
Les Terres de Légende
Terror of the Ice Pirate
The Tomb of the Sorcerer
The Traitors: The Interactive Game Book
The Treasure of Captain Estes (hardback)
The Treasure of Captain Estes (paperback)
The Treasure of Captain Estes (pdf)
The Trials of King Arnac (Expanded illustrated edition)
Twoja misja. Średniowiecze
Válkou zmítané království
Die Verschwörung der Magier (4th ed.)
Verso la Terrasanta
The Warlock and the Unicorn
What Dreams May Come (hardback)
Winter's Breath
The Wrath of Ragnarok
Das Wüstenschiff
Záhada tajemného obrazu
Der Zug durch das Nebelmoor - Die Sümpfe des Lebens (remastered)
'TWAS - The Krampus Night Before Christmas (Hardback)Across the Fire Marshes
Alone Against the Static (hardback)
Angriff der Schwarzen Lords
The Armchair General: Can You Defeat the Nazis? (Paperback edition)
At the Precipice of Pandemonium
Basket Tutti a canestro
Betrayal at Blackmarket
Blodøens labyrint
The Book That Can Read Your Mind
Can You Escape the Vampire's Lair?
Can You Survive the Grimms' Fairy Tales?
The Captives of Kaag (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition hardcover first printing)
The Catacombs of Candarlin
The Caverns of Kalte [junior edition]
The Chasm of Doom [junior edition]
City of Chaos
City State of Treysham (pdf)
La Corona e la Torre
Corpsetide: City of Spectres
Corpsetide: Tunnels of Terror
Could You Survive Midsomer? - A Winter's Murder
Cradle of Shadow
Curse Breaker (revised edition)
The Darkness over Arkham
Death of Noking
Den Fjerde Konveks
Distractions 3
Die Drachen von Elesh
The Dragons of Elesh
Die drei ??? und der schwarze Fluch
The Dungeon of Scattered Deities
The Dungeon on Blood Island
Echo in the Dark
Escape Plastic Island
Expedition to Eagles Watch
Fire on the Water [junior edition]
Flight from the Dark [junior edition]
Forbandelsens bjerge (Shamutanti højlandet) (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Forecast from Stonehenge [graphic novel]
Forest Infernal
Forge Divine
La forge fantastique
Fældernes by (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Das Garadan-Komplott (new ed.)
The Goblin's Revenge (original)
Die Golddiebe
Das Grauen von Dunwich
Grave of the Kraken
The Great Fall
Can You Survive the Twelve Labors of Hercules? (reissued paperback edition)
The Green Apocalypse
Gregor's Contracts
Hadès: où demeurent les défunts
Die Horden der Finsternis
La isla de los muertos
The Jade Caverns
Die Katakomben von Candarlin
Die Kette des Bändigers
King's Judgement
Die Klabauter Chroniken: Durch Sand und Sturm
Die Klabauter Chroniken: Heimatland
Kongernes krone (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
League of Thieves (revised edition)
Lone Wolf Omnibus, 40th Anniversary Edition
Malinkar: Lord Of Enmity
Marsh of Mayhem
The Maze of Mockery (paperback)
The Maze of Mockery (pdf)
Menschenjagd (remastered)
Monsterjäger (hardback, large)
Monsterjäger (paperback, large)
Monsterjäger (paperback, small)
Monuments: A Branching Narrative
Necromancer! (original)
Nemo's Fury 2: Octo War
Nemo's Fury 3: Fort Death
New Scientist no. 3516, November 9-15, 2024
Newsroom Nonsense
Non sono stati loro!
Notos: le marteau du soleil
Nýi nemandinn
Operation: Dead Dawn
Gli Ossessi Sposi
Paní Smutku
Paranormal Hero 2: The Nightmare's Lair
The Path of Masters
Der Pfad der Meister
The Pit of Darkness (Holmgard Press edition, first printing)
The Plague Lords of Ruel (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition hardcover first printing)
Poklad lesních skřítků
La Porta della Luna
Portal of Chaos (original)
The Race to Erase (Paperback edition)
Restless Heart of Evil (revised)
Can You Survive Treasure Island? (reissued paperback edition)
Der Rote Schlächter (3rd ed.)
The Ruins of Spurhold
Die Saat der Schwarzen Eiche
Sagaen om kongernes krone
The Sanctuary of the Serpents
The Sanctum of Self-Correction
Das Schlangenheiligtum
Shadow Chaser (revised edition)
Shadow on the Sand [junior edition]
The Skull of Agarash (40th Anniversary Edition)
Slaves of the Mire
Lo Spettro di Londra
Lo Spezzaincantesimi (first edition)
Stadt der Toten
Stray Thoughts
Subterranea: Empire of Wrath
The Swamp of Nok
De syv slanger (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
The Tamer's Chain
Temple of the Skull God (paperback)
Temple of the Skull God (pdf)
Throne of the Deathless King
Tides of Terror
Tides of Terror: Combat Pad
The Topaz Skull (Amethyst version)
The Tower
Trve Cvlt
Údolí kostí
Uno scandalo in Boemia
Der Vampir von Havena (7th ed.)
Vampyrdæmonens Rige
Vampyrens slot (Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) edition)
Varulvens hyl
Die Verborgenen Tempel
Verrat an der Zauberschule (Mantikore reissue)
La Voie du Tigre
Warp Your Own Way
The Week Before
Where Evil Reigns
Where Shadows Fail: A Shadow Thief Adventure (hardback)
Where Shadows Fail: A Shadow Thief Adventure (paperback)
The Wildlands Hunt (Holmgard Press edition, first printing)
Das wispernde Herz (3rd ed.)
Workshop of the Gods
You Are The Hero: An Interactive History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Arbiter: Judge Jury ExecutionerThe Astral Bibliodome
Avventure al campo (Second edition)
The Darkened Son (revised edition (pdf))
The Darkened Son (revised edition (print))
Eye of the Needle
The Gamebook Collector's Check List and Price Guide 2025
Il gobbo maledetto (BlaKnight Editions edition)
The Goblin's Revenge (revised edition)
Medusa's Gold (hardback)
Medusa's Gold (paperback)
Necromancer! (revised edition)
The Necropolis
Nemo's Fury 4: Atomic Cobra
Pirates of the Splintered Isles (hardback)
Planetary Guide
Portal of Chaos (revised edition)
Die schlafenden Götter
Star Raider: Hyperion Prime
Storm Quest
These Strange and Deadly Shores
The Tides of Innsmouth
Tomb of the Arachnomancer
The Topaz Skull (Opal version)
Träume im Hexenhaus
Die Verliese der Toten