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This interactive comic book series, published by Cybergecko, is part of a charming, low-budget superhero franchise involving a guy with a bucket for a head. Each volume contains both a solo adventure in comic form and, as a bonus, several monsters which can duke it out in a multiplayer Monster Fight Game. The solitaire adventures feature a fairly standard game system -- the reader keeps track of Fun Points, Money and Action Points. Fun points are more or less like hit points; when Mr. Buckethead runs out, he has to spend money to go on vacation to recover. Action Points allow Mr. Buckethead to perform special actions, which are handled by a neat mechanic in which the reader flips ahead a given number of sections and looks for an icon. If an icon matching the power that he or she is trying to use is there, the action is successful; if not, it fails; either way, a point is spent. In addition to these three stats, players also keep track of Mr. Buckethead's inventory and companions, plus they gather Major Victory Points upon the completion of milestone events. Only one Major Victory Point can be earned in each adventure. Perhaps the most exciting thing about this series is its potential for expansion -- there is no ending to any of the volumes, and players may wander from book to book at will; it's not as tight a world as the Fabled Lands series, but it's still lots of fun to explore.
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